
`In Proc ISWC ‘97 (Int. Symp. on Wearable Computing), Cambridge, MA, October 13–14, 1997, pages 74–81.
` A Touring Machine: Prototyping 3D Mobile Augmented Reality Systems for
`Exploring the Urban Environment
`Steven Feiner, Blair MacIntyre, Tobias Höllerer
`Anthony Webster
`Department of Computer Science
`Columbia University
`New York, NY 10027
`Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and
`Columbia University
`New York, NY 10027
`We describe a prototype system that combines together
`the overlaid 3D graphics of augmented reality with the
`untethered freedom of mobile computing. The goal is to
`explore how these two technologies might together make
`possible wearable computer systems that can support users
`in their everyday interactions with the world. We introduce
`an application that presents information about our univer-
`sity’s campus, using a head-tracked, see-through, head-
`worn, 3D display, and an untracked, opaque, handheld, 2D
`display with stylus and trackpad. We provide an illustrated
`explanation of how our prototype is used, and describe our
`rationale behind designing its software infrastructure and
`selecting the hardware on which it runs.
`Augmented Reality, Virtual Environments,
`Mobile Computing, Wearable Computing, GPS.
`1. Introduction
`Recent years have seen significant advances in two
`promising fields of user interface research:
`virtual environ-
`, in which 3D displays and interaction devices
`immerse the user in a synthesized world, and
`mobile com-
`, in which increasingly small and inexpensive com-
`puters and wireless networking allow users to roam the real
`world without being tethered to stationary machines. We
`are interested in how virtual environments can be com-
`bined with mobile computing, with the ultimate goal of
`supporting ordinary users in their interactions with the
`To experiment with these ideas, we have been building
`the system described in this paper. The kind of virtual envi-
`ronment technology with which we have been working is
`augmented reality. Unlike most virtual environments, in
`which a virtual world
`replaces the real world, in aug-
`mented reality a virtual world
`supplements the real world
`with additional information. This concept was pioneered
`by Ivan Sutherland [27], and is accomplished through the
`use of tracked “see-through” displays that enrich the user’s
`view of the world by overlaying visual, auditory, and even
`haptic, material on what she experiences.
`The application that we are addressing is that of provid-
`ing users with information about their surroundings, creat-
`ing a personal “touring machine.” There are several themes
`that we have stressed in this work:
`Presenting information about a real environment that is
`integrated into the 3D space of that environment.
`Supporting outdoor users as they move about a rela-
`tively large space on foot.
`Combining multiple display and interaction technolo-
`gies to take advantage of their complementary capabili-
`Our prototype assists users who are interested in our
`university’s campus, overlaying information about items of
`interest in their vicinity. As a user moves about, she is
`tracked through a combination of satellite-based, differen-
`tial GPS (Global Positioning System) position tracking and
`magnetometer/inclinometer orientation tracking. Informa-
`tion is presented and manipulated on a combination of a
`head-tracked, see-through, headworn, 3D display, and an
`untracked, opaque, handheld, 2D display with stylus and
`Our emphasis in this project has been on developing
`experimental user interface software, not on designing
`hardware. Therefore, we have used commercially available
`hardware throughout. As we describe later, this has neces-
`sitated a number of compromises, especially in the accu-
`racy with which the user’s 3D position and orientation is
`tracked. These have in turn affected the design of our user
`interface, which relies on approaches that require only
`approximate, rather than precise, registration of virtual and
`real objects.
`In Section 2 we present related work. Section 3
`describes a scenario in our application domain, including
`pictures generated by a running testbed implementation. In
`Section 4, we describe both our high-level approach in
`designing our system and the specific hardware and soft-
`ware used. Finally, Section 5 presents our conclusions and
`Copyright 1997 IEEE. Published in the Proceedings of ISWC'97, October 13-14, 1997 in Cambridge, MA, USA. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission
`to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any
`copyrighted component of this work in other works, must be obtained from the IEEE. Contact: Manager, Copyrights and Permissions / IEEE Service Center / 445 Hoes Lane
`/ P.O. Box 1331 / Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, USA. Telephone: + Intl. 908-562-3966.
`Garmin, et al. EX1026 Page 1


`the directions that we will be taking as we continue to
`develop the system.
`2. Related Work
`Previous research in augmented reality has addressed a
`variety of application areas including aircraft cockpit con-
`trol [12], assistance in surgery [26], viewing hidden build-
`ing infrastructure [10], maintenance and repair [9], and
`parts assembly [5, 29]. In contrast to these systems, which
`use see-through headworn displays, Rekimoto [23] has
`used handheld displays to overlay information on color-
`coded objects. Much effort has also been directed towards
`developing techniques for precise tracking using tethered
`trackers (e.g., [16, 2, 28, 25]).
`Work in mobile user interfaces has included several
`projects that allow users to explore large spaces. Loomis
`and his colleagues have developed an application that
`makes it possible for blind users to navigate a university
`campus by tracking their position with differential GPS
`and orientation with a magnetometer to present spatialized
`sonic location cues [18]. Petrie et al. have field-tested a
`GPS-based navigation aid for blind users that uses a speech
`synthesizer to describe city routes [22]. The CMU Wear-
`able Computer Project has developed several generations
`of mobile user interfaces using a single handheld or
`untracked headworn display with GPS, including a campus
`tour [24]. Long et al. have explored the use of infrared
`tracking in conjunction with handheld displays [17]. Mann
`[20] has developed a family of wearable systems with
`headworn displays, the most recent of which uses optical
`flow to overlay textual information on automatically recog-
`nized objects.
`Our work emphasizes the combination of these two
`streams of research: augmented reality and mobile user
`interfaces. We describe a prototype application that uses
`tracked see-through displays and 3D graphics without
`assuming precise registration, and explore how a combina-
`tion of displays and interaction devices can be used
`together to take advantage of their individual strengths.
`Prior to the development of VRML, several researchers
`experimented with integrating hypertext and virtual envi-
`ronments [7, 8, 1]. All investigated the advantages of pre-
`senting hypertext on the same 3D display as all other
`material, be it headworn or desktop. In contrast, our current
`work exploits the different capabilities of our displays by
`presenting hypertext documents on the relatively high-res-
`olution 2D handheld display, which is itself embedded
`within the 3D space viewed through the lower-resolution
`headworn display.
`Figure 1. Prototype campus information system. The
`user wears a backpack and headworn display, and
`holds a handheld display and its stylus.
`3. Application Scenario
`Consider the following scenario, whose figures were
`created using our system. The user is standing in the mid-
`dle of our campus, wearing our prototype system, as shown
`in Figure 1
`His tracked see-through headworn display is
`driven by a computer contained in his backpack. He is
`holding a handheld computer and stylus.
`As the user looks around the campus, his see-through
`headworn display overlays textual labels on campus build-
`ings, as shown in Figures 2 and 3. (These image were shot
`through the headworn display, as described in Section 4.3,
`and are somewhat difficult to read because of the low
`brightness of the display and limitations of the recording
`technology.) Because we label buildings, and not specific
`building features, the relative inaccuracy of the trackers we
`are using is not a significant problem for this application.
`At the top of the display is a menu of choices: “Colum-
`bia:”, “Where am I?”, “Depts?”, and “Buildings?”. When
`selected, each of these choices sends a URL to a web
`browser running on the handheld computer. The browser
`then presents information about the campus, the user’s cur-
`rent location, a list of departments, and a list of buildings,
`respectively. The URL points to a custom HTTP server on
`the handheld computer that generates a page on the fly con-
`taining the relevant information. The generated pages con-
`tain links back to the server itself and to regular web pages
`Garmin, et al. EX1026 Page 2


`Figure 2. View shot through the see-through head-
`worn display, showing campus buildings with over-
`laid names. Labels increase in brightness as they
`near the center of the display.
`elsewhere. (An additional menu item, “Blank”, allows the
`headworn display to be blanked when the user wants to
`view the unaugmented campus.) Menu entries are selected
`using a touchpad mounted on the back of the handheld
` coordinates are inverted to pre-
`computer. The touchpad’s
`serve intuitive control of the menus.
`Labels seen through the headworn display are grey,
`increasing in intensity as they approach the center of the
`display. The one label closest to the center is highlighted
`yellow. If it remains highlighted for more than a second, it
`changes to green, indicating that it has been selected, and a
`second menu bar is added below the first, containing
`entries for that building. A selected building remains
`selected until the user’s head orientation dwells on another
`building for more than a second as indicated by the color
`change. This approximation of gaze-directed selection can
`be disabled or enabled through a menu item.
`When a building is selected, a conical green compass
`pointer appears at the bottom of the headworn display, ori-
`ented in the building’s direction. The pointer turns red if
`the building is more than 90 degrees away from the user’s
`head orientation. This allows the user to find the building
`more easily if they turn away from it. The pointer is espe-
`cially useful for finding buildings selected from the hand-
`held computer. This is made possible by our custom HTTP
`server, which can tell the backpack computer to select a
`building on the headworn display.
`The building’s menu bar contains the name of the build-
`ing, plus additional items: “Architecture”, “Departments”,
`and “Miscellaneous”. Selecting the name of the building
`from the menu using the trackpad sends a relevant URL to
`the handheld computer’s browser. Selecting any of the
`remaining menu entries also sends a URL to the browser
`and creates a collection of items that are positioned near
`the building on the headworn display.
`Figure 3. A view of the Philosophy Building with the
`“Departments” menu item highlighted.
`To call the user’s attention to the new material on the
`handheld computer, when menu items that send URLs are
`selected, a copy of the menu item is translated down to and
`off the bottom of the headworn display. For example,
`Figure 3 shows the Philosophy Building with the “Depart-
`ments” menu item highlighted prior to selection. When the
`item is selected, the building is surrounded with the names
`of the departments that it contains, as shown in Figure 4.
`The automatically-generated web page displayed on the
`handheld is shown in Figure 5(a).
`There are two ways to access information about the
`selected building. On the headworn display, the user can
`cycle through the surrounding items with the trackpad and
`select any to present relevant information about it on the
`handheld display. Alternatively, the user can select a corre-
`sponding item from the automatically-generated web page.
`For example, Figure 5(b) shows the regular web page for
`one of the departments in the Philosophy Building,
`accessed through the system. The lists of buildings and
`departments produced by the top-level menu items on the
`headworn display can also be used to access this informa-
`tion; e.g., to find out about a building or department whose
`name is known.
`4. System Design
`While we wanted our system to be as lightweight and
`comfortable as possible, we also decided to use only off-
`the-shelf hardware to avoid the expense, effort, and time
`involved in building our own. Consequently we often set-
`tled for items that were far bulkier than we would like them
`to be, in return for the increased flexibility that they
`offered. The combined weight of the system is just under
`40 pounds.
`Garmin, et al. EX1026 Page 3


`Figure 4. After the “Departments” menu item is
`selected, the department list for the Philosophy
`Building is added to the world, arrayed about the
`building. The three figures show the label animation
`sequence: (a) a fraction of a second after selection,
`(b) approximately half a second later, and (c) after
`the animation has finished.
`Figure 5. (a) Selecting the “Departments” menu item
`causes an automatically-generated URL to be sent
`to the web browser on the handheld computer, con-
`taining the department list for the Philosophy Build-
`ing. (b) Actual home page for the English and
`Comparative Literature department, as selected
`from either the generated browser page or the
`department list of Figure 4.
`The following subsections describe some of the hard-
`ware and software choices that we made in designing our
`system, whose hardware design is diagrammed in Figure 6.
`4.1. Hardware
`Backpack computer. It was important to us that our main
`computer not only be portable, but also capable of working
`with readily available peripherals, including high-perfor-
`mance 3D graphics cards. We chose a Fieldworks 7600,
`which includes a 133MHz Pentium, 64Mbyte memory,
`512K cache, 2GB disk, and a card cage that can hold 3 ISA
`and 3 PCI cards. While this system is our biggest compro-
`mise in terms of weight and size, it has significantly simpli-
`fied our development effort.
`Garmin, et al. EX1026 Page 4


`many applications, we feel that augmented reality systems
`will become commonplace only when they truly add to
`reality, rather than subtract from it. In our work we have
`selected the relatively lightweight Virtual I/O
`head-worn display. This is a 60,000 triad color display. We
`are also experimenting with a Virtual I/O 640x480 resolu-
`tion greyscale display.
`Orientation tracker. We use the built-in tracking pro-
`vided with our headworn display. This includes a magne-
`tometer, which senses the earth’s magnetic field to
`determine head yaw, and a two-axis inclinometer that uses
`gravity to detect head pitch and roll.
`Position tracking. We use a Trimble DSM GPS receiver
`to obtain position information for its antenna, which is
`located on the backpack above the user’s head. While nor-
`mal GPS generates readings that are accurate only within
`about 100 meters, it can be routinely coupled with correc-
`tion information broadcast from a another receiver at a
`known location that contains information about how far it
`is off. We subscribe to a differential correction service pro-
`vided by Differential Corrections Inc., which allows us to
`achieve about one-meter accuracy.
`. To provide communication with the rest of our
`infrastructure we use NCR WaveLan spread-spectrum
`2Mbit/sec radio modems in both the backpack and hand-
`held PCs, which operate with a network of base stations on
`Power. With the exception of the computers, each of the
`other hardware components has relatively modest power
`requirements of under 10 watts each. We run them all using
`an NRG Power-MAX NiCad rechargeable battery belt. It
`has the added advantage of allowing a fully charged
`replacement powerpack to be plugged in prior to unplug-
`ging the depleted powerpack, without interrupting power.
`4.2. Software
`Infrastructure. We use COTERIE [19], a system that
`provides language-level support for distributed virtual
`environments. COTERIE is based on the distributed data-
`object paradigm for distributed shared memory. Any data
`object in COTERIE can be declared to be a shared object
`that either exists in one process, and is accessed via
`remote-method invocation, or is replicated fully in any pro-
`cess that is interested in it. The replicated shared objects
`support asynchronous data propagation with atomic serial-
`izable updates, and asynchronous notification of updates.
`COTERIE runs on Windows NT/95, Solaris, and IRIX, and
`includes the standard services needed for building virtual
`environment applications, including support for assorted
`trackers, etc. This software is built on top of Modula-3 [14]
`and Obliq [4].
`Graphics package. We use a version of Obliq-3D [21], a
`display-list based 3D graphics package, which we have
`modified both to provide additional features needed for vir-
`headworn display
`& orientation tracker
`Headworn display
`3D graphics
`Backpack PC
`Differential GPS
`FM receiver
`Handheld PC
`orientation tracker
`Power belt
`Figure 6. Hardware design of our prototype cam-
`pus information system.
`Graphics card. We use an Omnicomp 3Demon card,
`which is based on the Glint 500DTX chipset, including
`hardware support for 3D transformations and rendering
`using OpenGL
`Handheld computer. Our handheld computer is a Mit-
`subishi Amity, which has a 75MHz DX4, 640x480 color
`display, 340MB disk, 16MB main memory, PCMCIA slot,
`and integral stylus. Control of the headworn display menu
`is accomplished through a Cirque GlidePoint trackpad that
`we mounted on the back of the handheld computer. (We
`originally considered having the handheld computer stylus
`control the headworn display’s menu when it was within a
`designated physical area of the handheld computer’s dis-
`play. We decided against this, however, because it would be
`difficult to remain in that area when the user was not look-
`ing at the handheld display.)
`Headworn display. Video see-through displays currently
`provide a number of advantages over optical see-through
`displays, particularly with regard to registration and proper
`occlusion effects [26]. However, video-based systems
`restrict the resolution of the real world to that of the virtual
`world. While we believe that this is a good trade-off in
`Garmin, et al. EX1026 Page 5


`Tour data
`Tour application
`object communications
`external URLs
`HTTP server
`Web browser
`Figure 7. Software design of our prototype campus
`information system.
`tual environment applications and to achieve better perfor-
`Operating systems. We run Windows NT on the Field-
`works to benefit from its support for multitasking and
`assorted commercial peripherals. We run Windows 95 on
`the Amity because it does not support Windows NT.
`Networking. We rely on an experimental network of
`spread-spectrum radio base stations positioned around
`Columbia’s campus [15]. This allows us to access the sur-
`rounding network infrastructure, avoiding the need to pre-
`load the web material that will be presented to the user, and
`permitting the user the freedom to explore.
`Web browser. Information on the handheld computer is
`currently presented entirely through a web browser. We
`selected Netscape because of its popularity within our uni-
`versity and the ease with which we can control it from
`another application. To obtain increased performance, we
`constructed a proxy server that caches pages locally across
`invocations. This has also been helpful during radio net-
`work downtime and for operation in areas without network
`Application software. The prototype comprises two
`applications, one running on each machine, implemented
`in approximately 3600 lines of commented Obliq code.
`Figure 7 shows the overall software structure.
`tour application running on the backpack PC is
`responsible for generating the graphics and presenting it on
`the headworn display. The application running on the hand-
`held PC is a custom
`HTTP server in charge of generating
`web pages on the fly and also accessing and caching exter-
`nal web pages by means of a proxy component.
`One of the main reasons that we run our own HTTP
`server on the handheld display is that it gives us the oppor-
`tunity to freely react to user input from the web browser.
`For example, when a URL is selected on the handheld dis-
`play, the HTTP server can call a network object method
`that selects corresponding graphical items on the headworn
`display. Thus data selection works in both directions: from
`the backpack PC to the handheld PC (by launching relevant
`URLs from the headworn display’s menus) and vice versa
`(selecting buildings, departments, etc. on the headworn dis-
`play from a link on the handheld’s browser).
`As shown in Figure 7, the HTTP server has two compo-
`nents: the
`campus information server, responsible for the
`dynamic generation of HTML pages, and a caching
`server. The purpose of the proxy server is to cache the data
`returned by external HTTP requests to mitigate the slow-
`ness of the radio network link. In addition, commonly
`accessed pages, such as department home pages and build-
`ing descriptions, can be pre-cached without relying on the
`browser’s own caching mechanisms.
`The HTTP server is initialized by the tour application
`running on the backpack PC. Each piece of information
`(buildings, departments, their whereabouts, and assorted
`URLs) in the
`on the backpack PC is sent to the
`tour data
`handheld PC’s HTTP server with an accompanying proce-
`dure closure. The closure executes a procedure on the
`backpack PC when the corresponding link is selected on
`the web browser. This makes it possible for the handheld
`display to control the headworn display, as described in
`Section 3.
` on the handheld PC is a totally sepa-
`web browser
`rate process. It can be pointed at URLs from within the
`campus information server, which we currently accomplish
`by forking off a separate
`URL pusher process. The web
`browser then issues a request back to the HTTP server to
`obtain either a locally generated, cached external, or
`uncached external HTML document.
`The tour application continuously receives input from
`the GPS position tracker and the orientation tracker. It also
`takes user input from the trackpad that is physically
`attached to the back of the handheld PC. Based on this
`input and a database of information about campus build-
`ings, it generates the graphics that are overlaid on the real
`world by the headworn display.
`Garmin, et al. EX1026 Page 6


`outdoors position tracking can be addressed through real-
`time kinematic GPS systems, which can achieve centime-
`ter-level accuracy. These are largely temporary solutions,
`given the inherent problems of electromagnetic and incli-
`nometer-based approaches, and the line-of-sight restric-
`tions of GPS mentioned below. However, we believe that
`camera-based approaches [28, 20] are a promising way to
`address the problem.
`Loss of tracking. While GPS doesn’t present any practi-
`cal range restrictions for our work, it does not work if an
`insufficient number of satellites are directly visible. GPS
`satellite signals are weak and are blocked by intervening
`buildings and even foliage. While our system works on a
`large portion of our campus, there are far too many areas in
`which it does not, including outdoor sites shaded by trees
`and nearby buildings, and most indoor sites.
`Currently, we indicate loss of tracking, but do not
`attempt to compensate for it. For example, we could point
`the user back to where they were last tracked, based on
`their orientation. Since tracked sites can be predicted based
`on satellite ephemeris information broadcast to the GPS
`receiver, combined with known campus topology, we could
`also direct the user toward other reliably tracked sites
`either on the headworn display or on the 2D absolute space
`of a map viewed on the handheld computer. GPS can also
`be used with inertial systems that temporarily extrapolate
`position when tracking is lost. Eventually GPS techniques
`may be used with spread-spectrum radio transmitters to
`support precise tracking in large indoor spaces [3].
`We are working on several extensions to our work:
`Overlaying virtual objects on the real world can poten-
`tially create a good deal of confusion if they interfere with
`the user’s view of the real world and of each other. For
`example, even the relatively sparse overlaid graphics of
`Figures 2–4 evidence problems caused by self-occlusion.
`We are currently incorporating the Snap-Together Math
`constraint-based toolkit [13] into our system to explore
`how automated satisfaction of geometric constraints
`among objects could help maintain display layout quality
`as the user moves about.
`We are extending our application domain to include 3D
`models of underground campus infrastructure, in the spirit
`of our earlier indoor work on using augmented reality to
`present hidden architectural infrastructure [10]. In another
`direction, we are beginning to work with our colleagues in
`the Graduate School of Journalism to explore the potential
`for presenting additional multimedia information in the
`spatial context of the campus.
`6. Acknowledgments
`We would like to thank Xinshi Sha for assistance in
`developing COTERIE, and Ruigang Yang for Windows 95
`utilities. Christina Vernon and Alex Klevitsky helped create
`the campus databases. Sean Eno, Damijan Saccio and Scott
`Figure 8. The dummy head used to capture images
`through our headworn display. A camera in the right
`eye socket captures what a user wearing the display
`would see.
`4.3. Figures
`Figures 2–4 were created using a dummy head whose
`right eyesocket contains a Toshiba IK-M41A 410,000 pixel
`miniature color CCD camera, shown in Figure 8. The Vir-
`tual I/O display was worn on the head, which was carried
`by one of the experimenters. The video was recorded in Hi-
`8 format, which was later framegrabbed to create the
`5. Conclusions and Future Work
`We have described a prototype mobile, augmented-real-
`ity application that explores approaches to outdoor naviga-
`tion and information-seeking on our campus. Thus far, our
`project has been used only experimentally by the authors as
`a research prototype with which to explore issues in soft-
`ware design for future user interfaces.. Although we feel
`that it provides a good testbed environment, there are many
`technical issues that will need to be addressed for commer-
`cial versions of such systems to become practical:
`. The low brightness of the headworn
`Quality of displays
`display’s LCD necessitates the use of neutral density fil-
`ters. Low brightness of the handheld display makes reading
`outside difficult in sunlight. Headworn display resolution is
`currently quite low, with color VGA resolution systems
`only beginning to become affordable.
`Quality of tracking. Although we believe that approxi-
`mate tracking can be extremely useful, there are many
`applications that require precise tracking. We are in the
`process of replacing the magnetometer/inclinometer con-
`tained in the headworn display with a higher-quality unit,
`and are considering obtaining a gyroscopic system for
`hybrid tracking. We will also be exploring 3D tracking of
`the handheld computer [11] and the user’s stylus. Better
`Garmin, et al. EX1026 Page 7


`Sindorf developed VRML building models that we are
`incorporating. Jim Foley of MERL, a Mitsubishi Electric
`Research Laboratory, generously provided a Mitsubishi
`Amity and Reuven Koblock of Mitsubishi Electric ITA
`Horizon Systems Laboratory assisted us with the Amity;
`Jim Spohrer of Apple generously provided us with several
`Apple Newton handhelds, currently being integrated into
`the project, and Steve Weyer provided software advice. The
`folks at Digital Equipment Corporation’s System Research
`Center and at Critical Mass, Inc., helped during develop-
`ment of our infrastructure, especially Marc Najork and Bill
`This work was supported in part by the Office of Naval
`Research under Contracts N00014-94-1-0564 and N00014-
`97-1-0838, the Columbia Center for Telecommunications
`Research under NSF Grant ECD-88-11111, a Columbia
`University Provost’s Strategic Initiative Fund Award, and a
`gift from Microsoft.
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