Neochord v. University of Maryland, Baltimore
`Neochord, Inc. Ex. 1012
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`Neochord v. University of Maryland, Baltimore
`Neochord, Inc. Ex. 1012
`Page 2 of 4

`Neochord v. University of Maryland, Baltimore
`Neochord, Inc. Ex. 1012
`Page 3 of 4

`Neochord v. University of Maryland, Bammore
`|PR201 6-00208
`Neochord Ex. 1012
`Page 4 Qf 4
`intuit 0 inversion
`in-val-i-date \(.)in-'va-lo-'.dit\ vt (1649) : 1
`in-tu-it \i'n-'ti'1—ot, -'ty1"1-\ vt (1855) : to know, sense, or understand by in-
`en or destroy the cogency »of_< syn see
`tuition -—. in-tu-it-ab|e\_-9-ta-bs1\ adj
`_\—'da—shon\ n — In-val-I-da-tor \ir_-
`in-tu-i-tion \.in-tii-'i-shon, -tyii-\ 71 [ME intuycyon, fr. LL intuition-, intu-
`In-va-Ind-Ism \'in-vo-la-. i-z9m\ n (1794)
`itio act of contemplating, fr. L intuéri to look at, contemplate, fr. in- +
`an invalid
`tuéri to look at] (15c)
`1 : quick and ready insight 2 a : immediate ap-
`in-val-Id-i-ty \.in-va-'li-do-té, —va-\ n, pl -1
`lidity or cogency 2 : incapacitating bo
`faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cog-
`ition c : the power or
`nition without evident rational thought and inference —— in-tu-i-tion-
`In-valu-able \(.)in-‘val-yo-bol, -ya-we-bol
`al \-'ish-nal, -'i-she-n°l\ adj
`v. + -able] (1576) : valuable beyond estir
`in-tu-i-tion-ism \.in-tii-'\ n (1847)
`1 a : a doctrine that
`~ assistance) -— in-valu-able-ness n -
`objects of perception are intuitively known to be real - b : a doctrine
`in-var \'in-.véir\ n, often cap [fr. Invar, a
`: a doctrine that right
`_ nickel alloy that expands little on heatin
`bout what is right and wrong can
`that there are basic truths intuitively known
`in-vari-able \(.)in-'ver-é-a-ba1\ adj use)
`or wrong or fundamental principles a
`be intuited 3 : a philosophical thesis that human beings have a direct
`change : CONSTANT (an ~ routine) -
`intuitive understanding of mathematics and that. rejects the principle
`la-té\n —— invariable n
`must be true or false — in-tu-i-
`in-vari-ably \—blé\ adv (1646) : on every
`that every mathematical statement
`in-vari-ance \(.)in-'ver-é-on(t)s\ n (1878
`in-tu-i-tive \in-'ti'1-9-tiv, -'tyii-\ adj (ca. 1645)
`1 a : known or perceived
`tion-ist \-sh(o-)nist\ adj or n
`by intuition : directly apprehended (had an ~ awareness of his sister’s
`in-vari-ant \—ont\ adj (1874): CONSTAI
`b : knowable by intuition (~ truths)
`c : based on or
`changed by specified mathematical or‘;
`agreeing with intuition (~ responses) (makes ~ sense) d : readily
`mations (~ factor) — invariant n
`learned or understood (software with an ~ interface) 2 : knowing or
`in-va-sion \in-‘vi-zh_9n\ n [ME invasi
`perceiving by int1_1ition_ 3 : possessing_or given to intuition or insight
`invasion-, invasio, fr. L invadere to invaé
`(an ~ mind — In-tu-I-tive-Iy adv — In-tu-I-tive-ness n
`esp : incursion of an army for conques
`in-tu-mes-cence \.in-ti.'1-‘me-s°n(t)s, -ty1'1-\'n [F,' fr. L intumescere to
`orspread of something usu. hurtful
`swell up, fr. in- + tumescere to swell — more at TUMESCENCE] (1650)
`in-va-sive \-siv, -ziv\ adj (1598)
`1 : of,
`: a swollen or enlarged part of a plant or animal; also : the process of
`military aggression
`2 : tending to s]
`swelling up or enlarging
`healthy tissue (~ cancer cells) 3 : te
`in-tu-mes-cent \-s°nt\ adj (1953) ofpaint : swelling and charting when
`entry into the living body (as by incisi-
`exposed to flame
`1 ment) (~diagnostic techniques) -'— ir
`in-tus-sus-cept \.in-to-so-'sept\ vb [back-formation fr. intussusception]
`in-vee-tive \in-'vek-tiv\ adj [ME invect.
`V1‘ (1802) : to take in by or cause to undergo intussusception; esp : IN—
`vectus, pp. of invehere]'(15c) : of, relati
`VAGINATE ~ vi : to undergo intussusception
`or abuse —— in-vee-tive-Iy adv'——. in-v
`-tion \-'sep-sh:;n\ n [L intus within + susception-, suscep—
`tio action of undertaking,
`fr. suscipere to take u — more at Zinvective n (1523)
`1 _: an abusive exp
`SUSCEPTIBLE] (1707) : a drawing in of something from without: as a
`orabusive language : VITUPERATION
`length of intestine into an adja-
`in-veigh \in—'va\ vi [L invehi to attack, i
`fr. in- + vehere to carry — more at‘
`: INVAGINATION; esp : the slipping of a
`n usu. producing obstruction b : the assimilation of new
`in,plain bitterly or vehemently .: RAIL —
`cent portio
`material and its dispersal among preexistent matter — in-tus-sus-
`cep-tive \-'sep-ti\_'\ adj
`in-veio Ie \in-‘Va-gal sometimes -'vé-
`\-g(e-) i13\ [AF enveegler, aveogler, a
`In-u-it also In-nu-It \'i-nii-wot, -nyii-\ fl [Inuit in_uit, pl. of inuk person]
`1,pl Inuit or Inuits also Innult or lnnults a (1) : the Eskimo
`avogle, enveugleblind, fr. ML ab oculis
`people ofNo. America andGreenland (2): the Eskimo people ofCan-
`win over by wiles : EN'I‘ICE 2 : to :
`ada b : a member of such people 2 a : ESKIMO 2 b-: the group of
`: WANGLE (inveigled her way into a pi
`Eskimo dialects spoken from northwestern Canada to Greenland
`veiogleoment \-gal-mant\ n — in-vei-
`in-vent \in-'vent\ vt [lV[E, fr. L inventu
`I Inuit [Inuit inuk] (1951) : a member of the Inuit peo-
`find, fr. in- + venire to come — more 2
`Inklk \i-'n1'.'1k\ n, p
`lnuk-ti-tut \i-'ni'1k-to-.ti'1t\ n [Inuit, fr. inuk person + -titut like,‘in the
`DISCOVER 2 : to devise by thinking
`p e
`manner of,I»(1974) : the group ofEskimo dialects spoken by the Inuit of
`something useful) for the first time th
`central and eastern arctic Canada
`or of ingenious thinking and experimt
`in-u-Iin \'in-"yo-lon\ n [prob. fr. G Inulin, fr. L inula elecampane] (1813)
`in-ven-tress \-'ven-tros\ n
`: a white plant polysaccharide used esp. to improve the flavor and tex-
`inoven-tion \in-'ven(t)-shon_\ ‘n (l4c)
`ture of low-fat and low-sugar processed foods
`: productive imagination : INVENTIVI
`in-unc-tion \i-'non(k)-shen\ n [ME, fr. L inunction-, inunctio, fr. inun-
`(1) : a product of the imaginatior
`OINT] (15c) : an act of applying oilor
`device, contrivance, or process origir
`b a short keyboardcomposition feai
`guere to anoint — more at AN
`point’ 4 : the act or process of inven
`ointment : ANOINTING
`in‘-un-date \'i-(.)non-.dat\ vt -dat-ed; -dat-ing [L inundatus, pp. of in-
`undare, fr. in- + unda wave — more at WATER] (1590)
`1 : to cover
`in-ven-tive \in-‘ven-tiv\ adj (15c)
`1 :
`with a flood : OVERFLOW 2 : OVERWHELM (was inundated with
`ventions : CREATIVE (an~ mind)
`phonecalls) — in-un_-da-tion \.i-(.)non-'da-shon\ n — in-un-da-tor
`1 ~ method) — in-ven-tiveoly adv —
`\'i-(.)non-.da-t9r\ n — In-un-da-to-ry i:'non-do—.tor-é\ adj
`in-ven-to-ry \'in-van-.tor-é\ n, pl -ries
`Inu-pi-at \i-'n1"1-pé, -'nyi'1-\ also lnu-pl-aq \-.éik\ n [Inupiat inyupiaq,
`inventaire, inventorie, fr. L inventariul
`pl. inyupiat, 1it., real person] (1967)
`1 pl Inupiat or Inuplats also Inu-
`neut. of inventus] (15c)
`1 a : an item
`: a catalog of the property of an in
`plain or Inupiaqs : a member of the Eskimo people of northern
`2 : the language of the Inupiat people
`goods on hand b : a survey of natl
`in-ure \i-'nur, -'ny1'1r\ vb in-ured; in-ur-ing [ME enuren, fr. in ure, cus-
`‘preferences, attitudes, interests, or é
`tomary, fr. putten in ure to use, put into practice, part trans. of AF
`characteristics or-skills 2 : SURVE‘.
`goods or materials on hand : STOCK
`'mettre en ‘ovre, en uevre] vt (15c) : to accustom to accept something un-
`': to become of advantage
`inventory — In-ven-to-rI-al \.in-vs:
`desirable (children ir1z‘ur:d tofviolfenc,e)l ~ vi)
`t \
`I \
`n. .4 _ . +.. +
`.= one it n emo oyees — In-ure-men —mont
`y -é-o- é\ a v
`2:....-n+nrv ur -ried: -ry-ing (1602) : tc

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