` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
`ELECTRONICS : CaseIPR2015-00913
`MANUFACTURING COMPANY : Patent No. 7,420,550
` Petitioners,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
` Deposition of MICHAEL J. MARENTIC
` 10:30 A.M.
` Job No.: 96195
` Pages: 1 - 114
` Reported By: Nancy Mahoney, RPR/CCR/CLR
`Exhibit 2006
`1 of 272

`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on November 11, 2015
` Deposition of MICHAEL J. MARENTIC, held at the
` offices of:
` 90 Park Avenue
` New York, New York 10016
` 212.336.8000
` Pursuant to agreement, before Nancy Mahoney,
` CCR/RPR/CLR, Notary Public in and for the State of
` New York.
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`3 4 5
`Exhibit 2006
`2 of 272

`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on November 11, 2015
` A P P E A R A N C E S
` 90 Park Avenue
` New York, New York
` 212.336.8000
` 8300 Greensboro Drive
` McLean, VA 22102
` 571.765.7700
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`Exhibit 2006
`3 of 272

`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on November 11, 2015
` C O N T E N T S
`By Mr. Helge 5
` E X H I B I T S
` (Attached to transcript.)
` Exhibit 1009 (Previously marked.) 55
` U.S. Patent Application
` Publication, US 2003/0048249
` Exhibit 1007 (Previously marked.)
` Declaration of 64
` Michael J. Marentic in
` Support of Petition for
` Inter Partes Review of
` U.S. Patent No. 7,240,550
` Exhibit 1002 (Previously marked.) 102
` Certification of Translation
` 40 Pages
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`4 5
`Exhibit 2006
`4 of 272

`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on November 11, 2015
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` after having been first duly sworn or affirmed to
` testify to the truth, was examined and
` testified as follows:
` Q Good morning, Mr. Marentic.
` A Good morning.
` Q Good to see you again.
` Are you familiar with U.S. Patent No.
` 7,420,550?
` A Yes.
` Q That's the patent at issue in Sharp v.
` Surpass Tech Innovation, Case No. IPR2015-00913. Is
` that right?
` A Yes, that is correct.
` Q And you provided a declaration with some
` opinions about that patent, correct?
` A Yes.
` Q We're here this morning to talk about those
` opinions, correct?
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`Exhibit 2006
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on November 11, 2015
` A Yes.
` Q That's the purpose of your deposition?
` A Yes.
` Q Mr. Marentic, can you give your full name,
` please, for the record.
` A Michael James Marentic.
` Q Mr. Marentic, we did this just about a
` month ago, last deposition. I just want to check.
` Is there any reason today that you would not be able
` to give true and accurate testimony in this
` deposition?
` A No.
` Q Mr. Marentic, I'm also going to read the
` same paragraph that I read for you last time into the
` record. We talked about this last time. I don't
` think there will be any confusion. But this comes
` from the Office Patent Trial Practice Guide. The
` paragraph reads, Once the cross-examination of a
` witness has commenced, and until cross-examination of
` the witness has concluded, counsel offering the
` witness on direct examination shall not: (a) consult
` or confer with the witness regarding the substance of
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`Exhibit 2006
`6 of 272

`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on November 11, 2015
` the witness' testimony already given, or anticipated
` to be given, except for the purposes of conferring
` and whether to assert a privilege against testifying
` or on how to comply with the Board order; or (b)
` suggest to the witness the manner in which any
` questions should be answered.
` Do you recall that I had read that
` paragraph for you before?
` A I remember hearing a similar paragraph.
` Q And you understand the prohibitions against
` conferring with your counsel today until your entire
` deposition is concluded, correct?
` A I do.
` Q Okay, thank you.
` Mr. Marentic, has there been any change to
` your CV since October, since early October?
` A No.
` Q Have you given any further depositions or
` undertaken any further engagements since your last
` deposition?
` A No.
` Q In preparing for this deposition, who did
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`Exhibit 2006
`7 of 272

`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on November 11, 2015
` you talk to?
` A I talked to attorneys at ARE.
` Q Anybody else?
` A No.
` Q And what documents did you review in
` preparation for this deposition?
` A My declaration, the '550 patent, the Sharp
` reference, and Kamizono.
` Q Did you review the petition also?
` A No.
` Q When was the last time you reviewed the
` petition in this case?
` A A long time ago. I can't attach a date to
` it.
` Q Was it before it was filed or after it was
` filed?
` A It was after it was filed.
` Q Did you prepare your declaration without
` seeing the petition?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` A The declaration was prepared --
` MR. BERKOWITZ: I'll just interrupt the
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`Exhibit 2006
`8 of 272

`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on November 11, 2015
` witness. To the extent that it involves any
` privileged communication not to reveal that.
` Again, if you can answer the question
` without revealing any privileged communication,
` please go ahead.
` A I did not see the petition prior to the
` filing date of March 20 exactly.
` Q How many days before March 20, 2015 did you
` see your petition -- excuse me. How many days before
` March 20, 2015 did you first see your declaration?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form,
` relevance.
` A I worked on my declaration most of the
` month of March.
` Q In preparation for today's deposition, did
` you look at any documents from any of the other IPRs
` filed against Surpass?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form, outside
` the scope.
` A No, not that I'm aware of.
` Q Are you aware that there was a deposition
` earlier this month -- excuse me, it was actually late
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`Exhibit 2006
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on November 11, 2015
` last month -- in a case also against the '550 patent?
` A I was not aware of that.
` Q So you didn't review a transcript of that
` deposition?
` A No.
` Q Mr. Marentic, when did you last look at
` your declaration?
` A Last night.
` Q Was that the first time you'd reviewed it
` since it was filed?
` A No.
` Q You'd been reviewing it in preparation of
` this deposition over a series of days then?
` A Yes.
` Q You reviewed your declaration against the
` '843 patent in preparation for your October
` deposition, correct?
` A Yes.
` Q And you reviewed your declaration against
` the '550 patent in preparation for this deposition,
` correct?
` A Correct.
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`Exhibit 2006
`10 of 272

`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on November 11, 2015
` Q Having recently reviewed both of those
` declarations, do you believe that your methodologies
` were consistent in those two cases?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` A The last time I looked at the '843
` declaration was the date of the deposition. I've not
` looked at it since. Would you ask the question
` again?
` Q My question was whether you felt that your
` methodologies in these two declarations were
` consistent.
` A Consistent with what, each other?
` Q Yes.
` A I believe so.
` Q Did you spot any errors in the '550
` declaration when you reviewed it in preparation for
` this deposition?
` A I didn't find any errors. There was a
` point of clarification and that is about Claim 5 that
` speaks to the integrated gate drivers. The claim
` chart relies upon Kamizono, and in the text there was
` a discussion of Sharp showing integrated gate drivers
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`Exhibit 2006
`11 of 272

`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on November 11, 2015
` as well as Kamizono showing integrated gate drivers.
` Both of those references show it. The claim chart
` seemed to have a stronger description, and I relied
` upon Kamizono claim chart, but both Kamizono and both
` Sharp show integrated gate driver technology as a way
` of implementing the drivers that drive the gates.
` Q So, Mr. Marentic, how would you -- how
` would you have revised that declaration to capture
` this clarification that you want to make?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` A I may reorganize the material a little
` different in sequence and paragraphs, but both of
` them strongly show a path towards integrated gate
` drivers.
` Q So are you saying you would have changed
` organization but not changed the content?
` A Generally, yes.
` Q Is there anything you want to add to what I
` just said?
` A I don't believe so.
` Q Are there any other changes to the
` declaration that you would have made based on your
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`Exhibit 2006
`12 of 272

`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on November 11, 2015
` recent review?
` A Somewhere was a misspelling. Gate, I think
` was spelled g-a-t-d, obvious what it was, and I can't
` recall where it is.
` Q Anything else you'd want to change?
` A No.
` Q So everything else is technically accurate
` and you stand by those words. Is that right?
` A That is correct.
` Q Mr. Marentic, we're going to talk a lot
` today I think about drivers, gate drivers, source
` drivers. Let's talk about source drivers first.
` Generally speaking, in a LCD panel what is
` the purpose of a source driver?
` A The purpose of the source driver is to
` provide an analog voltage on the source lines, source
` spots, that represents the video input signal.
` Q Does the source driver have to drive an
` analog voltage?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` A For the larger content -- or larger
` displays displaying video, they would be analog
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`Exhibit 2006
`13 of 272

`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on November 11, 2015
` voltage.
` Q So it has to be analog voltage?
` A There are certain applications where it
` wouldn't need to be. It could be an on/off, but then
` that display wouldn't be capable of displaying gray
` scale. It would be full on, full off. There aren't
` displays out there that require just that.
` Q And an analog voltage has to be sufficient
` to do certain things in the pixel. Is that right?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` A The output range of an analog output needs
` to match the liquid crystal cell characteristics.
` Q And what goes into those characteristics,
` what factors are there?
` A Making sure that the cell can be driven to
` a full off state and a full on state. So, for
` instance, it wouldn't be biased in such a way that
` the cell is always on or the cell is always off.
` Q Well, let me ask you this. Is it common
` for an LCD panel to include a storage capacitor?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` A There is a number of components that appear
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`Exhibit 2006
`14 of 272

`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on November 11, 2015
` as capacitors. Certainly the liquid crystal material
` itself between the two electrodes appears as a
` capacitor.
` Q How would you describe that, that liquid
` crystal material acting as a capacitor?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection.
` Q Is there a term that we can use to describe
` that?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form. Please
` let him finish the answer.
` A There is a second capacitor in each pixel,
` a holding capacitor that is formed during the process
` of forming the TFTs. So there's two capacitors in
` parallel, and then there's an array of parasitic
` capacitances throughout the panel. The easiest to
` consider would be the crossover of a gate and a
` source bus at that intersection would be a parasitic
` capacitance.
` Q Is there a term we use to describe -- or we
` can use to describe the capacitance resulting from
` the LC material?
` A Clc.
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`Exhibit 2006
`15 of 272

`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on November 11, 2015
` Q And that would be a liquid crystal
` capacitance?
` A Yes.
` Q And then what about the hold capacitor?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` A That could be called -- I'd like to be
` consistent. Sometimes it's called S shunt. The '550
` uses the Cs shunt.
` Q Is that the same thing as a storage
` capacitor?
` A Yes.
` Q How is the storage capacitor charged within
` a frame?
` A It's in parallel with the Clc.
` Q How do you get a potential difference
` across that storage capacitor?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form,
` foundation.
` A Through the drain of a TFT on that pixel.
` Q And where does the drain get voltage to
` charge the storage capacitor?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form,
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`Exhibit 2006
`16 of 272

`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on November 11, 2015
` foundation.
` A There is a voltage presented by a driver
` output to a source bus and a gate signal will turn on
` the TFT and allow charging of the parallel Clc and Cs
` capacitance.
` Q You said just a moment ago a driver. Would
` that be a source driver?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` A The term source driver or data driver are
` equivalent for purposes of this patent. The driver
` output would generate the voltage that is present on
` the source bus and that output could be part of
` another device that's also called a driver and that
` driver would be a monolithic integrated circuit. So
` the term driver can refer to an integrated circuit or
` a driver can refer to a single output that is present
` within an integrated circuit or IC.
` Q When you say output, you're talking about
` that analog voltage?
` A A circuit that outputs the analog voltage
` that is presented to the TFT array.
` Q And that is the analog voltage, correct, in
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`Exhibit 2006
`17 of 272

`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on November 11, 2015
` a video displaying LCD?
` A In a display displaying video, that would
` be an analog voltage or stepped in increments of say
` 256 grade levels.
` Q Did you say "or stepped in increments"?
` A Yes.
` Q What would be stepped in increments?
` A The output voltage of a stage or a single
` output.
` Q What is a stage?
` A A driver output. There is a couple of ways
` of supplying the video. One would be an infinite
` number of combinations between two voltages. The
` other would be a set of commonly 256 gray levels
` between two voltages, but for purposes of the drivers
` that we're talking about, it's sort of -- driver
` meaning IC or driver meaning output stage, that's a
` level of detail that really isn't discussed in these
` patents.
` Q You had me confused now because you've
` talked about a driver, a driver stage and a stage
` separately in all different ways. Can you clarify
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`Exhibit 2006
`18 of 272

`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on November 11, 2015
` the meaning among those three things?
` A Well, the '550 is a little confusing. It
` uses drivers to mean discrete integrated circuits,
` and it also uses the term driver to mean an output,
` an output stage of which there are multiple within an
` integrated circuit driver.
` So, yes, it is confusing as a result of the
` language that was used in the '550 and also generally
` the terminology used among technologists and the
` context would be obvious whether it was the IC or a
` single output.
` Q And so when you talk about a single output,
` are you talking about a single output from an IC
` driver?
` A An output could mean that, yes.
` Q How have you been using the term?
` A I will usually -- in the declaration I was
` careful to call out monolithic or chip versus output
` or driver output. I believe I am consistent in doing
` that.
` Q I want to understand how you've been using
` it already this morning. What are you referring to
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on November 11, 2015
` when you talk about an output?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` A An output is a port or a signal point that
` is present within an integrated circuit.
` Q So there could be multiple outputs on one
` integrated circuit?
` A There frequently are, yes.
` Q And the distance between those outputs, is
` that measured in pitch?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form,
` foundation.
` A The distance between them? I'd have to
` scratch my head. I'm not sure that's a relevant
` parameter for driver outputs.
` There is a pitch but if I were to be buying
` drivers, I would look at a number of electrical
` characteristics and pitch would be low in
` consideration.
` Q Do you know what pitch means in a driver
` context?
` A I do.
` Q What does that mean?
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`Exhibit 2006
`20 of 272

`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on November 11, 2015
` A To me it means the distance between the
` center line of a output pad between adjacent driver
` stages or driver outputs.
` Q In the 2004 time frame, are you aware of
` what the standard pitch was for driver ICs?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form,
` relevance, scope.
` A I don't have that number on the top of my
` head.
` Q Did you investigate that issue when you
` were preparing your declaration?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` MR. HELGE: What's wrong with the question?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: He already said he's not
` familiar with it.
` MR. HELGE: I'm asking if he investigated
` it in preparation for his deposition. I'd like you
` to answer it.
` MR. BERKOWITZ: You asked him earlier
` before this deposition.
` MR. HELGE: And I'm asking him in
` preparation for his declaration.
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`Exhibit 2006
`21 of 272

`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on November 11, 2015
` MR. BERKOWITZ: I didn't instruct -- he can
` answer.
` MR. HELGE: One person talking at a time,
` please.
` Q Mr. Marentic, can I get an answer to that
` question, please?
` A I did not concern myself with pitch during
` this declaration. The term pitch, although used in
` the art, is not in the claim language of the '550
` patent, so I didn't concern myself with it.
` Q We talked earlier about different terms for
` source driver, and I think you mentioned data driver
` and source driver. Is that right?
` A Yes.
` Q Are there other terms that we could use for
` that same concept, those are the most common terms?
` Are they ever called column drivers?
` A Occasionally.
` Q Is there any difference between a source
` driver, a data driver or a column driver, in your
` estimation?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
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`Exhibit 2006
`22 of 272

`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on November 11, 2015
` A For a liquid crystal display, a large area
` displaying video the term that I've always heard is
` source or data driver. Column driver could be used.
` It's frequently used in other display technologies
` like plasma or polymer dispersed liquid crystal or in
` film electroluminescence or super-twist nematic, STN
` technology.
` Q So in the context of LCD technology, do you
` believe that a source driver and a data driver are
` synonymous?
` A Generally, yes.
` Q Is there an instance where they wouldn't be
` synonymous?
` A If you have some test cases, I'd like to
` look at them.
` Q I just want to understand in your
` experience.
` A In terms of the '550 patent, the patent
` calls out data drivers and then the claim calls out
` source driver, and to me the source driver refers to
` the data driver. Within this ball of confusion of is
` it an integrated circuit or is it just a driver
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on November 11, 2015
` output.
` Q In your experience, is one of those terms
` better than the other, is source driver better than
` data driver or vice versa?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` A Different factories will tend to call --
` use one term or the other term. The IC manufacturers
` will use both terms, I believe, also. In the context
` of larger area display displaying video with a TFT
` active matrix array, the source and the data driver
` would be equivalent terms.
` Q In LCD display, do the LC molecules emit
` light?
` A No.
` Q What do they do with respect to light?
` A They interact with polarized light and
` modulate the amount of light that passes through a
` liquid crystal cell. The light is generated for
` these types of displays by backlight, and the liquid
` crystal pixel modulates the amount of light that
` reaches the viewer's eyes.
` Q Is it accurate to say that liquid crystal
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on November 11, 2015
` molecules act as a sort of shutter to allow light
` passing through it?
` A A variable shutter.
` Q Have you heard of the term ramp retrace in
` the context of LCD technology?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection, relevance,
` scope.
` A Sitting here today, I can't recall that
` term.
` Q It's not familiar to you?
` A I can't recall it right now.
` Q How about hold drive?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form,
` relevance and scope.
` A Well, Sharp reference uses a sample and
` hold method.
` Q What does that mean, sample and hold?
` A A video signal is sampled at a specific
` point in time, and that sample is held on a storage
` capacitor.
` Q What happens if you don't have a storage
` capacitor in a pixel, can it hold that signal in the
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on November 11, 2015
` pixel?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` A There is an additional capacitor outside
` the Clc and the Cs parallel combination. The sampling
` device will have an additional hold capacitor.
` Q And so am I correct in saying that that's
` the third capacitor that we're talking about within a
` pixel region?
` A It's the third discrete capacitor that
` we've been talking about. There's some scattered
` parasitics that are always present but it would be a
` third discrete capacitor.
` Q Have you seen a hold capacitor modeled in
` any of the documents that you reviewed for this
` deposition?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to the form.
` A To me modeled means a spice simulation.
` And no, I've seen no SPICE simulation for this area
` of the '550 patent.
` Q Have you seen any graphic representations
` of the hold capacitor in any of these documents that
` you reviewed for deposition?
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on November 11, 2015
` MR. BERKOWITZ: I'm sorry, could you read
` that back.
` (Pending question read.)
` A The Sharp reference has some capacitors
` that are shown. I refer to them in my report as part
` of the sample hold circuit.
` Q We'll have to come back to that in a little
` bit.
` Any others that you recall?
` A The Sharp reference has additional
` embodiments where there's extra additional
` capacitors.
` Q Is that it?
` A That's all I recall.
` Q So you've been talking about what you've
` referred to as a sample and hold circuit. Is that
` right?
` A That's what the Sharp reference describes,
` a transistor and a capacitor.
` Q Do you have any professional opinion as to
` whether sample and hold is the same thing as a hold
` drive?
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on November 11, 2015
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form. I've
` not really heard the term hold drive. It doesn't
` ring a bell.
` Q In your CV you talk about Alien Technology.
` Do you remember we talked about that last month?
` A We did.
` Q It says in your CV that you were involved
` with the design of custom drivers. Is that right?
` A That's correct.
` Q What kind of drivers were those, custom
` drivers?
` A Those were drivers designed by engineers at
` Alien. They were for organic LED, they were for
` cholesteric liquid crystal and for polymer dispersed
` liquid crystal. They also had the additional
` requirement that they be roughly square or just
` slightly rectangular, and Alien Technology had a
` method of assembling silicon dye on to a substrate
` called fluidic self-assembly. The driver ICs, or
` chips, were made on a standard wafer run through
` standard wafer processing. They were etched and
` broken and the result was their shape looked like a
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`Exhibit 2006
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on November 11, 2015
` truncated pyramid with the circuitry transistors
` diffused in at the top of the truncated pyramid. The
` circuits were held in a fluid and passed over a
` substrate with the opposite shape of a pyramid,
` dimples, and the dye would reliably and quickly
` insert themselves upside down into the dimples, and
` we could do tremendous number of assemblies per
` minute. I don't remember the number, but million
` kind of number. And these displays were ultralow
` cost and they were flexible, typically for a credit
` card or additional security for a chipped credit
` card.
` Q So Alien Technology produced these custom
` drivers for various types of displays. Were you

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