

`0-395—67161-2 (UPC)
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`V 0' 1 Pum- D- The was
`rvun'u-m (o-tin’ytii-it') u. and. «am. ates. — tr.
`i.To mnketleuder, fine. oremall. 2.1'0 reduce, an in force
`.9: amount" are-km. 3. To lessen the density of; rarefy.
`' 1. Biol.
`'Ilo make (bacteria or viruses) less virulent.
`J. Elem To retina (me mylitude of an electrical
`' d)
`trithlittleornoditmrtion. —imr.Tobecornethi.n,w
`line. —adi.(-ydb-lt).1.xedneedorwenkened, as instrength,
`:sl-‘LMW:4J~,IJ- + W,mmakedtin
`action inntport or game:
`a < was, thin; nee ton-fl.) —at-tm'u~a'tion n.
`. mortar (a-tln'yrih-i'tar) u. Adevioe that attenuates
`”flammapm Included-signal.
`«so. —tr.1.'l'onf-
`burns-wed) u. -telt-ed. .tost-l
`humbewnecenneorgemfine. Toeertifybysigrmure
`worth. 3,. To sugply or he evidenne of. 4. To put under oath.
`-blif. To best mun-u; giveteetimony: med notbeir ood
`faith. —n. Archaic. Amfiou. [Len vitamin? ud—,
`- +
`"Fuck," "—
`3’4““ -"-1.-T° rm mawbewimkmmnew-m —n-
`"3 “h I! byWe: .
`lent-m u. —at'eu-uruon (min-arm aria—mu) n.
`Idl- -: um. a “need in
`-lt-Illt’u'. “our“, 1;.
`EMW< or...
`M§m<magnnx -
`aummmbym decorative
`my] -n'ta|n I-hll
`m. a-blo ‘47-
`a .
`och teller worm" struc-
`annent common law, the!
`n. 2. Obfolete. Dishonor. m < unique Attic < m. Am. See Arno]
`{Mic (gunk) Mi. ’1. of or relating to ancient Ania, Athens,
`OFr. mantra, to convict.)
`5"905nw91mnsprdw ;dqantwiuAt¢icpme.—n.1heandentcxeefdrggctof
`.- ma. MAfliau < GleAm'kos <Am‘ke‘, Attica]
`Int-lug. “m- 1- T9 lm-
`:it'fl-ce (lull-b). An ancient rejon of E—cemnl Greece sur—
`“ ‘ ”ma,” PM!!!"
`Minding Athens.
`”gumb" m “11.1?“ a“,
`'tl-cllm (it’I-dz’mn) n. 1. A characteristic feature of Attic
`. 0 solar. Amanda:
`..Greelr. 2. mmmA concise and elegant expression.
`itll-o, Hm- ). A41. 406?~—-453. King of the Hun:
`.4433;- 53) who invaded the Roman Empire.
`01 to (fit 6) mAfragrang
`.2 vura (a-rirl) my. 41nd. -flr-hg. Aura. To drtzs or clothe,
`:dMDfm'I *3?“ Magma-91.1.00 '
`,. eL 2. The antler: of a deer. [ME mm < Fr. atirier. a-, to
`as? a said myruc beet . K Lat. a -; see 53.) + tire, order, rank; see ml.)
`I'fl'tlldl it‘l-co‘od’ -ty66d' n. 1. Aposmo'' n ofthe
`i from AMP“ 1‘“ ’ mm 01%; disposition: an attired: ofhostility.
`'x l. The orientation of an nircrnit‘r axe: relative to a reference
`”i. “”13"“ .
`line or plane. 4. The orimution of a spacea'aft relative to its
`.— direction of motion. 5. A position in which a ballet dancer
`’ m. T° “”d‘ "“11
`-mds,onone legwitll the other reisedmdbent attheknee.
`g (Fr.<ltnLottiudine< LL“. nptiuidé,-npritfidin—,hculty <
`An effort or: try- 2. An
`< 01"- "mpm < In
`rue nplm. fit. See mm] —l1:’fl°m'dl'nll (it"i-to‘bdl-
`rm] ~lf‘tl'nflt'l'blc ”1
`1 11-31, W") adj.
`'It'H-tll'dl-Illu (lt’l—tfld’n—Iz', MAL) intfdl. filled.
`r’-nt-Ing. marl. To assume an affected attitude;
`'HI'DOY'O (h’Lbflr’é, -hik’6). A city of SE
`NE of
`. lrovidenoe R1. Pop. 38,383.
`if it,“ - 4: To take m-ne (WE), clement ma. 1883—1967. British politi-
`"Mw- T0 3m fora», .
`.5... who served as prime mm (1945-51).
`make are; eve mum -
`mu. abbr. Am
`a pa attention 5..To re-M mo— prefi’One quinzillionth (10-1'): armreslafik Dan. or
`I"- 0MB orwnnlME p
`W‘J" d = “4-. ‘d-
`n-tom (a—tflm’) intmr. alumina. dam-along: mama. Lav}:
`who anemia or waits on ‘
`(o-tilr'ni) re, pl. «toys. Law. A person legally ap-
`Knecoompanying thin or
`anorhertoactaranagentln thctransauionof
`esp onelrcmsedmactinlegalpmmdinp.m
`9.1.3:" preterm:
`'s .
`' on: re-'

`< bk. norm < p.part. of grower, to appoint. See
`.Itlmlmgoh ‘_ _
`—It'm'm'lflp’ ’l.
`9'" "’10,“ m at or - mun-y It We: mummy-rum (o—tfir’néathlfil) 71., pl.
`"‘ "' -.
`It In: or at-tor-nqs—fl-law pm). Law. An at-
`ng the pnncrpal superim- ,
`11., pl. attorneys amoral or
`centurion of the mnl'
`Wemommma of‘theU.S.De-
`'3' 2.11:: ‘bili‘Y 01' Power W of urine and a membu of the President’s cabinet.
`fl'tllcNa-nilrr') moat-ed.momma. —n. 1.13
`midnim; nom-
`"A ..Am°f°°“m
`meadf. 2. To arouse or eotnpel the admiration or attention
`.m’l‘?" We:
`. ,maem < Let. Me, attrflct- :ad-, ad— + :rabere, pulL]
`It-tnct'I-bh adj. —It-tnctlor. at-tnc'tor n.
`true-Hon (a—trik'shan) n. 1. The act or upabiliry of It-
`A ‘h‘ldh‘nd "“519!” -
`mains. z The quality of amazing; chum. 3. Someth'ms
`the: amen or is intendedto arr-nu.
`*3: am tlli'lll-
`'1' Mn an few ~..<
`fl-tnotln (a-trlk'fiv) ad]. 1. Having uh. power to am.

`I. Pleasing to the eye or mind; charming. —It-tflclflvo'ly
`out d“““°“-
`:1” or attention; “fl 1
`m, -It-tnc'tln‘n. n.
`Mill. abbr. Gran. Amilmue; atm'butive.
`'W to
`mun-nu (o-n'lb’yfllt) m. art-ed. ant-lug. 4m 1. To
`W flW -at
`auatlon bridge
`E. l
`" .
`- ,
`of aJ
`specified agent or crater. — n. (hire-byo'ot’). 1. A
`try a.
`character, I personage, or in office. 3. Gram. Award
`or phrase
`syntactimlly subordinate to another word or phrase
`that it
`modifies;fotenmple,mysista’samdbmnin my
`We. W- : n.1,, ,5. +
`sister's brown dog. [
`uiblfu, to allot; reenmm] —n~tflh'ut-rbln adj. -at-
`trlb ut-u'. at-trlh'u-tor n.
`It-trltbll'flon (lt’n—byo'o'shan) n. 1. The act of attributing.
`esp. of sublishing a person, placn or time as the creator,
`provenance, oreraofawoflt of:rt.2.$omerhingrelated to
`a 1:
`senor, an attribute. —It'trl-bu’floncal Adi.
`at-tr . -u-thI (o—ulblya-tiv) 91. Grant. A word or word, group
`that is laced adinoent to the noun it modifies without a link-
`In Vet gior mmple, paleinthe pale-girl. —na'i. 1. Gram.
`relating to, or being an artributive. 2. Of or having the
`ture of an attribution or attribute. —lt'tl’lb’ll'flve'ly
`ailment-trib'u-tlve-neu n.
`It‘tfl} (a—trit') also It'tflts (a—Irit') v.11. Jill-110d.'
`4TH: also alt-ed. -trIt-Ing. m 1. To 103: (personnel,
`Korean]: le)byamition.z.Todestroyotkill(troops,br
`ower. [Back-founder: < arm-now.)
`ot-trf-flnn (9-
`ha) 1:. 1. A rubbing away or wearing down
`by fiction. 2. A.
`dual diminution in nnmb’a or strength.
`action in membership or personnel, as
`motivated by fear of punishment. [ME utm‘cim, regret,
`breaking < OFr. attrition, abrasion < LLat. ammo,
`M6115 act of rubbing against < Lat. amines, ppm of
`mere, to rub apinst : od—, against; see AD— + more, to
`rub; see ten-".1
`At'tll (it’ufi’LAn island of SW AK in the Aleutian ls.»
`At'hlks (it’s
`), Crbpua'. 1723?—7o. Amer. patriot killed in
`the Bowen Masada.
`am!) my. -tumd. —mn-:Iqa. men.
`at-tune (Ho-on’,
`armonious or responsive
`1. To bring into a
`2. Mos. To put (an instrument) into correct tune.
`any. ubbr. Law. Amorney.
`Atty. nan. abbr. Law. Attorney GenemL
`At-wp-tor (it’wé’nr, -wi5t':r). A city of central CA WNW of
`Meroed. Pop. 22,282.
`I-tle-tu‘ (o-tw‘it'at) adj. Being in a state of nervous emit:-
`ment; twittering: a crowd «twitter with expectation.
`It wt Abbi. Atomic weight.
`a-typ-l-atl (i-tlp'l-bl) alto a-typ-lc le) adi. Not ooniorm-
`ingjeo type; unusual orlirre
`ar. —l'typ-l-cal'l-ty (~kll’-
`I-tE) n. —a-typI|-eal-|y
`au n.-Author.
`Au The symbol for the element gold 1:. [< kt. mm, gold]
`mu. or Lu. nbbr. Angstrom unit.
`All. ibbr. Astronomical unit.
`all-hm (6-bid’) u. 1. Mus. A song. or instrumental compo-
`sition concerning or evoking daybmk. 2. A poem or song of
`or nbout lower: separating at dawn. [FL < OFr. allude <
`Oin. albada < alba, dawn, anba'dc < 1.3!, fem. of albus,
`whim. See nlbho-‘J
`Aube (6b). A river of NE France flowing c.225 km (140 mi) to
`ttheine R. NNW of Troyes.
`An-mt (My), Mel Pranwla Baprlt. 1782—1871. French
`moose: whoa opera include Pro Diavolo (182.9).
`eu-ber-glno (G'bEr-Zhén’, o’bat-ién) u. see mm L [Pr-
`< Catalan albergirta < Ar. atom the eggplant < Pen.
`Amber-Vikki! (o’bor-vél-yi’). A town of N-central France
`NE of Paris. Pop. 67,719.
`arm), John. 1626—92-15“!st antiquarian bett-
`known é02.1135 Brief Um, published posmumously.
`all-mm (ofbarn) 9:. Color. A moderate reddish brown to
`brdwn. [ME < OFr. shame, blond <'Lat. album”, whitish
`< ulbus, white. See albino-t] —-nu'burn adj.
`Au-bllrn(6’born).1.AdtyofEAL NOfMomixnuy.Pop.
`- settled in
`______ a,
`33;830.Z.AcityofSMEontheAndroseoggin .,
`1765. Pop. 24,309. 3. A city of W-centrzl NYin the Pi
`E Pit
`01 W!
`Lakes rogion WSW of Syncuse; bonded 1793. Pop. 31%;
`'- W 9“ out
`- l
`'4. A city of W WA ENE of Tacoma. Pop. 33,102.
`11’ "I"
`55 Wk
`Au-Iyuloson (élbz—nn, 45M) ,1. Ampertry or carpet woven in
`293.2” 3?“???-
`I lit
`rh thin
`.3 ..
`of Rome in 7532. m1). 2. Anna urbis condime (in the
`Ir 9hr
`law which
`Luck-land (6k'lznd). A city of New Zuland on an isthmus of
`5 M 1h VH9“
`NW North I. Met. area pop. 860.000.
`5 too
`3 M
`In con-rant (6' kart-in!) adj. Fully infer-med on current af-
`auceflon (dk'thanl n. LA '
`lie sale in whiehgzperry or
`' aresoldtothehighmbiddenzcm.
`inbridge. —rr.u..uoned.-eon-Ing.-nom.Tosenuo:by
`maneu‘on: auco'mwd off theW. [he mcrié- maid!!- 5W). 8 m
`< 1mm,
`.pm. of «gin, to increase. See lug-‘.l
`diction-r! (dflc'sha-nér'él
`Mon hr! 9. n. Games. A variety of bridge in which tricks _-————a
`Monster Worldwide, Inc. Exhibit 1022 (p.3/3)
`a. 3
`P '5,

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