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`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 52-8 Filed 04/27/20 Page 1 of 16


`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 52-8 Filed 04/27/20 Page 2 of 16
`Towards Better Understanding of Black-box Auto-Tuning:
`A Comparative Analysis for Storage Systems
`Zhen Cao1, Vasily Tarasov2, Sachin Tiwari1, and Erez Zadok1
`1Stony Brook University
`2IBM Research—Almaden
`Appears in the Proceedings of the 2018 Annual USENIX Technical Conference (ATC’18)
`Modern computer systems come with a large num-
`ber of configurable parameters that control their behav-
`ior. Tuning system parameters can provide significant
`gains in performance but is challenging because of the
`immense number of configurations and complex, non-
`linear system behavior. In recent years, several studies
`attempted to automate the tuning of system configura-
`tions; but they all applied only one or few optimization
`methods. In this paper, for the first time, we apply and
`then perform comparative analysis of multiple black-
`box optimization techniques on storage systems, which
`are often the slowest components of computing systems.
`Our experiments were conducted on a parameter space
`consisting of nearly 25,000 unique configurations and
`over 450,000 data points. We compared these meth-
`ods for their ability to find near-optimal configurations,
`convergence time, and instantaneous system throughput
`during auto-tuning. We found that optimal configura-
`tions differed by hardware, software, and workloads—
`and that no one technique was superior to all others.
`Based on the results and domain expertise, we begin to
`explain the efficacy of these important automated black-
`box optimization methods from a systems perspective.
`Storage is a critical element of computer systems and
`key to data-intensive applications.
`Storage systems
`come with a vast number of configurable parameters that
`control system’s behavior. Ext4 alone has around 60 pa-
`rameters with whopping 1037 unique combinations of
`values. Default parameter settings provided by vendors
`are often suboptimal for a specific user deployment; pre-
`vious research showed that tuning even a small subset
`of parameters can improve power and performance effi-
`ciency of storage systems by as much as 9× [66].
`Traditionally, system administrators pick parameter
`settings based on their expertise and experience. Due to
`the increased complexity of storage systems, however,
`manual tuning does not scale well [87]. Recently, sev-
`eral attempts were made to automate the tuning of com-
`puter systems in general and storage systems in particu-
`lar [71, 78]. Black-box auto-tuning is an especially pop-
`ular approach thanks to its obliviousness to a system’s
`internals [86]. For example, Genetic Algorithms (GA)
`were applied to optimize the I/O performance of HDF5-
`based applications [5] and Bayesian Optimization (BO)
`was used to find a near-optimal configuration for Cloud
`VMs [3]. Other methods include Evolutionary Strate-
`gies [62], Smart Hill-Climbing [84], and Simulated An-
`nealing [21]. The basic mechanism behind black-box
`auto-tuning is to iteratively try different configurations,
`measure an objective function’s value—and based on the
`previously learned information—select the next config-
`urations to try. For storage systems, objective functions
`can be throughput, energy consumption, purchase cost,
`or even a formula combining different metrics [50, 71].
`Despite some appealing results, there is no deep under-
`standing how exactly these methods work, their efficacy
`and efficiency, and which methods are more suitable for
`which problems. Moreover, previous works evaluated
`only one or few algorithms at a time. In this paper, for
`the first time (to the best of our knowledge), we apply
`and analytically compare multiple black-box optimiza-
`tion techniques on storage systems.
`To demonstrate and compare these algorithms’ ability
`to find (near-)optimal configurations, we started by ex-
`haustively evaluating several storage systems under four
`workloads on two servers with different hardware and
`storage devices; the largest system consisted of 6,222
`unique configurations. Over a period of 2+ years, we ex-
`ecuted 450,000+ experimental runs. We stored all data
`points in a relational database for query convenience, in-
`cluding hardware and workload details, throughput, en-
`ergy consumption, running time, etc. In this paper, we
`focused on optimizing for throughput, but our method-
`ology and observations are applicable to other metrics
`as well. We will release our dataset publicly to facilitate
`more research into auto-tuning and better understanding
`of storage systems.
`Next, we applied several popular techniques to the
`collected dataset to find optimal configurations under
`various hardware and workload settings: Simulated An-
`nealing (SA), Genetic Algorithms (GA), Bayesian Op-
`timization (BO), and Deep Q-Networks (DQN). We
`also tried Random Search (RS) in our experiments,
`which showed surprisingly good results in previous re-
`search [8]. We compared these techniques from vari-
`ous aspects, such as the ability to find near-optimal con-
`figurations, convergence time, and instantaneous sys-


`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 52-8 Filed 04/27/20 Page 3 of 16
`tem throughput during auto-tuning. For example, we
`found that several techniques were able to converge to
`good configurations given enough time, but their effi-
`cacy differed a lot. GA and BO outperformed SA and
`DQN on our parameter spaces, both in terms of con-
`vergence time and instantaneous throughputs. We also
`showed that hyper-parameter settings of these optimiza-
`tion algorithms, such as mutation rate in GA, could af-
`fect the tuning results. We further compared the tech-
`niques across three behavioral dimensions: (1) Explo-
`ration: how much the technique searches the space ran-
`domly. (2) Exploitation: how much the technique lever-
`ages the “neighborhood” of the current candidate or pre-
`vious search history to find even better configurations.
`(3) History: how much data from previous evaluations
`is kept and utilized in the overall search process. We
`show that all techniques employ these three key concepts
`to varying degrees and the trade-off among them plays
`an important role in the effectiveness and efficiency of
`the algorithms. Based on our experimental results and
`domain expertise, we provide explanations of efficacy
`of such black-box optimization methods from a storage
`perspective. We observed that certain parameters would
`have a greater effect on system performance than oth-
`ers, and the set of dominant parameters depends on file
`systems and workloads. This allows us to provide more
`insights into the auto-tuning process.
`Auto-tuning storage systems is fairly complex and
`challenging. We made several necessary assumptions
`and simplifications while collecting our exhaustive data,
`which we detail in §3. Therefore, some of our observa-
`tions might differ when applied to production systems.
`However, the main purpose of this paper is not to pro-
`vide a complete solution; rather, we focus on comparing
`and understanding the efficacy of several popular opti-
`mization techniques when applied to storage systems.
`We believe this paves the way for practical auto-tuning
`storage systems in real-time.
`The rest of the paper is organized as follows. §2 ex-
`plains the challenges of auto-tuning storage systems and
`provides necessary background knowledge. §3 describes
`our experimental methodology and environments. In §4
`we applied multiple optimization methods and evaluated
`and explained them from various aspects. §5 covers lim-
`itations and future plans for our work. §6 lists related
`work. We conclude and discuss future directions in §7.
`2 Background
`Storage systems are often a critical component of com-
`puter systems, and are the foundation for many data-
`intensive applications. Usually they come with a large
`number of configurable options that could affect or even
`determine the systems’ performance [12, 74], energy
`consumption [66], and other aspects [47, 71]. Here
`we define a parameter as one configurable option, and
`a configuration as a combination of parameter val-
`ues. For example, the parameter block size of Ext4
`can take 3 values: 1K, 2K, and 4K. Based on this,
`[journal mode=“data=writeback”, block size=4K, in-
`ode size=4K] is one configuration with 3 specific pa-
`rameters: journal mode, block size, and inode size. All
`possible configurations form a parameter space.
`When configuring storage systems, users often stick
`with the default configurations provided by vendors be-
`cause 1) it is nearly impossible to know the impact of
`every parameter across multiple layers; and 2) vendors’
`default configurations are trusted to be “good enough”.
`However, previous studies [66] showed that tuning even
`a tiny subset of parameters could improve the perfor-
`mance and energy efficiency for storage systems by as
`much as 9×. As technological progress slows down, it
`becomes even more important to squeeze every bit of
`performance out of deployed storage systems.
`In the rest of this section we first discuss the chal-
`lenges of system tuning (§2.1). Then, §2.2 briefly intro-
`duces several promising techniques that we explore in
`this paper. §2.3 explains certain methods that we deem
`less promising. §2.4 provides a unified view of these
`optimization methods.
`2.1 Challenges
`The tuning task for storage systems is difficult, due to
`the following four challenges.
`(1) Large parameter space. Modern storage systems
`are fairly complex and easily come with hundreds or
`even thousands of tunable parameters. One evaluation
`for storage systems can take multiple minutes or even
`hours, which makes exhaustive search impractical. Even
`human experts cannot know the exact impact of every
`parameter and thus have little insight into how to opti-
`mize. For example, Ext4+NFS would result in a parame-
`ter space consisting of more than 1022 unique configura-
`tions. IBM’s General Parallel File System (GPFS) [64]
`contains more than 100 tunable parameters, and hence
`1040 configurations. From the hardware perspective,
`SSDs [30, 53, 57, 65], shingled drives [1, 2, 32, 45], and
`non-volatile memory [40, 83] are gaining popularity,
`plus more layers (LVM, RAID) are added.
`(2) Non-linearity. A system is non-linear when the
`output is not directly proportional to the input. Many
`computer systems are non-linear [16], including storage
`systems [74]. For example, Figure 1 shows the aver-
`age operation latency of GPFS under a typical database
`server workload while changing only the value of the
`parameter pagepool from 32MB to 128MB, and setting
`all the others to their default. Clearly the average la-
`tency is not directly proportional to the pagepool size.
`In fact, through our experiments, we have seen many


`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 52-8 Filed 04/27/20 Page 4 of 16
`ability of accepting a certain move. Instead of always
`Figure 1: Storage systems are non-linear.
`more parameters with similar behavior. Worse, the pa-
`rameter space for storage systems is often sparse, irreg-
`ular, and contains multiple peaks. This makes automatic
`optimization even more challenging, as it has to avoid
`getting stuck in a local optima [36].
`(3) Non-reusable results. Previous
`studies have
`shown that evaluation results of storage systems [12,66]
`and databases [78] are dependent on the specific hard-
`ware and workloads. One good configuration might per-
`form poorly when the environment changes. Our evalu-
`ation results in Section 4 show similar observations.
`(4) Discrete and non-numeric parameters. Some
`storage system parameters can take continuous real val-
`ues, while many others are discrete and take only a lim-
`ited set of values. Some parameters are not numeric
`(e.g., I/O scheduler name or file system type). This adds
`difficulty in applying gradient-based approaches.
`Given these challenges, manual tuning of storage sys-
`tems becomes nearly impossible while automatic tuning
`merely difficult.
`In this paper we focus on automatic
`tuning and treat it as an optimization problem.
`2.2 Applied Methods
`Several classes of algorithms have been proposed for
`similar optimization tasks, including automated tuning
`for hyper-parameters of machine learning systems [7, 8,
`59] and optimization of physical systems [3, 78]. Ex-
`amples include Genetic Algorithms (GA) [18, 34], Sim-
`ulated Annealing (SA) [15, 41], Bayesian Optimization
`(BO) [11,68], and Deep Q-Networks (DQN) [46,54,55].
`Although these methods were proposed originally in dif-
`ferent scholarly fields, they can all be characterized as
`black-box optimizations.
`In this section we introduce
`several of these techniques that we successfully applied
`in auto-tuning storage systems.
`Simulated Annealing (SA) is inspired by the anneal-
`ing process in metallurgy, which involves the heating
`and controlled cooling of a material to get to a state with
`minimum thermodynamic free energy. When applied to
`storage systems, a state corresponds to one configura-
`tion. Neighbors of a state refer to new configurations
`achieved by altering only one parameter value of the cur-
`rent state. The thermodynamic free energy is analogous
`to optimization objectives. SA works by maintaining the
`temperature of the system, which determines the prob-
`Figure 2: Crossover in Genetic Algorithm (GA).
`moving towards better states as hill-climbing methods
`do, SA defines an acceptance probability distribution,
`which allows it to accept some bad moves in the short
`run, that can lead to even-better moves later on. The
`system is initialized with a high temperature, and thus
`has high probability of accepting worse states in the be-
`ginning. The temperature is gradually reduced based on
`a pre-defined cooling schedule, thus reducing the proba-
`bility of accepting bad states over time.
`Genetic Algorithms (GA) were inspired by the pro-
`cess of natural selection [34].
`It maintains a popula-
`tion of chromosomes (configurations) and applies sev-
`eral genetic operators to them. Crossover takes two par-
`ent chromosomes and generates new ones. As Figure 2
`illustrates, two parent Nilfs2 configurations are cut at
`the same crossover point, and then the subparts after the
`crossover point are exchanged between them to gener-
`ate two new child configurations. Better chromosomes
`will have a higher probability to “survive” in future se-
`lection phases. Mutation randomly picks a chromosome
`and mutates one or more parameter values, which pro-
`duces a completely different chromosome.
`Reinforcement Learning (RL) [72] is an area of ma-
`chine learning inspired by behaviorist psychology. RL
`explores how software agents take actions in an environ-
`ment to maximize the defined cumulative rewards. Most
`RL algorithms can be formulated as a model consisting
`of: (1) A set of environment states; (2) A set of agent
`actions; and (3) A set of scalar rewards. In case of stor-
`age systems, states correspond to configurations, actions
`mean changing to a different configuration, and rewards
`are differences in evaluation results. The agent records
`its previous experience (history), and makes it available
`through a value function, which can be used to predict
`the expected reward of state-action pairs. The policy de-
`termines how the agent takes action, which maintains the
`exploration-exploitation trade-off. The value function
`can take a tabular form, but this does not scale well to
`many dimensions. Function approximation is proposed
`to deal with high dimensionality, which is still known
`to be unstable or even divergent. With recent advances
`in Deep Learning [28], deep convolutional neural net-
`works, termed Deep Q-Networks (DQN), were proposed
`to parameterize the value function, and have been suc-
` 30
` 90
` 60
`pagepool Size (MB)
` 120
` 150
` 40
` 30
` 20
` 10
`Avg. Latency (ms)
` 0
` 0
`Journal Option
`Parent 1
`Parent 2
`Child 1
`Child 2


`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 52-8 Filed 04/27/20 Page 5 of 16
`cessfully applied in solving various problems [54, 55].
`Many variants of DQN have been proposed [46].
`Bayesian Optimization (BO) [11, 68] is a popular
`framework to solve optimization problems.
`It models
`the objective function as a stochastic process, with the
`argument corresponding to one storage configuration. In
`the beginning, a set of prior points (configurations) are
`given to get a fair estimate of the entire parameter space.
`BO works by computing the confidence interval of the
`objective function according to previous evaluation re-
`sults, which is defined as the range of values that the
`evaluation result is most likely to fall into (e.g., with
`95% probability). The next configuration is selected
`based on a pre-defined acquisition function. Both confi-
`dence intervals and the acquisition function are updated
`with each new evaluation. BO has been successfully ap-
`plied in various areas, including hyper-parameter opti-
`mization [17] and system configuration optimization [3].
`BO and its variants differ mainly in their form of prob-
`abilistic models and acquisition functions. In this paper
`we focus mainly on Gaussian priors and an Expected
`Improvement acquisition function [68].
`Other promising techniques include Tabu Search [27],
`Particle Swarm Optimization [39], Ant Colony Opti-
`mization [20], Memetic Algorithms [52], etc. Due to
`space limits, we omit comparing all of them in this pa-
`per (part of our future work). In fact, as detailed in §2.4,
`most of these techniques actually share similar traits.
`2.3 Other Methods
`Although many optimization techniques have been pro-
`posed, we feel that not all of them make good choices for
`auto-tuning storage systems. For example, since many
`parameters of storage systems are non-numeric, most
`gradient-based methods (i.e., based on linear-regression)
`are less suitable to this task [29].
`Control Theory (CT). CT was historically used to
`manage linear system parameters [19,37,44]. CT builds
`a controller for a system so its output follows a desired
`reference signal [33, 43]. However, CT has been shown
`to have the following three problems: 1) CT tends to be
`unstable in controlling non-linear systems [48, 49]. Al-
`though some variants were proposed, they do not scale
`well. 2) CT cannot handle non-numeric parameters; and
`3) CT requires a lot of data during the learning phase,
`called identification to build a good controller.
`Supervised Machine Learning (ML). Supervised
`ML has been successfully applied in various domains [9,
`10, 56, 81]. However, the accuracy of ML models de-
`pends heavily on the quality and amount of training
`data [81], which is not available or impossible to collect
`for large parameter spaces such as ours.
`Therefore, we feel that neither CT nor supervised ML,
`in their current state, are the first choice to directly and
`efficiently apply for auto-tuning storage systems. That
`said, they constantly evolve and new promising results
`appear in research literature [4, 67, 69, 86]; we plan to
`investigate them in the future.
`2.4 Unified Framework
`Most optimization techniques are known to follow the
`exploration-exploitation dilemma [23, 46, 68, 79]. Here
`we summarize the aforementioned methods by extend-
`ing the unified framework with a third factor, the his-
`tory. Our unified view thus defines three factors or di-
`mensions: (cid:4) (1) Exploration defines how the technique
`searches unvisited areas. This often includes a com-
`bination of pure random and also guided search based
`on history. (cid:4) (2) Exploitation defines how the tech-
`nique leverages history to find next sample. (cid:4) (3) His-
`tory defines how much data from previous evaluations
`is kept. History information can be used to help guide
`both future exploration and exploitation (e.g., avoiding
`less promising regions, or selecting regions that have
`never been explored before). Table 1 summarizes how
`the aforementioned techniques work by maintaining the
`balance among these three key factors. For example,
`GA keeps the evaluation results from the last genera-
`tion, which corresponds to the concept of history. GA
`then exploits the stored information, applying selection
`and crossover to search nearby areas and pick the next
`generation. Occasionally, it also randomly mutates some
`chosen parameters, which is the idea of exploration. As
`shown in §4, the trade-off among exploration, exploita-
`tion, and history determines the effectiveness and effi-
`ciency of these optimization techniques.
`3 Experimental Settings
`We now describe details of the experimental environ-
`ments, parameter spaces, and our implementations of
`optimization algorithms.
`Hardware. We performed experiments on two sets of
`machines with different hardware categorized as low-
`end (M1) and mid-range (M2). We list the hardware
`details in Table 3. We also use Watts Up Pro ES power
`meters to measure the energy consumption [82].
`Workload. We benchmarked storage configuration
`with four
`typical macro-workloads generated by
`Filebench [25, 75]. (cid:4) (1) Mailserver emulates the I/O
`workload of a multi-threaded email server. (cid:4) (2) File-
`server emulates the I/O workload of a server that hosts
`users’ home directories. (cid:4) (3) Webserver emulates the
`I/O workload of a typical static Web server with a high
`percentage of reads. (cid:4) (4) Dbserver mimics the behav-
`iors of Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) databases.
`Before each experiment run, we formatted and mounted
`the storage devices with the targeted file system.


`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 52-8 Filed 04/27/20 Page 6 of 16
`Annealing technology
`in metallurgy
`Allowing moving to
`worse neighbor states
`Neighbor function
`Natural evolution
`Crossover and selection
`Current population
`Taking random actions
`Deep convolutional
`neural network
`Acquisition function &
`probabilistic model
`Simulated Annealing
`Genetic Algorithms
`Deep Q-Networks
`Optimization (BO)
`File System
`Block (Leaf) Size BS
`Inode Size,
`Sector Size
`Block Group
`Taking actions based on
`Behaviorist psychology
`action-reward function
`and neuroscience
`Selecting samples with
`Selecting samples with
`Statistics and
`high mean values
`high variances
`experimental design
`Table 1: Comparison and summaries of optimization techniques.
`Ext2, Ext3, Ext4, XFS, Btrfs,
`Dell PE R710
`Dell PE SC1425
`Nilfs2, Reiserfs
`Intel Xeon quad-core
`Intel Xeon single-core
`2.4GHz CPU × 2
`2.8GHz CPU × 2
`1K, 2K, 4K
`n/a, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048,
`4096, 8192
`HDD2 (147GB SAS),
`HDD1 (73GB
`n/a, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256
`HDD3 (500GB SAS),
`n/a, order=strict, order=relaxed,
`HDD4 (250GB
`ST373207LW SCSI
`data=journal, data=ordered,
`SATA), SSD (200GB)
`Table 3: Details of experiment machines.
`relatime, noatime
`n/a, compress, nodatacow,
`nodatasum, notail
`noop, cfq, deadline
`I/O Scheduler
`Table 2: Details of parameter spaces.
`Journal Option
`Atime Option
`Special Option
`The working set size affects the duration of an ex-
`periment [74]. Our goal in this study was to explore
`a large set of parameters and values quickly (although
`it still took us over two years). We therefore decided
`to trade the working set size in favor of increasing the
`number of configurations we could explore in a practi-
`cal time period. We used the default working set sizes
`in Filebench, and ran each workload for 100 seconds;
`this is long enough to get stable evaluation results under
`this setting. The experiments demonstrate a wide range
`of performance numbers and are suitable for evaluating
`different optimization methods.
`Parameter Space. Since the main goal of our paper is
`to compare multiple optimization techniques, we want
`our storage parameter spaces to be large and complex
`enough. Alas, evaluations for storage systems take a
`long time. Considering experimentation on multiple
`hardware settings and workloads, we decided to experi-
`ment with a reasonable subset of the most relevant stor-
`age system parameters. We selected parameters in close
`collaboration with several storage experts that have ei-
`ther contributed to storage stack designs or have spent
`years tuning storage systems in the field. We experi-
`mented with 7 Linux file systems that span a wide range
`of designs and features: Ext2 [13], Ext3 [77], Ext4 [24],
`XFS [73], Btrfs [61], Nilfs2 [42], and Reiserfs [60].
`Our experiments were mainly conducted on two sets
`of parameters, termed as Storage V1 and Storage V2.
`We started with seven common file system parameters
`(shown in the first 7 rows of Table 2), and refer it as Stor-
`age V1. Storage V1 was tested on M1 machines. We then
`extended our search space with one more parameter, the
`I/O Scheduler, and refer to it as Storage V2. Storage V2
`was evaluated on M2 servers. Note that certain combi-
`nations of parameter values could produce invalid con-
`figurations. For example, for Ext2, the journaling option
`makes no sense because Ext2 does not have a journal. To
`handle this, we added a value n/a to the existing range of
`parameters. Any parameter with n/a value is considered
`Invalid configurations will always come with
`evaluation results of zero (i.e., no throughput); this en-
`sures they are purged in an upcoming optimization pro-
`cess. There are 2,074 valid configurations in Storage
`V1 and 6,222 in Storage V2 for each workload and stor-
`age device. We believe our search spaces are large and
`complex enough to demonstrate the difference in effi-
`ciency of various optimization algorithms. Furthermore,
`many of the chosen parameters are commonly tuned and
`studied by storage experts; having a basic understanding
`of such parameters helped us understand auto-tuning re-
`Experiments and implementations. Our experi-
`ments and implementation consist of two parts. First,
`we exhaustively ran all configurations for each work-
`load and device on M1 and M2 machines, and stored
`the results in a relational database. We collected the
`throughput in terms of I/O operations per second, as re-
`ported by Filebench, the running time (including setup
`time), as well as power and energy consumption. To ac-
`quire more accurate and stable results, we evaluated each
`configuration under the same environment for at least 3
`runs, resulting in more than 450,000 total experimen-


`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 52-8 Filed 04/27/20 Page 7 of 16
`File Block Inode BG
`Options Options Scheduler put (IOPS)
`Workload-Device System Size
`Size Count
`M1-Mail-HDD1 Nilfs2
`order=relaxed relatime
`relatime compress deadline
`4K 4,096
`data=ordered noatime
`data=ordered noatime
`Table 4: Global optimal configurations with different settings and workloads.
`4.1 Overview of Data Sets
`tal runs. This data collection benefited our evaluation
`As per §3, our experimental methodology is to first ex-
`on auto-tuning as we can simply simulate a variety of
`algorithms by just querying the database for the evalua-
`haustively run all configurations under different work-
`tion results for different configurations, without having
`loads and test machines. We stored the results in a
`to rerun slow I/O experiments. The exhaustive search
`database for future use. This data collection benefits
`also lets us know exactly what the global optimal con-
`future experiments as we can simulate a variety of al-
`figurations are, so that we can calculate how close each
`gorithms by querying the database for the evaluation re-
`optimization method gets to the global optimum.
`sults of different configurations. Due to space limits, in
`Second, we simulated the process of auto-tuning stor-
`this section we show only 6 representative data sets out
`of 18: 2 workloads on M1 and 4 devices × 4 workloads
`age systems by running the desired optimization method
`and querying the database for the average evaluation re-
`on M2. They were picked to (1) show a wide range of
`sults from multiple (3+) repeated runs. We focused on
`hardware and workloads’ impact on optimization results
`optimizing for throughput in this paper. The computa-
`and (2) to present more SSD results, given SSDs’ in-
`tion cost of optimization algorithms are ignored in our
`creasing popularity.
`experiments. We believe our observations are applica-
`Figure 3 shows the throughput CDF among all con-
`ble to other optimization objectives as well. Our im-
`figurations for each hardware setting and workload. The
`plementations of optimization methods are mostly based
`Y-axis is normalized by the maximum throughput un-
`on open-source libraries. We use Pyevolve [58] for
`der each experiment setting. The symbols on each line
`Genetic Algorithms, Scikit-Optimize [70] for Bayesian
`mark the default Ext4 configurations. As seen, for most
`Optimization, and TensorFlow [76] for the DQN im-
`settings, throughput values vary across a wide range.
`plementation. We implemented a simple version of
`The ratios of the worst throughput to the best one are
`Simulated Annealing, with both linear and geometric
`mostly between 0.2–0.4. In one extreme case, for File-
`cooling schedules.
`(We also fixed bugs in Pyevolve
`server on M2 machines and with the HDD3 device (ab-
`and plan to release our patches.) Most of our imple-
`breviated as M2-Fileserver-HDD3), the worst configu-
`mentation was done by converting storage-related con-
`ration only produces 1% I/O operations per unit time,
`cepts into algorithm-specific ones. For example, for
`compared with the global optimal one. This under-
`GA, we defined each storage parameter as a gene, and
`lines the importance of tuning storage systems: an im-
`each configuration as a chromosome. For DQN we
`properly configured system could be remarkably under-
`provided storage-specific definitions for states, actions,
`utilized, and thus wasting a lot of resources. How-
`and rewards. The complete implementation uses around
`ever, M2-Webserver-SSD shows a much narrower range
`10,000 lines of Python code.
`of throughput, with the worst-to-best ratio close to 0.9.
`This is attributed mainly to the fact that Webserver
`consists of mostly sequential read operations that are
`processed similarly by different I/O stack configura-
`tions. Figure 3 also shows that default Ext4 configu-
`rations are always sub-optimal and, under most settings,
`ranked lower than the top 40% configurations. For M1-
`Mailserver-HDD1, the default Ext4 configuration shows
`a normalized throughput of 0.39, which means that the
`optimal configuration performs 2.5 times better.
`Table 4 lists optimal configurations for the same six
`hardware and workload settings. As we can see, optimal
`configurations depend on the specific hardware as well
`as the running workload. For M1-Mailserver-HDD1,
`the global best is a Nilfs2 configuration. However, if
`Our evaluation mainly focuses on comparing the effec-
`tiveness and speed of applying multiple optimization
`techniques on auto-tuning storage systems, and provid-
`ing insights into our observations. §4.1 overviews the
`data sets that we collected for over two years. §4.2 com-
`pares five popular optimization techniques from several
`aspects. §4.3 uses GA as a case study to show that hyper-
`parameters of these methods can also impact the auto-
`tuning results. §4.4 takes the first step towards explain-
`ing these black-box optimization methods, based on our
`evaluation results and our storage expertise.
`4 Evaluations


`Case 1:20-cv-00034-ADA Document 52-8 Filed 04/27/20 Page 8 of 16
`Figure 3: Throughput CDF with different hardware and work-
`loads, with symbols marking the default Ext4 configurations.
`we fix the workload, change the hardware, and get M2-
`Mailserver-HDD3, the optimum becomes an Ext4 con-
`figuration. Similarly, fixing the hardware to M2-*-SSD
`and experimenting under different workloads leads to
`different optimal configurations. This proves our early
`claim that performance is sensitive to the environment
`(e.g., hardware, configuration, and workloads); this ac-
`tually complicates the problem as results from one envi-
`ronment cannot be directly applied in another.
`4.2 Comparative Analysis
`Many optimization techniques have been applied to var-
`ious auto-tuning tasks [71, 78]. However, previous ef-
`forts picked algorithms somewhat arbitrarily and eval-
`uated only one algorithm at a time. Here we provide
`the first comparative study of multiple black-box opti-
`mization techniques on auto-tuning storage systems. As

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