`PC SD RAM Serial Presence Detect (SPD) Specification
`PC SDRAM Serial Presence Detect (SPD)
`November, 1999
`Revision 1.28
`Polaris Innovations LTD Exhibit 2004
`Kingston v. Polaris, IPR2016-01622
`Page 2004-1


`PC SDRAM Serial Presence Detect (SPDJ Specification
`SAMPLE. Intel disclaims au liability, including liability for infringement of any proprietary
`rights, relating to use of information in this specification. No license, express or implied,
`by estoppal or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted herein.
`• *Third-party brands and names are the property of their respective bwners.
`Copyright Intel Corporation, 1997, 1999
`Nov, 1999
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`PC SDRAM Serial Presence Detect (SPD) SpeclHcation
`Revision 1.28:
`Updated Table 5, Serial Present Detect Data format, for consistency:
`- Definitions of bytes 32-35 were added to this summary table since they were already
`defined in the specs
`Added Section 5.0, SPO data format example.
`Revision 1.2A:
`Modified specification name
`Corrects the typos in Rev1 .2 revision history
`Byte 127 bit 3 definition reserved for thermal information, values are TBD
`Revision 1.2 adds:
`Bytes 126, 127: Additional Information for "backward compatibility"
`Bytes 93-94: Manufacturing Date Code
`Bytes 32-35:
`Additional Timing Information
`Byte 5:
`Changed the nomenclature from Bank to Row on the DIMM to remove
`confusion of Rows vs. Banks on a DIMM
`Revision 1.1 adds comments to clarlfy several Bytes:
`Bytes 3-4:
`Note added to clarify address row/column 1/16 rollup usage.
`Bytes 5, 17: . Note added to clarify Module, SDRAM Device bank usage.
`Bytes 23-26: Note added to clarify timing1/16ns rollup usage.
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`PC SDRAM Serial Presence Detect (SPD) Specification
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`1.0 Introduction
`PC SDRAM Serial Presence Detect (SPD) Specification
`This specification defines the Serial Presence Detect (SPD) electrical and Data Structure
`requirements for Synchronous DRAM Dual In-Line Memory Modules ($DRAM DIMMs) and Small(cid:173)
`outline Memory Modules (SO-DI MM). These SDRAM DIMMs are intended for use as main
`memory installed on personal computer, work-station, and/or server motherboards.
`mm CICI
`168-D!MM reference
`This specification largely follows the JEDEC defined 168-pin and S0-144 SDRAM DIMM SPD
`specs as of July 1996. Changes in process are currently shown in italics.
`2.0 SD RAM Module Performance· Grades
`Three perfonnance grades are defined in the SPD matrix:
`CAS Latency x
`CAS Latency x-1
`CAS Latency x-2
`highest latency, lowest performance

`2nd highest latency
`3rd highest latency, highest performance (may restrict freq)
`This is a relative series of three latencies, CL x being the most commonly available at this speed

`The performance grade of the module is determined by the read data access time (Tac), and RAS
`cycle time (Trc) supported by the SDRAM components.
`Latency numbers in the sequence will depend on the speeds which are supported by the module.
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`PC SDRAM Serial Presence Detect (SPD) Specification
`3.0 EEPROM Component Specifications
`The Serial Presence Detect fl.inction is implemented using a 2048 bit EEPROM component. This
`nonvolatile storage device contains data programmed by the DIMM manufacturer that identifies.
`the module type and various SDRAM organization and timing parameters. System read/write
`operations to the EEPROM device occur. using the OIMM's SCL (clock) and SDA (data) signals,
`together with SA(2;0) which provide the EEPROM Device Address. If the EEPROM device has a
`Write Protect input pin, it must be tied in the non-write protect state on the DIMM PCS. The
`EEPROM device selected by the DIMM manufacturer must use the SA(2:0) device address
`signals. The EEPROM must operate with a Vee of 3.0 Vdc to 3.6 Vdc.
`Table 1: EEPROM Component Absolute Maximum Ratings
`All Input or Output Voltages with
`Respect to Ground
`Ambient Sto~e Te~rature
`+4.6V to -0.3V
`-40 •c to +100 °c
`Table 2: EEPROM Component Operating Conditions
`Ambient ~ratil!& Temp~rature
`Positive Power Sl!!lll!L
`Table 3: EEPROM Component A.C. and D.C. Characteri$tlcs
`Active Power Supply_ Current
`Standby Current
`Input Leakage Current
`O~ut Leaki!.g_e Current
`11!2.ut Low Vol~e
`Input Hjg_h Volt~e
`Output Low Volt!E:_e
`Test Conditions
`fseL = I 00 kHz
`VIN= GND.or Vee
`VoUT "'GND to Vee
`IoL"' 3.0 mA
`Yee X 0.7
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`PC SDRAM Serial Presence Detect (SPD) Specification
`Table 4: EEPROM Component A.C. Timing Parameters
`SCL Clock Fr~ueni:x_
`Noise Suppression Time Constant at
`SCL, SDA i~uts
`SCL Low to SDA Data Out Valid
`Time the Bus Must Be Free before a
`New Transmission Can Start
`Start Condition Hold Time
`Clock Low Time
`Clock Hig!l Time
`Start Condition Setup Time
`J.for a R~eated Start Condition)
`Data In Hold Time
`Data In Setu.J!. Time
`SDA and SCL Rise Time
`SDA and SCL Fall Time
`St~ Condition Setui Time
`Data Out Hold Time
`Write ~le Time
`Note: The write cycle time (twR) is the time from a valid stop condition of a write sequence to the end of the
`EEPROM Internal erase/program cycle. During the write cycle, the EEPROM bus Interface circuits are
`disabled, SOA remains high due to pull-up resistor, and the EEPROM does not respond to its slave
`Figure 1: EEPROM Component A.C. Timing Parameters
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`PC SDRAM Serial Presence Detect (SPD) Specification
`Figure 2: EEPROM Data Va.lidity
`START = High to low transition ol SOA llhlile SCL is high
`STOP = Low to high transition of SDA while SCL is high
`Figure 3: EEPROM Start and Stop conditions
`Transmitter releases SDA after transmitting eight bits.
`During ninth clock cycle receiver pulls SDA low to acknowledge receit of the eight bits.
`Figure 4: EEPROM Acknowledge
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`PC SD RAM Serlal Presence Detect (SPD) Specification
`T slave address
`worti address
`T~ ,---A--..~ p
`mf] 0~ 0• I : : : : : : : 11: : : : : : : I u
`• c
`c •
`Figure 5: EEPROM Byte Write Operation
`data n-.1
`data n
`word eddres$ (n)
`data n,. 15 0
`T ,---J'----, ,---J'----, ,---J'----, ~ ~ p
`, ! : : : : : : : 11::::::: I l::::::: I ~;:=i 0
`[flfl 0ffTI] 0
`Figure 6: EEPROM Page Write Operation
`slave address
`0 •
`Figure 7: EEPROM Current Address Read Operation
`data n
`Figure 8: EEPROM Random Read Operation
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`PC SDRAM Serial Presence Detect (SPD) Specification
`c •
`A~ '---v--"
`data n+1
`data n
`data n+x
`Figure 9: EEPROM Sequential Read Operation
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`PC SOR.AM Serial Presence Detect (SPD) Specification
`4.0 Serial Presence Detect EEPROM Data
`Table 5: Serial Presence Detect Data Format
`Byte Number
`Back Random Column Address
`Notes: Required/Optional' (bold") are SDRAM only bytes
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`PC SDRAM Serial Presence Detect (SPD) Specification
`Byte 0 ·Number of Bytes used by Module Manufacturer (General)
`This field describes the total number of bytes used by the module manufacturer for the SPD data
`and any (optional) specific supplier information. The byte count includes the fields for all required
`and optional data.
`Number of ~es
`Hex Value
`Byte 1 • Total SPD Memory Size (General)
`This field describes the total size of the serial memoiy used to hold the Serial Presence Detect
`Hex Value
`Byte 2 • Memory Type (General)
`This field describes the fundamental memory type implemented on the module.
`Memory Type
`Hex Value
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`PC SDRAM Serial Presence Detect (SPD) Specification
`Note for Bytes 3-4: Bytes 3-4 show a roll-up value for Hex 1, 2, 3 (i.e .. 1row/16rows). For
`SDRAM devices over duration of REV 1 in Byte 62 {SPD Jedec Rev level), values of 1-3rows/cols
`are not expected, and Hex equivalent is 16-18rows/columns. Jedec Byte 62 would change rev
`· level if values of 1-3 row/col become available.
`Byte 3 - Number of Row Address Bits (SD RAM specific)
`This field describes the number of row address bits in the SDRAM array. Note: the number of row
`address bits does not include the bank selects (BAO, BA1 ). If the module has only one bank OR if
`the module has two banks of the same size and organization, then bits 3:0 describe the number of
`row address bits, and bits 7:4 are 0. If the module has two banks with different size/organization,
`then bits 3:0 describe the row addressing for bank 1 and bits 7:4 describe the row addressing for
`bank 2.
`Number of Row Addr bits
`Bits 3:0 Hex Value
`Number of Row Addr bits
`Bits 7:4 Hex Value
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`PC SDRAM Serial Presence Detect (SPD) Specification
`BYTE 4 - Number of Column Address Bits (SD RAM specific)
`This field describes the number. of column address bits in the SDRAM array. Note: the number of
`column address bits does not include the bank selects (BAO, BA 1 ), or the AutoPrecharge bit. If
`the module has only one bank OR if the module has two banks of the same size and organization,
`then bits 3:0 describe the number of column address bits. and bits 7:4 are 0. If the module has
`two banks with different size/organization, then bits 3:0 describe the column addressing for bank 1
`and bits 7:4 describe the column addressing for bank 2.
`Number of Col Addr bits
`Bits 3:0 Hex Value
`Number of Col Addr bits
`Bits 7:4 Hex Value
`BYTE 5 - Number of Module Rows
`This field describes the number' of rows of SD RAM components on the module. Byte 17 applies to
`SDRAM device banks (a module with 2 rows could have devices with 2-16 internal banks).
`Number of Banks
`Hex Value
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`PC SD RAM Serial Presence Detect (SPD) SpecilicaHon
`BYTES 6 & 7 ·Module Data Width
`This field describes the data width on the SCRAM module. Bit 0 of byte 6 is the LSB and Bit 7 of
`byte 7 is the MSB.
`Module Data Width
`eyte f{HeX)
`eyte 6(Hei)
`, ___
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`PC SDRAM Serial Presence Detect (SPD) Specification
`BYTE 8 - Module Interface Signal Levels
`This field describes the SDRAM module signal voltage interface.
`Voltage Interface
`5.0 Voll/TTL
`HSTL 1.5 ·
`New Table
`Hex Value
`BYTE 9 - SDRAM Cycle time (highest CAS latency)
`This field defines the total minimum cycle time (clock period) for the SDRAM. For example if the
`SDRAMs support CAS latency of 3, 2 and 1 (as indicated in byte 18), this byte defines Tclk for
`CAS latency 3. The byte is broken into two nibbles: the high order nibble {bits 4 through 7)
`designate the cycle time to a granularity of 1 ns; the value presented by the low order nibble has a
`granularity of 1f10 ns and is added to the value of the higher nibble.
`BYTE 10 • SDRAM Access time from Clock (highest CAS latency)
`This field defines the maximum clock to data out for the SDRAM (Tac). For example if the
`SDRAMs support CAS latency of 3, 2 and 1 (as indicated in byte 18), this byte defines Tac for
`CAS latency 3. The byte is broken into two nibbles: the high order nibble (bits 4 through 7)
`designate the cycle time to a granularity of 1 ns; the value presented by the low order nibble has a
`granularity of 1/1 O ns and is added to the value of th~ higher nibble.
`BYTE 11 • Module Configuration Type
`This field defines the module's error detection and correction scheme.
`Error Detect/Correct
`Hex Value
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`PC SDRAM Serial Presence Detect (SPD) Specification
`BYTE 12 • Refresh Rate/Type
`This field defines the module's refresh rate and type.
`Refresh Period
`Bit 7, Self Refresh
`Self Refresh
`Bits 6-0 (hex)
`BYTE 13 - SDRAM Width (Primary SDRAM)
`Bits 6:0 of this byte define the data width of the primary SDRAM components used on the module.
`The primary SDRAM is that which is used for data. Examples of primary (data) SDRAM widths are
`x4, x6, x16, and x32. Bit 7 of this byte is a flag which Indicates that a 2nd bank on the module has
`a primary SDRAM width of 2X that of the first bank. If the module has two banks with the same
`Primary SDRAM width, then bit 7 remains as "O".
`Primary SORAM
`Co11.!.25'nent Data Width
`Bits 6:0 Hex Value
`Bank Con~uratlon
`No Bank 2 ·OR·
`Bank 2 uses same width
`Prim!l_ry SDRAM as Bank 1
`Bank 2 Primary SORAM ls
`2X the width of Bank 1
`Bits 7 Value
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`PC SDRAM Serial Presence Detect (SPD) Specification
`BYTE 14 - Error Checking SDRAM Width
`If the module incorporates error checking and if the primary data SDRAM does not include these
`bits; i.e. there are separate error checking SDRAMs, then the error checking SORAM's width is
`expressed in this byte. Examples of error checking SCRAM widths include x4, x8, and x16.
`Bits 6:0 of this byte. define the data width of the Error Checking SDRAM components used on the
`module. Bit 7 is a flag which indicates that a 2nd bank on the module has Error Checking
`SDRAM width of 2X that of the first bank. If the module has two banks with the same Error
`Checking SDRAM width, then bit 7 remains as "O".
`Error Checking SORAM
`Component Data Width
`Bits 6:0 Hex Value
`Bank Configuration
`No Bank 2 ·OR-
`Bank 2 uses same width
`EC SDRAM as Bank 1
`Bank 2 EC SORAM is 2X
`Ille width of Bank 1
`Bits 1 Value
`BYTE 15 - SDRAM Device Attributes, Min Clock Delay for Back to Back Random Column
`Number of Clocks
`Hex Value
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`PC SD RAM Serial Pre5ence Detect (SPD) Specification
`BYTE 16 - SDRAM Device Attributes, Burst Lengths Supported
`This byte defines variou.s burst lengths supported. If the burst length is supported, then the
`corresponding bit is T
`1 or o
`Length= 8
`Bit 2
`Length= 4
`Bit 1
`Length 2
`!!It 0
`Length= 1
`1 orO
`1 oro
`1 oro
`1 orO
`BYTE 17 - SDRAM Device Attributes, Number of Banks on SD RAM Device
`This byte defines the number of banks internal to the SDRAM devices for each row of the DlMMs.
`Number of Device Banks
`Hex Value
`BYTE 18 - SDRAM Device Attributes, CAS Latency
`This byte defines which CAS latencies are supported. If the bit is "1" then that CAS Latency is
`1 orO
`Bit S
`Latel}fY_= 7 Late~6 Late~=5 Laten<;)/_=4
`1 or O
`1 orO
`1 orO
`1 orO
`Bit 1
`laten~=3 Late~=2 Laten~= 1
`1 orO
`1 orO
`1 orO
`BYTE 19- SDRAM Device Attributes, CS Latency
`This byte defines which CS latencies are acceptable for the Module. If the bit is "1" then that CS
`Latency is supported.
`1 orO
`CS Latency
`1 orO
`Bit 5
`CS Latency
`CS latency
`1 orO
`Bit 3
`cs latency cs Latency
`1 orO
`1 orO
`Bit 1
`CS Latency
`= 1
`1 orO
`Bit 0
`CS Latency
`1 or o
`BYTE 20 - SDRAM Device Attributes, WE Latency
`This byte defines which CS latencies are acceptable for the Module. If the bit is "1" then that WE
`Latency is supported.
`1 orO
`Bit 0
`Bit 1
`WE Latency WE Latency WE Latency WE Latency WE Latency WE Latency WE Latency
`" 1
`1 orO
`1 or 0
`1 or.0
`1 orO
`1 orO
`1 orO
`1 oro
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`PC SDRAM Serial Presence Detect (SPD) Specification
`BYTE 21 - SDRAM Module Attributes
`This byte defines yarious aspects of the module. If the aspect is TRUE, then the corresponding bit
`is ·1·.
`Clock Input
`PLL (Clock)
`Bit 1
`1 orO
`l!)J!_IJIS •
`1 orO
`1 or O
`1 oro
`•Address, RAS, CAS, WE, CKE, S
`•• Redundant addressing implies the use of SORAM~ having the same address depth (e.g. 4Mx4 mixed with 4Mx16) in
`the same 8-byte quad word, but having different RASICAS addressing and/or different numbers of device banks. Actual
`implementation is not yet delermined.
`1 orO
`1 orO
`1 orO
`BYTE 22 - SDRAM Device Attributes, General
`This byte defines various aspects of the SDRAMs on the module. If the aspect is TRUE, then the
`corresponding bit is "1 ",
`Bit 5
`Upper Vee
`0 = 10%
`1 orO
`Q; 10%
`1 =5%
`1 orO
`d Burst
`Bit 1
`Pre charge
`Early RAS#
`1 or O
`1 orO
`1 orO
`Vee Tolerance ref era to the voltage range under which the SDRAMs operate to the timings
`specified in the SPO bytes 9, 10, 23-30.
`Note for Bytes 23·24: Bytes 23-24 show a roll-up value for Hex 1, 2, 3 (i.e., 1ns/16ns). For
`SDRAM devices over duration of REV 1 in Byte 62 (SPD Jedec Rev level), values of 1-3ns are not
`expected, and Hex equivalent is 16-18ns. Jedec Byte 62 will change rev level when values of 1-3
`ns become available.
`BYTE 23 - SDRAM Cycle time (2nd highest CAS latency)
`This field defines the minimum cycle time (clock period) for the SDRAM when operating at its 2nd
`highest CAS latency. For example if the SDRAMs support CAS latency of 3, 2 and 1 (as ·indicated
`in byte 18}, this byte defines Tclk for CAS latency 2. The byte is broken into two nibbles: the high
`order nibble (bits 4 through 7) designate the cycle time to a granularity of 1 ns; the value
`presented by the low order nibble has a granularity of 1/10 ns and is added to the value of the
`higher nibble.
`1ns f 16ns
`2ns/ 17ns
`Bits 7-4 Hex Value
`1110 nanoseconds
`Bits 3-0 Hex Value
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`.. ·
`PC SDRAM Serial Presence Detect (SPD) Specification
`BYTE 24 - SDRAM Access from Clock (2nd highest CAS latency)
`This field defines the maximum clock to data out for the SDRAM (Tac) when operating at its 2nd
`highest CAS latency. For example if the SDRAMs support CAS latency of 3, 2 and 1 (as indicated
`in byte 18), this byte defines Tac for CAS latency 2. The byte Is broken into two nibbles: the high
`order nibble (bits 4 through 7) designate the cycle time to a granularity of 1 ns; the value
`presented by the low order nibble ti as a granularity of 1/10 ns and is added to the value of the
`higher nibble.
`1ns / 16ns
`2ns / 17ns
`3ns 118 ns
`Bits 7-4 Hex Value
`1110 nanoseconds
`Bits 3·0 Hex Value
`BYTE 25 • SDRAM Cycle time (3rd highest CAS latency)
`This field defines the minimum cycle time (clock period} for the SDRAM when operating at its 3rd
`highest CAS latency. For example if the SDRAMs support CAS latency of 3, 2 and 1 (as indicated
`in byte 18), this byte defines Tclk for CAS latency 1. The byte is broken into two sections: the 6
`high order bits (bits 7:2) designate the cycle lime to a granularity of 1 ns; the value presented by
`bits 1:0 has a granularity of 1/4 ns and Is added to the value of the higher nibble.
`1/4 nanoseconds
`Bits 1·0
`blnl!ll'. value
`BYTE 26 - SDRAM Access from Clock (3rd highest CAS latency)
`This field defines the maximum clock to data out for the SD RAMs (Tac} when operated at its 3rd
`highest GAS latency. For example if the SDRAMs support CAS latency of 3, 2 and 1 (as indicated
`in byte 18), this byte defines Tac for CAS latency 1. The byte is broken into two sections: the 6
`high order bits (bits 7:2} designate the access time to a granularity of 1 ns; the value presented by
`bits 1 :0 has a granularity of 1/4 ns and is added to the value of the higher nibble.
`Bits 7·2
`Binary Value
`114 nanoseconds
`Bits 1·0
`Blnary Value
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`PC SDRAM Serial Presence Detect {SPD) Specification
`BYTE 27 ~Minimum Row Precharge Time
`This byte defines the precharge to activate minimum (Trp} using 1 ns granularity.
`Precharge Minimum
`1 ns
`2 ns
`30 ns
`45 ns
`255 ns
`Bits 7-0
`Hex Value
`BYTE 28 ·Row Active to Row Active Min
`This byte defines the minimum row activate to row activate. delay (Trrd} using 1 ns granularity.
`Act to Act Minimum
`1 ns
`2 ns
`30 ns
`45 ns
`255 ns
`Bits 7-0
`Hex Value
`BYTE 29 • RAS to CAS Delay Min
`This byte defines the minimum RAS to CAS delay (Trcd) using 1ns granularity.
`RAS to CAS Delay
`1 ns
`2 ns
`30 ns
`45 ns
`255 ns
`Bits 7·0
`Hex Value
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`PC SDRAM Serial Presence Detect (SPD) Specification
`BYTE 30 - Minimum RAS Pulse Width
`This byte defines the minimum activate to precharge time (Tras) using 1 ns granularity.
`Ac:tlvate to Prec:harge
`1 ns
`2 ns
`· Bits 7,11
`Hex Value
`60 ns
`75 ns
`90 ns
`255 ns
`BYTE 31 - Density of Each Row on Module
`This byte describes the memory capacity of each physical row on the DIMM module. This byte wm
`have at least one bit set to a "1" to represent at least one row's size. If there is more than one row
`on the module (as represented in Byte 5) and they have the same size, tnen only one bit in this
`field is set. If the module has more than one row of different sizes then more than one bit will be
`set. For example:
`Size of Row 1
`. 32MByte
`Size of Row2
`Byte 31 contents
`0000 lOOO
`0000 1000
`0000 1100
`1 oro
`1 or O
`1 orO
`1 orO
`Bit 1
`BM Byte
`1 oro
`1 orO
`BYTE 32-35 - Input setup and Hold time (Under JEDEC Committee Ballot no. JC42.5-97-
`Definition of these bytes is in JEDEC Ballot process. The proposed data structure is as defined:
`1 orO
`8115 J
`Blt6 I
`1 orO I
`1 or 0
`1 orO
`1 orO
`Bit 7 = 0 defines a positive setup time w.r.t. the clock
`Bit 7 = 1 defines a negative setup time w.r.t the clock
`Bit 6-4 = Defines the setup time in ns.
`Bit 3-0= Defines the setup time in tenth of a ns.
`Blt2 J
`Bit 1
`in tenth
`1 or o
`of a os
`1 or O
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`PC SDRAM Serial Presence Detect (SPD) Specification
`Some encoded values in the table·
`1 .
`Bit 1
`0.1 ns
`1.0 ns
`1.1 ns
`1.9 ns
`2.0 ns
`7.0 ns
`7.9 ns
`-0.1 ns
`-0.2 ns
`-0.9 ns
`-1.0 ns
`-1.1 ns
`-1.9 ns
`-2.0 ns
`-7.0 ns
`-7.9 ns
`BYTE 31- Command and Address signal input setup time:
`This byte describes the input setup time w.r.t the rising edge of the clock input. Both positive and
`negative setup times are supported.
`Bit 7
`1 orO
`Bit G J
`1or0 _[
`1 orO
`1 orO
`1 orO
`Blt2 J
`1 orO
`Bit 1 J
`in tenth
`1 orO J
`of a ns
`1 er 0
`Bit 7 = 0 defines a positive setup time w.r.t. the clock
`Bit 7 "' 1 defines a negative setup time w.r.t the clock
`Bit 6-4 = Defines the setup time in ns.
`Bit 3-0= Defines the setup time in tenth of a ns.
`For an address input setup time of:
`+2.5ns the byte value will be (0 010 0101)
`For an address input setup time of:
`-0.5ns the byte value will be (1 000 0101)
`24 of 30
`Revision 1.28
`Polaris Innovations LTD Exhibit 2004
`Kingston v. Polaris, IPR2016-01622
`Page 2004-24


`PC SD RAM Serial Presence Detect (SPD) Specification
`BYTE 33 - Command and Address signal input bold time:
`This byte describes the input hold time w.r.t the rising edge of the clock input. Both positive and
`~egative hold times are supported.
`1 orO
`·8116 I
`1 orO J_
`1 orO
`1 or O
`1 orO
`1 orO
`Bit 1
`in tenth
`1 orO
`Bit 0
`ofa ns
`1 orO
`Bit 7 = O defines a positive hold time w.r.t. the clock
`Bit 7 = 1 defines a negative hold time w.r.t the clock
`Bit 6-4 = Defines the hold time in ns.
`Bit 3-0= Defines the hold time in tenth of a ns.
`For a command input hold time of:
`•2.5ns the byte value will be (0 010 0101}
`For a command input hold time of:
`-0.5ns the byte value will be (1 000 0101}
`BYTE 34 - Data signal input setup time:
`This byte describes the Input setup time w.r.t the rising edge of the clock input. Both positive and
`negative setup times are supported.
`1 orO
`1 oro
`Bit 1
`In tenth
`of ns
`.l 1 orO
`.l 1 or O
`1 orO
`1 orO I
`1 oro
`Bit 7 = 0 defines a positive setup time w.r.t. the clock
`Bit 7 = 1 defines a negative setup time w.r.t the clock
`Bit 6-4 = Defines the setup time in ns.
`Bit 3-0= Defines the setup time in tenth of a ns.
`For a data input setup time of:
`+2.5ns the byte value will be (0 010 0101)
`For a data input setup time of:
`-0.5ns the byte value will be (1 000 0101}
`Nov, 1999
`25 of 30
`Revision 1.28
`Polaris Innovations LTD Exhibit 2004
`Kingston v. Polaris, IPR2016-01622
`Page 2004-25



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