(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2010/0255719 A1
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Oct. 7, 2010
`US 20l002557l9Al
`Eric Purdy, Constantia, NY (US)
`Egllfgpfiilggizifiiggii ASSOCIATES INC
`LATHAM, NY 12110 (US)
`(73) A551gnee3
`Syracuse: NY (US)
`(21) Appl' No‘:
`May 26’ 2009
`Related “-5- APP“°afi°" Data
`(60) Provisional app1icationNo. 61/166,247, filed on Apr.
`2, 2009.
`Publication Classification
`Int. Cl.
`(52) U.s. Cl. ....................................... .. 439/578; 439/583
`A coaxial cable continuity connector comprising a connector
`body, a post engageable with connector body, wherein the
`ost includes a flan e havin a ta ered surface, a nut, wherein
`the nut includes an internal lip having a tapered surface,
`wherein the tapered surface ofthe nut oppositely corresponds
`to the tapered surface of the post when the nut and post are
`o erabl axiall
`located with res ect to each other when the
`bl d
`coaxial cable continuity connector is assem e , an a con-
`tinuity member disposed between and contacting the tapered
`ffiifififitiifiiii‘ffiififéii Eiiiiiiriifflffif1‘:3£1F11l1tEiIi:§i31‘OSIOI1ti1lIlEE
`contact forces of the opposite tapered surfaces, when the
`continuity connector is assembled, is provided.
`PPC Exhibit 2013
`Coming v. PPC

`Patent Application Publication
`Oct. 7, 2010 Sheet 1 of 9
`US 2010/0255719 A1


`Patent Application Publication
`Oct. 7, 2010 Sheet 3 of 9
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`Patent Application Publication
`Oct. 7, 2010 Sheet 9 of 9
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`US 2010/0255719 A1
`Oct. 7, 2010
`[0001] The present invention relates to F-type connectors
`used in coaxial cable communication applications, and more
`specifically to connector structure extending continuity of an
`electromagnetic interference shield from the cable and
`through the connector.
`[0002] Broadband communications have become
`increasingly prevalent form of electromagnetic information
`exchange and coaxial cables are common conduits for trans-
`mission of broadband communications. Coaxial cables are
`typically designed so that an electromagnetic field carrying
`communications signals exists only in the space between
`inner and outer coaxial conductors of the cables. This allows
`coaxial cable runs to be installed next to metal objects without
`the power losses that occur in other transmission lines, and
`provides protection of the communications signals from
`external electromagnetic interference. Connectors for coaxial
`cables are typically connected onto complementary interface
`ports to electrically integrate coaxial cables to various elec-
`tronic devices and cable communication equipment. Connec-
`tion is often made through rotatable operation of an internally
`threaded nut of the connector about a corresponding exter-
`nally threaded interface port. Fully tightening the threaded
`connection ofthe coaxial cable connector to the interface port
`helps to ensure a ground connection between the connector
`and the corresponding interface port. However, often connec-
`tors are not properly tightened or otherwise installed to the
`interface port and proper electrical mating of the connector
`with the interface port does not occur. Moreover, structure of
`common connectors may permit loss of ground and discon-
`tinuity of the electromagnetic shielding that is intended to be
`extended from the cable, through the connector, and to the
`corresponding coaxial cable interface port. Hence a need
`exists for an improved connector for ensuring ground conti-
`nuity between the coaxial cable, the connector structure, and
`the coaxial cable connector interface port.
`[0003] A first aspect of the present invention provides a
`coaxial cable continuity comiector comprising; a connector
`body; a post engageable with connector body, wherein the
`post includes a flange having a tapered surface; a nut, wherein
`the nut includes an internal lip having a tapered surface,
`wherein the tapered surface ofthe nut oppositely corresponds
`to the tapered surface of the post when the nut and post are
`operably axially located with respect to each other when the
`coaxial cable continuity connector is assembled; and a con-
`tinuity member disposed between and contacting the tapered
`surface of the post and the tapered surface of the nut, so that
`the continuity member endures a moment resulting from the
`contact forces of the opposite tapered surfaces, when the
`continuity connector is assembled.
`[0004] A second aspect of the present invention provides a
`coaxial cable continuity comiector comprising; a connector
`body a nut rotatable with respect to the connector body,
`wherein the nut includes an internal lip having a tapered
`surface; a post securely engageable with connector body,
`wherein the post includes a flange having a tapered surface,
`wherein the tapered surface of the post oppositely corre-
`sponds to the tapered surface of the nut when the post and the
`nut are operably axially located with respect to each other,
`when the coaxial cable continuity connector is assembled;
`and a continuous ground path located between the nut and the
`post, the ground path facilitated by the disposition of a con-
`tinuity member positioned between the tapered surface ofthe
`nut and the tapered surface ofthe post to continuously contact
`the nut and the post under a pre-load condition, wherein the
`continuity member is continuously compressed by a resultant
`moment existent between oppositely tapered surfaces of the
`nut and the post, when the continuity connector is assembled.
`[0005] A third aspect of the present invention provides a
`coaxial cable continuity connector comprising: a post, axially
`secured to a connector body; a nut, coaxially rotatable with
`respect to the post and the connector body, when the coaxial
`cable continuity connector is assembled; and means for
`extending a continuous electrical ground path between the
`nut and the post, when the coaxial cable continuity connector
`is assembled, wherein the means invoke a moment existent
`between opposing surfaces of the nut and the post, when the
`coaxial cable continuity connector is assembled.
`[0006] A fourth aspect of the present invention provides a
`method of extending an electrical ground path from a coaxial
`cable, through a coaxial cable connector, to an interface port,
`the method comprising: providing a coaxial cable continuity
`connector including: a connector body; a post engageable
`with connector body, wherein the post includes a flange hav-
`ing a tapered surface; a nut, wherein the nut includes an
`internal lip having a tapered surface, wherein the tapered
`surface of the nut oppositely corresponds to the tapered sur-
`face of the post when the nut and post are operably axially
`located with respect to each other when the coaxial cable
`continuity connector is assembled; and a continuity member
`disposed between and contacting the tapered surface of the
`post and the tapered surface of the nut, so that the continuity
`member endures a moment resulting from the contact forces
`ofthe opposite tapered surfaces, when the continuity connec-
`tor is assembled; assembling the coaxial cable continuity
`connector; operably attaching a coaxial cable to the coaxial
`cable continuity connector in a manner that electrically inte-
`grates the post and an outer conductor of the coaxial cable;
`and installing the assembled connector, having the attached
`coaxial cable, to an interface port to extend an electrical
`ground path from the coaxial cable, through the post and the
`nut of the coaxial cable continuity connector, to the interface
`[0007] The foregoing and other features of construction
`and operation of the invention will be more readily under-
`stood and fully appreciated from the following detailed dis-
`closure, taken in conjunction with accompanying drawings.
`FIG. 1 depicts an exploded perspective view of an
`embodiment of the elements of an embodiment of a coaxial
`cable continuity connector, in accordance with the present
`FIG. 2 depicts an exploded perspective view of a
`portion of an embodiment of a continuity connector during
`assembly, in accordance with the present invention;
`FIG. 3 depicts a side view ofa portion ofan embodi-
`ment of a continuity connector during assembly, in accor-
`dance with the present invention;

`US 2010/0255719 A1
`Oct. 7, 2010
`FIG. 4 depicts a perspective cut-away View of an
`embodiment of an assembled continuity connector, in accor-
`dance with the present invention;
`FIG. 5 depicts a perspective cut-away view of a
`portion of an embodiment of an assembled continuity con-
`nector, in accordance with the present invention;
`FIG. 6 depicts a perspective cut-away view of an
`embodiment of a continuity connector fully tightened onto an
`interface port, in accordance with the present invention;
`FIG. 7 depicts a perspective cut-away view of an
`embodiment of a continuity connector in a fully tightened
`configuration, in accordance with the present invention;
`FIG. 8 depicts a perspective cut-away view of an
`embodiment of a continuity connector having an attached
`coaxial cable, the connector in a fully tightened position on an
`interface port, in accordance with the present invention; and
`FIG. 9 depicts a perspective cut-away view of an
`embodiment of a continuity connector having an attached
`coaxial cable, the connector in a not fully tightened position
`on an interface port, in accordance with the present invention.
`[0017] Although certain embodiments ofthe present inven-
`tion are shown and described in detail, it should be understood
`that various changes and modifications may be made without
`departing from the scope of the appended claims. The scope
`of the present invention will in no way be limited to the
`number of constituting components, the materials thereof, the
`shapes thereof, the relative arrangement thereof, etc., and are
`disclosed simply as an example of embodiments of the
`present invention.
`[0018] As a preface to the detailed description, it should be
`noted that, as used in this specification and the appended
`claims, the singular forms “a”, “an” and “the” include plural
`referents, unless the context clearly dictates otherwise.
`[0019] Referring to the drawings, FIG. 1 depicts one
`embodiment of a continuity connector 100. The continuity
`connector 100 may be operably afiixed to a coaxial cable 10
`having a protective outer jacket 12, a conductive grounding
`shield 14, an interior dielectric 16 and a center conductor 18.
`The coaxial cable 10 may be prepared as embodied in FIG. 1
`by removing the protective outer jacket 12 and drawing back
`the conductive grounding shield 14 to expose a portion ofthe
`interior dielectric 16. Further preparation of the embodied
`coaxial cable 10 may include stripping the dielectric 16 to
`expose a portion of the center conductor 18. The protective
`outer jacket 12 is intended to protect the various components
`of the coaxial cable 10 from damage which may result from
`exposure to dirt or moisture and from corrosion. Moreover,
`the protective outer jacket 12 may serve in some measure to
`secure the various components of the coaxial cable 10 in a
`contained cable design that protects the cable 10 from dam-
`age related to movement during cable installation. The con-
`ductive grounding shield 14 may be comprised of conductive
`materials suitable for providing an electrical ground connec-
`tion. Various embodiments of the shield 14 may be employed
`to screen unwanted noise. For instance, the shield 14 may
`comprise a metal foil wrapped around the dielectric 16, or
`several conductive strands formed in a continuous braid
`around the dielectric 16. Combinations of foil and/or braided
`strands may be utilized wherein the conductive shield 14 may
`comprise a foil layer, then a braided layer, and then a foil
`layer. Those in the art will appreciate that various layer com-
`binations may be implemented in order for the conductive
`grounding shield 14 to effectuate an electromagnetic buffer
`helping to prevent ingress of environmental noise that may
`disrupt broadband communications. The dielectric 16 may be
`comprised of materials suitable for electrical insulation. It
`should be noted that the various materials of which all the
`various components of the coaxial cable 10 are comprised
`should have some degree of elasticity allowing the cable 10 to
`flex or bend in accordance with traditional broadband com-
`munications standards, installation methods and/or equip-
`ment. It should further be recognized that the radial thickness
`ofthe coaxial cable 10, protective outer jacket 12, conductive
`grounding shield 14, interior dielectric 16 and/or center con-
`ductor 18 may vary based upon generally recognized param-
`eters corresponding to broadband communication standards
`and/or equipment.
`[0020] Referring further to FIG. 1, the continuity connector
`100 may also include a coaxial cable interface port 20. The
`coaxial cable interface port 20 includes a conductive recep-
`tacle for receiving a portion of a coaxial cable center conduc-
`tor 18 sufficient to make adequate electrical contact. The
`coaxial cable interface port 20 may further comprise a
`threaded exterior surface 23. In addition, the coaxial cable
`interface port 20 may comprise a mating edge 26 (shown in
`FIG. 9). It should be recognized that the radial thickness
`and/or the length of the coaxial cable interface port 20 and/or
`the conductive receptacle of the port 20 may vary based upon
`generally recognized parameters corresponding to broadband
`communication standards and/or equipment. Moreover, the
`pitch and height of threads which may be formed upon the
`threaded exterior surface 23 ofthe coaxial cable interface port
`20 may also vary based upon generally recognized param-
`eters corresponding to broadband communication standards
`and/or equipment. Furthermore, it should be noted that the
`interface port 20 may be formed of a single conductive mate-
`rial, multiple conductive materials, or may be configured with
`both conductive and non-conductive materials corresponding
`to the port’s 20 operable electrical interface with coaxial cable
`connectors, such as, for example, a continuity connector 100.
`However, the conductive receptacle 22 should be formed of a
`conductive material. Further still, it will be understood by
`those of ordinary skill that the interface port 20 may be
`embodied by a connective interface component of a coaxial
`cable communications device, a television, a modem, a com-
`puter port, a network receiver, or other communications
`modifying devices such as a signal splitter, a cable line
`extender, a cable network module and/or the like.
`[0021] Referring still further to FIG. 1, an embodiment of a
`coaxial cable connector 100 may further comprise a threaded
`nut 30, a post 40, a connector body 50, a fastener member 60,
`a continuity member 70, such as, for example, a ring washer
`formed of conductive material, and a connector body sealing
`member 80, such as, for example, a body O-ring.
`[0022] The threaded nut 30 of embodiments of a continuity
`connector 100 has a first end 31 and opposing second end 32.
`The threaded nut 30 may comprise internal threading 33
`extending axially from the edge of first end 31 a distant
`sufficient to provide operably effective threadable contact
`with the external threads 23 of a standard coaxial cable inter-
`face port 20 (as shown in FIGS. 1, 8 and 9). The threaded nut
`30 includes an internal lip 34, such as an armular protrusion,
`located proximate the second end 32 of the nut. The internal
`lip 34 includes a tapered surface 35 facing the first end 31 of
`the nut 30. The tapered surface 35 forms a non-radial face and
`may extend at any non-perpendicular angle with respect to the

`US 2010/0255719 A1
`Oct. 7, 2010
`central axis of the continuity connector 100. The structural
`configuration of the nut may vary according to accommodate
`different functionality of a coaxial cable connector 100. For
`instance, the first end 31 of the nut 30 may include internal
`and/or external structures such as ridges grooves, curves,
`detents, slots, openings, chamfers, or other structural fea-
`tures, etc., which may facilitate the operable joining of an
`environmental sealing member, such an Aqua-Tight seal, that
`may help prevent ingress of environmental contaminants at
`the first end 31 of a nut 30, when mated with an interface port
`20. Moreover, the second end 32, of the nut 30 may extend a
`significant axial distance to reside radially extent of the con-
`nector body 50, although the extended portion of the nut 30
`need not contact the connector body 50. The threaded nut 30
`may be formed of conductive materials facilitating grounding
`through the nut. Accordingly the nut 30 may be configured to
`extend an electromagnetic buffer by electrically contacting
`conductive surfaces of an interface port 20 when a connector
`100 (shown in FIGS. 6, 8 and 9) is advanced onto the port 20.
`In addition, the threaded nut 30 may be formed of both con-
`ductive and non-conductive materials. For example, portions
`of the external surface of the nut 30 may be formed of a
`polymer, while the remainder ofthe nut 30 may be comprised
`of a metal or other conductive material. The threaded nut 30
`may be formed of metals or polymers or other materials that
`would facilitate a rigidly formed nut body. Manufacture ofthe
`threaded nut 30 may include casting, extruding, cutting,
`knurling, turmng, tapping, drilling, injection molding, blow
`molding, or other fabrication methods that may provide effi-
`cient production of the component.
`[0023] Referring still to, FIG. 1, an embodiment of a con-
`tinuity connector 100 may include a post 40. The post 40
`comprises a first end 41 and opposing second end 42. Fur-
`thermore, the post 40 comprises a flange 44, such as an
`externally extending annular protrusion, located at the first
`end 41 ofthe post 40. The flange 44 includes a tapered surface
`45 facing the second end 42 of the post 40. The tapered
`surface 45 forms a non-radial face and may extend at any
`non-perpendicular angle with respect to the central axis ofthe
`continuity connector 100. The angle ofthe taper ofthe tapered
`surface 45 should oppositely correspond to the angle of the
`taper of the tapered surface 35 of the internal lip 34 of
`threaded nut 30. Further still, an embodiment of the post 40
`may include a surface feature 47 such as a lip or protrusion
`that may engage a portion of a connector body 50 to secure
`axial movement of the post 40 relative to the connector body
`50. Additionally, the post 40 may include a mating edge 46.
`The mating edge 46 may be configured to make physical and
`electrical contact with a corresponding mating edge 26 of an
`interface port 20. The post 40 should be formed such that
`portions of a prepared coaxial cable 10 including the dielec-
`tric 16 and center conductor 18 (shown in FIGS. 1, 8 and 9)
`may pass axially into the second end 42 and/or through a
`portion of the tube-like body of the post 40. Moreover, the
`post 40 should be dimensioned such that the post 40 may be
`inserted into an end of the prepared coaxial cable 10, around
`the dielectric 16 and under the protective outer jacket 12 and
`conductive grounding shield 14. Accordingly, where an
`embodiment of the post 40 may be inserted into an end of the
`prepared coaxial cable 10 under the drawn back conductive
`grounding shield 14, substantial physical and/or electrical
`contact with the shield 14 may be accomplished thereby
`facilitating grounding through the post 40. The post 40 may
`be formed of metals or other conductive materials that would
`facilitate a rigidly formed post body. In addition, the post may
`be formed of a combination of both conductive and non-
`conductive materials. For example, a metal coating or layer
`may be applied to a polymer or other non-conductive mate-
`rial. Manufacture of the post 40 may include casting, extrud-
`ing, cutting, turning, drilling, injection molding, spraying,
`blow molding, component overmolding, or other fabrication
`methods that may provide efiicient production of the compo-
`[0024] Embodiments of a coaxial cable connector, such as
`continuity connector 100, may include a connector body 50.
`The connector body 50 may comprise a first end 51 and
`opposing second end 52. Moreover, the connector body 50
`may include a post mounting portion 57 proximate the first
`end 51 of the body 50, the post mounting portion 57 config-
`ured to mate and achieve purchase with a portion of the outer
`surface ofpost 40, so that the connectorbody 50 is axially and
`radially secured to the post 40. When embodiments of a
`continuity connector are assembled (as in FIGS. 6-8), the
`connector body 50 may be mounted on the post 40 in a
`manner that prevents contact of the connector body 50 with
`the nut 30. In addition, the connector body 50 may include an
`outer armular recess 58 located proximate the first end 51.
`Furthermore, the connector body 50 may include a semi-
`rigid, yet compliant outer surface 55, wherein the outer sur-
`face 55 may be configured to form an annular seal when the
`second end 52 is deformably compressed against a received
`coaxial cable 10 by operation of a fastener member 60. The
`connector body 50 may include an external annular detent 53
`located proximate the second end 52 of the connector body
`50. Further still, the connector body 50 may include internal
`surface features 59, such as annular serrations formed proxi-
`mate the internal surface of the second end 52 of the connec-
`tor body 50 and configured to enhance frictional restraint and
`gripping of an inserted and received coaxial cable 10. The
`connector body 50 may be formed of materials such as, plas-
`tics, polymers, bendable metals or composite materials that
`facilitate a semi-rigid, yet compliant outer surface 55. Fur-
`ther, the connector body 50 may be formed of conductive or
`non-conductive materials or a combination thereof. Manufac-
`ture ofthe connector body 50 may include casting, extruding,
`cutting, turmng, drilling, injection molding, spraying, blow
`molding, component overmolding, or other fabrication meth-
`ods that may provide efficient production of the component.
`[0025] With further reference to FIG. 1, embodiments of a
`continuity connector 100 may include a fastener member 60.
`The fastener member 60 may have a first end 61 and opposing
`second end 62. In addition, the fastener member 60 may
`include an internal annular protrusion 63 located proximate
`the first end 62 of the fastener member 60 and configured to
`mate and achieve purchase with the annular detent 53 on the
`outer surface 55 of connector body 50 (shown in FIGS. 4 and
`6). Moreover, the fastener member 60 may comprise a central
`passageway 65 defined between the first end 61 and second
`end 62 and extending axially through the fastener member 60.
`The central passageway 65 may comprise a ramped surface
`66 which may be positioned between a first opening or inner
`bore 67 having a first diameter positioned proximate with the
`first end 61 of the fastener member 60 and a second opening
`or inner bore 68 having a second diameter positioned proxi-
`mate with the second end 62 of the fastener member 60. The
`ramped surface 66 may act to deformably compress the outer
`surface 55 of a connector body 50 when the fastener member
`60 is operated to secure a coaxial cable 10. Additionally, the

`US 2010/0255719 A1
`Oct. 7, 2010
`fastener member 60 may comprise an exterior surface feature
`69 positioned proximate witl1 the second end 62 of the fas-
`tener member 60. The surface feature 69 may facilitate grip-
`ping of the fastener member 60 during operation of the con-
`nector 100. Although the surface feature 69 is shown as an
`annular detent, it may have various shapes and sizes such as a
`ridge, notch, protrusion, knurling, or other friction or grip-
`ping type arrangements. It should be recognized, by those
`skilled in the requisite art, that the fastener member 60 may be
`formed of rigid materials such as metals, hard plastics, poly-
`mers, composites and the like. Furthermore, the fastener
`member 60 may be manufactured via casting, extruding, cut-
`turning, drilling,
`injection molding, spraying, blow
`molding, component overmolding, or other fabrication meth-
`ods that may provide efficient production of the component.
`[0026] The manner in which the continuity connector 100
`may be fastened to a received coaxial cable 10 (such as shown
`in FIGS. 1, 8 and 9) may also be similar to the way a cable is
`fastened to a common CMP-type connector. The continuity
`connector 100 includes an outer connector body 50 having a
`first end 51 and a second end 52. The body 50 at least partially
`surrounds a tubular inner post 40. The tubular inner post 40
`has a first end 41 including a flange 44 and a second end 42
`configured to mate with a coaxial cable 10 and contact a
`portion of the outer conductive grounding shield or sheath 14
`of the cable 10. The connector body 50 is secured relative to
`a portion of the tubular post 40 proximate the first end 41 of
`the tubular post 40 and cooperates in a radially spaced rela-
`tionship with the inner post 40 to define an annular chamber
`with a rear opening. A tubular locking compression member
`may protrude axially into the armular chamber through its
`rear opening. The tubular locking compression member may
`be slidably coupled or otherwise movably aflixed to the con-
`nector body 50 and may be displaceable axially between a
`first open position (accommodating insertion of the tubular
`inner post 40 into a prepared cable 10 end to contact the
`grounding shield 14), and a second clamped position com-
`pressibly fixing the cable 10 within the chamber of the con-
`nector 100. A coupler or nut 30 at the front end of the inner
`post 40 serves to attach the continuity connector 100 to an
`interface port. In a CMP-type continuity connector 100, the
`structural configuration and functional operation ofthe nut 3 0
`may be similar to the structure and functionality of similar
`components of a continuity connector 100 described in FIGS.
`1-9, and having reference numerals denoted similarly. In
`addition, those in the art should appreciate that other means,
`such as crimping, thread-on compression, or other connection
`structures and or processes may be incorporated into the
`operable design of a continuity connector 100.
`[0027] Turning now to FIGS. 2-4, an embodiment of a
`continuity connector 100 is shown during assembly and as
`assembled. A continuity member 70 may positioned around
`an external surface of the post 40 during assembly, while the
`post 40 is axially inserted into position with respect to the nut
`30. The continuity member 70 should have an inner diameter
`sufficient to allow it to move up the entire length of the post
`body 40 until it contacts the tapered surface 45 of the flange
`44 (as depicted in FIG. 3). The body sealing member 80, such
`as an 0-ring, may be located in the second end of the nut 30 in
`front of the internal lip 34 of the nut, so that the sealing
`member 80 may compressibly rest between the nut 30 and the
`connector body 50. The body sealing member 80 may fit
`snugly over the portion of the body 50 corresponding to the
`annular recess 58 proximate the first end 51 of the body 50.
`However, those in the art should appreciate that other loca-
`tions of the sealing member corresponding to other structural
`configurations of the nut 30 and body 50 may be employed to
`operably provide a physical seal and barrier to ingress of
`environmental contaminants. The nut 30 may be spaced apart
`from the connector body 50 and may not physically and
`electrically contact the connector body 50. Moreover, the
`body sealing member 80 may serve to, in some manner,
`prevent physical and electrical contact between the nut 30 and
`the connector body 50.
`[0028] When assembled, as in FIG. 4, embodiments of a
`continuity connector 100 may have axially, radially, and/or
`rotationally secured components. For example, the body 50
`may obtain a physical interference fit with portions ofthe post
`40, thereby securing those two components together. The
`flange 44 of the post 40 and the internal lip 34 of the nut 30
`may work to restrict axial movement of those two compo-
`nents with respect to each other. Moreover, the configuration
`of the body 50, as located on the post 40, when assembled,
`may also restrict axial movement of the nut 30. However, the
`assembled configuration should not prevent rotational move-
`ment of the nut 30 with respect to the other continuity con-
`nector 100 components.
`In addition, when assembled,
`embodiments of a continuity member 100 have a fastener
`member 60 may be configured in a way that the fastener
`member 60 is secured to a portion of the body 50 so that the
`fastener member 60 may have some slidable axial freedom
`with respect to the body 50, thereby permitting operable
`compression of the fastener member 60 onto the connector
`body 50 and attachment of a coaxial cable 10. The fastener
`member 60 may be operably slidably secured to the connector
`body 50. Notably, when embodiments of a continuity con-
`nector 100 are assembled, the continuity member 70 is dis-
`posed between the tapered surface 35 ofthe internal lip ofthe
`nut 30 and the tapered surface 45 of the flange 44 of the post,
`so that the continuity member 70 continuously physically and
`electrically contacts both the nut 30 and the post 40.
`[0029] During assembly of a continuity connector 100 (as
`in FIGS. 2-3), the continuity member 70 may be mounted on
`the post 40 proximate the first end 41 of the post 40. Then the
`post 40, with the continuity member 70 mounted thereon,
`may be axially inserted through each of the nut 30 (starting at
`the first end 31 of the nut 30), the seal member 80, and the
`connector body 50 (starting at the first end 51 ofthe connector
`body 50) until the applicable components are axially secured
`with respect
`to one another
`in FIGS. 4-5). Once
`assembled, the continuity member is disposed between and
`contacts both the tapered surface 35 of the internal lip 34 of
`the nut 30 and the correspondingly oppositely tapered surface
`45 of the flange 44 of the post 40, so that the continuity
`member 70 resides in a pre-load condition wherein the con-
`tinuity member 70 experiences constant compression force(s)
`exerted upon it by both the tapered surface 35 of the lip 34 of
`the nut 30 and the tapered surface 45 of the flange 44 of the
`post 40. As such, the pre-load condition of the continuity
`member 70, when embodiments of a continuity connector
`100 are in an assembled state, exists such that the continuity
`member 70 endures a constant moment, in an axial direction,
`resulting from the contact forces of the opposite tapered sur-
`faces 35 and 45 of the nut 30 and post 40. The pre-load
`condition of the continuity member 70 involving a constant
`moment and continuous motive contact between the oppo-
`sitely tapered surfaces 35 and 45 of the nut 30 and the post 40
`facilitates an electrical ground path between the post 40 and

`US 2010/0255719 Al
`Oct. 7, 2010
`the nut 30. In addition, the pre-load continuous contact con-
`dition of the continuity member 70 between the oppositely
`tapered surfaces 35 and 45 exists during operable rotational
`coaxial movement of the nut 30 about the post 40. Moreover,
`if the nut 30, as operably axially secured with respect to the
`pos, wiggles or otherwise experiences some amount of axial
`movement with respect to the post 40, either during rotation
`of the nut 30 or as a result of some other operable movement
`of the continuity connector 100, then the assembled pre-load
`compressed resilient condition of the continuity member 70
`between the tapered surfaces 35 and 45 helps ensure constant
`physical and electrical contact between the nut 30 and the post
`40. Hence, even if there is rotational or axial movement or
`other wiggling that occurs between the nut 30 and the post 40,
`the continuity member 70, as existent in a pr

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