Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 343-10 Filed 03/02/22 Page 1 of 8
`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 343-10 Filed 03/02/22 Page 1 of8


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 343-10 Filed 03/02/22 Page 2 of 8
`Case_1:19-cv-11586-FDSDocument343-10Filed03/02/22Page 2 of 8
`11/11/2021 1:44:27 PM
`he Solved: Howis my Cardio Fitness
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`> Howis my Cardio Fitness score so high?
`How is my Cardio Fitness score so high? &answerep
`05-11-2017 22:59
`4 Next>
`I'm not trying to brag, but my Cardio Fitness score seems way too high.
`| started running two months ago, and | could orly run for a mile and half before being exhausted.
`| knew
`| had to build endurance.
`In the beginning of this month | bought the Charge 2 to really track my
`progress, and | discover the app has a cardio fitness score. My score is already above 55, excellent for a
`man of my age. Howis it so high when | was never really athletic until two months ago? Also, | can now
`run 3.4 miles for 30 minutes.
`Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
`aw) 1Vote
`Recovery Runner
`@7v 06s
`05-12-2017 08:33
`( Well Done!
`Cardio Fitness is a lot about your vO2 Max, and vO2 Max is in large part hereditary. Exercise and healthy
`eating can greatly influence it, but only to an extent. Elite marathon runners and other endurance
`@47 ¥ 2h 22
`View best answer in original post
`athletes were born to run, in a sense. They achieve a vO2 Max that would be simply impossible for most
`people, no matter how hard they workatit.
`Soit looks like you've had running genesall along and just never knewit!


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 343-10 Filed 03/02/22 Page 3 of 8
`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 343-10 Filed 03/02/22 Page 3 of 8
`Q5-11-2017 23:38
`Yeah the bodyis a miracle machine for sure. A yr ago i couldn't ride an exercise bike for more than 5
`minutes and now i ride at a better pace for an hr a day plus walk the 10000 steps.
`Just have to get that old heart and lungs pumping .
`Hill Runner
`@ 270
`141 148
`x) O Votes
`05-11-2017 23:53
`You get that score because you deserveit. Not many people run and you are actually morefit than you
`realise if you can now run 3.4 miles for 30 minutes.
`Cross-Country Runner
`@ 1147 ¥ 60 1 1192
`Karolien | The Netherlands
`aC) 5 Votes
`05-12-2017 08:33
`( Well Done!
`Cardio Fitness is a lot about your vO2 Max, and vO2 Maxis in large part hereditary. Exercise and healthy
`eating can greatly influenceit, but only to an extent. Elite marathon runners and other endurance athletes
`were born to run, ina sense. They achieve a vO2 Max that would be simply impossible for most people,
`no matter how hard they workatIt.
`So it looks like you've had running genes all along and just never knewit!
`View best answer in original post
`@ 47 v 2 1 22
`05-12-2017 08:41
`PS. If you enjoy running and want to keep it up, | recommend joining a running group,or finding tips
`@47 v 2 1 22
`It will help you avoid injury, and continue your progression if you so desire.
`Hal Higdon is a source | always use. For brand new runners | always recommend the 30-30 Plan or one
`of the 5K training programs. But you seemed to have progressed beyond that already, so maybe a 10K
`training plan? You don't even haveto betraining for an actual race if you don't want to,it could just be a
`good way to work up to running 6.2 miles safely.
`I'm not sureif links work here, I'm going to try to link you to Hal Higdon's 10k Novice plan. (He has free
`plans and interactive plans which you haveto payfor,I've always found the free plans just fine.)
`If the link
`doesn't work,just Google Hal Higdon and click training plans. Good luck!


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 343-10 Filed 03/02/22 Page 4 of 8
`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 343-10 Filed 03/02/22 Page 4 of 8
`Recovery Runner
`@7v 066
`05-12-2017 08:53
`nx) 1Vote
`Thanksfor the tips!
`I'll check out Hal's website and push forward toward hitting a 6.2 mile mark.
`a) 1 Vote
`05-12-2017 09:54
`Base Runner
`@26v 069
`Interesting, 7 weeks ago mycardio score was 38 and | struggled to jog for 6Osecs ... A few days ago |
`completed myfirst ever 5k (28:50) and my cardio score is now 50. Excellent for my age.
`My dad once said | was a cistant relative of a well Known 80strack runner, perhaps| too should of taken
`up running 30 years ago.
`x) O Votes
`05-12-2017 14:28
`Base Runner
`@ 23 ¥ 0b 77
`| wonder whatthe formula is forthis. I'm a 45-yr-old woman and mine is 44 - | recently went up against a
`23-yr-old "cross-fitting" intern on the treadmill at work doing the Bruce protocol. (Cardiac Eval dept) and |
`wentlonger than her, getting 30 seconds into Stage 6 and 18 mets. Last fall mine was 2 points higher - 46
`- when | ran a 12K - got 2nd in my age group - pace was lowish 8 min miles. | don't think | could ever get
`mine up to 55.
`a) 2 Votes
`05-12-2017 15:15
`Recovery Runner
`@7v 06
`It seems resting heart rate is also a factor, mine is around 56-58bpm according to mytracker.
`Your 8min/mile 12k sounds impressive to me. | hope to achieve that endurance in a few months.
`x) 1Vote


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 343-10 Filed 03/02/22 Page 5 of 8
`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 343-10 Filed 03/02/22 Page 5of8
`Base Runner
`@23v 077
`05-12-2017 17:07
`Myresting heart rate is usually low 60's. Sometimesif I'm eating a lot more (carbs) it goes up to upper
`60's (metabolism speeding up | guess) and goes down into upper 50's wheneating less.
`a) 1Vote
`05-18-2017 20:44
`Recovery Runner
`@ 14 4 01615
`Interesting. | had the opposite. | am 40 and have run outdoors for most of mylife. When | got mine | was in
`the low 'good! range and remained there for the few months I've had mine.| eat well and exercise every
`day with at least every other day being a run. Running is relaxing for me. Cardio | can do, just not winning
`any lifting competitions.
`This is week | find myself in a hotel with tornados and high wind so | turned to the treadmill. | was
`watching the newsas | did this so | just did a 2 mile run at 18 mins. When | finished the Fitbit read it as .78
`miles in 18 mins and my score droppedall the way to mid ‘fair’
`| don't Know the calculation that goesinto this, but for it to never improve and then drop 2 whole levels
`after one poorly recorded run was disappointing.
`| love the Fitbit, but disappointed in this area.
`Congrats on on getting out there and your impressive improvements.
`a) 2 Votes
`05-18-2017 20:53
`Recovery Runner
`@7v 06
`| recommend checking your stride length settings on your Fitbit. Running outdoors with GPS to map out
`your distance is more accurate than running in one placeif your stride length isn't set properly. | don't
`expect the cardio scores to be real indicators of health. It's better to judge on how well you are by
`improved running, working out, and regular physicals from a doctor.
`x) O Votes
`05-18-2017 22:21
`@sfurry wrote:
`| can now run 3.4 miles for 30 minutes.


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 343-10 Filed 03/02/22 Page 6 of 8
`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 343-10 Filed 03/02/22 Page 6 of8
`Marathon Racer
`3.4 miles in 30 minutes is not bad at all (it’s almost 11 km/h). You may want to perform the Cooper’s test
`@ 6684 ¥ 377
`1 6434
`(run the longest possible distance in 12 minutes on a standard 400 meterstrack & field track), it’s a good
`proxy for VO2Max, which the Fitbit Cardio Fitness Score attempts to mimick.
`Dominique| Finland
`lonic, Aria, Flyer, IrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPadAir (iOS 12.4.4)
`Take a lookat the Fitbit help site for further assistance andinformation.
`Recovery Runner
`@7¥ 06
`05-18-2017 22:32
`a) 1Vote
`I'll learn more about the Cooper's test.
`Thanks forthe tip.
`Brendan Brazier method in his book, "Thrive Fitness"
`I've been trying to improve my VO2 max using
`x) 1Vote
`05-19-2017 02:16
`Marathon Racer
`@ 6684 ¥ 377
`i 6434
`There’s an app called Fitdigits you can use to perform Cooper's test. Also see this Wikipedia article.
`| also found Fitbit’s cardio fitness score to be higher than what | got with Cooper (though | performed the
`test 3.5 years ago and I’ve probably improved my cardio fitness a bit since).
`Dominique| Finland
`lonic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)
`Take a lookat the EFitbit help site for further assistance andinformation.
`x) O Votes
`05-19-2017 03:36
`Here is another test..... The Rockport test.. Probably similar to the Cooper test and in this one you need to
`Marathon Racer
`@o704 ¥ 845
`ni 5469
`walk 1 mile (1609 m) and immediately record the time taken and take you HR and then apply the results to
`the calculator..
`My Fitbit VO2Max number is definitely genetically affected.. I'm 77 and have a Fitbit cardio Fitness of 42-
`46.. It was 43-47 but my RHR has gone from 51-55 overthe last few weeks.. Probably affected by
`vaccination shots for Flu, Pheumonia and Shingles. Never had the shots before. Also need more blankets
`because Autumn is setting in here and colder nights.
`So RHR definitely affects the result. and | average 8 hrs sleep under the new sleep system..
`My average step countis 7k/day...


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 343-10 Filed 03/02/22 Page 7 of 8
`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 343-10 Filed 03/02/22 Page 7 of8
`Colin:Victoria, Australia
`lonic (OS 4.2.1,, Android App 3.45.1, Premium, Phone Sony Xperia XA2, Android 9.0
`a’) 1Vote
`05-24-2017 03:23

`| was a bit surprised by my VO2 when the app first gave me it. 51 to 55 which is well into the excellent
`range. | am fairly fit | think, but didnt think | was anywhere near that score. | have a low resting heart rate
`though (usually around 46 or so) which | think is genetic as my mothers waslow too.
`Cosmic Hurdler
`Helen | Western Australia
`@ 22016 v 1501
`Wantto discuss ways to increase your activity? VisitGetMovingin theLifestyle Discussion Forum,
`1 19289
`an) O Votes
`05-24-2017 05:11 - edited 05-24-2017 05:58
`@NellyGJoin the genetic clan. My mother the same... She seemed to go all day, walking to the shopping
`Marathon Racer
`@ 9704 ¥ 845
`1@ 5469
`centres when | was 5 yrs old.. No car in those days. That was my legacy because my doctors, including my
`heart specialists over the years kepttelling me to blame my parents. The shopping centres weretypically
`4km (2.5 miles) 8km (5 miles) total there and back. And mum was pushing a pram with my younger sister.
`| can see mylittle legs going like mad..
`That legacy today is that | can walk at exercise speed, never get breathless and still talk if needed. On a
`30 minutes walk last night | accumulated 30 minutes of Very Active Minutes, 10 METS/minute on both my
`Surge and Blaze. HR was in the cardio zone and no erratic graphs. It surprised me, but | was walking at
`HiiT method using treking poles with rubber feet on pavementat 45 fast steps followed by 15 steps
`But like all of this, we should be cleared by our GP's and fortunately | had my heart assessed at my last
`annual check-up because my doctor has always been concerned about my low HR. Last night most of my
`sleep was 46-49bpm. It's 51 at 10pm while I'm typing this post. My RHR has come back to 51 over the last
`few days.
`Thanksforall of the enthusiastic forum posters who keep an eye on us....and Fitbit for helping and giving
`us the choice of tools to help us continue our quality oflife.
`Colin:Victoria, Australia
`lonic (OS 4.2.1,, Android App 3.45.1, Premium, Phone Sony Xperia XA2, Android 9.0
`x) O Votes
`Recovery Runner
`05-24-2017 20:34
`| performed The Cooper Test today and ran 2430 meters in 12 minutes. According to the chart, I'm rated
`"good", above average for my age.
`It looks like | can improve, which | like, so | have a goal to obtain!


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 343-10 Filed 03/02/22 Page 8 of 8
`Gase 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 343-10 Filed 03/02/22 Page 8 of 8
`@7v¥ 016
`a) 2 Votes
`05-24-2017 23:55
`Marathon Racer
`@ 6684 v 377
`i 6434
`@sfurry: did you also record your 12-minute Cooper's run on your Fitbit? If so, did it change your cardio
`fitness score? Of course, the problem with running on a track (loop)is thatit’s not optimal for getting the
`distance with GPS(especially with a phone’s GPS). Straight line would be better. Congrats in any case for
`getting 2450 meters, it’s very good for an "older" guy! In fact, most 20-somethings wouldn’t get that far.
`Dominique| Finland
`lonic, Aria, Flyer, IrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)
`Take a lookat the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.
`a) O Votes
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