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Docket 72708/2023, New York State, Westchester County, Supreme Court (Dec. 28, 2023)
Case TypeTorts - Other (INTENTIONAL TORT, ETC.)
TagsTort, Civil, Other, Intentional Tort
Plaintiff Paul A. Fino JR.
cite Cite Docket


Docket 710055/2021, New York State, Queens County, Supreme Court (May 3, 2021)
Case TypeTorts - Motor Vehicle
TagsTort, Civil, Vehicle
Plaintiff - Petitioner Marie A Exorphe
Defendant - Respondent Joon H Kim
Defendant - Respondent KOREAN CHURCH OF QUEENS
cite Cite Docket

Abdulrazak v. Moscowitz

Docket 1:18-cv-06454, New York Southern District Court (July 17, 2018)
Paul A. Engelmayer, presiding
DivisionFoley Square
cite Cite Docket

Meng v. Constanza et al

Docket 1:18-cv-03105, New York Eastern District Court (May 25, 2018)
Judge Eric N. Vitaliano, presiding, Magistrate Judge Steven M. Gold
Motor Vehicle
Cause28:1441 Petition for Removal- Tort/Motor Vehicle (
Case Type350 Motor Vehicle
Tags350 Vehicle, 350 Vehicle
Plaintiff Shu Ling Meng
cite Cite Docket

Henry Buffetti et al v. OPAL Construction Corp.

Docket 23076/2018E, New York State, Bronx County, Supreme Court (Mar. 16, 2018)
Wilma Guzman, presiding
Case TypeTorts - Other Negligence (Premises Liability)
TagsTort, Civil, Other, Negligence, Premises Liability
Plaintiff - Petitioner Henry Buffetti
Plaintiff - Petitioner Dawn M. Buffetti
Defendant - Respondent OPAL Construction Corp.
cite Cite Docket

NOTICE OF ENTRY Order with Notice of Entry and Aff of Service

Document PAUL A. FINO JR. v. IMPERIAL YACHT CLUB, INC. et al, 72708/2023, 76 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Westchester County Feb. 25, 2025)
Plaintifl against- To commence the statutory time period for appeals as of right (CPLR 5513[a]), you are advised to serve a copy of this order, with notice ofentry, upon all parties.
Plaintiff opposes the motion and separately moves for an order, pursuant to CPLR 3215, granting leave to enter a default judgment against defendants based upon their failure to answer the complaint.
Motion bv Plaintiff for Sequence No. 4 Leave to Enter a Default Judement Given the strong public policy of determining cases on their merits and the lack of intent to abandon their defense of this action as demonstrated by the promptness in moving to reargue their prior motion, the court excuses the delay by defendants in interposing an answer to the complaint and extends defendants time to answer as provided herein.
All other arguments raised on the motions and evidence submitted by the parties in connection therewith have been considered by the court, notwithstanding the specific absence of reference thereto.
That on 25th day of February 2025, deponent served the within DECISION AND ORDER WITH NOTICE OF ENTRY upon the attorneys and parties listed below via email and via efiling with the Court.
cite Cite Document

DECISION + ORDER ON MOTION (Motion #3) Motion Seq. Nos. 3 & 4

Document PAUL A. FINO JR. v. IMPERIAL YACHT CLUB, INC. et al, 72708/2023, 75 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Westchester County Feb. 24, 2025)
Plaintifl against- To commence the statutory time period for appeals as of right (CPLR 5513[a]), you are advised to serve a copy of this order, with notice ofentry, upon all parties.
The following electronically filed papers (NYSCEF Doc Nos. 37-42;48-67;69-74) were read on: (l) the motion by the defendants, Imperial Yacht Sales, LLC, John A. Giacobbe, Esq. and Captain John A. Giacobbe, for an order, pursuant to CPLR 2221 (d), granting leave to reargue their prior motion to dismiss (sequence no. l) and, upon such leave, for a further order dismissing so much of the complaint that asserts a cause of action against them (sequence no. 3); and (2) the motion by the plaintiff for an order, pursuant to CPLR 3215, granting leave to enter a default judgment against defendants (sequence no. 4).
Plaintiff opposes the motion and separately moves for an order, pursuant to CPLR 3215, granting leave to enter a default judgment against defendants based upon their failure to answer the complaint.
Motion bv Plaintiff for Sequence No. 4 to Enter a Default Judement Given the strong public policy of determining cases on their merits and the lack of intent to abandon their defense of this action as demonstrated by the promptness in moving to reargue their prior motion, the court excuses the delay by defendants in interposing an answer to the complaint and extends defendants time to answer as provided herein.
All other arguments raised on the motions and evidence submitted by the parties in connection therewith have been considered by the court, notwithstanding the specific absence of reference thereto.
cite Cite Document


Document PAUL A. FINO JR. v. IMPERIAL YACHT CLUB, INC. et al, 72708/2023, 68 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Westchester County Jan. 6, 2025)
On or before January 2l,2l25,all parties shall exchange narnes and addresses of all witnesses, and shall exchange statemints of opposing parties and photographs, or if none, shall ;:iif#r:Jttilii.,..n"rge information retating to exp€rt ...
cite Cite Document
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