PC133 SDRAM Registered DIMM
`Design Specification
`Revision 1.1
`August 1999
`Prepared By IBM and Reliance Computer Corporation

`PC133 SDRAM Registered DIMM Design Specification
`All information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. The products described in this document
`are NOT intended for use in implantation or other life support applications where malfunction may result in injury or death
`to persons. The information contained in this document does not affect or change IBM product specifications or warran-
`ties. Nothing in this document shall operate as an express or implied license or indemnity under the intellectual property
`rights of IBM or third parties. All information contained in this document was obtained in specific environments, and is
`presented as an illustration. The results obtained in other operating environments may vary.
`liable for damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the information contained in this document.
`Page 2
`Revision 1.0

`PC133 SDRAM Registered DIMM Design Specification
`Product Description .................................................................................................................................. 1
`Product Family Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 1
`Environmental Requirements................................................................................................................... 2
`Architecture ............................................................................................................................................... 2
`Environmental Parameters.................................................................................................................... 2
`Pin Description ...................................................................................................................................... 2
`Input/Output Functional Description...................................................................................................... 3
`Registered SDRAM DIMM Pinout ......................................................................................................... 4
`Block Diagram: Raw Card Version E .................................................................................................... 9
`Termination for Unused Clock Signals (CK1-CK3) ............................................................................. 10
`Clock Net Wiring (CK0) ....................................................................................................................... 10
`Register Functional Assignments........................................................................................................ 11
`Register Functional Assignments (continued)..................................................................................... 12
`Component Details.................................................................................................................................. 13
`Pin Assignments for 64Mb and 128Mb SDRAM Planar Components ................................................ 13
`Pin Assignments for 64Mb and 128Mb 54 pin SDRAM 2 High Stack Package
`(Dual CS Pin)............................................................................................................................................. 14
`Pin Assignments for 256Mb 54 pin SDRAM Planar Components....................................................... 15
`Pin Assignments for 256Mb 54 pin SDRAM 2 High Stack Package
`(Dual CS Pin)............................................................................................................................................. 16
`Pin Assignments for 256Mb 66 pin SDRAM 2 High Stack Package
`(Dual CS Pin)............................................................................................................................................. 17
`(Top View)........................................................................................................................................... 17
`SDRAM Component Specifications .................................................................................................... 18
`Register Component Specifications .................................................................................................... 21
`Register Sourcing................................................................................................................................ 21
`PLL Component Specifications ........................................................................................................... 22
`PLL Sourcing....................................................................................................................................... 22
`DIMM PLL Use.................................................................................................................................... 22
`Registered DIMM Details......................................................................................................................... 23
`SDRAM Module Configurations (Reference Designs) ........................................................................ 23
`PC133 Gerber Releases ..................................................................................................................... 24
`Input Loading Matrix............................................................................................................................ 24
`Example Raw Card Version A Component Placement ....................................................................... 25
`Example Raw Card Version B (Planar) and E Component Placement............................................... 26
`Example Raw Card Versions B (Stacked) and C Component Placement .......................................... 27
`Example Raw Card Version D Component Placement....................................................................... 28
`Revision 1.0
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`PC133 SDRAM Registered DIMM Design Specification
`DIMM Wiring Details ................................................................................................................................ 29
`Signal Groups ..................................................................................................................................... 29
`General Net Structure Routing Guidelines.......................................................................................... 29
`Explanation of Net Structure Diagrams............................................................................................... 30
`Clock Net Structures ........................................................................................................................... 31
`Data Net Structures............................................................................................................................. 33
`Data Mask Net Structures ................................................................................................................... 34
`Chip Select Net Structures .................................................................................................................. 36
`Clock Enable Net Structures ............................................................................................................... 39
`Address/Control Net Structures .......................................................................................................... 43
`Cross Section Recommendations....................................................................................................... 46
`Timing Budget.......................................................................................................................................... 47
`DIMM Post-Register Timing ................................................................................................................ 47
`*DIMM Clock Contributions (tSkew).................................................................................................... 47
`Serial PD Definition ................................................................................................................................. 48
`Serial Presence Detect Data EXAMPLE............................................................................................. 48
`Product Label........................................................................................................................................... 50
`DIMM Mechanical Specifications ........................................................................................................... 51
`Supporting Hardware .............................................................................................................................. 52
`Clock Reference Board ....................................................................................................................... 52
`Application Notes .................................................................................................................................... 53
`Clocking Timing Methodology ............................................................................................................. 53
`Revision Log ....................................................................................................................................... 54
`Page iv
`Revision 1.0

`PC133 SDRAM Registered DIMM Design Specification
`Product Description
`Product Description
`This specification defines the electrical and mechanical requirements for 168-pin, 3.3 Volt, 133MHz, 72-bit
`wide, Registered Synchronous DRAM Dual In-Line Memory Modules (SDRAM DIMMs).These SDRAM
`DIMMs are intended for use as main memory when installed in systems such as servers and workstations.
`Reference design examples are included which provide an initial basis for Registered DIMM designs. Modifi-
`cations to these reference designs may be required to meet all system timing, signal integrity and thermal
`requirements for 133MHz support. All registered DIMM implementations must use simulations and lab verifi-
`cation to ensure proper timing requirements and signal integrity in the design.
`This specification largely follows the JEDEC defined 168-pin 8-Byte Registered SDRAM DIMM product.
`(Refer to JEDEC standard 21-C, Section 4.5.7, at
`Product Family Attributes
`DIMM Organization
`x 72 ECC
`DIMM Dimensions (nominal)
`5.25" x 1.5"/1.7" x .157"/.320"
`Pin Count
`SDRAMs Supported
`Serial PD
`Voltage Options
`64Mb, 128Mb, 256Mb
`64MB, 128MB, 256MB, 512MB, 1GB
`Consistent with JEDEC Rev. 2.0
`3.3 volt (VDD/VDDQ)
`Revision 1.1
`Page 5

`Environmental Requirements
`PC133 SDRAM Registered DIMM Design Specification
`Environmental Requirements
`PC133 SDRAM Registered DIMMs are intended for use in standard office environments that have limited
`capacity for heating and air conditioning.
`Environmental Parameters
`Operating Temperature (ambient)
`Operating Humidity (relative)
`Storage Temperature
`Storage Humidity (without condensation)
`Barometric Pressure (operating & storage)
`0 to +55
`10 to 90
`-50 to +100
`5 to 95
`105 to 69
`K Pascal
`1, 2
`1. Stresses greater than those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only, and device functional
`operation at or above the conditions indicated is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods
`may affect reliability.
`2. Up to 9850 ft.
`Pin Description
`Clock Inputs
`Clock Enables
`Row Address Strobe
`Column Address Strobe
`Write Enable
`Chip Selects
`Address Inputs
`Address Input/Autoprecharge
`Data Input/Output
`ECC Data Input/Output
`Data Mask
`Power (3.3V)
`No Connect
`Serial Presence Detect Clock Input
`Serial Presence Detect Data Input/Output
`SDRAM Bank Address
`Serial Presence Detect Address Inputs
`Register Enable
`Don’t Use - leave as NC
`Write Protect for SPD on DIMM
`No Connect
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`Revision 1.1

`PC133 SDRAM Registered DIMM Design Specification
`Input/Output Functional Description
`CK0 - CK3
`The system clock inputs. All of the SDRAM inputs are sampled on the rising edge of their associ-
`ated clock. CK0 drives the PLL. CK1, CK2 & CK3 are terminated.
`Activates the SDRAM CK signal when high and deactivates the CK signal when low. By deactivat-
`ing the clocks, CKE low initiates the Power Down mode, Suspend mode, or the Self Refresh
`S0 - S3
`Active Low
`Enables the associated SDRAM command decoder when low and disables the command decoder
`when high. When the command decoder is disabled, new commands are ignored but previous
`operations continue. Physical Bank 0 is selected by S0 and S2; Bank 1 is selected by S1 and S3.
`Active Low When sampled at the positive rising edge of the clock, CAS, RAS, and WE define the operation to
`be executed by the SDRAM.
`BA0, 1
`Selects which SDRAM bank of four is activated.
`A0 - A9,
`During a Bank Activate command cycle, A0-A12 defines the row address (RA0-RA12) when sam-
`pled at the rising clock edge.
`During a Read or Write command cycle, A0-A10 defines the column address (CA0-CA10) when
`sampled at the rising clock edge. In addition to the column address, AP is used to invoke autopre-
`charge operation at the end of the burst read or write cycle. If AP is high, autoprecharge is
`selected and BA0, BA1 defines the bank to be precharged. If AP is low, autoprecharge is disabled.
`During a Precharge command cycle, AP is used in conjunction with BA0, BA1 to control which
`bank(s) to precharge. If AP is high, all banks will be precharged regardless of the state of BA0 or
`BA1. If AP is low, then BA0 and BA1 are used to define which bank to precharge.
`DQ0 - DQ63,
`CB0 - CB7
`Data and Check Bit Input/Output pins.
`DQMB0 -
`The Data Input/Output masks, associated with one data byte, place the DQ buffers in a high
`impedance state when sampled high. In Read mode, DQMB has a latency of two clock cycles in
`Buffered mode or three clock cycles in Registered mode, and controls the output buffers like an
`output enable. In Write mode, DQMB has a zero clock latency in Buffered mode and a latency of
`one clock cycle in Registered mode. In this case, DQMB operates as a byte mask by allowing input
`data to be written if it is low but blocks the write operation if it is high.
`Power and ground for the module.
`The Register Enable pin is used to permit the DIMM to operate in Buffered mode (inputs re-driven
`asynchronously) or Registered mode (signals re-driven to SDRAMs when clock rises, and held
`valid until next rising clock).
`SA0 - 2
`These signals are tied at the system planar to either VSS or VDD to configure the SPD EEPROM.
`This is a bidirectional pin used to transfer data into or out of the SPD EEPROM. A resistor must be
`connected from the SDA bus time to VDD to act as a pull up.
`This signal is used to clock data into and out of the SPD EEPROM. A resistor may be connected
`from the SCL bus time to VDD to act as a pull up.
`This signal is pulled low on the DIMM to enable data to be written into the last 128 bytes of the
`Revision 1.1
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`PC133 SDRAM Registered DIMM Design Specification
`egistered SDRAM DIMM Pinout
`. R
`130 DQMB6
`131 DQMB7
`112 DQMB4
`113 DQMB5
`A10/AP 122
`Note: All pin assignments are consistent with all 8-byte unbuffered versions.
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`Revision 1.1

`PC133 SDRAM Registered DIMM Design Specification
`Block Diagram: Raw Card Version A (Populated as 1 physical bank of x8 SDRAMs)
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 4
`I/O 5
`I/O 6
`I/O 7
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 4
`I/O 5
`I/O 6
`I/O 7
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 4
`I/O 5
`I/O 6
`I/O 7
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 4
`I/O 5
`I/O 6
`I/O 7
`#Unless otherwise noted,
`resistor values are 10 Ohms.
`CK1, CK2, CK3 Terminated
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 4
`I/O 5
`I/O 6
`I/O 7
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 4
`I/O 5
`I/O 6
`I/O 7
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 4
`I/O 5
`I/O 6
`I/O 7
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 4
`I/O 5
`I/O 6
`I/O 7
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 4
`I/O 5
`I/O 6
`I/O 7
`Serial Presence Detect
`SA0 SA1 SA2
`D0 - D8
`D0 - D8
`Note: DQ wiring may differ from that described
`in this drawing; however DQ/DQMB
`relationships are maintained as shown.
`Note: Register, PLL and Serial Presence
`Detect are all connected to VDD.
`RBA0 - RBA1
`BA0-BA1: SDRAMs D0-D8
`A0-A12: SDRAMs D0-D8
`RAS: SDRAMs D0 - D8
`CAS: SDRAMs D0 - D8
`CKE: SDRAMs D0 - D8
`WE: SDRAMs D0 - D8
`Revision 1.1
`Page 9

`PC133 SDRAM Registered DIMM Design Specification
`Block Diagram: Raw Card Version B (Populated as 1 physical bank of x4 SDRAMs)
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`Serial Presence Detect
`SA0 SA1 SA2
`D0 - D8
`D0 - D8
`Note: DQ wiring may differ from that described
`in this drawing; however, DQ/DQMB
`relationships are maintained as shown.
`Note: Register, PLL and Serial Presence
`Detect are all connected to VDD.
`CK1, CK2, CK3 Terminated
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`#Unless otherwise noted, resistor values are 10 Ohms.
`RBA0 - RBA1
`BA0-BA1: SDRAMs D0-D17
`A0-A12: SDRAMs D0-D17
`RAS: SDRAMs D0 - D17
`CAS: SDRAMs D0 - D17
`CKE: SDRAMs D0 - D17
`WE: SDRAMs D0 - D17
`Page 10
`Revision 1.1

`PC133 SDRAM Registered DIMM Design Specification
`Block Diagram: Raw Card Version B (Populated as 2 physical banks of x4 SDRAMs)
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`Note: DQ wiring
`may differ from that
`described in this
`drawing; however,
`DQ/DQMB relation-
`ships are main-
`tained as shown.
`Note: Register, PLL and
`Serial Presence Detect
`are all connected to VDD.
`Serial PD
`D0 - D35
`D0 - D35
`CK1, CK2 & CK3
`BA0, RBA1
`BA1: SDRAMs D0-D35
`A0-A12: SDRAMs D0-D35
`RAS: SDRAMs D0 - D35
`CAS: SDRAMs D0 - D35
`CKE: SDRAMs D0 - D35
`WE: SDRAMs D0 - D35
`#: Unless otherwise noted, resistor values are 10 OHMS.
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`BA0, BA1
`Revision 1.1
`Page 11

`PC133 SDRAM Registered DIMM Design Specification
`Block Diagram: Raw Card Versions C & D (Populated as 2 physical banks of x4 SDRAMs)
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`Note: DQ wiring
`may differ from that
`described in this
`drawing; however,
`DQ/DQMB relation-
`ships are main-
`tained as shown.
`Note: Register, PLL and
`Serial Presence Detect
`are all connected to VDD.
`CK1, CK2 & CK3
`BA0, RBA1
`BA1: SDRAMs D0-D35
`A0-A12: SDRAMs D0-D35
`RAS: SDRAMs D0 - D35
`CAS: SDRAMs D0 - D35
`CKE: SDRAMs D0 - D35
`WE: SDRAMs D0 - D35
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`BA0, BA1
`Note: Alternate decks in front and back side stack modules selected to improve heat dissipation characteristics.
`#: Unless otherwise noted, resistor values are 10 OHMS.
`Serial PD
`D0 - D35
`D0 - D35
`Page 12
`Revision 1.1

`PC133 SDRAM Registered DIMM Design Specification
`Block Diagram: Raw Card Version E (Populated as 2 physical bank of x8 SDRAMs)
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 4
`I/O 5
`I/O 6
`I/O 7
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 4
`I/O 5
`I/O 6
`I/O 7
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 4
`I/O 5
`I/O 6
`I/O 7
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 4
`I/O 5
`I/O 6
`I/O 7
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 4
`I/O 5
`I/O 6
`I/O 7
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 4
`I/O 5
`I/O 6
`I/O 7
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 4
`I/O 5
`I/O 6
`I/O 7
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 4
`I/O 5
`I/O 6
`I/O 7
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 4
`I/O 5
`I/O 6
`I/O 7
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 4
`I/O 5
`I/O 6
`I/O 7
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 4
`I/O 5
`I/O 6
`I/O 7
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 4
`I/O 5
`I/O 6
`I/O 7
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 4
`I/O 5
`I/O 6
`I/O 7
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 4
`I/O 5
`I/O 6
`I/O 7
`CK1, CK2, CK3 Terminated
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 4
`I/O 5
`I/O 6
`I/O 7
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 4
`I/O 5
`I/O 6
`I/O 7
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 4
`I/O 5
`I/O 6
`I/O 7
`I/O 0
`I/O 1
`I/O 2
`I/O 3
`I/O 4
`I/O 5
`I/O 6
`I/O 7
`SDRAMs D0-D17
`A0-A12: SDRAMs D0-D17
`RAS: SDRAMs D0 - D17
`CAS: SDRAMs D0 - D17
`*CKE0: SDRAMs D0 - D17 or SDRAMs D0-D8
`Serial PD
`SA0 SA1 SA2
`Note: Register, PLL and
`Serial Presence Detect
`are all connected to VDD.
`Note: Exact DQ wiring may differ
`from that are described in the
`drawing (except for DQ/DQMB
`relationships which are maintained
`aas shown).
`*This raw card can be provided with either CKE0 wired to all SDRAMs, or
`CKE0 wired to one physical bank, and CKE1 wired to the second physical bank.
`* All resistor values are 10 ohms.
`*CKE1: no SDRAMs or D9-D17
`WE: SDRAMs D0 - D17
`D0 - D17
`D0 - D17
`Revision 1.1
`Page 13

`PC133 SDRAM Registered DIMM Design Specification
`Termination for Unused Clock Signals (CK1-CK3)
`10 Ohm
`Clock Net Wiring (CK0)
`(4 SDRAM loads max. per output)
`10Ω 12pf
`OUT ‘N’
`Register #1
`(Typically 2 or more registers per DIMM)
`Register N
`1. PLL outputs (PCK) must be wired to assure tracking within ± 100ps at the load (any SDRAM to any SDRAM
`or any padding capacitor, or any register to any register).
`2. Only one PLL output is shown per output type. Any additional PLL outputs will be wired in a similar manner.
`3. A maximum of four SDRAM loads should be placed on each PLL output. If there are fewer than four loads,
`adjust line lengths and capacitive loading on PLL outputs to compensate for lighter loading.
`4. Feedback capacitor value ‘C’ is to be determined based on the phase characteristics of the PLL, and should
`be selected and verified using the PC100/PC133 Clock Reference Board.
`Page 14
`Revision 1.1

`PC133 SDRAM Registered DIMM Design Specification
`Register Functional Assignments
`Raw Card Version A (Two Registers)
`Raw Card Versions B, C, and D (Three Registers)
`Register 1
`Register 2
`Register 1
`Register 2
`Register 3
`1. Only used with 256Mbit SDRAMs.
`Revision 1.1
`Page 15

`PC133 SDRAM Registered DIMM Design Specification
`Register Functional Assignments (continued)
`Register 1
`Register 2
`Register 3
`Raw Card Version E (Three Registers)
`1. Only used with 256Mbit SDRAMs.
`2. R/C ’E’ can be produced with either CKE0 wired to all SDRAMs (this pin would not be used), or CKE0 can be wired to one physical
`bank and CKE1 wired to the second physical

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