Case IPR2016-01622
`Patent 6,850,414
`Attorney Docket No. 160831-002USIPR
`Patent Owner
`Case IPR2016-01622
`Patent 6,850,414 B2
`Priority July 2, 2002
`Issued February 1, 2005


`CLAIM LISTING ........................................................................................... 2
`III. DISCUSSION ................................................................................................. 2
`IV. SUPPORT FOR THE SUBSTITUTE CLAIM ............................................... 4
`CONCLUSION. .............................................................................................. 5
` i


`35 U.S.C. § 314 ......................................................................................................... 1
`35 U.S.C. § 316(a)(9) ................................................................................................ 4
`37 C.F.R. § 42.121 .................................................................................................... 1
`37 C.F.R. § 42.121(a) ................................................................................................ 1
`37 C.F.R. § 42.121(b) ............................................................................................ 2, 4
` ii


`Exhibit 2001
`Cara Garretson. “More DRAM vendors involved in Justice
`Department probe.” IDG News Service July 21, 2002.
`Computer World, Inc. November 21, 2016.
`Exhibit 2002
`Exhibit 2003
`“Error Correction Code in SoC FPGA-Based Memory
`Systems.” Altera Corporation April 2012.
`“133 MHz PC SDRAM 64-Bit Non-ECC/Parity 144 Pin
`1.0C. August 2000
`“PC SDRAM Serial Presence Detect (SPD) Specification.”
`Intel, Revision 1.2B. November 1999.
`Exhibit 2005 Declaration of Nathan Nobu Lowenstein in support of Motion
`for Admission Pro Hac Vice
`Exhibit 2004
` iii


`Patent Owner hereby respectfully moves to amend U.S. Patent No.
`6,850,414 B2 (Ex. 1001) (the “’414 Patent”) under 37 C.F.R. § 42.121, by
`cancelling all challenged claims that have been instituted for review and proposing
`one substitute claim for challenged claim 8 which incorporates both the limitations
`of claim 8 and the limitations of non-instituted claim 4, which the Board has
`already determined has not been shown to have a reasonable likelihood of being
`unpatentable by Petitioner in this case. Paper 7; Paper 16.
`Specifically, Petitioner challenged claims 1–8 of the ’414 Patent. Pet. at 1.
`In its Institution Decision in this case, this Board instituted review under 35 U.S.C.
`§ 314 for challenged claims 1 and 5–8, but not for challenged claims 2–4. Paper 7
`at 17, 18, 21, 22. In its Decision Denying Petitioner’s Request for Rehearing, this
`Board adhered to its determination to deny institution of an inter partes review of
`claim 4. Paper 16 at 3–7. As discussed in detail below, the substitute claim is the
`same as challenged claim 8 in every respect, except that it simply adds the
`limitations of claim 4, which the Board has already repeatedly determined has not
`been shown by Petitioner in this case to have a reasonable likelihood of being
`unpatentable. Paper 7 at 17, 18, 21, 22; Paper 16 at 3–7.
`Patent Owner has satisfied 37 C.F.R. § 42.121(a) for this motion. Paper 17.
` 1


`The following is a complete listing of the proposed claim cancellations and
`amendments with a correlation of the substitute claim to the original claim. See
`C.F.R. § 42.121(b).
`Claim 1. (Instituted/To be canceled)
`Claims 2–4. (Not instituted/Unchanged)
`Claims 5–8. (Instituted/To be canceled)
`Claim 9 (Proposed substitute for original Claim 8, with correlation to
`original claim): The printed circuit board according to claim 1, wherein: said
`printed circuit board has a width of 5.25 inches and has a height of 1 to 1.2 inches
`perpendicular to said contact strip.
`A separate Claim Listing is also included in Appendix A of this Motion.
`The ’414 Patent focuses on reducing the height of particular types of prior
`art memory modules by recognizing and utilizing unique features relating to the
`placements of the error correction chip and various passive elements on the Printed
`Circuit Board. The ’414 Patent’s novel recognition and utilization of those
`features permitted the PCB height to be reduced to 1.0–1.2 inches, resulting in a
`combination of layout and height that is absent in the prior art. In instituting trial
`for only challenged claims 1 and 5–8, and not for challenged claims 2–4, and
` 2


`denying Petitioner’s request for rehearing of that decision limited to claim 4
`specifically, the Board agreed with Patent Owner and expressly determined that
`Petitioner in this case has not met its burden to show a reasonable likelihood that
`challenged claim 4, which depends from challenged claim 1, is unpatentable over
`the prior art. Paper 7 at 17 (“we are not persuaded that Petitioner has established a
`reasonable likelihood that it would prevail in showing that claim 4 would have
`been obvious over” the purported prior art in Ground 1); see also id. at 18, 21
`(same for all other proposed Grounds).
`Claim 4, in addition to the requirements of claim 1 from which it depends,
`requires only that “said printed circuit board has a height of 1 to 1.2 inches
`perpendicular to said contact strip.” The Board’s Institution Decision makes clear,
`and the Board institution of review of claim 1 confirms, that the Board’s denial of
`inter partes review of claim 4 is based upon claim 4’s addition, to the limitations
`recited in claim 1 from which it depends, of its additional recital that “said printed
`circuit board has a height of 1 to 1.2 inches perpendicular to said contact strip.”
`By this motion, Patent Owner moves to amend the ’414 Patent to substitute
`for challenged claim 8 a claim that is identical except for the addition of the
`limitation recited in non-instituted claim 4. No newly-drafted limitations never
`before evaluated by the PTO or this Board are being added. Every limitation of the
`substitute claim already appears in claim 4 or claim 8, and as just discussed, the
` 3


`limitation that already appears in claim 4 has already been found to not have been
`shown by Petitioner in this case to be disclosed or suggested by the prior art.
`The proposed amendment responds to the grounds for unpatentability
`involved in this review, as it would cancel all instituted claims and substitute for
`one of them a claim that merely adds the limitations recited in a challenged claim
`for which institution has already been denied and rehearing on that decision has
`also been denied. The proposed amendment does not seek to enlarge the scope of
`the claims of the patent or introduce new subject matter, for the same reasons.
`The proposed amendment proposes a reasonable number of substitute
`claims, as it proposes only one substitute for several claims requested to be
`canceled under 35 U.S.C. § 316(a)(9).
`Proposed substitute claim 9 is identical to challenged claim 8 except that it
`incorporates the existing limitations of non-instituted claim 4. It is thus supported
`by the original claims and earlier disclosures. For avoidance of doubt, support for
`all the limitations of substitute claim 9 as recited in the claim may be found in the
`specification of the ’414 Patent at FIGS. 2-3; 1:8-20; 1:21-31; 2:54-3:3; 3:28-46,
`4:7-18; 4:53-55; and 6:19-56. 37 C.F.R. § 42.121(b).
` 4


`For the foregoing reasons, Patent Owner respectfully requests that its Motion
`To Amend be granted.
`Date: May 16, 2017
`Respectfully submitted,
`____/ Kenneth J. Weatherwax /_________
`Kenneth J. Weatherwax, Reg. No. 54,528
`Lowenstein & Weatherwax LLP
` 5


`Case IPR2016-01622
`Patent 6,850,414
`Attorney Docket No. 160831-002USIPR
`Patent Owner
`Case IPR2016-01622
`Patent 6,850,414 B2


`Case CBM2014-00090
`Patent 5,805,702
`Attorney Docket No. 140401-001USCBM
`Claim Listing Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 1.121(b)
`(Instituted/Proposed to be cancelled) [[An electronic printed circuit board
`configuration, comprising:
`an electronic printed circuit board having a contact strip for insertion into
`another electronic unit; and
`a memory module having at least nine identically designed integrated
`semiconductor memories;
`each one of said semiconductor memories being encapsulated in a rectangular
`housing having a shorter dimension and a longer dimension;
`said housing of each one of said semiconductor memories being identically
`designed and being individually connected to said printed circuit board;
`one of said semiconductor memories being connected as an error correction
`said longer dimension of said housing of said error correction chip being
`oriented perpendicular to said contact strip; and
`said longer dimension of said housing of each one of said semiconductor
`memories, other than said error correction chip, being oriented parallel with
`said contact strip.]]
`(Not Instituted) The printed circuit board according to claim 1, wherein:
` 1


`Case CBM2014-00090
`Patent 5,805,702
`Attorney Docket No. 140401-001USCBM
`said housing of said error correction chip extends a greater distance away from
`said contact strip than said housing of each one of said semiconductor
`memories, other than said error correction chip.
`(Not Instituted) The printed circuit board according to claim 1, wherein:
`said contact strip has a contact with a length;
`said printed circuit board has a height extending perpendicular to said contact
`strip; and
`said height of said printed circuit board is equal to a sum of said longer
`dimension of said housing of said error correction chip, said length of said
`contact of said contact strip and a safety clearance between said error
`correction chip and said contact strip of less than 2 mm.
`(Not Instituted) The printed circuit board according to claim 1, wherein:
`said printed circuit board has a height of 1 to 1.2 inches perpendicular to said
`contact strip.
`(Instituted/Cancelled) [[The printed circuit board according to claim 1,
`said housing of each one of said semiconductor memories is a TSOP housing.]]
`(Instituted/Cancelled) [[The printed circuit board according to claim 1,
`said at least nine semiconductor memories define exactly nine semiconductor
` 2


`Case CBM2014-00090
`Patent 5,805,702
`Attorney Docket No. 140401-001USCBM
`(Instituted/Cancelled) [[The printed circuit board according to claim 1,
`said printed circuit board is configured according to a specification selected
`from a group consisting of a raw card A of a PC 133 SDRAM registered
`DIMM design specification and a raw card F of the PC 133 SDRAM
`registered DIMM design specification.]]
`(Instituted/Cancelled) [[The printed circuit board according to claim 1,
`said printed circuit board has a width of 5.25 inches.]]
`(Substitute for Claim 8, with correlation to original claim) The printed
`circuit board according to claim 1, wherein:
`said printed circuit board has a width of 5.25 inches and has a height of 1 to 1.2
`inches perpendicular to said contact strip.
` 3


`Case IPR2016-01622
`Patent 6,850,414
`Attorney Docket No. 160831-002USIPR
`The undersigned hereby certifies that the following documents were served
`by electronic service, by agreement between the parties, on the date signed below:
`The names and address of the parties being served are as follows:
` (David Hoffman)
` (Martha Hopkins)
`Respectfully submitted,
` / Parham Hendifar /
`Date: May 16, 2017

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