PWI‘AINSfi {11312)
`Assam far use 1111015511: 11131311111111.0113 01351—131335
`1.1.5. P319111 and Tmfiamsaria 131111385; 1.1.5 {DEPARTMENT (3F CQMMERSE
`Undmthe Papetwnm 1331111311511 m 31 1335. na 9mm 31% requires! it} mwfid 113 3 3311mm (:1 infirmstim unless i1 dispiays a valid (314113 mam nwnbeh
`i hemby ravokeaii grevmus mwsrs 91311qu1; given 1n the 31113116311013 13911111131111: 11m 5111;211:1133 $1aiémsn1
`; under 32 GFR 3331121.
`i hereby 311mm:
`j_ AS 31111211133113) sir ageniis} is represent 1113 undmigmd 1131312! 1113 1.1111135: 513185 19151311131341 Tméamarfi: Gfiice (USP’TB) in mnnsciian 321111
`E any and aii patent applicaiisns assgnad 91153 in 1113 undarafigned 31313161119 in the USPTG assignmem mwrds er assignments dammams
`511331211911 in 11115me in :1than with 3? CFR 31311:}.
`Please six-mg 1113 mmspandefica afidmss far 1113' 85115113311011 RESI‘EEi'fiSKfl in She 81175311811 fitment under 37 CFR 3.?3{c)10:
`Tesepmne 31:1531 $3533”
`Iginfiivifiua‘i Mama“
`“vn,»,»),“ ,,““\.»“»‘ m,““nun,”“nu“,uu,““nu,“n‘“nun,”“nun,”“hum,““nu.u,“““15“,“,“u“u“n.u,“u,“3‘33"33,,“33‘3,,“3‘33‘3‘3‘““3“““333‘33‘3‘3‘3‘ “ ‘3 ‘3 ‘3 ‘3 ‘3 ‘3 “n
`311:5;ng Name and Adams: $1reamiigh1, inc.
`31) 5391331115 1313391
`Eagimriiia, PA 13433
`A cam: :11 this farm, hit-gamer with a 51515111191111.1119“? 3? Cgfi 3.7316} {Farm PTQIAWM m wuimmnt} 15 1131111111111 11: be:
`5 Filed in 3316211 85152111281161“! in which this farm is maxi. Tim smiamani under 3? EFR 3.33% may be 12011192131321 by was :51
`“me wattizimars zaps-23111133 11‘: 1113311111191 and mus: identify 11113 35191112311311 in which this Mar :31 11118811331 is m be 111311.
`SEGQATEERE a§M§1gn§a :31 123mm
`a signature as
`' We is 5119131311 343131315 3111113512311 1:: as: an 11911311311113 assignae
`.mw‘mm‘wm‘m“mm“m ~.
`is 1191313111151 :1: 5313111 03' miain as 1961191111111 11113 puma: which 3316 11199 (and
`' 1113 mm 13? 11113111131531: is 13211111311 by 3? CF11 1 31 1.32 arid 13.3. The
`by 1119 1.1331113 11: 1911315381 an 31391153113351. {10111331111313}: is gnvemasfl by 35 122 and 3? CFR 1 11 and 1.14 This miiacfiun 13 5511an in. inks 3 minuiss
`in 09111531913, Enduding Remaining. pmparirig and summing the mmpSaiad 5119;113:311me tn 1.11- 1.5513101 This M13 vary flaming upm the indiv‘iduai case. Any
`wmmums an the mm 31' time was muim 1a wmpiala 1111: 1mm Similar suggaafims finr Nursing 11:15 burden. $1101.33 13:? 11951110 1919 $1119? inlermafinn 0111mm
`1.1.3. Fawni and deemsrk Ofiimc 11.3, Diaparmam :31 ficmmm; 51.121. 55w: 1:251; 1116331113182, 1:3 2331311133.
`FGRMS Ti} THIS ADDRESS. $231121 1‘1): Gammissinmrfssr Putnam, 9.13. Bax; 11513, Muxandm, 1m 233121411511.
`113191.: need assisiance in mmpéaiing 1115 1mm mi! 13110-91091 99 and 513152111 npiim 2..
`000003 1
` Parhelion, Inc.


`Fs‘évaay Asst Siaiemeni
`The §3£§wasy am a”? mm {mm §3«§?§; yaaquéma magi was ha giyfim mfiain infamaiiwn fin amsimfian wiih was:
`submfissésn 3*: ma attachw farm rafiaied is a paient amiimiian czar paiam. Acmmmgiy: gmrsuam iii? ihfi
`rsaquéreammis 3? am Act mama“; m afivisaefi Mai: {‘3} ms gmaami gumufity {ar {ha miémfim {3? mm irafmmafim is 35
`£333“ 333K315; {23s mmésshing £3? mg: Enfmmafim saiéeétmfi E5 wimiary: and {SW19 yrirsa‘tgafi pmpega it)? which Ens
`infamfim is 5158323 by 31$ 5.3.3. Paimfi afizfi deamam mm ES tar; panama amfiar sxamim 3mm“ Smbmigsfim
`rafaigefi fins 3 §B§€fi§ awfimfim m ssaémi if yaw (23$ mt fuma‘sh Em ffiifiifiafiifiiz‘i Marmafitém, {ha US. Fawn! anti
`Tmfismam flfi‘im may mt has 3mg fists pmwss 313%er maména 3mm gunmmmm which may msuéi in taminafimn 1:35
`pmgaminggs car abaadmmgm s3? Rha apwfiimginn <33“ axpimiinn a? 2336 Miami
`"rm is‘simmafiim pmvésfiad fig: yam m ihia farm wiifi be sutajaaé is 31% faifiawing mains;- useaa:
`The? iafamafian (m W5 mm“: wiii he: traatati mnfidantiaiiy is the man: aimwmi unéar £31m meam a?
`infumaiism Act {53 US$21 552; and thaw WWW Mi {5 {.2533 $523}. Rmmfirg Emu“: twig sys'éam a? secs-mg
`may he dissdasasj in m ngmmwi 0f Jugfica m {Semmims whmmr siisfimum (3% mass :15me is
`mauimd $33 Em fissfimm $§ éfifw'mmim Rs:
`A rficazfi Emir: Skis $ysism 33’ {88:23de may baa fiéssiaaw, as a mama use. m @153 SEQWSE {if mesaming
`eviafimm it} a smart, magismim :3: afiminigtmfiua trihumi, imiufiing dimhmflm in appmmg munfiaé in
`iha mama a? safiflemsm fieggsfiafiémfi.
`A mean? is Ms Syséasm £3“ {523mg may in (fimfimfié, as a mifiififi Lass; m a Mamba? {3f {tawfags
`submiifiéflg a mams‘: és‘waiués‘ag sen és‘ifiévfidwsfl, {:3 Wham fim mama fififiéiflfi, $355322 31% Ss‘sdividum has
`{squasiafl assigms‘ws Wm 31% MsmNa‘ wiih Emmett 2:) 8w fiu‘bjsm mama" a? the {seam
`A mmmfi m We; asysfiam £3”? mmfiis may we Sissmeai as a mufina ussa, Ea as mafimcém a? My Agasmzy
`hiflviifi MN {(33318 inffim‘gaflfin in @559? is pefiwm a amniyaci, Raségiimis m” Esalé‘amafisn shaii Em maufiwsfi
`m mmgfiy wfih m mqufifamanis a? the: Pfivassy Am 5:3”? mm, as amfidad‘ wssfimam iii: 5 {ESQ fiwsgm}.
`A nemm méaied Em an ifififimatisnafl fiwéimfim fiifiéd unéar gm Paimt Eunmmfim Waist}; in ME xygtam Es?
`mamas may he dimmad. as a muéina usax m tha Bniamafimai gamma m? aim Wfifid Entaéiafiuafi F‘mmfiy
`ngaaimfiim, pufsuafifi is; five Fawn: Cmparaiim Tyeaiya
`A mama‘s} éa‘g {his sygéam {fl ramfds may Essa fiéSciasefl, as a aiming we. {a seminar fatfifirsi ageing}; far
`purgimmg a? Nafimfi Sawfly ravéeaw {35 Ufifi. 38$} anti €13 wavéééw mmufini in: the Miami: Enargy‘ Am
`{:12 08‘8“ 2mm.
`A mam fmm MES wmm m“ macaw may Em déwkssmfi, as a sawing mag ii) 333% Mnfinigmim, {3%ng
`Sawmg, Gr hige’mr dasignaa, fiifififlQ a?! imsgmfiém fif {awards gamma: by QS5§ as gear: a? ihai‘ agamy‘s
`mgpangibififiy m rammmfimi Empmmmmm fir: mmmg managaaamsm pmaficm anti pmgs‘ams, unifies“
`auihmfiy af 44 US$21. 2.9% and 2006‘ Sum fiissingsgswa shaii Em mask in BEWE’GERQS wéih £3153 {SSA
`ragafiaiimg wwming immafim a?“ ramrd$ m: ihis mmaaa, am $533: swag: reiwam {3.3” 533.4% m
`Esmmems} fiis‘actiw. fiuah disafiasum Shag; mi be used m mam fiaégmflnaflans 3mg énfiévidmms,
`a mama? Wm ihis sygiem m‘ {maids may E393 {immwtfig 5% a muiim 2:535, ta: iha whim after sikhar
`gufififlafiun :3? gm awfimiimn maxim: it: 33 ELSE, was; :3? igsuanca is? a patmt pmmmm is: 35 Ufii’:
`1&1. Fufihm, a remrsfi may ma discmswi Whigs: in ma Eimiézsfiims a“? 3? QFR 114%: as: 3 muténa 3.38%; m iha
`{whim §§ am macaw was; {aim in an apmmgian which Magma abandaneé a; is: whézth {hat prmgafiinga mam
`iemifiatw mii whim apmimfisfi E3 rafwemaci by simar a pubfiiahegi agpfimfian, an apgtiwfim {35:33:} in
`mime. inmwfim er are isaued patesnt.
`S3: {award {mm Ems sysmm inf wagerds may im fiisamsasfi, as a {swim 133%.; in a Fademt, Siam, {er §m§ {aw
`afimmmani figancys @f gm; USS-WC} bemmass aware. a? 53 vémiaiim ear paieniim *wéwiamn {sf Saw m“
`000003 2


`Emmm 3n: um: 133301313}: QEES'EEREEES. {EMS fififiEnfil’m
`mm km E3 <-:4 mm Emma“ am a? WEE. m wesmns are-Euis'sd £53 mmwrfi E3: 3: coilmmn :EE ESEEmmiian mums i} :3:.oa; a vaE5E (WEB swim! naming:
`wasanwmemwner: EEEE‘EEEME
`{Name a: smignaa)
`{$3393 ni AxsEmz-a, 5153., carpamiE-Bfi, mmfimhip, unfiamky‘ wwammmi agency. ass.)
`mm EhaE, Em mg gamer; apEEEEaEEEmemEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEE ahsva, EE Es {mama m E}? EENEQEES E; E 3 (33’ E EEQEESW}:
`‘L 5:5] The asgignw an? EMS amines right. EEEEei 333:3 lama
`:2. L] Em asmgmm i}? Eggs mas: ms: Efifim right 253% am imam: (chmk ammbfia hex}:
`__._._% AEEEEEEEQEEEEE SiaiamsmigE by {ME aways
`LE This! meE {by :(EfitfififlifigQE 0E E23 mamawEfiEE Es‘szarssst Es
`EEQESSEE‘Eg; Em: EmEanmes :3? Ehe EnEesmfiE Emsaims SLEEEE’E‘EEEEEEE Ea: gamma Em EEEEEEE EEE {Eta (3%“:thE3 EnEamsE
`LE These 33% unspadsifiazé Eamamaggs m ewneszship Th9 mam; pamas, EmEufiing Ewafimrs Wm Emsmar saws: EE'EB eniié‘a
`fight EliEa am EnigmaE Esra:
`Addfifianai Qiaiamfimiis‘») by EEEE awmarégfi hQEzfiEng Em {gamma SE {ha Emarwi magi be submfimd Eu amwnE Em EEES antim
`right EEEEE, and Entsrsfi.
`:5. CE The asssigma :3? an untiiuédm 333::me in EM swim; {a mmgfiats assignmfini fmm mg :3? EN Elfin: firmsmms was madsE,
`E'Ezé nthér Emma‘s; Emiunfifig Envarfim‘ss wE'sEE EaggaEEEar awn Em amim E'EQE‘EL EEEEE, and Eatsrast are:
`MEEEEEEEME SmiasmamisE by m nwnmEs} Emftéing the: Emigma QE Ema EEEEEEESE mum E33 gamma: En 2352mm: Em ma Efififfi
`righi, miss, and Enteraszi.
`3E E} “EEEEE rac’spésm, via 5?: 3mm ESEESCESSEEEEQ as me Eika Eag, bankmpmy‘ pmmm}, §§ an unEEEvEEESd Enisrssi En Ehe gamer; {a
`mmgima Eraa‘saEfir (2E 3%th EfitmmE ME mafia},
`‘E‘E‘ss @sEEEEEaEE aEmumssnEis} shawéfig E333? EransEar ES attachfidi
`EEEEE News! EESSSEEE’EEEE‘EE Er: Emmi”: E, 2 (a? 3 35am {ram SEEEESEEE‘E 5%} Es: EEEMMM EEy EEEEE‘EEE‘ {ghmsaz m a}? mm: A m“ E EEEQWE:
`if“: m assségnmsem“mm the: Envaazs‘EssE 3E'HEW? games}: aggiicafian‘gmtgna‘. Etienfifiazj mama Tm: asgignmem mm recardaaci m
`Ema EEniEmE EEEEas; Paiam “ENE E‘mfiemark {SEEM .aEEEEEEaE
`, w fm‘ whim a "may
`Ehareniis; afiaahmi
`B, [:1 59E chaés} Bf EEEEEE imm Em inwenmrésh 8E ms; paEam amaEimEicmimmnE idngEfieesé ahaws‘ E2) 1% wwenE asfignesae as faiiuws:
`“ T33:
`Em {Esmmam was samrdad in Em: EEE‘EEEEKE ESEEEEE‘ESE PfiEeanE amfi Trasifimark affine EEE
`RaEseE ““““““““““““““““““““, Rama“ m" Em“ WEEECEE a cam; Ehm’mEas aiisehed
`{FagMEs): 2}
`E7153 mamm a? iaiamaiim Es: smuém by :3?“ EH? 3.33%} ’E‘ha iflififi'flfiflm 5:5 isquémfi in 133333:R as miasn a 533mm #:1th pufiic whim E§ En fits- Eamfl by EM: WEEK) Ea
`pmsfi; an awiigaflem Cmfifienimifiiy is Qfivm‘flfiii Es;- fifi US it. 13$ smé SE? CFE'E E .31 saw MES; This $3239me E5 estknaiw in: am 12:. misuse: Ea afimpiaia, iafiudiw
`gaiimrémg, www‘mgg. anti submisiéng shes wmyfimw awiiqasim Eczm it: fits USF‘E'CE. Times wiiE waxy {Stemming uwm 331a individuai cage‘ Ass»; oumsmsms on i319 ammms
`0E Ems gm: mquim Ea mmfiéata Ehis mm; 33mm: mggasfiam is: mflm‘mg Ehég bums!) 5mm: E225 semi in {its Chief infummissn mama US. Pawns mg Tsaflvsmmk
`Mae, £3.35; fiwarfimsn: as Gsmmams, $3.61 $53: 14543;. Ammmfrfia, Em mead-m ESE} WE SEEKS S’EEEE ill-33 flfi-SEE'LEE’ES FfiEEEsS TS}! TEEES ADBGEESV SEER?
`“m: cummmsfimar far Miafiis, REE. Bass 245%, Nammfifla, WE EQEEEEEESQ‘
`§3=aax 538.6353 msfsé‘rmcs Em mmgfisfifig Eisefsm, cuff §-3€}8n?TQ=-9§9§ mm? flier! figs-3mm 2‘.
`000003 3


`PTQI‘MM £0342}
`Wavs‘d its: 1:55: 0!!“th mmranm. (EMS? 965343333":
`US, 5331-351: ansfi Tsmfiamask (mm; LE3. EEPAHTMERT £3? BOMMEEEE
`.- 1 mask RNMM 58:3 a§ 1335. m: . maria any n I 3m in msmm"; is: as mifim’fian cE @3333;st unisass: if dim-.9. -. as vaaifi (1&3 mnmss number.
`$?ATE§3§EN? fififififi 3? am 333%}
`T333 dficumsmi was"; mwmw 5:"! ma Unfimfi $13233 9mm and desmatk (Rim: at
`as? Mr whéch a may tharagfi is 33353353.
`Th3 dsaumani was mmsfifiifi 5:": E313 Unitas S33E33 Mimi am deemam {Nina at
`“N. me‘fi mm“
`35' 3am 3:32?ch 3 mm iiieram‘ ézs washed.
`: 3333:3333 i... S imah
`This ésaumsm was racmdaifi in ms; Uaifiafi $33238 Fats“? 3m Tradamafic (NEW 33
`Raei ................................ Fram- .............................., m m whiz?! 3: mm: Emmi is 3333333.
`“me fiésumam wag regarded £11 "she: Limited Skates Paisent and Tmfiamark (3mm 5::
`G!“ ‘50? whim a my}? "thaw? E3 333333193.
`:3 Mtfiiiémafi fisaumnm in the sham af 3333 we $53333 an a sugpiamémim Shéfiflifi.
`s33 raquérari by 3? CFR 3.?3§a:}{1}{§}. ma {imummfiaw sviiifinw 3? {E123 chain :3? :33 1mm "aha wigiflai Emma? 23 333
`asgfignw was, 8r cannxsrmmiy is 313333. 333333133353 3m 333323333031 pasmuan: in 3“? CFR 3.";1.
`{N33333: ,5”. 333333333 @5333; {5.3. a ma mm: 3? i333 arigifiai 3333mm: fiasumamisfi must be summed 3:3 fisaignmam
`33533:: is: ammiianm with 3“? (:FR Part 3, as Yefifli‘d ma asséggnment in aha mfiflfiiis a? ma USMC). 53:38 MFEF’ 333.33}
`: 3313 undafiigfi?wmse fififigsyfizfiim New) is; aumsréam m an: an £333.33 ea? m magma.
`g 3' w
`.. 5f"
`pf§fli駧§§§§§3ifi Name?
`T3523 m Rsagfisimfim Numbm
`a? 3}


`Privaay fiat Siaiament
`“ma Privacy Act a? 13%: (EM... gaugwg raquirea ma: yam ha givan {swam infnmgiim in cannactisfi wiéh yam“
`Submisaicn a? We afiachad iarm réiatad if: a gamma agpiicatiafi a? gamma Mcamifigiy, purguam $6 the
`requiraments as? fine Mm mam be advéesecfi that {1} the ganarai auihmity S‘m the mifiemian {sf this infarmmiafi 53 35
`0,553. Eihfiig}; {2} furnishing 0f the inimmmiun miéeitead is miuniary; mad {3} that pfifiaipai purpaas it): which {ha
`éai‘armaiiafi is {ism by the 3153‘ Fatwa? am Tmfiemark {mica '93 it} massaa andiflr warning yam submigsmn raflatfié
`is a pawn? appiéaatifin m“ paiént.
`E? was 3:! ram {umish the requasfieci ifiiamafiflfi, the L13, Paiam am ”Fradamafia
`{Esme may mi Em abis if) mucfisa afififfie‘ axaménfi yam gubméggian, whit?! may remit is: ‘iarmirmtian a? pracaedéngg
`gr abandmmanfi a}? We applimfian a: axpémiim a? aha paiani.
`Thug Enfermafim pmvédefi by 543:; in ihia farm wiii ha subjacfi to {he fifiiiawing mufine 15335:
`1. Tha iafiarmafim an this; farm WEE he twaiaci wafiéanfiafly Ea €219 extant aiiswed midi“? Rim Fraadam iii
`infifirmaiicm Ac: (5 1.5.553. 552} and that Privacy A432 {5 £13.13 5523}. Beams Eran: {hiss sysiam a? retards
`may ha fiiastiosw ta aha {fiégfiafimam 8f Jufitim at) fifiiafmina whafihat fiisciagum :3? them mamas, is
`required by the Freadfim a? infamafian Am.
`2. A retard mm ibis 53:33am 0? racoa‘dg may 33% disciesed, as a marking Lise, Er: tha mama sf prasaming
`avéflanaa it: a mum magistrate, 3r adminigtraiiva Eribunai. Enciueiing dimiasurfis it: uppafiing csunwi ifi ma
`warm a? semameni nagsaiaticns,
`:3, a rectum ire 3mg system a? ramrfig may 23% disckasedfl ass a muting use, ta 5; Mambsr 0E Ccfigwss
`Submitting a reagesi inwiving a?! individual {a Wham ma ramrfi pefiaing, Whfifl ma individuai has
`reqwegiafi asgiatanaa mm aha Mamba with magma EC: the subjaci mam a? ma means.
`4. A areasrd in his 53¢st a? mamas may be dizciased. as a routma 135B, 13 a canmcfim a? tha Agency
`having near} fer am; ififfirmatim if: Gram" it} gamma 3 mntmct. HeclpEanfis a? infamatfian ska“ :53 {aquirad
`m cfimpéy with aha requirements a? ma fiivacy Rm (3‘? mm. as amanfied, grammars: m 5 8,3,8. 552mm),
`5. A Wizard raiaied 3:3 as? Haiematimai Appiicaiim ism mafia ma Patent pramtim Trsaiy in ihig system a}?
`mmufig may be dismissed, as a famine 838, m rhea imamafianai 83.3mm a? the wma Eniaiiamufifi Mammy
`Urganizaficn, pursuam 29 me Fawn: Coepamfim Tfeaty.
`5. A recm’fi if: ihfifi swifim m? mamfig may be discimad, as a muting visa, is: amihar mama: agamy far
`pumaaas a? Natianai Security {Maw {35 LLSE. “$81) and ice? mag-Em: pursauam is; tha Mamie, Energy Act
`(42, 2“: Sim}.
`Y. A warm? fmm this; waste??? a? ramrds may baa dififlasafi, as a mutifia use, :2: ma Admifiigtraifir, (Swami
`Sawises, 9r mama; dagignee. aiming an inspaménn a? rmarfis mnduewd by GSA 33 part as? m: agency‘g
`mspmsibfiiiiy its maemmand impmvamenis in magma mafiagamam practicas am pragrams. similar
`auihcriiy cf 4:?- 00353. 3%4 and £353 $uch ciémlaaum shaii be; mafia En acmrfianea $312333 the (“SSA
`reguiafims gavammg Engmflm a? mmfiig far this pummsfi, am any antiwar remain: £318., {3% m"
`flammarcafi direcfiiw» Such fiiscflasum sham? mi be usmfi in make deteminaiimns mam? infiividuafia.
`8. A award 5mm this systam a? raccards may be Gimiasefi, as a mmine me, in 1km mimic afar 83mm
`pubiicatmfi a? fine appiécafinn purwaz‘st in: 35 U33“ 132m} m issuamsa afi a waters! pumuan‘i m 35 USE.
`151. Further, a erM may be fligcmsed. 31:33am in We fimlfiafimnfi a? 3‘? EFF: 1.1%». as a mufiéae use, it) me
`pubiie if the seaward was mm in an appiicafim which magma abandfinsd 93’ in which the firsnsadings wara
`terminaied and wh‘mh appiiflafian is reierenced by eiiher a yubiéghgd apgiécafim. an apgfiiwfian 3pm £9
`gmbiic finspgcfim at" an flawed mam.
`3. A fgmrd 3mm this system {3? anaemia may Em disnfinsefi. as a famine 1159. m a Fedemi, flag a: imam an
`mfmmemem agermy, E? €35 USPTQ hangings aware a? a wifliafim a): miemiai Vifiiafian af iaw m“ reguiaiéw,
`000003 5


`Paga Ҥ 6? 3
`Emmi m. fifififinfifimafififim {51.49273}
`WHEREflSS Raymami L. SWRAHB Thamas B. BQRES and {Miriam J.
`KEELEY. heminafigr individaafly and mflimfiveiy refermd Ea a5 ASSEGNQR, are the
`named invarimm 323‘? an Enveniien entiiifid: FflR’E‘AfiLE LifiHT WWH PWE if}? LASER
`MEET, desmfibad and afiaimad in an appiicafian far Mimi's Patent :3? the Unitad Sigma
`that was; first gigned by fiha bamw fivemmfi an a? abaui iha day anti manih infiica‘tad
`beiaw and hears me atmmay ficckafi nambar abma; and
`WHEREAgl STREAELQQHT, mm, a mrparafim arganézed and exisfirig under
`and by vfifiue m“ the ana af the State G? Defiawarel and angaged in 55023651833 at 30
`Eagiewiifie Quad, Eagfieviéie, PA Uniiazé fimtaa igéflfinffigfifig heminafier referred m m
`A335GNEE, fis éafiémus a? acauifing 3am inventian and arty and a?! appfiiaafimfi far
`Lefiars Pamnt and arty anti a5: Lafiars Pamnt a? the United States; amj fareign camifies‘a
`that may be imaged therefar:
`mm THEREFQRE, {ha parfiias harms? intending €123 Em Eggafiiy mums, agrea
`that, in cafisidemfiim a? gem anti vaiuabia mnsidarafian paid its ASSEGNQR by
`RESEGNEE, ma maaipt 0f whim fig hereby aakmwiedged. ASEGNQR ha$ 595$,
`aaaignad and 59?: was" and hemby 510% WEE. aaaign anti fiat mm unit‘s Afiaifii‘éfifi, éiss
`wawmam and awigns, 313$ Gr her entire régfi, We and Emiarmi far. ta anti within me
`Uniifid Siam am! aii famign cauntfiaa in ami in ma afaresaid imamtfien anti than
`agpfiicafimn édan’zified abeve, ingiuding any and aii gravisimai appiimtiana,
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`000003 6


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`000003 7


`Electronic Patent Application Fee Transmittal
`Title Of Invention:
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`Raymond L. Sharrah et al.
`_ Clement Alphonse Berard
`Attorney Docket Number:
`0096—P06343U501 (SL—727)
`Filed as Small Entity
`Filing Fees for Utility under 35 USC 111(a)
`Basic Filing:
`Sub-Total in
`000003 8


`Total in USD (S)
`000003 9


`Electronic Acknowledgement Receipt
`Title of Invention:
`Payment information:
`37 CFR 1.1 7 (Patent application and reexamination processing fees)
`Deposit Account
`Authorized User
`Dawn Underwood
`The Director of the USPTO is hereby authorized to charge indicated fees and credit any overpayment as follows:
`37 CFR 1.16 (National application filing, search, and examination fees)


`37 CFR 1.1 9 (Document supply fees)
`37 CFR 1.20 (Post Issuance fees)
`37 CFR 1.21 (Miscellaneous fees and charges)
`File Listing:
`File Size(Bytes)/
`Document DescriptionNumber Part /.zip FIle Name Message Digest
`Application Data Sheet
`01 24e
` 5
`Drawings—only black and white line
`Oath or Declaration filed
`0441 a6c5b0b87b09c30d312dc80db1£37335
`Power of Attorney
`000004 1


`Assignee showing of ownership per 37
`CFR 373
`Assignee showing of ownership per 37
`CFR 3_73
`Fee Worksheet ($806)
`This Acknowledgement Receipt evidences receipt on the noted date by the USPTO of the indicated documents,
`characterized by the applicant, and including page counts, where applicable. It serves as evidence of receipt similar to a
`Post Card, as described in MPEP 503.
`New Applications Under 35 U.S.C. 111
`Ifa new application is being filed and the application includes the necessary components for a filing date (see 37 CFR
`1.53(b)—(d) and MPEP 506), a Filing Receipt (37 CFR 1.54) will be issued in due course and the date shown on this
`Acknowledgement Receipt will establish the filing date of the application.
`National Stage of an International Application under 35 U.S.C. 371
`If a timely submission to enter the national stage of an international application is compliant with the conditions of 35
`U.S.C. 371 and other applicable requirements a Form PCT/DOIEOI903 indicating acceptance of the application as a
`national stage submission under 35 U.S.C. 371 will be issued in addition to the Filing Receipt, in due course.
`New International Application Filed with the USPTO as a Receiving Office
`If a new international application is being filed and the international application includes the necessary components for
`an international filing date (see PCT Article 11 and MPEP 1810), a Notification of the International Application Number
`and of the International Filing Date (Form PCT/ROI105) will be issued in due course, subject to prescriptions concerning
`national security, and the date shown on this Acknowledgement Receipt will establish the international filing date of
`the application.


`PTO/AIAI14 (11-15)
`Approved for use through 04/30/2017. OMB 0651-0032
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; US. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid OMB control number.
`Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76
`Application Number
`Title of Invention
`The application data sheet is part of the provisional or nonprovisional application for which it is being submitted. The following form contains the
`bibliographic data arranged in a format specified by the United States Patent and Trademark Office as outlined in 37 CFR 1.76.
`This document may be completed electronically and submitted to the Office in electronic format using the Electronic Filing System (EFS) or the
`document may be printed and included in a paper filed application.
`Secrecy Order 37 CFR 5.2:
`I:I Portions or all of the application associated with this Application Data Sheet may fall under a Secrecy Order pursuant to
`37 CFR 5.2 (Paper filers only. Applications that fall under Secrecy Order may not be filed electronically.)
`Inventor Information:
`Middle Name
`Family Name
`Residence Information (Select One)
`0 US Residency
`Non US Residency
`Active US Military Service
`_I ollegeville
`State/Province I- Country of Residencé
`Mailing Address of Inventor:
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`Address 2
`_I— statemrov-nce
`Legal Name
`I-El_ - _I-fl
`Active US Military Service
`Residence Information (Select One) © US Residency
`Non US Residency
`Mailing Address of Inventor:
`'30 N. Grange Avenue
`Address 1
`Address 2
`_I ollegeville
`Postal Code
`Country i
`Legal Name
`Non US Residency Active US Military Service
`Residence Information (Select One) © US Residency
`EFS Web 2.2.12


`PTO/AlA/14 (11-15)
`Approved for use through 04/30/2017. OMB 0651-0032
`US Patent and Trademark Office; US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid OMB control number.
`Attorney Docket Number 0096—P06343USO1 (SL—727)
`Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76
`Application Number
`Title of Invention
`Country of Residence
`Mailing Address of Inventor:
`Address 1I-23 West Berger Street
`—|_ state/Province
`Postal Code
`Country i
`Inventors Must Be Listed — Additional
`Inventor Information blocks may be
`generated within this form by selecting the Add button.
`Correspondence Information:
`Enter either Customer Number or complete the Correspondence Information section below.
`For further information see 37 CFR 1.33(a).
`D An Address is being provided for the correspondence Information of this application.
`Email Address
`I Add Email
`IRemove EmaiII
`Application Information:
`Total Number of Drawing Sheets (if any)
`Suggested Figure for Publication (if any)
`Filing By Reference:
`Only complete this section when filing an application by reference under 35 U.S.C. 1 11(c) and 37 CFR1.57(a). Do not complete this section if
`application papers including a specification and any drawings are being filed. Any domestic benefit or foreign priority information must be
`provided in the appropriate section(s) below (i.e., ”Domestic Benefit/National Stage Information" and "Foreign Priority Information").
`For the purposes of a filing date under 37 CFR 1.53(b), the description and any drawings of the present application are replaced by this
`reference to the previously filed application, subject to conditions and requirements of 37 CFR 157(3).
`Application number of the previously
`Filing date (YYYY—MM—DD)
`Intellectual Property Authority or Country
`filed application
`Publication Information:
`D Request Early Publication (Fee required at time of Request 37 CFR 1.219)
`Request Not to Publish. I hereby request that the attached application not be published under
`35 U.S.C. 122(b) and certify that the invention disclosed in the attached application has not and will not be the
`subject of an application filed in another country, or under a multilateral international agreement, that requires
`publication at eighteen months after filing.
`EFS Web 2.2.12


`PTO/AIAI14 (11-15)
`Approved for use through 04/30/2017. OMB 0651-0032
`US. Patent and Trademark Office; US. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid OMB control number.
`Attorney Docket Number
`0096—P06343USO1 (SL—727)
`Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76
`Application Number
`Title Of Invention
`Representative Information:
`Representative information should be provided for all practitioners having a power of attorney in the application. Providing
`this information in the Application Data Sheet does not constitute a power of attorney in the application (see 37 CFR 1.32).
`Either enter Customer Number or complete the Representative Name section below.
`If both sections are completed the customer
`Number will be used for the Representative Information during processing.
`Please Select One:
`0 Customer Number
`US Patent Practitioner 0 Limited Recognition (37 CFR 11.9)
`Domestic BenefitJNational Stage Information:
`This section allows for the applicant to either claim benefit under 35 U.S.C. 119(e), 120, 121, 365(c), or 386(0) or indicate
`National Stage entry from a PCT application. Providing benefit claim information in the Application Data Sheet constitutes
`the specific reference required by 35 U.S.C. 119(e) or 120, and 37 CFR 1.78.
`When referring to the current application, please leave the “Application Number” field blank.
`Application Number
`Continuity Type
`Prior Application Number
`Filing or 371(c) Date
`I 62325917
`l—l laims benefit of provisional
`Additional Domestic Benefit/National Stage Data may be generated within this form
`by selecting the Add button.
`Foreign Priority Information:
`This section allows for the applicant to claim priority to a foreign application. Providing this information in the application data sheet
`constitutes the claim for priority as required by 35 U.S.C. 119(b) and 37 CFR 1.55. When priority is claimed to a foreign application
`that is eligible for retrieval under the priority document exchange program (PDX)I the information will be used by the Office to
`automatically attempt retrieval pursuant to 37 CFR 1.55(i)(1) and (2). Under the PDX program, applicant bears the ultimate
`responsibility for ensuring that a copy of the foreign application is received by the Office from the participating foreign intellectual
`property office, or a certified copy of the foreign priority application is filed, within the time period specified in 37 CFR 1.55(g)(1).
`Application Number
`Access Codei (if applicable)
`Add button.
`Additional Foreign Priority Data may be generated within this form by selecting the
`EFS Web 2.2.12


`PTO/AIAI14 (11-15)
`Approved for use through 04/30/2017. OMB 0651-0032
`US Patent and Trademark Office; US. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid OMB control number.
`Attorney Docket Number
`Application Number
`0096—P06343USO1 (SL—727)
`Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76
`Title Of Invention
`Statement under 37 CFR 1.55 or 1.78 for AIA (First Inventor to File) Transition
` This application (1) claims priority to or the benefit of an application filed before March 16, 2013 and (2) also
`contains, or contained at any time, a claim to a claimed invention that has an effective filing date on or after March
`D 16, 2013.
`NOTE: By providing this statement under 37 CFR 1.55 or 1.78, this application, with a filing date on or after March
`16, 2013, will be examined under the first inventor to file provisions of the AIA.
`EFS Web 2.2.12


`PTO/AIAI14 (11-15)
`Approved for use through 04/30/2017. OMB 0651-0032
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a va

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