Advanced Docket Search
Millions of state, federal, and administrative court dockets and documents.
Search Smarter
Search using simple natural language or advanced Boolean
with terms and connectors.

Full Text Search
Natural language, Boolean, and Terms and Connectors full text searching.

Export Everything
Export search results to Excel and bulk download PDFs with one click.

Advanced Filters
Find opinions, exhibits, or briefs. Filter results by judge, party, firm, outcome, or keyword.
Wide Coverage
More than 700 million court records and counting on a single platform. Coverage includes Federal District Courts, Appellate Courts, the Supreme Court, Bankruptcy Courts, the ITC, the TTAB, and the PTAB.

Federal District Courts
Every written decision and docket, many motions and exhibits.

Federal Appellate Courts
Hundreds of thousands of written opinions, millions of dockets.

International Trade Commission
Every decision and docket, most motions and exhibits.

Bankruptcy Courts
Every written decision and docket, many motions and exhibits.

Everything: all decision, motions, exhibits, transcripts, etc.

The Supreme Court
Every docket and decision, and many briefs and petitions.
State Courts
We have millions of State Court records from
of counties across the country. We add more every day. Ask
if your
county is covered.
Track Cases With Ease
Docket Alarm makes staying on top of your cases easy.

real time alerts
We check the court so often, traders use our service to play the stock market. Up to 40 checks a day.
Find out before anyone else.

filings direct to you
New case filings are attached to all alert emails.
Never miss a filing.

stop using pacer
It takes 11 clicks to get a document on PACER.
Docket Alarm's automated alerts and easy bulk downloads save your paralegals time and your clients money.
PTAB Predictive Analytics
Docket Alarm's analytics can help predict outcomes in inter partes reviews or covered business method reviews.

The Docket Alarm API
Docket Alarm offers an API (application programming interface) to developers that want to integrate case filings into their apps.
Users | Apps in Use |
Financial Institutions | Litigation and bankruptcy checks of creditors. |
Law Firms | Automatic conflict checks, document delivery, and marketing. |
Consultants | Customized analysis of court information. |
Legal Vendors | Automated marketing to lawyers and law firms. |
If you think our API may be able to help you, contact us for more information.