L::JOOSi:; b$00-:l : l.99l!
`A.."l'\:>m'.&i>k Std ~::1.:$, 19~3 Editi:m
`11.3..4.$ Coaxial Cabhl to AlJl Delay Chflr~ct~rist.IC$, 'l'he Y.AU recci'yer Uming a-nd delayll
`described below shaH 1\Gt be t>~ed or traded off al(ain61. any <>ther ddays in. the sy!}tem,
`11..S.4.tU ·~jv.:ld RF to Circuit Dl Delay. When there is no collisiM 1n ~ess, the delay frotu
`the tmd orthe SFD in the ttee.l:;rad RF data i!\lgnal at the c:oaritll cahte int.eri'nce w th.e end uf the SFD on
`Cirwlt Dl, shaH be a me\nmum <1f 75 bit timt}ll (!See :Fig 11-lll). Tl1e minimum is not epeci.fied, nm is the
`delay specifiod at othu: h;cat1on~ in tl:ie packet. '!be elld uf the SFD in (he l1.>ooived .ru~ data irlgnal (at th<:
`Cl)."f<Xial enhle interfur.e) ~defined as the time at whkb the envelQPe of the carrier vrould pa!!!ti the
`midpoint if the fb:st bit foHawing the SFD "-~&a ;:ero flrui thtl P.!<:.rambl~~r diaabled,
`t .l
`Fig a-1n
`N<1 Co1lis1on Timing :O.i.Ag:ram {(~au tc>AO.U
`11 .. 1..4,5.2 Reeetv~d lUl' to CE RF Ol.ltp\lt an:d (;\rcuit C! .Det~. ln the event tl1at 1l coni~ion is
`<l0tt~oted vi.a. th(! bit-by-b\t (~tt_parl$Ct\1 ti:w. dela..y ~m tlw end M tlte bit in which tha~:.all!ru.e:n w~ d~eted.
`M n>pt>esttnted. by the nF signcl, tu the 50% point (II), th<J riilfng (~dge of the wl1il'ion ~ruhrcf'.ment signal
`shall nQt exrot>d 34 time~:~. 'Phe ddn,y fr<:~m the same }N>int to lite first t:re.nsition of C:ireuit CI zJ:uill not
`<!!l:t:eed .27 bit times, Ci~:uit CI t>liall e0~e activity no mon:< than 31 bit timfJS after ad:ivity on Ure RF '.nter·
`fo.oo (in b<1th d11ta channel and coHision enfo.rc.ement ehtmneO ~ages,. .See Fig 11·14 .and Fig 1.1-15,
`n.Zt4.5..3 C<.Uitdon Enforooment to Cir<~uit CJ. Delay. fn the event of a ccl.litiion rnfon;t~tmt by
`another MAU, the delay from th.!)' 6{}lm point; on tite rl$ing edge of thfl RF rollision ~nf<>scemtont l!l"igrud to the
`firilt trunsition of Circuit Cf sbtdl oo no moce than 31 bit t.imea. Circuit Cl t!halJ be fl.!:'.iwefor a minimu.m af
`5 bit timGll and sb.aU herome inactive witltiu 31 bit. ti mc11 of the ee~aticm of acti .. -ity on the RF coaxial cable
`interlace, as sltowt\ it~ Fig ll-15.
`U~3A.5.-l Receive Datft to SQ.E "!'est Delay. I£ a. «JUit;ion. enfhrcement &g:rull iss ~.Wad afte• th<~
`ced_window t:<if:l'llli.l heconiell iml¢tive (see {9) in, <rr if tbe MAU ha:~ triDWmitl~ an SQE 'n,lit
`i>eqll('.nc~. the MAU ~ ti> interpr<.:.t 't;he eoUilsion tm.foroement signal 8!5 ntt SQE ~i~nt~.t li: the SQJ.i; 'l~t
`!llt:qU0ttce i» e~:~r~ily de~t.Ul (that i~. tl~ t~~ Jll'l.'l!l(!tl), then thr~ deley itom the last ka~ition of C.i:rcuit D.l
`to th~ first tte.nsitkln t>f C:httdt £!1 Rh!ill oo at lea.&t 6 but not nrote tfiatt J6 bit timllil. Chwit Cl ahsU
`t<mnlin n.dlv~ for 10 ±. 5 hi:t tl:to.n(!. OnT.Y the tru.nrunltlin1~ M.At1 shall ~0rt it~ Circuit. 01 as a.r&i!\llt, of aue:(cid:173)
`~!iful t»tnpleti.on, o!' the SqE ~t et-'quence,
`If il ooUMan enfor~Hnumt cig:nal is received txf"Onl l;bll' «~,.window signal b<'l{.·om<:>& .inMtivt\, the· MAU
`W:uliL intm:-pmt It a~ a CQUisi():n «ni\tt"«>ment s.nd the t-illl"i.o!c of 11.3A.5.S shutl apply,
`Page 201
` Dell Inc.
` Exhibit 1008 (Part 3 of 3)

`~· (--~:::~ :::~
`.. "
`~1 r:: :::
`:C~il~ 'tlmlnlf Uiqmm. {tU' OMa tu rut CoUismn tmt~>~~}
`T :::::::
`I ...
`C~uu ~~'tmJn11DiA~ (¢:~ C~l«$ .fl.nt~aoo toA'lJl Ohrttttlt c:n
`n.:UJJ n~ tr(tdt Ct~\ttt ))() ~'l Ot.c!uU UL ~ delay from a bit ttn. Ctn:wl 00 u.t thu AU
`tn~ to~ «J~ndh\tt bit oo C~t4 m at ~ ~u Intedac:re .m equal t.) ttt~· ~hd t£tp ttet,v uf ~
`~ ~ *k~"'~ Wh i~{<Utat h1t, tu ltf ~~ ~u.' tfu1. ~'~ ttl~ del~ ihreugh ~
`~ ,;~ a:t the 1M~ (l(tbe MAtt T'btrt'!~ the dcl.q i$ a fun:~oo ~ ~ ~®I of Ul<!! MA t1 (tfi
`the table f!Y~:ettl, ft it tWMt k1JM U1n:a th.e trllM'mitlt£r delay pltli ·thb ~btc t~gth phm tb tu:M to
`~ lo.ll$ Qf ~t (It' ~n«~ ottlte SQ!~ ~l t~t SH Fig: :U-16 f<tr the ti~ :rniltttottifttp wliM t.M
`~hl3 .hal~ t~n~b.
`'Whctt too MAU ia triit.Mmittirtli!' it tihrJt<t PRtik~t (l<OOa tha.n l.'ll6 bits), tl:tu tht Oi~uit 0! durl.tiif thb
`sqr~ t~t!'t ~C4uone\l liliult b!(l tlw tmi),W ns it ht for nnn:mlll¢ngth packl\Ut tf w M4\U tt-rtnlJmita a .hm"t
`paef«.t {l~M& fu::m G'lG btt3) tlmt ~n~ o. ~Umion &fid if Uu~ SQE 'nt9t ~CQ.'-*~ hs.a not boo11
`Page 202

`!SOi'ffi'.V g&r) .. ;)J lv"QS
`;-\N&!irEi'/.1\: S!"<l 009.S, lYJ(Ll!i.clitiJ:,;.
`!;~,"rmmnlU.erl, wh~)t~ -tll~ mlli:lllmt .ls detectoo by 1:h.e MALT, then thtt tt"min~ far-Gi:rcuit til dhnU hf~ U~0 sw:ue· M
`it il& fiH: "'ny nO<rmal (XIlH!linn.,
`l1.3.4.7 Interp~«:ket Gup J,Wqwa>me:nt Th!)' MAD .shall he •~h1e fmd r~ady m trtutrt..m,it d~t.a pre(cid:173)
`s~mwd it) it by t.htt JJT:f?.: tto i.:tte.r than 00 bit times alter the last bit of¥ recaived pad;:et wa!il. pl't~$<lnt0!:1 lW
`tiH~ .NfA I.i <t,t its Al.:.fL
`:: ~ : J
`l~~ji : ~fA: : ::::~ ::
`l :.J
`Timing a~ .. Ali"I fQt' Z(rt<a-IA\t:lf,>'fu Cm:tx
` Bit En-at' ltau~. ThH :.K-tA U iJ:\alt hav-t.o i> Bit !l~.r:r<>r Ra:te .:HI<l:R). aa uHm.l!u:r:tl!t at f:hi~ AUJl{}'W<~r
`than nne errnt in Wj$ in }l "!ih uaax .. t.cFt •,mvironmoot iz, a ooarial eabh! <'.Hnn,·lti"lnn
` sh~rt to hav:!5. .tteA?f!gjhho delay i!.lld tranWiis:Eion impi:tb:m(~nts)~ H s.hrtl1. h..we thil:l HlilH. fm'
`~t~i:~e !S_~g;nHl t~el.a in the r:a~~ s~dnilid tn iL3. L 1..3 and in the !Jie1!<;lt-ee t~f -28.3 dBnN nmr/14 !\!Hz
`whl,ttl 0~\u~ifl». twise_ '1'hi$ MJ!!*~<m.t.4 $ 24)$ dB <t"ig':rtBl-tti-.n.ois>l mth fur ih~ fi' ltihtifntnJ~ !!igncl
`iev.~i, ,,,l d.B-mV nn.,, For tt!H Sil:rn.~ B1iR in n """)'>It<mi' <~VitulntH~1\t (·:<)$ <J'W<Js.t>'d to aora,-l<mgih ooax), a 26 di.3
`s~gmtt .. f:<~ ,n<tl\!<~ mt:ln iM required ..
`'I1u~ MAU (ih:t!J.l !ne~t the Bli.m ~ul:re~ne!'l.b;S))edt1l.'"<i •l.b!We when reedvit>g atri~s at up ro :t::; ~ll$0Cu~
`tllhl idt~rttl.ca1 bit~:>.
`tt.$'.5 ~l!a~illt;y; ClltnJ.*m.«t~.t fa.Unroo witlti.n th.~ MAU t:;Jectn-inm ~thoo.ld u~ irrtrJci_Ie f.l:<rro:nn.mi<:u:tion.
`m:n!l:rig £itm!' 11>{/!,lJs t>l} th$ bm~d t:nu.ial cM!e. f'<mmx:tnrs il.nd ~ith.e,r. ~;:msstve Cl1mpoJX;d:t.>e twmpl•ising
`th-0. mc..11'rl..'-} t't tho M.!i.tJ w the t:oaxi&l cabk sh!t'li b(~ de~ignt'll. to!U:inimir.e the l-lrubahillt;y of bhd
`net~ .:irk. t~il The MA~J ih:tl1 ~ de$ignoo tv pr,zyvjde an M'.l'llF ut ut 1~·mt. 1 Qfk1 000 hint!$ withtmt ~-tua•
`h1g e><ttion fallute mnong <1f..b.t'J):' su~tiom~ a.t:t..tlehg(l <tzy (he broo.dh?xnd loe.1:! nut.:wo.rk m~miur.!L
`U.4.l Dc.l.ay :an~~,t and ~tWO"rk Diameter. The de-Jay m:uigd· !hr th~ hroi:clmlnd .MA'tJ u.nd-r<Mt of
`ihe Pcy'<>kul .Layet ig tahulat('a i& 'I'ahh~ 1L•hL 'Thi<; table incl.udN'I nUQCati1>ns for f;n;mk cablH> (the {md;.(cid:173)
`bm1e caM~Js in the eyl(!tA:iln)~ .d:rqp s:r.i.h1eE {a lm~tli:h ldf' 25 m is amnmwrb, •JW, The v<!l{K:iti~~ (;f pt<t~a;rati~tl
`aNSumGd 'a2'1:1lneh,;.~:l<Jd ln. the t.ahle; U(W Of t}th~t t.'V!J{IS t~f cable<i wHl aJte:r the· &yil'tb'llt dt:lnt<tter aen~)NHn~1y.
`The t"YJI,C<i of cables, inthlclL~ th<o :tri i~ of d:ru,p ~p)d tt.u.nk (!~!hl.e lml_gths, ¢!.Ill he nlU'!'N~d U!l ittrt-;f 3.'< the. mtru
`Page 203

`f$0000 Jl!l~3 ; ll!t\:1
`A<NS]/(il:ll:'R i:'!t.d e~s, 1~1 Edi!:Wr.
`prOP*fr&tiun d.(ilay from the nwst dtlltatti:-MAJJttJ tha hw;e~d doett not@ltrot-d '10 hit times. 1l'ha rola:i.l tl~>Juy
`bud~t of 5'76 h)t thn<lS, tnclud¥.t~ allewani',e fat the ~ri\amhle a.nd SFD {64 bit.-.),
`Taht~ 11.4-l ti\J.tul'*WE <l&ilt}' ~~lJ~tfOtt:} f4t" a dq;:tl~;:ahle ~j!$.tem. with }:1(1 ~(fend ~l~y. t!::fl:riaktU!;l flin·
`gl~cable ~.Y&k®s. the hruta!!nd ttwh:itm.< detay ~luOO!J' ih~ ntEfJfil:ttnm ~tnk taNe djat<mtm .hy [D/(2 x:
`CV)l~ whel'!tl D i.s thf'. delpy in 'nf,llt~eel)l"lds, a:nd CV' i~ ·t~ oohl.e v'e,lndty in nan~e¢(litds pet" m~t4r. FJJt
`3.83 nf;(.m 'Y-eioci~y trunk ~nble, this t't<du~l:i~ti. i1> !'D<>lay btlt} /7,6:&] m.
`'l'Ul~ :ll~l
`:aruadb$1ul Duui.Cahle Sy!l!t~m~Phys;ica! L~r Delay .Sudg0t
`~:::!::::::.r.c«~w,::::::::::::~::::::::::::.:.::::::::!::::::::~:::~·:':-:-:-~::::::::::::!!:: :::=:::·:-~::::::::::::::: ~:::·=--==- :::::::::::~:::.:::::::::::::::::::::: :=::::;:
`!11"10: sias:t'l- LJ< Pitt <lilt nn.t hit
`................. _
`:,r~~ .. tmtt;'i$.
`Almwe<l Yl.llue
`................... _._ ...................................... - ....................................... '"'[00·-~
`:P".i_."~~t bh from D'IEl at AU!
`Atll ()'ible (l}C rn nt ~.U$ n'lftu0
`a~m.t no ill 'I'll. RF O>~>t
`'1'r ~ Cttblu (l!l'>lil <1i 4.21l1W.l"!!},
`tor ~k Cahio.t tltlllil m ~\ <tlill :>•N•)
`-}4 'fu.u.1.k GAbk t~ ~~ .,.t 4 .. 21 o.w,'m_j.
`!t;f. l}rl)~~;:al:dl} (2!'i ro >~t >U!?1 ;);ll[l:i).)
`bd >.tl'' .. Dlt C!it!l!Jo~t'l~r$.\ (lm\t I.* IJt ~t11~r<W !.\dd!'.~~)
`:1h R.F f<l -~tl~!,~rilktn<!:i..'inw•.xt RF f)llf{f'm,,. J*.:X hit ill<~t L~ f4<ul.d til lt«ln
`O!~dl> C<}Uial<m: ~nf~i&'}hlHO
`fi fra!~~ C'!.tilo f~':!l m. nt U"f t<-'lim~
`"f:t,'Imn!t Cnh!;, (1000' m ttt :ll,S'i! ~~n)
`lli 'l'nH\k O;~hi\1 ~HlOO m !t~ If~ lW-'Itl.}
`l~~t Dw;t Gibb; (3..5 ~at 4.'1.-illmlllij
`l~CI'iH!l'!ien !Snfl>ti\Sin~:<t ~ Coo,,it Gi
`Atll Cal>}.o.{im m -•U>.-li! nt/tnJ
`t}tt'!ll Del.otts {.~)H\~i.ou Pro~t-!!Ja<!
`rYI'El J a.m!!-Cru>F.mwJ
`Al~¢'." f{l'f1~pll, Svli~rn. 1\.tt•r>i'~am, ~.,ot M~"'(;;1
`6 .. 8.95
`{)% .. 00
`f.$ 00
`~ ~{
`11 .4J; 1\-f.A.tJ OpeX~tl!.!U with "Pac.' ShOJ:Wr: than lJl2 Bits:. The' MAU trn.nsmits art SQE 'Lbst
`~oqumice ont<~ th,e l:U'' me<tium aft~ wery t.t'amimitti<l. packet. If the ihlme:. ph::s. pl'l'$amble. and SFt:t is 1~»
`-~ the ~d .... win®w in l(.'l:tgth, a t'000'iving MAU .eatwut dJstingni~h. tl:w. SQ;E Tt:Wt signal t:n:nn a u1llisfun
`e.nfor.wn.ent ..l!ign."\1 due to a eollisit:m. Tl1~"fflfo~1 l".lpt:lratltm· of the .M'AtJ wit:.b dtlta!$ ~r than
`S12 hitm mtty ~tm!lt! all oth~:r ~ooh:ing '1\>fA'[J..g M !*~a ool!isicm. Ths t;r-an.•mutting MAU, howwm-, re-rogni~s.
`the S{tE Toot ~W(o'e. that;: MAU wnft t.ha one that tranBr»i:ttoo the 1:es.t, An ·MA.U tranBmitti~ a hlwrl:
`pm.-kt>.:t that anrount:er:.l t't eull.:i.Jrion ~-tl d..isttn~ish the ~11;-ing Q)]limion i.Ulf'<Jt<*nf~},nt :t'ro..m: an SQE 1~"t !fig~
`:Mil b):• the fl1:et that tl!l'e t,rctn~ntlt'tin.g 1\'l.f'\<U will n(;lt have ttrullri'nitt£4 t.h:e SQE 1'e'ilt ~u_nn.e~ tml~!l the
`p~~t ill ~ih~rtet than the ro:ttitd tttp de-lay 911 the ~e pl.ant,.ln th~ in,tt;er i:rt..•~tart<X!; the t..rani'lmitting ?!<!AU
`maynnt; a ooiUskm: ~nfu~m~nt.
`U.!i Dl:utW.¢terlifti<J$ of tht'i OouxM Cal.J.W. Sy&~ Tho cnbla ~<yRWrti UJmn wh:kh the btoadbatui MAU
`6~taiesl'dtaH Hlt."0t the follo-wing, t>lootrical and met~lm:niaaln..>qnirmnent~"
`:H..5.1 FJI~ci; ~uin)tu~Jtts. 'fhe a!~~ical ·r(I.IQ.uil:-l:tm~mts t>ftb:e Clibh$ i\?»tmt~ n:r.if listed in 'l'ahle
`11.&· L 'Eaeh. !,}iiraro:-etet is a~l(t aver tM frequency rM g~~ t:Q be used b;y the hrnadharul 1'1.1:.,<\l.J.
`Adjm~elit-th, Siglt(<dl&teJash.allbe ~Jl~St~nt With fitH.r~uit~ntf51its oJ n.:U.,l ,4.
`Page 204

`'lahJe n.,.:;..1
`C~hie System :E.iti~jt.:r:i~at R<t!quireme:ntw
`1<~> rtE tnl!1<
`S"'$ttm r .. ~.
`~~WI\ lA~,o),
`.~t~;l•>te!m.ll.oa»i"n N<ll.'l!l J~rol
`I.f.;~~ Vtu:\u:ti<m"' iJ>'.Il' l6)XtH:i.1>~.~.r.tt_l
`!}tdh Ln~ l~l;'/1'"'-'-'~ :!l~y ttar.w.::Ut·'Jl4ri· JJM r1:t.t>h·e
`I•Jri, il\cl{•db:l{l l!>lt'>l Wlil«ti(l:to}
`t'l,rol)!?. O!Jhy V;l. ;:ililiun
`'ilO r;ll/.It> MHz .®<:.
`·--·,.tollt<<l t.iAlA.<><<n:inr
`-<W<'.t 1\l t<Uh \•!l',11d
`~-4 lir ro~
`,{~\l -dnniY~dfl:
`t~rdi3'mV:i::tlt d:£1
`·•10 ~1l1inVJ1ol .:l!ll'l.:·
`It <lB :J~I" .. f;~ tH> nra¥.
`<lti dB m.\ti, .f;a ll:!ht;ur
`:tlU 'M.'iehamOO.l.~•nt>ements. I'htl t1!>.n:m:Jt< ~of t:hx1 cr>.(i~ t•ystenn U> the bt!lad!Jand ~~L<\15 i.~ witt a
`fl"rnndanur.:s~oo S<lteW•·mN:nale·optU'i!rotur. 1!\r.r th(l dnru-cabh; cr.t$(1, twu su.:-:<J1 ~(rnn(lcto~" ere reqltit<:>dl M~
`furtranstnlt; and tlt<-~ othHr .for mcill'r~!.
`U.ll .. ~ Dt~lay Raqu'ire.m~nh!. t'.lu} n~~xiunun kngt1l of'th<;: cable zy!>ttm1 i% OOEi.Ida:ain~d by f.he .a'nowahh~
`:round tcip d<.;layfibnt tl:IJ.)' farthest ttatt.<Jm'itting MAD t~ th~ tat<th¥.s~ rt'\Cah•ing MAtL 'hihh~ ll.ilr.-·1 allows
`14Hllit timil$ }:(ittnd trip del:ay in tn'fj -cab1~ ~:ty~l:"-"lll'., }!"Qr !;n,mk ¢r.tb1t> pl"f>p~~~1intt Vci{)ci,ty of'1~:.ll$ rti:if:m, thii!;
`2dlo:ws :ifY.KI .. m nf tmr.1k. cahile ( tr.lj1; J.&f'A) .m. :i:'n:IIXl; the .fadh~!St JJ.frint tn the h!.adtmd)~ and 2$ ·m ~f
`4.2"( mJ!ttr y(']odi:y' (hxw l:'abk~ nt ~qa~h MAU, in ·addlti-:Jrt, ~:; m ofAUl vt~.hl<;> h ~nawcd mr. 1-'tu:h MAU. tl:ter.s ..
`foi-e al1yWibg, in thl$. cy;ro_. amrui:hm.nn .qf3'.ilJ.Q t~;t lfl'F.: t~ lJl'E !i!<~ll~'l:'!~tlmt. 'l'~dengths will ~·difn>Hmt.if
`eah1es ·nf rliffe:r~mt ;itutml.rati.M w~looi:ty f<re U.'\1(>-d •. ~fhi~ is• aecppiahllf szy ~mg as the tn~::dmum clel~y l~ not

`Ji',Qr sln-g-lJX-able ;lyat(t.UJS, th{: !!MtXit'lttiln ri~'ik~Y «.f 140 hit. tim&s.indu!l~ the d,e.hty fwMfeml.
`l'b:.e m.uri:mtnn (»liMe ~y~t.fil'n l~.h.nut.'lt.he.rtiduet~o!l 'tpptnpriateJ~ «s ~kS(::ri~~d In ll..4.:L
`JJA1 Eh:er:tricru Requirement'!!', 'J7he heMit~rld frequenL.')' trantJai:.o:r j)>:rmtJ.n¢() is ir.clmhni in. tl:w
`-c~hi.e *'Y£1tem ebanl!~:e:ri"'hce fipil(~ft~f in .11.5, ex>it}l)tas d(l.f:ln!'l(l itr 1l'ahh1 llJJ,L
`.!<'re~t<:',;' '1\'N)..f!J,Q~ Reqn:in:m.tent8
`(~r(!~.v. Oe~:r ·v~t~'in~i=);
`-atnuh.d dt:.t;~ r..ctrfl~w f-Mttu~~Jey
`.... ~10<-\••m da~~ ~tr~<' am! r;!ii ~·.•a!;tw ~~1"~'"7
`An1r;litud;, Vil.-hlti!)•; {ti<Jxn ll~MH~ 'bel.<~ WJ ir.j>;;~t
`!111.ta s'll.llt)~ ~.<!tl~;<ey t~ .l; (lh.:Wt.·. <'.$
`ffl'Qlll>r !~t>En~?)
`'rrM!ilatJni?. Fto\i!Wm•J
`ii\lt 'IVol\ll LS· .1.
`:l <U~ mi!:t
`'rlm f.ooquk~nt:y t.ranslator cnntrftiutoo. k> t&a1l e:.~hle- ir}':!M:m del~· Hnl,l $ball. be labt.~led ~Y dt~ w.tulol:· wifh
`'tim lfljl!lt-.iJ~ .. n.ntJ)Ut dd . .:<.y in the l!a:nd of t>1)el"~tion. The ttifecl. (}n ncl:woclt l~ll ~l.h l"l~n he ro:mtmtild iXJ!."
`Page 205

`iSfVrt.:n l!~():l-3 : .Il:l95
`Ah'l:ilfll~~o!: Btrl ilfJ2.~:, ·; ~~:~ l~.!if~<l~
`ll.S.2 M.echaniool Rt!quirem~uts. ~input iln<l auqn1t !'ltoolam.i:cru ir1lerf:we >!hall~~ 75 !1 fam.11l6 p ..
`il(~ries ronxial r.onr.eetm-s.. Tire el)!ln~ttmn to ilia bro~dl:YA.-:~d tMdi usn c;h.,'\11 b~> t:brvugh. t.< coax\41 o:;abk w(ih .,
`mnti ng mal~ F -.s.e-i~iii ctmn.x'.to:r.
`tl.7.1 Safety Rf.>qulre:m~nts. 'I'hi$ :<ub~cctil)ra oot.~ forth ~ m1u1b~r ()f ·:.-crommenda.ti'Ms ~nd ~'V:id.f.llinc~
`·rdab:'() to aai(i,ty eonc~nll:. T:hl~ Hat is neith,•r ~:l)mpli>t.G mit d<J(~i1. it adtt~e"s lill poi1.stibl~~ r>rul.'ty is~mes. 'l'h(l
`d~~ignm· i~ (Ali;e.d. fu t{l:'ii<lllt ihcl reJoy:mt load, na:Houi:il, ~w3 international r:aie~y r~:>gduti~lS til tll'liUre
`.::ctmpUan&;' wlth the aJlPn>priatc ~t~tH:la-r:.i$,
`L~l:tl.l f>J't~a. tt\-!t"''t'lik c~h1t~ 8f$t~"' a~ dl$!::~d.~ in fhi~; ~:~eeti(ln.. nf!~~ ~uf"\iect to at l~)fJSt four dfl~~t t;le<:i.r:it~~l
`iiafhty hazfJ.rd.: du.ring t:hei!' us.~, and d(!~n<lrn •~f c:mm.ld;ing equipment shm.ii<l he ~war<t u€ th<ls<6 .hazardiil.
`The h~z~\1·da m~ <tl(i folltjWS:

`Dir(:l~t ~:ont~ct bctW(.~n Jni.'nl n~w(l:r'k CXl:tn(.lVncn.t;' ~n.d p<I'W~l' ot• lig_.'ltH;g cin."'l.lit;;
`\2) Sl:al.ic char1.~ buildup on. lOC':ttl.lHlt:work C(tbl<!S l.i.ll(l co:mponants
`(3) Iligb ... ~nPrgytrnnlrien.ts• ~o1::.pled < t.h.! loc:.ll netwm cnbling systmn
`(4-J Pntt;nti<•.l d1ffi~<Hl.CtlS h\>iWell'n ~jilt.,y ~ot.mdr; to tvhic-.h V(~l-iHut> eo.mpoMt.t~ 4rc C~)rlll(~~'d
`1'1a.'ll(~ ~t~ctri~ll ;.;a'futy t~Ol."a~rdt., t<t whiclt ali &unilllr cllbling ;;:;;:•t<.'nl.<! .Qrc ••ul.:IJ'sct:, i>h()uJd h~ aH<Wio.wd ful·
`a network. to petfuM'n pro~>t-ly. f.n adtiitio.n t(o !)l'O'V"iaiM6 for properly hl>tldH:ng the~>e faults in an <lpo.>r·
`ationalsyfitern, gpel:ialrnedsures shall he t.I.IJI.o.>n to <!tl!rnT.f' tilllt 't:he intende1l snfuty f¢~tU'~S a!i.> llOl nt}8'8tad
`w 'h<;'ll att:l:ll,lhi:f\6 or detllc.hir41: -equipment tb~ lo<:<U area Ywtwork l!~<~iu.m <tf !ill to:ti( n~>t-....,.{>rlc..
`8ound int-ta11ati()n practit'e, a;;; -d.<•£r.\'d in applkablc f'IUd lo<:a1 C'.xics sn<i re-6ul~tiont>, i&ll~tH b<:
`K.11Dwed il) ev~t'Y in~tau~ in. which ~c-.h pr:\cl:i<-:t ir: appli.~:ahle.
`ll.7..2:l S:usc.:~ptihility I...(lvels. &nm~fi dini:.(lrfel:\'lil~•} trum t.h\' euvimnm:!nt-ir:r.-l<id<;\ ~kct.-<>m<~gnotic
`fiel&, cl;;.'«tat'i.~ dit>~rgfl, tmu.><ient vottn~ws hetwo~·n (>)tf.rth Cllmwo::l:ior~. et(:._
`'rhe (lil'l'$iC;\l !\.:tAU\' ;;;hall Ell\'€'~ it.: ~peci.!k(~1:ion~ wh~.>n op!.'mti.ttg in rut H.mbiHit plan~' 'W;Ilve fi~Jd
`{:l) 2 VJm 'from 10 kHz t:".lrough :m ~'(Hz
`{?.) ~ VIm tr<>rn ;w :M.ll:~; t;h~)l.<gh 1 GH;r.
`ll.7.2.2 Emtasion l..ev\lk '1h£-: vhyEiical.l\iAU hlltdwar<l .shflll «>mJtlj with Ule ap-pli~;abie;>nal und
`local .re,gubtion~ fur l)l!liS$iun 1evd;;:.
`ll.7.S Teru1~erature and Ifum'idity.1"h~ M . .;\U anil a~::;ociate<l <~?lbk' i:'}>sik>:nl aro &Xp!o •• "ted 'Ul<lp.l.>rat<.> Mer·
`o. rca~hl\' ran~e of ~nvitmun<mtru condition.-. tcllltl?:d ((} W.tnp~.attlr~, hlll1tidity, (u"td pbyi.'!i<:n.t handling
`~ud\ ~$ ~hoc'k: and vi.bratian.. Spocinc requ'i..rcruen~ and V£tlues~ fur t.h.e(~a par..ilnc,.<te~ are confrl.<l~;::ed to .be
`1>.-..ynnd tt1e ~f)peoft~ ;.'to.ndttrd.
`Page 206

`tS&li:w· fffiO!i-1 ~ lSSZI
`i\.l<"Sl!!£lf,E SW SDS,:l, Hil!R l!A'!itiC•>
`l~. Physical Signaling, l\l~c:Ham Attachment, and :Basebantl
` Spe-cifieatl:ons1 1.)rp~ ta4-S'i!::n
`12.1;1 Ov.erviow •. l:SASE5 is a :t Mb/l;! C.'4ll.WCD ~etwarkbasf~d on twisted 1i:tk wiring, Rm;h trl'fi: (lluis
`~1'<~miira1 :Sqntp:menU is ~htrv,oonneciHd ~* uslun·ed lnth tbrouihtwo p.~li:i's l}il.(t'Junct:iou a" tr&n.~ndt a."'lrl
`re{:eivo a-.han:ncl&. H. nbs {:an 'b~ <~!lt:ad!xi, and Dr:Es: can. lru t.'Qn!W·d~~i t(t in'i;i huh. l"u~tdil hansmhJ.Xld by a
`DTR are Pror~ga:tnd. 'Qy til(,J b:ul> hi a h!g{tar--:i!.!Ve.l buh it' one mcists:· otJ:r~ill<0 the hut~ brotH1cusm t.'te p®k(tt
`back. down ro all D'fE.s ttncllow~,t<-levellmhst. Paclwts r~i.ved by a hub from a higherwlev~t hub are rotram;.
`:witted lf} all attached: l.Y!'F.Js and bw0£·leve1.ln;ths. 1ftwo oE m(lm !Yl'El> or lower-1evtA hubs tran&." ctll'l·
`curroo;tl_y. th<J huh g0neratoil\ a ooHision·'PNlf!Mce sign~t that the 1.1'l'Es detect Z:t'l a cdlisi(lfl, Hubs hdwe€\n a
`transmitting JJ:'l'FJ ·ami the head~r {higltt>t>l; 'lHYe~) h ttb"atB aat.a nr t,h~~ e<ihli11:ilm*Pt~C(s &fgmit t~> 1;he
`heart~ hnh; tbi1.s hnb irt turn hrn!~d~Hls t:l:w-·priC!k:~ur ooUi&in.n !li!~mti tt.~ ~n :r)TJ:; .. ,. lUtclluw~ll;l'<il:~l hu~.
`12.1~ SCqpth Th~ HV,.~I$5 SjWJdncatioe builcl& tlptln f;h(! fi:rst lli>t: m4}ar Sfid;iom:; (J( t/lig stam1uid; the
`r~aining till;ljor s1Jcti.oni'! ((}lfttor- t.'m.n this t:mn, t~f couts<i} do not <VJ~ly to JI:X&'1F~5-. ':t'lu:tt hl; the MHdtrt
`Ac\.~1:1< Cmr~rol G..'VU\C} and Physic,.u Signaling (PLS) $urvioo Specifi~tionl> aoo u~;st~d iu oornmoa with the
`oth~.r h.n.r;ik>ilrent-atl.on.s (}'('this stattdard, hut. the Phyt:ucal Medim:n Att.Hd~m~nt; {P.i\.fA} sublaycr, tntnsmia(cid:173)
`stim:t rm~dirun, and hub furnctkioo tnt 'l'y}~; lflA.S.Ea a:NJ BpacHh~l in th.l.s ~ection. 't'ha rclatiOll!:>hip of tht:
`1BA..t!iE5 Slt~clne<l'lt~on t<~ the OSJ Htlfenmt:~J Mo;:l~l and th~l lR'EF.l802: . .? CSM'.t\.!CD l,AN .Ml'idd I& ~wn in
`¥1~ 12-l,
`bit c0U. Tlw th!Hdi'tte-nalu&t.•d fm:'tnc t:rtmsmisillion (!.{'.!~ dnglo dah) ~GOO otCDJ.) qt l:lru{;rol (CV:lJ QJ" QVI,J
`bit ~:te tHl't), 'T1111 tattt of ;!ct ta fuNiuffhJ.>'Ut (JU th~ medlum (in hi£ nt .H~, wl:th::fuevet lE tllOre a:;~rrroprlatH ·to
`~he r!Ot,~.teK't). ~k~(d2,3.2A .. L
`eurd~t' Mltl~~. lrt a 1<~ a:n~1IH~tw'ii:rk, .an tl~tgO'i:ng rP-f...ivi1;y qf a data &t<,ti(}tt t~1 detcd; who:ther an<ttl:~•;r ~>t;a­
`timi is: 'tt::!.tJ~mitHog, N'tth.' that the sign~l ¥!:m'idoo by tbt: PLS ro ·~ I1Mlk SbJ>laye.r fndleak3. tht,t.cne m(cid:173)
`lnoro. nTEs M<e currently t..r~m smitlittff.
`(~~lel!;'.ed lh1ta Or.te {C.Ol}. A Mnn!;.llP..ii!f~.r ~mc<...:oded <lctt}l "L'' A Cf),{ i.<> imoo®d. a£5 a LU for the first half &f
` hit ccll u-ml a H1 f<!r the i5Wtnicl !:ttUf(rfthlii hit cvlL
`Clook<~ .nata 2~ {(~) •. AMandt(!$W,r. eneode.d dat(~ ~~l,; A CDfi in •~nooded as·tl Hllbt the th~st ha1f of
`:t.i'm hit ecll and a lil fin· til(; se(;ond half ofthe bit ct~U.
`Gio'* 'Violat.ion. l:ll {CVJl), A.s:ym!mi·ttmt de:lib~ratcly vimates Mancihaut;E:.T tmmtiing r:pk;$, ·u$ad M
`pa.t't nfthr:. CMHsion l~~)8qnt)IS t.'ipaL A CV!l is un~I!tl, a.& & tran&itit~t1 from W w HI a~; tih~,.- m~g:! rif
`the hit cell, !II f(lr the f.'ntin.' hit cell, and •1 h'lll\Si1iim\!rntn ETbi LO at. flu\ f:l.nd llithtl·blh~}tL
`<J)'odmd Violrttiun .[,() (()VU, A syff®1 tMt dtll:i'bcr~l.(!ly ·v.iolat.~Js Mnnetro$tct etv.wding :rules,. ug<~;d a;;;
`:Ptni qf the (xilllsion Prr~'l#.ttee,-~;L A CVL is enC(lrlN i8is a t,t}:~.nsiti.m'l. from k.U to LQ nt t:b.r~ tk':gin)ling vf
`the hit ed.I, LO i{ir the eniart} bit cull, anti a t:nm_qif;irm: frm.n l..O w HJ al the .end nftht~ bit ccll,
`Page 207

`i 1-----4
`' t
`• ,
`f'itt J..a..l
`t!MS1'1& .Re~tionibll} to ehelSO Op~n Systenut ItUerno-M~it4tt <Os.Ji
`.&furence MotWllutd ~ lJ!lEE Rt:I2J~ CSM'.A.f()D LAN Moo~l
`CttlUitl'tltt Prne~:nce (CP). 'l'hu uon·~~tur m~ ~·n.iirn!.O!d hy lrulm Ut ~rt ~~ll-\m1m~ tmd oom~
`mw Cf&ndJt«IM. &e 12.. fur d . . b .
`bta.dor hub (J.tlf}. The ~lwcl hub in a ~.Y nfbubs.. The MH btoo~ fl:tgHAU. ~~
`w it tty mw~ktvttt hus- ar Dl"E5. aroth ~ ~ ee be ~vt!d by ~dl Mlil that \D)" ~ w~ to it.
`~I(W ~ly m- tlm~int«~W h*.;Soo 1~.1!.1 u ~&.. .
`hlth. .'kdtwiw l~ tll ~ide ®M<~rity ~ ~. 'HD.M ped'o:rm tho! ~ fu.t~~ of~·~
`fi&nlii Dl&ilitu® al:td tim£:rrg~ tOI~ M'uttioo ud. l'otifie.lti<ln. and si~ ~-- to l0\\"~~1 lmbs
`tdt~ (m'L}. A ~~ C(tmtltion wbMt no ~i..Uutt ~no ttn om tntrunn~~ H.~. tt t5 WUld tu ®JiM the
`~ httw-oon pt.Ulk~~, St~~ 1Z.a.2A.4 kr ~~itaitrt.
`Jntm.-w!dit£tu hnb Uin. A hub that OOilU~im n11::y 1uv~l b(l.1AW t.l:w hoo4e:r lmb in a hioturcl\y 6f !.mbs, Se11
`l.lMU b d<~taiht
`Page 208

`ISQ:1EC 6.~0~·~; 10~
`• .;,NSltn'.Jm:~rd ao~~•- 199:1 'f:<!i.ti.oA
`(1} 1 Mhf" uign, .t'<lte,.Martchest.~r cnc,)(l.(od.
`\~~ l'wi;1t:E;d !)»h· wiring
`GJJ PoinH:o-:point of D'rE>~ to '!mbs, wlt.h <lnc; t-~ ... ·i"ter.l piilr ('e.rv·ing aii the <lpWt.;,rd ltul;:,
`the 11thc.r as th<~ 1row:nw< lillil-
`(4) n~ta ,))ai~ can C{)(?Zj~t i.n. tht: td,;phnne t;.ablC~ httndk.~ a~ wiw ~)<!tl'S
`'\\'hcrl $t 'huh .tX·)~(f.."'vf)<' ~i.~<vnnl~l fr:t~(rt l\. HTI<: m- J(JWO'r·h.'lVd huh, it Jtrop~~gaiA·l$ llimn t!'i a hi~Ia.>r·lt!Wl
`hub if o'1sc e)(.i\-'i~~ ol:hf:'l'WlzU, the ltub blW.?;ilcat?t~ th~ 3l..;,"n~l~ hllck tt<1wn to Uw DTF.':s:. '3.'t1d l<lwt"'r-l~vol
`(m -~'lwn {l .h1a~, rect.>iv~<o ;;; ~:onr.m-r<mttv frmJI two t)r mor.., IYH!Jii or lb'"~t-l(>vcl hub1i, ';t .i;!Cri<-.:rah!s n
`unique collis-i<>n pl'\'H?I100 signal, ;md dil!"tri,but\>s it a& 1 n (5,1 above
`t 7J DTE-t(l-huh ar;d·hub int~rih:::c3 ; <;'},>'CI:ria~lly is~;la~d ~\t both wds
`(BJ Up 1'b five hlJb levd::~ ,at<,.< aHowM
`l9} Hubs S(-.l'Va <l& .wpP.a~N;
`(.10) Maximum D'Jl~ .. ~o-lYab and. hub·t<)-hul1 d:ist.!m«. is !l'PJirO~ilnllU~Jy 250m f,xr t.~Jt>pltvrte> w·i.rin~ icnhlt~·
`ty~ dep~nd.;n.t~ we 1:2:n
`t U I Spt?cis I lin "ks t'l.tay !)12 u$ed tu eltt~ml Sl)nte DTE-tu-ltub or hu l:,.t;}.hul! d i.<•tllnce;:; t.v 4 kro.
`12.1..i5 eomtJatibilit.y. Thi~ s~cif.w.tlon C>lll.<> c1.1t (ln.-;. y.ri.nt:iJ:llll cornp!ll;ihiHty inU."rfal:o:, nntn('.ly P.MA·t<r
`Meclmm, It ill ir-.wtldad that diffP.t6n.i'. implem!>ntatil)n!! cf D'l'F.' and huh.;;. be. ahlt> tt; intemptn·c~tt? in
`1 BASE5 netw<a·k;;;,
`CD .Pro~·ide ihr low-CfJi<t netw;;;rks, .a~ tf:iawd w hl)th ~quipment, 'lnrl e;
`{~) M,)kB it pos;til:lle to m•e•tyJIC huilr.ltng wiring, rmd in pnri:!~ul::\r ~p<lt\\ ;vi.tins.; wh.(ill
`fJVailabl t>·
`<:n Provide ihr Msy imt."lllahlli:t_s, '!econ~igul"ttbiHty. cmd &~nvi<-.G
`F•J l~lli>Ure int<tr<::orm~)(ttabi!ity {ifindoJI~lidonUy d .. •:;"l(,joped DTEs ntt.clhuh~
`<Jl) E:nt>\ut't' f.U.~·ne&ii ofD'r£ 1\~H!!;;;
`($) 'Pnw1d~· ~~ <..'t)rmnu nk<~t:ion ~ht~nnd with 1.t :rosultant u.t~·~n. bit: ;,>rJ:I)l' rnte, u.t th~~ phyi:tit!~ll layer ~rvice
`.ut!Mace, {.;f1<:."'$ fhzm l'W.' paa1 in 1.~ (jm th<! order .,r <rn.c !~11 in lQJI C\t the lmk l<n~l)
`1.2.2 Arcbitt>eture
`12,2.11\~jor C(\u<!~pts.. Typ;;• ·1BAS1<~5' ib a 1 Mli~> CSMA!CD ro.tworl<,, D1'E.~ a~ (!O.rJ.UH<'iOO th hub..; \~lnti
`hul1s U> ()tht.r hubs) hy } wiring,'ltitl!,C in ~ AtM to¢lo~.!.Y netwm-k Dat.J ttllli!.'mis.!.~ion;; !U'P.
`Mtmchl.~~tcr {'nc<.>thxL
`An elt>.mt;;nt~ry corui.gnr:'\tion il' illu.!!-trated ir. Fi~ 12 .. 2. I:r. this 1.nt<' ... im('~. (m<:h UTE is ronMct>;<{l t:<' tl10 h~,:b
`<"La sepRr Rt<; snd t>,;("~iv~ ,;ha.nnel<; (rtormu.Uy twv twi~wd pair;;). Th10 huh r:'er«~ a~ the _})l)in.t of
`cvnoontl'~twn ol.")(l :~rform~ twa ms.jvr f' aij,tn!l.l n>g~nl.' tre.p(;<).t~ag) an<l coUisioo
`de.tootiv-Lt, \'lh~n only Oil\' D'IE t.n:utiffilif:if. the huh re~~'it:E< tl-~P- ;Jignnl'!J, rompi.'.:nsaH;tg fnr !l.mpli'.;udl'
`phust> d:i!!l:.orthm. and brvarlcm;ts to rul D'll!:s, When a. hub 'kt;c!ci:i; h~·n {;r mo:r.l' DT.Es ttlln,..;."'l'liU:ing ('(f.'Wur ..
`ri'ntly, tht~ huh geMr~.~ a ur:.iqtK C1)lli.sion Pre~<mco~.• (GP) sign.U. whkb it broad;~nsts im;wad nf tho t•rt~i­
`nal'!y t:ru.r.U!>Io:itt<!d aignAk 'l'h't:' huh ~.ontittll(:!' to ~~nd CP until it. 1'1:\l,;.d'le>'! rru. &om td lOW{>!l'··l~;v~.l D1.'E. ....
`Cl' n(ls the [H·Qporly that it h1? d.e1:oc1;ed by D'J.'.Efl .lltl a Ma.neh6<;i:~:n cude viol.a~ifll"l,
`The illt<mxin.rwcl.i.m ~n·~~hit~tl11'e dw,; n()t iln)ll;r l>!rtY minimum., tyx)ical, <)r maximum !'lumber of DT'Es tn
`'tl~ r..,mtect<:'<l to i'.l giy(m huh; this lfl an implf!l'tl(•'O~tlon r,,. in>~tAllat.l.iln d<i~tail,
`lJ p tc. fi~ lnv~ls ofhl1t*' n1.ny-bt~ fAflC:i<ied, ,~. i:w~~~~~.·el t<•r..fl~!llT!lt!M'i is i1ln9.t,t>.atcd i.n Fig- l~":L w1tl) :~ he.a.<J.
`or huh (HHj Jlnd intt~t·ntOOiA'f;;•lnJl~'! 'i.HH. '1'ho:re cnn b<! <t rmmh<!r. (iffH.s; t.b.<it"H :n+m~t; b~< nt.u.' :and on~ H.H
`l~1mh DT.F or HI. is cnn:ru~die\f t.o a 1mb vi.~l I!C1'arat<1 tr1HI$mit a:n.d !'X~:\\])•(t ~httr~m)kti: fnorm.aHy tv\;t:l .twi~t;(lif
`paim). An IH pt'(l~~g--.&.ti.>R &igmtlD frop rt;;, iJTEa iow:f.l'(l the .HH.: it <<end::; Cl' tnwtwd th,e HJf :iil t.h;;~ e¥ent (;f
`Page 209

`Stttgtec 'tluh N'~t\'mr'k
`~twm-k with Two 'ttn-efs flfHub~
`a «~ll~n. 'rhs !Ul ft'P>l!'tda ·~~it tl.' ~ tn'& m; Ul.s ~ duwn Ut all ~ Md Uh. l'he
`Hli ~t011 ~if morn &-.n mts .,rUs mpu~ ~tl6 ~~ 'lhs ms :mpenl ~a.~~"~ ih';m
`t~ tm., aoo b~--t tu,.~!ll fue ~~ U'tt-~ ~vm. UiJb$ d¢ tWt illrt!n~n wNtMr mpu~ ~~
`tt~ the> n-pw~ jWh ~,a~~· O'fEil or ~W®li"ibvel tt:fA. lf a <1:i• ~ ~ ®t:tlv$, Uto hub ~fK'•
`the A1~ ~tdll:<a af i~ w~ tr'mnre than uM ttl u~tt.~. it S;."WJemt~ CP
`A 00ml!$tmitl.M hl'Vomng fum bub~ tu'ld it ~t~ftl llnkudl!J.~.TnWd m Fig 12-·4-IA uu. ~pto. mw;
`lR itt u~d t'~tr fimpw ~p..~atlng (o'rtti m~~iOI'i u~rtJ .anti t.m•) i»r«rt«"ti.;tt dowi\~). Otfult than havi:n~
`one Hrt'k in !ilnd ~e link out, mptta~ nru id~ntJilill w lltb•a- hubs. Spillcia.lli~ a~@ ~Mct\zyu!$, pt~el'\\My
`oottt~tlntna oethre d~tvke~. that are uifed t(!r !\ituatiom1 t«{uif'ir~.g •tt~a·e. prvpagucion dmu.y ~)(' a~al tra.ns.mia(cid:173)
`Page 210

`;t~.$ Awtfc~ttou ~.u.n:~tlv«, ~ p:ri.t\1~ ~~f~tiun ~.a f~ t~ i~Mn ia ew~ t@ hn in
`n!i&wrl&iki~ ME$ ,auch rut pittm:rnal ~rmte:rn rw ut:hu'UW:U$. tn m~.J
`tl~ ~!ron~ b
`~. ~wlrlng~rttattU m. ~~ te;ar.Mwhlru:nd:lmwiUh@ ·~
`1~ Pnek:et ·iftNet.wr~. ll'~ciwbo u:ro· t:t~it'k-wd ~·the PLS ~the .~ n¥ full1xtq~~
`co .. ~~
`.A!~nmbtt Clll:l, mti ~ ~~ h'i~ tint~ (~!n ~)
`c:m coo ntu coo cm.t c~ an ro1
`if X N ·b:tsta;n~ ~t:xro iW 01)1
`t:U~~ Sft>.tnctt. 'l'h~ <a~«> d~lh:niw p~dl&$ ru1 *hz~~tti~n \\linduw f@Y nn utw~itid p~Wlflit tJt
`tl:m$ «ttrfrtw whim rw ttamitioms n!l~;.1n-. Tm mlrthnutfi thr~<m rif <41t.W. lhtmw«i l~y <~til¢fit'.(l> ·~ th¢
`t~~.a~ dM.ihtttd itt iA.JL~,
`Page 211

`ISU/lli:C 880i·~ ; 100ll
`S.Ni!lllll:•Tiil'l :SulSO:l.a, .Hl!.~ ~Ji:th""
`1Z.Z.3.2 Preamble. 'l'hc <preamble:>-deli.>niter D(!gU!$ a pu.<:k~t trans.uti~it'ion and provide~ n s.lgnal far
`reC~C<iver Sl-'lWh.n>!;~t kon.. 'l~ .rlgnal &~11 bt.> a:n nlwmatins.t JHttt~m <lf GDl and CDO. This p;:di:.ern Bh» U bt>
`t:ran!nn.itt..'((i by the IYIE fur a minimum <>f. oo bit times at. tM beginning ot ea.c-h packttt. The I.Mt bit of the
`J,!1-e:-unble is, L'l-t~ 1lnnl bit; of p-reamble befum th~.> i1<1:urt-ofcframe dl'J irniter} shaU be a CDO.
`The D'rE is required to ;mppiy u:t 1east 5& bit.<~ of p-reamble in order to suti~!J.· system r.e!f.ui remen.ts. Sy!itoot
`conlpo:n£>ntg tonsurnc ·preamble bit.>! in. order to ~rfomt their fttuction.s;.. 'rhe. n.umber of prean;.ble bits
`sou·rood <m.!mres an a<le~tutta rmmhar o(bit& ure pre>vided to ea.t<h. sysk<m <l<mtJXmeht to CQ'tT~ctly impl~line:n t
`it~ functlun.
` Stan;~.J:<"ra~(l Dclimite.r; 'l'be <illli> .indieaii(~S trm k;t.arf t.Z ·~l. t'i'~mo., m~d f<tl.lowR the
`U!.2.1l.4 nata. 'I:'he «<data:> in a transn~ist;:i.on sh(tll be :tn multipl~sofefght (B) mxooded d1rb bita (CDOi.'l
`and CD1 . .11).
`l{a.:2JU F.!nd-of-'l'ransmi$.~lo-n.D~limiter. TM c:~>l.d:> indieaum th<! end Qf tJ. tnm,."i(!l.l,S!J' r~n<l S~IT$
`to tum off the trM.a:mitk:r. 'l'he mig;nal!ihall b~ the first part of rut tDL.
` Overview. 'l'his s<!ct.ilm d\JfiMs l~gica.l chatl\<:tcn~ti~l:l ()t t.he D't'E PLS ~v.b1"'y(;r for IBASF~. The
`rol.ntioniihip of thig specificatio.n tiJ the l'.ntira st~l n.d6.rd io1 shl>wn in F'ig 1:2-5. 'l"n~l ~dbla.Y~:r m:ui its r<~ation··
`in an abstract wny a."''d rn) nat imvk" nny ~U\:I'ticular
`ship to tl:w MAC arul PM.'\ sublt.i.yeril! -are d€6Cribe:d
`( 0
`'l'lwli) an) two ch~nuJ.cls b<~t.woon the PJ..,q IUI.d PMA &ubley(l-I.'S. Output d!lU<. !'l:r'e pa<K>e<l through tht~
`O'J.tput chattnd and input data uttd cortt.rol (CP} ar-e pws::ied throu.~th the it~ put clum.tH~L
`t21 Each d.lmction of datn. h~:~n~1l:>r the Pl$ opt~rat~'i< ind<~p~ndimtly <UHl simu.lta1teuu~Iy· (that
`is, th.(l, PL.S itll :fuU dn:plHx).
`r.-:.neod<"!l. OlJ'fPt.rr.JJ!.\'11.'& frum. tlHl MAG ~"UblR:Yt>r inw a Mnnche$i:er <!nwd~d wrt~>:rm 'th..ll.t it
`sl•nds to th6 PMA l:ltthlayttr output ci.rcu.!.t
`(21 D~e..>~ a 't\-Ja-ncih>ster -l'Uccck>rl waveform. from the P'MA subla:>"ttr inwt circuit into INPU'f_UNl"TS,
`CJ'\RRLER_S1'Nnis, and sm:N~\L .. STA1'US
`12-3.2 .Fw:actional Speeifte&tion. Thi;;; ;oeclion providt:>£ s tlet..<ul~ model for the UTE PI .. :~ ~ublayer.
`Many oft~ tei"t.n!> U!5<.>d ·hl th:i$ section arc spccifu.:. to tiu~ inwrt'aee betwe~n. th~ sublay~.r and the MA.C
`su.blnyer. ThP.ile wrms f.t.t"{; oofl.:.."lt!d in thr; ire~ GpeclfieatiGD. for the PLS sublayeso (~; 6.3}.
`<>t~tp itt _idle
`()m;put id::umati:on
`1-hl data ro he output.
`Input ·lnfi• rl!.Hltion
`No i.llpu.t i.nfotmation
`!Z.3.2.t..:l outJ)td M-ag-e. The PLS i!iublayc~r ~>endu <m fmtput megs.qge to the ;P.MA subhly(~t whtm.
`tlte .PLS li!Ubla,y~'l" recHiv~~ nn OD't'PL'l' .... tJ:l'I.Tl' from the MAC eublayer.
`'Too phymcal reali:rA-ltio-n of the ous:put mea~e· iti a ClJO i)r ~~ G.O I. sertt by U\e VfS i.lCt the PM&. The PLH
`:>ends a GDO if rlHl otYf.PD'f.~t.JN

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