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Joshua Gunnar Olson, Petitioner v. United States

Docket 24-6473, Supreme Court of the United States (Feb. 5, 2025)
Petitioner Joshua Olson
Respondent United States
cite Cite Docket

Joshua Gunnar Olson, Applicant v. United States

Docket 24A733, Supreme Court of the United States (Jan. 27, 2025)
Petitioner Joshua G. Olson
Respondent United States
cite Cite Docket

Rady Wehbi Zebian, et al.

Docket LC2023-000188, Arizona State, Maricopa County, Superior Court (June 1, 2023)
LaFave, Julie, presiding
Case TypeLower Court Appeals
TagsLower Court Appeal, Appeal
PLF/Appellee State Of Arizona
DEFT/Appellant Rady Wehbi Zebian
Originating Court Mesa Municipal Court
cite Cite Docket

Melani Leigh Pawlowski, et al.

Docket LC2023-000073, Arizona State, Maricopa County, Superior Court (Feb. 28, 2023)
Mikitish, Joseph, presiding
Case TypeLower Court Appeals
TagsLower Court Appeal, Appeal
PLF/Appellant State Of Arizona
DEFT/Appellee Melani Leigh Pawlowski
Originating Court Mesa Municipal Court
cite Cite Docket

Misty Ann Wheeler, et al.

Docket LC2022-000239, Arizona State, Maricopa County, Superior Court (Aug. 1, 2022)
Kiley, Daniel, presiding
Case TypeLower Court Appeals
TagsLower Court Appeal, Appeal
PLF/Appellee State Of Arizona
DEFT/Appellant Misty Ann Wheeler
Originating Court Mesa Municipal Court
cite Cite Docket

Waiver of right of respondent United - Main Document

Document Joshua Gunnar Olson, Petitioner v. United States, 24-6473, Waiver of right of respondent United, Main Document (U.S. Feb. 13, 2025)
The Government hereby waives its right to file a response to the petition in this case, unless requested to do so by the Court.
Acting Solicitor General Counsel of Record February 13, 2025 cc:
cite Cite Document

Petition for a writ of certiorari and - Petition

Document Joshua Gunnar Olson, Petitioner v. United States, 24-6473, Petition for a writ of certiorari and, Petition (U.S. Jan. 14, 2025)
[vf^A timely petition for rehearing was denied by the United States Court of Appeals on the following date: OCU.Q.j.
A list of all parties to the proceeding in the court whose judgment is the subject of this petition is as follows: Cou^ of Act> l. UWi v.YA.
»^fer caWfle./ ,.f « ciemUn tiom a Imai Fuk Leu(aoj SktJi/y \a6 fxfoF 1W ofi^'I Coiuk Monty lo jhlk first place, l^iS court haS „ .
"/■ iuipuqx ia] XMpfiljSV ^Vry WfipU ?ml T&Hffljq W fflYU chi jatyfj-tfod b butfn puv i Jq of (tjQa
TV\iS pe-Uho/w 'S pertr\ Ucjai unk^plaiion of Scewiiij ®n ft-lur of ^ i^dtCa^Cj aS 7b allotAJ This pnJuJfce b continue iS o Ottjofr ficfBtl'VJ iy) ulola^op to 1 rjAf) ft TnkwM ffibnraM/ Of friScoAcLc!
cite Cite Document

Petition for a writ of certiorari and - Motion for Leave to Proceed in Forma Pau

Document Joshua Gunnar Olson, Petitioner v. United States, 24-6473, Petition for a writ of certiorari and, Motion for Leave to Proceed in Forma Pau (U.S. Jan. 14, 2025)
The petitioner asks leave to file the attached petition for a writ of certiorari without prepayment of costs and to proceed in forma pauperis.
Please check the appropriate boxes: ^Petitioner has previously been granted leave to proceed the following court(s): miwmes frvC o£ MuwRnVq ^ c,xvr vaY Vtojfco scares mrt qsla^.a\\ Ym- aw tKfmw c?<(v\\ □ Petitioner has not previously been granted leave to proceed in forma pauperis in any other court.
In support of my motion to proceed in forma pauperis, I state that because of my poverty I am unable to pay the costs of this case Or to give security therefor; and I believe I am entitled to redress.
Adjust any amount that was received weekly, biweekly, quarterly, semiannually, or annually to show the monthly rate.
□ Yes □ No Utilities (electricity, heating fuel, water, sewer, and telephone) Home maintenance (repairs and upkeep) Food Clothing Laundry and dry-cleaning Medical and dental expenses You $_0 $_5 $_0 $.
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