IPR2019-00345, No. 1025-25 Exhibit - Marseigne, et al, Full Agonists of CCK8 Containing a Nonhydrolyzable Sulfated Tyrosine Residue, 32 J Med Chem 445 1989 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 19, 2018)
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IPR2019-00345, No. 1038-38 Exhibit - Swadesh, et al, Sodium Sulfite as an Antioxidant in the Acid Hydrolysis of Bovine Pancreatic Ribonuclease A, 141 Analytical Biochemistry 397 1984 (P.T.A....
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IPR2019-00345, No. 1038-38 Exhibit - Swadesh, et al, Sodium Sulfite as an Antioxidant in the Acid Hydrolysis of Bovine Pancreatic Ribonuclease A, 141 Analytical Biochemistry 397 1984 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 19
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IPR2019-00345, No. 1027-27 Exhibit - Liddle, R A, Cholecystokinin Cells, 59 Annu Rev Physiol 221 1997 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 19, 2018)
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IPR2019-00345, No. 1027-27 Exhibit - Liddle, R A, Cholecystokinin Cells, 59 Annu Rev Physiol 221 1997 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 19, 2018)
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IPR2019-00345, No. 1043-43 Exhibit - Konturek, et al, Effect of Cholecystokinin Receptor Antagonist on Pancreatic Responses 1988 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 19, 2018)
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IPR2019-00345, No. 1033-33 Exhibit - FDA Approval Package for NDA Application Number 017697 S012 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 19, 2018)
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IPR2019-00345, No. 1033-33 Exhibit - FDA Approval Package for NDA Application Number 017697 S012 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 19, 2018)
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IPR2019-00345, No. 1024-24 Exhibit - Yoshioka, et al, Stability of Peptide and Protein Pharmaceuticals in Stability of Drugs and Dosage Forms 2002 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 19, 2018)
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IPR2019-00345, No. 1024-24 Exhibit - Yoshioka, et al, Stability of Peptide and Protein Pharmaceuticals in Stability of Drugs and Dosage Forms 2002 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 19, 2018)
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IPR2019-00345, No. 1014-14 Exhibit - DeLuca, et al, Formulation of Small Volume Parenterals, in Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms Parenteral Medications Volume 1 1992 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 19, 2018)
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IPR2019-00345, No. 1030-30 Exhibit - Essentials of Nuclear Medicine Science Hladik, et al, eds, 1987 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 19, 2018)
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IPR2019-00345, No. 1030-30 Exhibit - Essentials of Nuclear Medicine Science Hladik, et al, eds, 1987 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 19, 2018)
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IPR2019-00345, No. 1017-17 Exhibit - Nema et al, Excipients and Their Use in Injectable Products, 51 PDA J of Pharma Sci and Tech 166 1997 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 19, 2018)
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IPR2019-00345, No. 1017-17 Exhibit - Nema et al, Excipients and Their Use in Injectable Products, 51 PDA J of Pharma Sci and Tech 166 1997 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 19, 2018)
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IPR2019-00345, No. 1023-23 Exhibit - Moroder et al, Gastrin and Cholecystokinin, An Arduous Task for the Peptide Chemist in Natural Product Chemistry 1986 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 19, 2018)
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IPR2019-00345, No. 1023-23 Exhibit - Moroder et al, Gastrin and Cholecystokinin, An Arduous Task for the Peptide Chemist in Natural Product Chemistry 1986 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 19, 2018)
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IPR2019-00345, No. 1026-26 Exhibit - Gorman et al, Proton Affinities of the 20 Common Amino Acids, 114 J Am Chem Soc 3986 1992 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 19, 2018)
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IPR2019-00345, No. 1026-26 Exhibit - Gorman et al, Proton Affinities of the 20 Common Amino Acids, 114 J Am Chem Soc 3986 1992 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 19, 2018)
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IPR2019-00345, No. 1019-19 Exhibit - Wang et al, Parenteral Formulations of Proteins and Peptides Stabilities and stabilizers, 42 J Parenteral Sci and Tech S4 1988 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 19, 2018)
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IPR2019-00345, No. 1019-19 Exhibit - Wang et al, Parenteral Formulations of Proteins and Peptides Stabilities and stabilizers, 42 J Parenteral Sci and Tech S4 1988 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 19, 2018)
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IPR2019-00345, No. 1011-11 Exhibit - Rational Design of Stable Protein Formulations Theory and Practice, Chapters 5 8 Carpenter and Manning, ed, April 30, 2002 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 19, 2018)
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IPR2019-00345, No. 1011-11 Exhibit - Rational Design of Stable Protein Formulations Theory and Practice, Chapters 5 8 Carpenter and Manning, ed, April 30, 2002 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 19, 2018)
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IPR2019-00345, No. 1035-35 Exhibit - Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients, Third Edition, Arthur H Kibbe, Ed 2000 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 19, 2018)
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IPR2019-00345, No. 1035-35 Exhibit - Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients, Third Edition, Arthur H Kibbe, Ed 2000 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 19, 2018)
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IPR2019-00345, No. 1039-39 Exhibit - Mattern et al, Formulation of Proteins in Vacuum Dried Glasses II Process and Storage Stability in Sugar Free Amino Acid Systems, (P.T.A.B. Nov. 19, 201...
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IPR2019-00345, No. 1039-39 Exhibit - Mattern et al, Formulation of Proteins in Vacuum Dried Glasses II Process and Storage Stability in Sugar Free Amino Acid Systems, (P.T.A.B. Nov. 19, 2018)
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