`(12) United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 9,070,098 B2
`Jun. 30, 2015
`(76) Inventor: Tyler J. Miller, Seattle, WA (US)
`(*) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 60 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 13/441,648
`22) Filed:
`Apr. 6, 2012
`pr. O,
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2012/0317174 A1
`Dec. 13, 2012
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(60) pyinal application No. 61/472,556, filed on Apr.
`(51) Int. Cl.
`G06F 15/16
`G06F 7700
`G06O 10/06
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`CPC ...................................... Gogo 1006 (2013.01)
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`705/7.14: 709/206
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`7,136,865 B1 * 1 1/2006 Ra et al. ................................ 1.1
`7.346,541 B1* 3/2008 Cuttler et al. ..
`7,934,098 B1 * 4/2011 Hahn et al. .....
`T13, 176
`2003: R : 3. A. . . . .
`. 1.
`andella et al. ................
`2005/01 19875 A1
`6/2005 Shaefer et al. .................... 7O4/7
`2006, OO18520 A1* 1 2006 Holloran .....
`2008/0021759 A1* 1/2008 Wasley ............................. 705/9
`2010/0287368 A1* 11/2010 Shuster et al. .....
`2010/0332405 A1* 12/2010 Williams .......
`2012/0089528 A1* 4/2012 Parikh et al. .................. 705/321
`* cited by examiner
`Primary Examiner — Emmanuel L. Moise
`Assistant Examiner — Mahran Abu Roumi
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Rylander & Assoc., PC;
`Philip R. M. Hunt
`A web based software system generally designed for process
`ing pre-employment background investigations is described.
`The Software system allows an organization the ability to
`create and customize electronic documents to be sent to their
`applicants to complete via the web based software system,
`and returned in the same fashion. The Subject matter turns
`much of a common pre-employment background investiga
`tion electronic, so that fewer hardcopy documents are neces:
`sary, thus creating more efficient management of individual
`background investigations.
`14 Claims, 59 Drawing Sheets
`Guardian Alliance Technologies, Inc. v. Miller


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`Fig. 9
`Fig; Q


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`Fig 30
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`US 9,070,098 B2
`Fig. 63
`333 33


`US 9,070,098 B2
`This application claims priority to and the benefit of pre
`viously filed provisional Patent Application No. 61/472,556,
`entitled Background Investigation Web Services, filed on Apr.
`6, 2011, which is hereby incorporated by reference for all
`The Subject matter generally relates to a system to facilitate
`the process of performing background investigations on a
`plurality of applicants.
`In many areas, but particularly in the area of law-enforce
`ment pre-employment background investigations, investiga
`tors report they spend, on average, 40 hours per applicant
`investigation. During this process, the applicant typically
`completes a paper packet comprised of questions pertaining
`to the applicant’s life history, including information on crimi
`nal activity, financial history, drug history, listing relatives
`and personal references, employment history, and many other
`in-depth personal questions. The applicant typically Submits
`this packet to the background investigator along with waivers
`and permissions (Agreements and Advisements) to conduct a
`background investigation. The investigator typically uses
`resources available to him or her to confirm the information
`the applicant provided in the various documents, to include,
`contacting past employers, Supervisors, neighbors, relatives,
`references, landlords, etc., which makes up the bulk of the
`investigator's 40 hours per applicant of spent time.
`What has eluded the industry is an automated system to
`help a background investigator more efficiently and effec
`tively conduct a background investigation.
`FIG.10 is a screen display of an account editing function of
`the system wherein account-specific information for an
`account on the system may be edited.
`FIG. 11 is a screen display of a page where accounts
`entered on the system can be viewed, along with their asso
`ciated account information.
`FIG. 12 is a screen display of a “dashboard of an admin
`istrative user, wherein information about entered accounts
`and information requests is displayed.
`FIG. 13 is a screen display of a page where an applicant can
`upload and manage documents in their account Applicant
`FIG. 14 is a screen display of a fill-able questionnaire/form
`where an applicant types in responses to questions.
`FIG. 15 is a screen display of a page where questionnaire
`documents selected for an applicant appear for the applicant
`to open and complete.
`FIG. 16 is a screen display of a document (Agreement &
`Advisement'), showing different methods in which an appli
`cant acknowledges the document.
`FIG. 17 is a screen display of part of a document (Agree
`ment & Advisement'), showing the agency user's contact
`info who has been assigned to the applicant and the docu
`ments title.
`FIG. 18 is a screen display of a registration email sent to an
`applicant inviting them to click on a link to enter the system
`for the first time.
`FIG. 19 is a screen display of an account editing function
`within the system wherein the user can edit their account
`FIG. 20 is a screen display of an inbox feature showing a
`user their messages and alerts received related to applicants
`assigned, or messages received with edit functionality.
`FIG.21 is a screen display of “By Position’ data the system
`may generate based on other data and use within an account.
`FIG. 22 is a screen display of “General data the system
`may generate based on other data and use within an account.
`FIG. 23 is a screen display that shows a record of “shared
`information and related information such as SSN, Viewable
`dates, Recipient, and other a link to additional details.
`FIG. 24 is a screen display showing a page to generate
`template letters with HTML and other codes that the agency
`uses to send to applicants.
`FIG. 25 is a screen display showing a page where docu
`ments can be associated with a certain type of reference.
`FIG. 26 is a screen display showing different reference
`types the system Supports.
`FIG. 27 is a screen display showing a page where ques
`tionnaires and forms can be built or edited for use with appli
`FIG. 28 is a screen display showing the initial properties
`setup of a new questionnaire/form.
`FIG. 29 are two screen displays showing and edit mode of
`a questionnaire/form and a preview mode of the same ques
`FIG. 30 is a screen display showing a page for building
`questionnaires using drag and drop functionality.
`FIG. 31 is a screen display of questionnaires in an account
`with certain functionality associated to them Such as edit,
`preview and delete.
`FIG. 32 is another screen display of a document in edit
`mode where an agency can write certain content and select
`how the applicant acknowledges it.
`FIG.33 is a screen display of a page where different types
`of documents can be managed from with a display of their
`title, status and preview option.
`The subject matter of this patent will become more readily
`appreciated and better understood by reference to the follow
`ing detailed description, when taken in conjunction with the
`accompanying drawings, wherein:
`FIG. 1 is a functional block diagram generally illustrating
`core components of a background investigation management
`system in accordance with one illustrative embodiment of the
`FIG. 2 is a screen display of an account information page.
`FIG. 3 is a screen display of a page on which content for a
`reference type is managed.
`FIG. 4 is a screen display showing different reference types
`that can be selected to manage associated content.
`FIG. 5 is a screen display of an edit mode in building/
`editing questionnaires/forms within the system.
`FIG. 6 is a screen display of a page that lists different
`questionnaires/forms, who they are available for, and what
`position the questionnaire/form is presently assigned to.
`FIG. 7 is a screen display of a currently logged in user's My
`Account page where their account information can be edited.
`FIG. 8 is a screen display of the edit mode of a form within
`the Agreements & Advisements section of the system, and
`certain properties that can be selected for it.
`FIG. 9 is a screen display of a page showing documents
`under Agreements & Advisements, and their status.


`US 9,070,098 B2
`FIG. 34 is a screen display of a page for adding a new
`agency user into an agency’s account on the system.
`FIG. 35 is a screen display of a page to allow entering
`applicants into the account on the system.
`FIG. 36 is a screen display of a page to assign applicant
`entries into different categories such as Pending Assignment,
`Assigned, Suspended and Completed.
`FIG. 37 is a screen display of a page to show important
`account and system information.
`FIG.38 is a screen display of a page to display and manage
`certain documents and related functions intended to be sent to
`and used by applicants.
`FIG. 39 is a screen display of a page for assigning ques
`tionnaires to a position.
`FIG. 40 is a screen display of a page to allow management
`of documents and task checklists for a position within an
`FIG. 41 is a screen display of a page for assigning docu
`ments/Agreements and Advisements to one or more posi
`FIG. 42 is a screen display of a page to allow the creation
`and edit of a task checklist related to a position within an
`FIG. 43 is a screen display of the system's functionality to
`allow the creation and management of saved/letter templates
`which can be used by any agency user of the system after
`FIG. 44 is a screen display of the system's functionality to
`allow a user to select information from an applicant’s profile
`to be viewable to an invited external individual.
`FIG. 45 is a screen display of the system's functionality to
`establish who can view information from a certain applicants
`profile, along with authorization code and link expiration
`time frame.
`FIG. 46 is a screen display of the system's functionality to
`reproduce detailed information on previous detail of shared
`FIG. 47 is a screen display of the system's functionality to
`produce basic information on previous, certain detail of
`shared information
`FIG. 48 is a screen display of the system's functionality to
`send a link and other content via email notifying a third party
`of their invitation to view information they had requested
`about an applicant.
`FIG. 49 is a screen display of the system's functionality to
`display selected information to the recipient who has given
`access to such information by the sending agency.
`FIGS. 50-61 are screen displays of additional components
`implementing embodiments of the Software system.
`FIG. 62 is a block diagram illustrating an example com
`puting device that may be used to implement one or more
`components of the illustrative Software system, in accordance
`with the present disclosure
`FIG. 63 is an operational flow diagram generally illustrat
`ing a process that may be implemented by various embodi
`ments of the background investigation management system.
`Various embodiments of the subject matter provide an
`automated System for organizing, managing, and reporting on
`pre-employment background investigations. Generally
`stated, the subject matter is directed to a web based software
`system for managing the process of performing pre-employ
`ment background investigations. Although described here as
`web based, other embodiments may be implemented that are
`not web based.
`Referring now to FIG. 1, a software system 100 allows an
`organization 102 the ability to create and customize elec
`tronic documents 104 to be sent to applicants to complete via
`the software system 100, and returned to the software system
`100 in similar fashion. The software system 100 includes a
`document creation component 114 and a document manage
`ment component 116. The system 100 automates the majority
`of the tasks of a common pre-employment background inves
`tigation so that fewer hardcopy documents are necessary, thus
`creating more efficient management of individual back
`ground investigations. One feature among many is the elec
`tronic sharing of applicant information 124 between organi
`zations (e.g., Org A 102 and Org B 111) so the software
`system 100 may alert an organizational user (Org A 102) that
`an applicant 120 has already been entered into the system by
`another organizational user (Org B111) of the software sys
`tem 100. For example, among other types of information
`shared, organizations can be alerted if an applicant 120 was
`previously entered into the software system 100 by other
`organizations that use the software system 100. In that way,
`the second organization would have access to applicant infor
`mation 125 about the applicant 120 that had been previously
`compiled, thus avoiding duplication of effort.
`The software system 100 not only allows organizations to
`create 114 and manage 116 documents 104 used for back
`ground investigations, but included in this subject matter, the
`system 100 also automatically processes information entered
`in the documents to save organizations time and allow quicker
`turnaround of the background investigation.
`The Subject matter is anticipated to save organizations time
`and other costly resources. Organizations are given tools and
`resources that previously were not available to them without
`this software system.
`Generally stated, the technical functions and features of the
`described system are initiated when a remote terminal com
`municates with a central computer (server) via the Internet or
`other network, such as an internal network, communicate
`with one another using the software system. A verified and
`authenticated connection is made between the central com
`puter and the remote computer once the individual user's
`credentials are entered into login field(s) and then validated
`by the central computer, via the software system 100.
`Organizational user accounts are created when a main mas
`ter admin account (Personnel) user creates an admin account
`for a specific user group (customer's user group). The admin
`account for the user group is created when the Main Master
`Admin (Personnel) Account logs in and connects to the cen
`tral computer via the remote computer and enters an email
`address and the customers information. The user group
`admin account can add, edit, or delete (manage) other users
`within that user group. Once the connection is made, the
`connection is valid and features below will function provided
`the connection is maintained. If a pre-set amount of time
`passes without any activity on the remote terminal end, the
`application will terminate (session time out) the connection
`of the two computers and the user re-login. The software
`system 100 offers operative functionality to remote terminals
`(users) after Successful connection to the central computer.
`This functionality is available when the remote terminal
`makes an authenticated connection with the central computer
`(sever) via a network 101, such as the Internet.
`Specific functionality of one illustrative embodiment of the
`system will now be described with reference to several exem
`plary components which may be incorporated into one or
`more exemplary embodiments. Each of the following com
`ponents and features may be implemented using Software
`methods and processes executing on one or more computing


`US 9,070,098 B2
`systems, such as the illustrative computing system shown in
`FIG. 50 and described below. These exemplary components
`are not presented as being an exhaustive list, as the system
`100 may implement other components in addition to these.
`Still further, certain of the following components may be
`omitted from the larger system without deviating in any mate
`rial way from the scope and teachings of the core system 100.
`Applicant Electronic Signature:
`(FIGS. 32, 33, 16, 17, 9, 38, 41) Upon the applicant’s
`registration process (first login), the Software system prompts
`the applicant to adopt an electronic signature. This is one of
`the first Agreements and Advisements (see the following
`“Agreements & Advisements' section) the applicant reviews
`and acknowledges during their first Software session. The
`Software system auto generates an electronic signature and
`displays it to the applicant. The applicant can agree to use the
`system suggested electronic signature, or not agree to the
`Agreement and Advisements:
`(FIGS. 3, 9, 8, 16, 17, 25, 32, 33, 38, 40, 41,44) Organi
`Zation users can establish documents they wish an applicant
`to review and acknowledge the first time they log into the
`Software. An applicant is sent an email with an invitation type
`message to let them know they have been selected to take part
`in a background investigation. They click on a link exclusive
`for them which take them into the software system. The first
`screen they see is a place to establish a private password and
`When the applicant proceeds, they are routed to the first
`documents (Agreement or Advisement) the organization has
`selected for them to review. The content of the Agreements
`and Advisements documents can be anything the organiza
`tion has imputed. The organization also chooses how they
`would like the applicant to acknowledge (certify/sign) the
`document. This can include the electronic signature the appli
`cant has agreed to use, Social security number (or any part of
`it), or initials. When certification fields that are required by
`the organization have been completed by the applicant for
`that specific document, the applicant can click a Proceed
`button which takes the applicant to the next Agreement and
`Advisement document (if one exists). An Agreement or
`Advisement document can also be set to “Hardcopy Submit
`by the organization. This will causea Print button to appear at
`the bottom of the page in addition to the Proceed button. If
`Hardcopy Submit is activated for that particular Agreement or
`Advisement document, the applicant will not see any way to
`certify the document online, and he or she print the document
`and follow instructions the organization has included in the
`body of the document.
`Organization users control the different properties of the
`Agreements and Advisement documents by accessing their
`user dashboard, clicking on an Agreement and Advisements
`folder, and then selecting on the individual document they
`would like to edit.
`Form/Questionnaire Builder:
`(FIGS. 28, 29, 31, 27, 30, 5) The software system includes
`a form builder. This feature allows users at an organization to
`build questionnaires (forms) with questions and choose vari
`ous styles of answers an applicant can give in response to a
`question. Text boxes for applicant responses can be set to
`expand as the applicant types. If an applicant answers a cer
`tain way (in example, the applicant answers “yes” to a yes or
`no question), the form builder can be set to ask additional Sub
`questions based on the applicant's response. This eliminates
`the need for the applicant to see multiple questions that may
`not apply to the applicant's situation due to the applicants
`previous response. Questions on any existing questionnaire
`can easily be edited or deleted at any time, even after the
`questionnaire is saved. There is no limit on the number of
`questionnaires that can be built. Questions can be pro
`grammed so that a certain response to a question creates a
`“flag to draw the any reviewers attention to that particular
`question. The Software system also features a drag and drop
`feature that allows the users to arrange questionnaires as they
`would like to see them. How they are arranged is also the
`order they are presented to the applicant.
`(FIG. 37) Each user of the software system is routed to a
`user dashboard once their login credentials are authenticated
`with the central computer (sever). In this embodiment, there
`are 6 types of dashboards: Admin dashboard, Agency Admin
`dashboard, Agency User dashboard, Applicant dashboard,
`Image Processor dashboard, and Administrative Agency
`dashboard. The system knows what dashboard to give a new
`user based on their account type, which is selected when the
`user if first entered into the software system. Each dashboard
`is programmed to display information specific to the type of
`user's needs and the job they are tasked with completing. On
`the dashboard page (and every other page) there is a menu bar
`at top where different pages of the software system can be
`accessed. The dashboard has a number view of applicants and
`their current status, an inbox with a number of most recent
`alerts and messages, a calendar display with upcoming
`appointments and controls for appointments, a Summary of
`sharing activity, contact information for help, alert settings,
`and the agency's image and license information. From the
`dashboard, the user can access even more in-depth informa
`tion, such as alerts and images, by clicking on the inbox link,
`which will route the user to main inbox

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