r r
`12.9Timing 12.9Timing
`[SOllEe S802-~ : 1993
`[SQIlEC 88(1Z.~ : 1993
`ANSTIlEEE Sid 8()2.3, 19!1.1 F.ililio~
`ANSTIlEEE Sid S<lIl.~. lil!l.1 !?dillon
`12.9.1 Overview. The .uccesm'ul inten:onnection of multivendor . ystem component. mandate. that
`12.9.1 Overview. The .ucoessful inten:onnection <Jf multivendor .ystem =ponent.. mand~t... that
`delay and bit los. be allocnted fairly and realistically arnOllll' the various sy:!tem element.. The balance of
`delay and bit los" be allocated fairly and realistically arnona' the variom ~y.!Item elementll. The balance of
`thi~ section defines the upper limits of delay and bit i(}&Q allocated to each component. These values allow thi8 section defines the upper limits of delay and bit \(}!i.Q allocated to each component. These values allow
`proper operation with the worst-caoe .y~tem cOClfiguration offive level" ofhuhs, speciallink.o, moximum(cid:173)
`proper operation with the worst-caoe .y~tem cOClfiguration oi'five leveh ofhuhs, speciaIlink". maximum(cid:173)
`length cable aegments throughout the netwOl"k, and colliding DTEs at extrnme!l of the network.
`length cable segments throughout the network, and colliding DTEs at extl'em"" of the network.
`12.D.2 DTE Timing. DTE Initial Tra:rwnit Delayi. the time from the first full ttaru;ition (due to the first 12.9.2 DTE Timing. DTE Initial Tra11lllllit Delayi. the time from the:first full transition (due to the first
`OUTPUT_UNIT ofp-roamble) from the MAC to the fi:rst full t?'Qnsition (after startup bit iOOll, if any) at the
`OUTPUT_UNIT ufprcamble) from the MAC to the first full t""nsition (after startup bit loss, if any) at the
`Mm. T~ delay Iiliall not exceed sm. The.tart bit loos shall not exceed 1 bit.
`MDI. T~ delay &hall not exceed 3BT. The start bit 100. shall not exceed 1 bit.
`DTE. shall COl'l"eCtiy receive fram .... that are preceded by 13 or mo:re bits of preamble plus 8 bits of <.fd>.
`DTE •• hall correctly receive framell that ore preceded by 13 ormo:re bits ofpreamhle plus 8 bits of <8fd>.
`There is a delay between the reception ohignal at the PMA input of a DTE and operation of the deferral 'Ihere ill a delay between the reception ofsignal at the PMA input of a DTE and operation of the deferral
`procellll in the MAC. Therefore, there is a window in which a DTE may fail to defer to a transmis~ign even procellll in the MAC. Therefore, there is a window in which R DTE may fail to defer to a u-ansmissign even
`after it has arrived at the input. The DTE Deference Delay is the time from the receipt gfthe first transi_
`after it has arrived at the input. The DTE Deference Delay is the time from the receipt gfthe first transi_
`tion of the preamble at the MDI until the last moment that the ME might ~tart trallll1Ilitting at the MDI.
`tion of the preamble at the MDI until the last moment thst the DTE might st a rt trall81Ilitting at the MDI.
`This delay include. the following companent1l:
`This delay includes the following component.:
`(1) The delay f!"Om the tinlt inpnt transition at the MDI to CARRIER_ON at the PLS-MAC interface
`(1) The delay from the first inpnt transition at the MDI to CARRIER_ON at the PLS-MAC interface
`(2) The delay through the MAC pr""esses from CARRIER...ONto the last moment that a new transmi&(cid:173)
`'!he delay through the MAC processes from CARRIER_ONto the l!IIlt moment that a new tran"mu..
`sion would mi". being deferred
`sion would mi" . being deferred
`(3) The delay from the first OUTPUT_UNIT at the MAC-PI-S interface w the first output transition at
`(S) The delay from the first OUTPULUNIT at the MAC-PI-S interface to the first output transition at
`The DTE Deference Delay man he no more than .21BT.
`The DTE Deference Delay ohall he no more than .21BT.
`The DTE Colli.5ion Shutdown o..lay is the time from the fir.t CVL or CVH arriving at the MDI of a tran&(cid:173)
`The DTE Collwon Shutdown o..lay is the time from the first CVL or CVH ..rnving at the MDI of a kan&(cid:173)
`mitting DTE until that DTE tra=mit. JDL at that interface. Thi. time . hall be no more than 26BT + mitling DTE until that DTE transmit. JDL at that interface. Thi. time . hall be no more than 26BT +
`jamSize_58BT. Thi" limit "hall not ~tart until after the <sfd> has been transmitted.
`jamSize_58BT. This limit "hall not ~tart until after the <sfd> has been transmitted.
` Medium Timing. The Medium Trallllit Delay i. tho time from when a . ignal enters the medium
`1.2.9.S Medium Timing. The Medium Trallllit Delay i" the time from when a signal entera the medium
`until that "ignolleaveI! the medium. This delay shall not exceed 4BT.
`until that "ignallea.ves the medium. This delay shall not exceed 4BT.
` Special Link Timing. The Special Link Transit Delay is the time from when a signal enter" a
`12.9.4 Special Link Timing. The Special Link Transit Delay is the time from when a signal enter. a
`spcciallink until that "ignalleavea the special link. This delay shall not, eIceed 15BT. The preamble leav(cid:173)
`spcciallink until that .ignalleaves the .peciallink. This delay shall not, exceed 15BT. 'The preounble leav(cid:173)
`ing a "peciallink .hall be no more than 2 bit cells longer than the preounble sent to that special link and no ing a "peciallink .hall be no more than 2 bit celt. longer than the preamble sent to that special link and no
`mOl"e than 1 hit cell morler than the preamble sent to that specisllink. For the purposes of these limits
`mOl"e than 1 bit cell shorter than the preamble sent to that special link. For the purpooes of thes~ limita
`only, the firet bit trsru;mitted sholl be rom;idered part of the .ilence of the pre""ding IDL unIoss it meet&
`only, the first bit transmitted shall be considered part of the .i1ence of the preceding IDL unloss it meets
`the requirement. for tho bit. .pecified in and 12.~.3.1.2.
`the requirement. for the succeeding bits specified in and 12.~.3.1.2.
`12.9.5 Hub Timing. Hub Startup Delay i.s the time from when the first bit cell of the preamble arrivCl'l at 12.9.5 Hub Timing. Hub Stertup Delay is the time from when the first hit cell of the preamble arrives at
`a hub Wltil the first bit cell (also preamble) leaves that hub. This time ~holl be no greater than 12BT. The
`a hub until the first bit cell (also preamble) leave~ that hub. Thi~ time ~hall be no greater than 12BT. The
`preamble oont by a hub shall be no mo,"" than 1 bit cell longer than the preamble sent to that hub or more preamble ""nt by a hub .holl be no mOl"<'! than 1 bit cell longer than the preamble sent to that hub or more
`than 4 bit celis shorter than the pre!l1llble sent to that hub. For the purpooes ofthe.e limits only, the first
`than 4 bit cells shorter than the preamble M'Ilt to that hub. For the purpooes ofthe.e limits only, the first
`bit tran"mitted shall be cunsidcred part gf the "ilence of the preceding IDL unless it meets the require(cid:173)
`hit transmitted .holl be ccnsidcred part; gf the silence of the preceding IDL unless it meets the require(cid:173)
`ments fur the succeeding bits specified in and
`ment. fur the sucoeeding bits specified in and
`Hub Idle Collision Startup Way applieo to any ~e in whieh CP arrives preceded by fewer (or no) bit
`Hub Idle Collisi.on Startup Delay applieo to any ~e in which CP arrives preceded by fewer (or no) bit
`times ofprcamble than the Hub Startup Delay. The time from arrival of the first bit cell (either pre!l1llble
`times ofprcamble than the Hub Startup Delay. The time from arrival of the first bit cell (either preamble
`or CP) Wltil the first bit cell leaves the hub shall be no greater than 12BT.
`or CP) until the first bit cell leaves the hub Mall be no greater than 12BT.
`Hub Transit Delay is the time from the arrival of any bit cell at a hub to the tran"misaion of the COrre(cid:173)
`Hub TIarurit Delay i. the time from the arrival of any bit cell at a hub to the tran"mis"ion of the COrr ...
`"pOnt!ing hit cell from the hub. This de\s.y moll not eIceed 9ET, excluding the cumulative effects of cl""k
`"ponding bit cell from tho hub. This delay !ihall not exceed 9ET, excluding the cumulative eff""tIl of clock
`The trnnsit (propagation) delay between the upward and downward side" of the Header Hub shall be
`The transit (propagation) delay between the upward and downward side. of th1! Header Hub shall be
`Hub Delay StrctchiShrin.k i. the increase or decrea"e in a hub'~ transit delay duo to the effoctl! of differ(cid:173)Hub Delay StrctchlShrin..k is the increase or decrea"e in a hub's transit delay due to the elfoct8 ofdiffcr(cid:173)
`ing clock rates. The clock rate tolerance of 0.01% specified in and the maximum frame size of
`ing clock rates. The clock rate tolerance of 0.01% specified in and the maximum frame size of
`1518 octets specified in 4.4 . .2.2 yield a maximum stretch or shrink of (56 + 8 + 1518 . 8)' 0.01%' 2 < 3BT, 1518 octets specified in 4.4 . .2 . .2 yield a maximum stretch or shrink of (56 + 8 + 1518 . 8)' 0.01%' 2 < 3BT,
`both at any given hub and through an entire network.
`both at any given hub and through an entire network.
`'" '"
`Exhibit 1026-00237

`H"!l [)eot.ed. Delay is lhetlme required for'" hubtodete<:t muJtiplalneomlna: ti ...... arul mitiate
`Hub CWIi • • on [)ort.ed. Dela, is the time ~Wred (01" a hub to detect m uJtiplalneominll sil(llalilorul i.nitiau!
`t.rMlmi!Minn of CP. 'ibe time IlDtii trMlnualon of the tir&i. CVH or CVL Ih .. n be 1\0 greater tiuon 21BT.
`traDI"".inn ofep. 'fbe time nntil tnw,nuaion 01 the tlnl.CVH or CVL "'aU be no grHwr than 21BT.
`HubAdiwl CoIJ.Iloion Startup Delay i. the till'le from the arrival ofthc lim CVH or eVL or. CP pattern
`HubAdivl Col/.ilIIiOH Startup Delay i. the ti tlle from the arrival of the fir.t CVH or eVL.,r .. CP pattern
`at a hub thlt;" nlJI"'IIIi".;- bit coolls .. "til tnoll~llIi"""'" of the fin;t GVH or en f,..,m tbe hub. Thill delay
`at I hllb that i. ",,,,,,,tin,g bit «,II.. "ntil tl'lUumiNion of till! find CVH or en (rom tb. hllb. Thill del"y
`Ihall be no grealet' than 12BT ,II e,ther th6 upwlOrG or dnwnwan:!. dirnctioo. Ih~ll be 1\0 Il'"tale<' th"" 12BT ill e,ther the upward or d<>¥mwlIn1 dimction.
`Hub ColJision Shutdown Delay ill the time fl'0IIl IOL arrivinli' at a hub that;. passini ..... or gIIu ...... ting
`Hub Col\i1riorl Shutdown Delay:ill the time from IOL urivini' at " hub tJuot;1 paBlllni' till or gen .... ating
`CP until that hub ataria tran"mittiDK lDL, Thill deJay ehall bft limited to 9BT. 'l"I-...1i:mt III relued w 25BT,
`CP untU that hub Btarta trnDllmittiDJC lDL, Thie deja, IIhall be limited to 9BT The lim.t ill telued to 25BT.
`however, for the upward side of .. hub that Ia Je"erootinli' CPo This erlra nllllWance I, mad~ to avoid requiI(cid:173)
`however, for the upward side of .. hnb that III pneratin" CPo This utr8"IlOJWaOOllI. m"d~ to .. void requir(cid:173)
`inli' implementation of a ... parate <at<!> detection meehQniam in each port ofth" hub.
`inll implameotation of a .eparate <etd> d&toctloQ tnechanillm in each pm of the hub.
`1.2.10 Safecy.lmplementor.. an' urg9d to OOTlllwt t.he rel .... ant local, national, ~ internetional INety nau(cid:173)
`1.1:.10 8.lety.lmpl~mentors lin! urged to collllall t.he relevant local, national, N>d intlllrIUltionalwo.ty reiU(cid:173)
`latlo"" La t'"'''''' ~omplie.nc8 with lhe a ppropriate Itandarda. :KIA CB8-1!iel (_ Annn [12]) provideo!
`tat/Olll to e",u"" compliance with thto lIppropri!ote Itandarda. :KIA CBS-19111 (eM Annex [12]) pFovideo
`additional fUldl\.n'" eonuming many n!1ev&"t ..... latm)' ""Iuinrmenl&
`additional fUld..t>.n.e onnoeming ",any ftlevtU'It ..... latmy requinm>errl&
`Sound .... l&lIation pr"rtic:e, all defino!d by II pplicabia a><Iea &Dd ~eguI"li<Mla, aIIall be rouowed ECMA-97 Sound Ulilalh.lion pradio::<>, all del\ned by . pplin.ble a>dea and regulaUona, abaU be rollCIWad ECMA·97
`.Anna [Ul)deacrihell safdy requirement. !or local area ndwol"b.
` [Ill) de!ocribell safety requirement. for local llte8 netw01'k&.
`12.10.J lIol.t;oo. Each PMAlMDI ioteri"_ J .. d ,hell bei&oluted from rrame Irf'O\Ind. '""- ele<:tri<:al gel>" ll.JO.J l.olal;oo, Each P MAlMDI interfaoe Iud ahallboiaDlated from (ram" a-rnl, TtUa Iie<:tri<:al 11'"1>(cid:173)
`aration .h.all wltMtMd at h .... t nne of th6 foIlowin& ~lectriral at."n,gth teat.:
`.,..tion .haI1 wiUutand at leutoneoftit6 foIlowin, Plectncal .tnlllgtb testa:
`(1) 1000 V (nno) at 50 to 00 Hz tOr 60 t, applied. If specified in Section .53.2 of lEe Publication 9r;{) IS!.
`(D 1000 V (rnu) at 50 to 60 Hz for 60 '. applied a~ ,pccified in Section 0.3.2 of lEe Publication 950 (8].
`(2) 22.50 V (do) fur 60 8, applied ao opedfled in Section 5.3.2 oflEC 9.50 (ue IWfoY"OlIIco [8]).
`(2) 2300 V (do) fbc 60 e, applied II 1J>f!C\fIed;n Section 5.3.2 ofIEe Pubiicntion 900 (~EU:oforenco [B]).
`(3) A leq u e~ of ten 2400 V impul_ of altern-aUnt: polarity, applied At int.ervalll of not les~ than 1 •.
`(3) A eequellCOl often 2400 V impul_ ofalterna.U"i polarity, applied Itt interval& of not 1"8. thnn 1".
`The of the impub>eo .hali be 1.2150 P'I (1.2 P'I virtual front time, 60!l6 time of half
`The shape aI the irupu1&eo shall be 1.2150 /JiI (1.2 Jl'I virtual front time, 60 ps virtual ti ..... of half
`v.eJua), •• defined in IEe PublieBtion 60 (_ RO!f'~mce (111).
`vaJue). ao dofined in IEC Publieation 60 (_ Ref .... .,.,"" (11]).
`'Ibmtlhall be noln.lllati .. " hrukdO'lllIl, .,defined in Seetion 0.3.ll gf lEe PubtkaUOI'I %0<- Re:ference
`There ahall be noin.ulation breakdown", delino:d i" Section .5.3.2IJfIEC Publkat!ol'l %0(_ Refarnoc:e
`18)), dllrina thtl tuM.. The:n!f<istanc:e al\oor th6 t..t wu be .at Iea!iI; 2 MO, m,""ll'IIred .t 000 V (d(j.
`13), dllnnc the tOOBt. TIte:rw;iota""".fter the tMt ..... U be.t 1easl2 Mil, m""!lIucI n 500 V (de).
`11.10.2 Tel .... bOlly VoItagH. The U5e III buiJdi.n, wirin, hrings with it the poaibility of ,,;rinK "'""'" IUO.l TeI...,b0ll7 VoItqM. The UIIe III bu iJdinl wiring brings with it tho: poujhility of I'ririnll "nuno
`tbat may _niP.« IelephWl,J' voltqes to l BASg, IIqIJ-ipmenL Other than voiee llianab (which ani very low
`that OIay OOM«i to:lephWIY voltages to lBASE$ equipmenL Other than voice "/Plal. (which ,.,... very low
`,..,ltage), lb. primary vol~ thot m;ly 1M! encounkred .... the"ha~ IUId ringlna vol~. Although
`'1"011.8&"), tlltl primary volt.agftl that may be ef\«Oun""""'- are the"b!o~ an d ringS"r voibIpL Although
`!.hen i, no uniVl'ma.! standard that CCIlIItraina them, the tOllowi"l: maxim\l_ generally apply:
`tht:n! i. no univen;al standard that COOItrainl them , the fullowi"ll' m:u"m,,11lII gelllOT'ally apply:
`(1) Battery Voltage to llIl on-hook telephone line I, about --56 V (de) applied to the line throuah " bal(cid:173)
`( I) Batt~ry vnltago to an on·hook telephone Une II about ---56 V (do) appll~ to the Un. throurh a bal(cid:173)
`anced 400!! 8OUl'CO impedanoo. Thie voltlllJe ie uoed to pawer tre telephoo8 iMtrolllent and d..teot
`anced 400 n SOurce impodaooe. Thi! volt~ io uled to pawer the telephooe inostrument 8IId deteot
`the olf-hook condition. Sou",," ind1.lCt ... ~e ~an cau"e luge~ ... OD wacOlllle~t.
`the off·hook condition, Sou"", indvctlnta oan cau"~ 1lll"lJ"o ~er; on dill<:OlUIeet.
`(2) Battery voltage to an off-hook u.1~ph(II"1e line io all!<> .bout -~6 V (d~) applied to th, line through a
`(2) Battery voUage to an off·hook telepr.(lI'w, line i. also ,bout -:Hi V (old ap plied tn th,lm.. through a
`halanted 400 fl IOU..,., Impedance, but most of the vnltage appears l a-OM the source impedance
`balanced 400 fl 1KIU:mII Impedance, but m06t of the vnltap appeal"S .cr .... Ihe .u"rce impedance
`hecau»e tho: tAll.ephonti inBUument'1 Impedance .. relatively muclllowet". bec.~ tho: tel.epholKl inotnunmt'llmpedance" reilrtively much low .....
`(3) Rlngins v<lltaee i,. .. o:>mpoaite 611(11111. '11M IIrM porti .... ran be up to 115 V 20 10 66 fu , lim(cid:173)
`(3) RUlIPII8 volts£" ill" o;>mpoaitc .opal. 'i'lM 1inA; portien ran be up to 1'15 V pUk &~ 20 Ico66 RJ., lim·
`ited by a 100 n source :reaistantt or a .$00 to 600 C """ret: inductive imped&nc:e. Th, wcond pmtilal.
`jlad by • 100 n IIOllJ'Ce resiltantl& or " oWO to 600 n """F'CC irnluctift imjl<!d&n.:e. The M'ClInd pmtilll
`.. -56 V (de) lim ited by a 300 to 600 n .oUftl im.-bn,.... Lart:e .pl"~ fan OOCUl" at the at&rt and
`.. -56 V (de) l imited by a 300 to 600 C source impe<bn .... Larpo api"e$ can ooeur at the riart and
`end of each rine.
`end ohad! rir.£.
`Althou,h !BASES equipment ill Dot required to survive.uclt wiring hua,"",* without dam~, applica(cid:173)Althou,b lBABE5 ""lllipD\£'tlt ill not T9Quirad to ,urn"" BnclI wiring haz;oru. withoul darna,." applica(cid:173)
`tiDn of any of the alJove voltageol ! hall not result In llII.Y....roty hazard.
`tion ofany oit"", a!Jove voltages .hall not reeult J" IlDJ' safety hazard.
`NOTI: w;,,1 ... .....,,"" m., io>~ tolo~~oIt.c- ~tlJ,,, .... tJ"lI1_1h< ~ ~t.oro",. .... 1"""'. __ tI,,, .. ",,;_
`NO'I'II:: WIr!", on'<lN mil)' im_ t.olo~~olt.po 0111',,, ... l1li11, oa'N' tho ~ tfo "'_~'" or ._Ivero, "-_ II,,, .. ""~
`~.tlo:I -....... 1iIuol:J to he p~t oaDW • _
`~.1ioIo -..""., hUl1 ...... p~t ~ • teO ..... ~ lapu' " ol o"""_Ually """'C i;..,pod"""" th"" a.o oll'-Mol .. lrphor>o inottu(cid:173)
`...... ~ lapul " of """'t,,,,~lly 10 .. ,,, ;",podOlloo th"" .,. o,,"Mol .... phon< inIttu·
`... , .....,.;""'"" will , .... ,.,,11)' ___ to ,110 .... phonoo .~_ u o/!"·book ~_. J"ul! '"'<If voll.q<ll. thororo.-., wHi ""
`_ " no-.or, ....,.;""'" ,.;]] _""II), aPl-"' to tho .. ..... ~ .. U off·book t.Iopho>_. Ji'ull "'<If vol..,.,.. _!\ro, wnJ ....
`_ ' . _
`owU<d lor"';' oh<on _
`..... of Ii", •. 'In.-ltlotlo ,hot"'" .. ""Cod nom.- .... ,-.....,.. will .hnlJul,:!' __ Ill .. oIf·hooIo: \akop'(cid:173)
`oppllod lor oo.J, ohQrt _ioo;\o ofllm •. Tno.-lll<n I~OC "", .. upIod u.m.- .... _ , . . . will . irnlla:rb" _1110. >:>If·hook talcpbooo.l
`(' hOuo:b ""!>oF'" 0 bit"""" lI"""ly) """ '" 10 ............ _ oftko ,,,,ostiorm .. oou.
`e'l>OI>o:b po.loopo 0 bll moft lIowly) d"" '" low ,..... .. _ 0"100 I,~ori>l'm .. coil.
`, ..
`Exhibit 1026-00238

`ISOIlEC 8002-3 : I W 3
`ISOIlEC!!IIQlI-.l: 1111'3
`ANSlIIt"!a: SId &02.3. 1!!9~ Emlioo ANSlIIttt SId _.3. l!1!l~ Erulioo
`13_ System Considerations for Mnltisegment 10 Mbls Baseband Networks
`13. System Considerations for Mnltisegment 10 Mbls Baseband Networks
`13.1 Overview. This !lCct:ion provides information on building multi&egment III Mbls baseband networko
`13.1 Overview. This scctioo. provides information on building mulru.egment III Mbls baseband network!!
`within a single rolli.ion domain. The proper operation of a CSMAlCD network requires network mze to be within Ii single rolllaion domain. The proper operation of a CSMAtCD network rnquires network mze to be
`limited to control round-trip propagation delay to meet the requirement. of 4 . and, and the
`limited to oontrol round-trip propagation delay to meet the requirement. of and, and the
`number of repeaters between any two Data 'Iluminal Equipmenta (DTEs) to be Iimit..d in order to limit tM
`number of repeaters between any two Data 'IIllminal Equipment. (DTEB) to be limited in order to limit tM
`Mrinkage of the interpaoket ll'ap as it travels through the network. This section appliell only to nDtworks Bhrinkage of the interpacket gap as it travels through the network. This section appliell only to nlltworko
`that oontain lOBASE-T segment...
`that contain lOBASE-T segment...
`NOTE: Inf.,."".';"" on lQIl"St-T io iocludod to bqin the p~ of deft~ W . -=tion. It iI inton<lood Ih<ol 8.6.1 and IO. 7.1 be NOTE: Inf.,."".oo.. on lQIl"St-T io iocludod to bqin the pro<no of deftlopinj; Ihio oecIion, It ill inton<lood Ih<ol 8.6,1 and IO. 7.1 be
`Il~ into tW. _0 io. Ih. lUI.,.. ond Iho! .IJ1J no ... lCillASE _
`nto bo add-! to I!U. _0 .
`Ilerpil into this udion ill Ih. lUI"", -=! Ihot.lJ1y ...... lClllASE _nto bo addod '" W . _0 .
`13.2 Definition ... 'Thrminology u. ed in Section 13 i. defined
`13.2 Definition ... 'Ilmninology used in Sectim 19 ia defined here:
`collision domain. A single CSMAlCD network. If two or more Mcdia ACC<lfi. Control (MAC) 8ublayer. are
`collision domain. A single CSMAtCD network. If two or more Mcdia A<::CefiB Contrnl (MAC) 8ublaye:rB are
`within the . arne rolli. ion domain and both at the same time, a collision will ocrur. MAC sublayers
`within the BaIne colliaion domain and bath tranamit at the same time, a collision will occur. MAC sublayers
`separated by a repeater are within the same rollioion domain. MAC oublayera separated by a bridjie are sepamted by a repeater are within the same colli.!lion domain. MAC sublaye!'!l separated by .. bridge are
`within different rollision domaim;.
`within different collision domaim;.
`link 5egtnent. The point-to-point full duplex medium ronnection between two and only two Medium(cid:173)
`link 5egtllent. The point-to-point full duplex medium connection botween two and only two Medium(cid:173)
`Dependent Interfaoea (MDIs).
`Dependent Interfacea (MDIs).
`Mogment. The medium coIm1!ction, including counectors, between MDh in a CSMA/CD LAN.
`Mogment. The medium connection, including connector., between MDb in .. CSMA/CD LAN.
`13.3 Trllllsmu...ion Syatem Model. The phytlical size of a lllBASE-T network. or mi..J:ed-media network
`13.3 Tran9IDu...ion Syatem Model. The phyoical size of a lllBASE-T network. or mi..J:ed-media network
`containing I(}BASE-T link segment.. is com;trained by the limit>; ofindividual network components. TIl","e
`oontaininll' lllBASE-T link segment.. is com;trained by the limit>; .. individual network components. 'Ihe5e
`limitll include tM following:
`limits include the following:
`(1) Cable length and its associat..d propagation timo delay.
`(1) Cable length!ind its associated propagation timo dolay.
`(2) Delay of repeater unit. (otart-up and oteady-stat..).
`(2) Delay of repeater unit. (atart-up and steady-state).
`(3) Delay of MAD a (start-up and oteady_.tat..).
`(3) Delay ofMAVa (start-up end steady_atate).
`Interpacket gap ohrinkage.
`(4) Interpacket gap Bhrinkage.
`(5) Iklayll within the DTE associated with the CSMAlCD access method.
`(5) Delays within the DTE associated with the CSMAlCD access method.
`Table 13_1 ~ummari~e. the delay. for tho varioUl! network media segment!!:
`Table 13_1 summanzeB the del9,Y8 for the varioW! network media segment.:
`TAbI .. 13-1
`TAble 13-1
`DelaY" tor Network Media Segments
`Delal'll tor Network Media Segments
`Prop_ tiro
`0.65 •
`0,61; •
`o,se ,
`0.65 ,
`O.~~ ,
`O,~~ ,
`0.65 ,
`0,61; ,
`. Muimwn . Muimtnn
`M. dium
`Dolay , . &_, o.Iay,. &_,
`'M' 'M'
`". -= ,~ ". -= ,~
`~, ~,
`~ ~
`,~ ,~
`ro,~ ro,~
`Am< Am>
`-' _ ~Xlo"mI. ·< _ ~~lo"mI.
`tA<tuol .,oxi",um _n ' J.J>cth d..,...,u OD ",Ole <huac\erioli",; ... 14,1.1.3.
`nl l~ dofl"l'do on ,,",hie ehara<lerio<i",; ...,
`tAotuol on"';"U'IIl _
`IAUl i. no. a "'P"""
`IAUl is 001 a """,. nt.
`'" '"
`-, - MAU. per -, - MAU. per
`M. dia
`M. dia
`Coni. 1 Coni. 1
`M""j .. "",
`M""j .. "",
`,., ,.,
`~. S.rmon'
`~o, So_I
`S __ n.
`'-" '-"
`., .,
`'00 '00
`, ,
`, ,
`Exhibit 1026-00239

`h. 1IdclItion, Tabh 14-1 nmTfW'(_ u.. dela,. b
`10 IIddition, Table 14-1 ,,,mma";_ the delar- ill" the 10lJAS&.-T MAU; Sedioo 8 , !.be de~ for the
`the IOB.\SE.-T' MAU; SectlGD 8, Ole de.1a)'ll for the
`IOBASES KAU: Sfctioa 10, the ~ far u.. IOBA.S§ MAU; and S -tioa 8, tM cI,'-,yw fII t.b e 'tIft ~
`10BASES MAU; Section 10, the de~ r. the 10B~ MAO; and Section 9, the delay. o{tbe fiber optio:
`iDl.eT-repea&er link (I"OIRL) and lb, rope .....
`u.ter.npNwr linlr. ( FOI1tL) ""'" the '-': n'
`1hoI foI.JcMiar _ ..... tnpoi..,. -..tnIinu apply lOr IOBA.!iE-T 'dwOIU" -'I .. lllil.1td-1DeIIia Det(cid:173)
`The roUowiaB 1Ietwm. t.IipoI"IY ax\ltnIlnu appl,. for 10.B.\SE. T netwtlru .. well M mixed-wedia 1Iet-(cid:173)
`_u ooac.iniq- 10BASE-T Iinl ~en.le;
`........ ~ lOBASE-T Iink.,.ent.:
`(I) R'lpealeT ........... """IIIiNId foT all ....... 1 intemlWlemoll.
`(I) Re~ater oeta are .... qUH...!. frrr all "'8"m ... t iDtlmUlIlection.
`(2) MAU. that ar8 part ofupeater eta count toward tbe msrimum number of MAU, (1(\ a tegmellt.
`(2) MAU. that .... & put of •• pea. _
`cou.n.l tawud the mBIimum. number 01 MAUIIlQ. ilel(Rlent.
`(3) The tcillftllliosioll path permitted between jUly two DTEs may ooll!let of up to five teiDIIfl\ts, four
`(3) Th, uanamiMion path permitted. b81.ween Uly two D'l'EII may coII I I,t or up t<I II~ ltefmmb, four
`repeater &ets (includingoptionB1AUl8), t'WO MAU., and twoAUlB.
`repeatOl' BetS (includinl'optional AUiJo), tWD MAU.,1I.Ild twoAUr...
`(4) When I netwnrk p!lth ""Millt.I 01 roW" rtp!:!awr IM:t.I and five IelP"tnU, up to th ... at tb. Ispent.
`(I) Whell" lIetworir: path oonsillte offour repeater oetl and five tegmentl , up t(l three g(thu eegments
`m.q be 'nul.1 and tbe...",ainc\er mu,t be lirlt tecment. <Fi«o 111-1 and 13.21, Whetlllve ""rmffib
`may be oaexi!I.l. IlIId the remainder mull be link lJeilD.enu (Flgo 13· 1 end 18.2). When live leiDlentll
`... P"'"IIt. ....,b FOIRL link teJn>ent nuld n.ot eueed llOO m.
`al'8 pNl""'t, each FOIRL Iinllell1l'ent thouId r>Ot exoeM. 500 m.
`(15) When .. IMtorurk pMh couIaW ol u.... "'PMte.- Mill and low- ...... __ D!a, the muimlUll aUo....ble
`(6) When. net....ork path conailta of tI\rge .... p&IIW eeta omd low- 8IIj!IIleDU, the muimum Illlaw!lbl.e
`leIIatJI uftbe FOIRL 8egIDI'f>1lI;' 1000 m ea.dl., u .pocified in 9.9 (Fir 13-3).
`Ieo:Irth of the FOIRL IleglDS\le. 1000 m ~ ••• p!ICified ill fI.t (F'i( 1303)
`Exhibit 1026-00240

`r _ ____ __ ,
`• _ ______ ,
`r _______ ,
`~II.' S.i
`r ______ ,
`I :
`_ 1
`~.t ... &... ~.t., .. ,
`A_",", S.I
`"",, .. II' $ti
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`r _______ ,
`1Ito"',1I1 Stl

`r - - - ____ ,

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`I '
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`1M _"-T ---.
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`I '
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`-.- -.- ... ..
`_._10 _ ..........
`..... .. ..__.
`I L ___ ___ I
`L _______ • I t: _______ •
`I L _______ I
`C ______ I
`-~ -.
`.. .
`_ .f ....
`1M _.-T
`Co . . . . .
`_ .. ,..,
`F'tt' 1~1
`MIUd .. wa 'J'ran_' doa Petb wit.b '1'h.- OM';.) C.bIoo IJIIIc-u
`Mu:i1llUID. Tranaaiu60n Pith wiih Three CoaDal C.bJe 8e1tllMSlt.
`_., ---.
`_ ....... --
`---......... -
`, '_ .. ,
`, '-"'(cid:173)
`• :-.......
`--, ---.
`",-~.-;;; "(cid:173)
`---- -----,
`--. - - -,
`_ .......
`, :-.......
`...... -, -.
`~ .
`Eu;lIIp)e ofMaIimum Tran ..... I .. lon Pith Ulinr CoaIial Cable &lpeata,
`EuJaple ofMarimUIII Tran_I_lon! UOD.' Coni.t Bepnflrlta.
`IOBASE-T Link Srcmalt ..... d Fiber Optie Link s.. ....... nt.
`lOBABE-T Link &trmeat., and Fiber Optic Link 8epnf!nta
`Exhibit 1026-00241

`IBOo'!KC S802-3 : U53
`ANSI/II:;t;t; lIIod !O:.l..1, 1_ Edition
`Segment 1 km
`.. - - --
`• •
`• ,
`, ,
`Aep .... r Set
`, , ,
`--- ---- -----
`• •
`Filnr OpIic Urok
`Ft.~."r 8<111 , ,
`Repea", St>1 I , , ,
`I Rapeal., Stt
`, ,
`, , , ,
`~ '-.uc:-r -_. -.
`n.13.3 1'11' 1$.3
`hamp,", of Marlmum 'I'I"aa_I .. lon ... th with n.n.c RepealeT Set ..
`hample ofMaIimum Tru ... mINlon with Three Rep ... ~ Setl,
`Foo.u·1..i.a.k s.-,.. .. nu (Two ...... 100. lOllABJi:-T and Two ..... I ko:ll. ~'ber)
`Fo ..... Segment. (Two...., 100 ID10BABli:-T and Two art: L km Fiber)
`Exhibit 1026-00242

`180m;c SOO2-3 : 1m
`180m;c 8802-3 : 11193
`ANSIIIEEE SId !IOU, 1993 EdKlon
`14. Twisted-Pair MediumAttachment Unit (MAU) and Baseband Medium, 14. Twisted-Pair MediumAttachment Unit (MAU) and Baseband Medium,
`Type lOBASE-T Type lOBASE-T
`14.1 Scope 14.1 Scope
`14.1.1 Overview. Section 14 dcfin"" the functional, electrical, and moohanical characteristics of the Type 14.1.1 Overview. Scclion 14 defin"" the fundional, electrical,!Uld mochanical characteri. tic!! of the Type
`lOBASE-T MAU and onc specific medium for use with that MAU. The relationship ofthia apecificatiOll to lOBASE-T MAU and one specific medium for use with that MAU. The relationship ofthia apacification to
`the entire ISOIIEC 8802..3 CSMAfCD Local Area Network Specification is shown in Fig 14.1. The purpose the entire ISOIIEC 8802-3 CSMAfCD Local Area Network Specific!l.tion is shown in Fig 14.1. The purpose
`of the MAU i. w provide" ~imple, inllXJl'lnmve, ... oo flexible meartll ofattacl:ringdevices tn tho medium.
`of the MAU i. to provide a ~imple, inexponmve, .. oo flexible mean. ofattachi.ngdevices to tho medium.
`Thill MAU and medium specification iI! aimed primarily at office applicatiOIlll where twiBted-pair cable ill.
`'This MAU and medium specification ill aimed primarily at office applicatiOlUl where twiBted-poir cable la
`often installed. In. tallation and reconfiguration .nmplicity ill allowed by tha type of cable ond oonneci;ur. often installed. In"tallation and rewnfiguration lrimplicity ill allowed by tho type of cable lind oonneci;ura
`used .
`The lOBASE-T "pecification builds upon Section. 1 through 7 and Section 9 uf thia standard.
`The lOBASE-T "pacification builds upon Section. 1 through 7 and Section 9 of this standard.
` Medium Attachment Unit (MAU). The MAU has the fo\lowiui' general mancteristiCII: l4.1.1.1 Medium Attachment Unit (MAU). The MAU has the following general characteristics:
`(1) EIIHhles coupling the Phyoical Signaling (PUll . ubl.ayer by way of the Attachment Unit Interface (1) Ena.bles coupling the Phyoical Signaling (PUll , ubl.ayer by way of the Attachment Unit Interface
`(AUl) to tho bll&eband twiBted-pair linkdefined in Section H.. (AUl) to tho baseband twiBted-paiI linkdefined in Section H..
`(2) Supports me.sage traffic at a data rate of 10 Mbls.
`(2 ) Supports me"sage traffic at a data rate of 10 Mb/s.
`(3) Provides for operating over 0 m to at leallt l00 m (328 ft) of twi. ted pair without the use of a (3) Prwides for operating over 0 m to at l.,.,..t 100 m (328 ft) of twi. ted pair without the use of a
`(4) Pe rmits the Data Ttmninal Equipment (DTE) 01" repeater to confirm operation of the MAU and
`(4) Permits the Data Ttmninal Equipment (OTE) or repeater W confirm operation of the MAU and
`availability of the medium.
`availability of the medium.
`(5) Supports network configuration. using tho CSMM::D 0=:8" method defined in lSOIlEC 8802.
`(5) Supports network configuration. using tho CSMAlCO DcrCS" method defined In ISOIlEC 88(12.
`3 : 1993 with baseband llill'\aling.
`3 , 1993 with baseband lliillaling.
`(6) Support!! a point-to-point intercOllIled;ion between MAUs and, when UBed with repeater. hnving (6) Support!! a point-to-point interconnection between MAUs and, when UBed with repeater. having
`multiple ports, . uppor\>! a ..tar wirinI topology.
`multiple p<:>rts, "uppoI"l>! a ..tar wirinI topology.
`(7) AllowB incozporation of the MAUwithin the phj'llic.ol hounds of a DTE or repeater. (7) AllowB incozporation of the MAUwithin the phj'llical honnds of a DTE or repeater.
` Unit. The repeater unit ia uS&d to edend the physical oystem topology and provid ....
` Unit. The repeater unit is used to edend the phyeieal . YlItem topology and provid ...
`for coupling two or more segmentll. Repeaters an an integral part of all lOBASE-T networks with more for coupling two or more segment... Repeater:. are an integral part of all lOBASE-T networks with more
`than two DTEs (Bee Fig! 13-1 and 13-2). The repeater unit i. defined in Section 9. Multiple repeater unit.. than two DTEt. (see Fip 13-1 and 13-2). The repeater unit is defined in Section 9. Multiple repeater unib;
`are permitted with

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