Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 200-2 Filed 06/18/21 Page 1 of 9
`Case 1:19-cv-11586—FDS Document 200-2 Filed 06/18/21 Page 1 of 9


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 200-2 Filed 06/18/21 Page 2 of 9
`Case 1:19-cv-11586—FDS Document 200-2 Filed 06/18/21 Page 2 of 9
`Fitbit, inc.
`Mr. Park, CEO
`405 Howard Street, Suite 550
`San Francisco, CA 94105
`United States of America
`Subject: Use by Fitbit of certain Philips patents
`Date: April 13, 2017
`Dear Mr. Park,
`We write to follow up on our two prior letters to you, dated October 10, 2016 and March 23,
`2017, enclosed herein for your reference. Unfortunately, and surprisingly, we have not received
`any response from Fitbit. Kindly respond at your earliest convenience, but not later than May 1,
`if we do not hear from Fitbit by then, we will consider all options in bringing the matters
`discussed in our letters to your compa ny‘s attention.
`Yours sincerely,
`Philips intellectual Property 84 Standards
`owitz ?
`Senior lP Counsel
`Ends. (2)
`Philips intellectual Property 8: Standards
`465 Columbus Avenue, Suite 340. Valhalla, New York 10595 USA,
`Tel: (646) 824-5656. email:
`— PNA—Faamzm


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 200-2 Filed 06/18/21 Page 3 of 9
`Case 1:19-cv-11586—FDS Document 200-2 Filed 06/18/21 Page 3 of 9
`Fitbit, inc.
`Mr. Park, CEO
`405 Howard Street, Suite 550
`San Francisco. CA 94105
`United States of America
`Subject: Use by Fitbit of certain Philips patents
`Date: October 10, 2016
`Dear Mr. Park,
`This letter is written to Fitbit, inc. and its worldwide affiliates (coliectiveiv “Fitbit”) on behalf of
`Phiiips inteliectuat Property & Standards (“Phiiips li’8iS"). Phiiips £986 is authorized to iicense
`patents owned or controlled by Koninkiijke Philips N.V. (previousiy known as Koninkiijke ?hitips
`Electronics NM.) and its affiliates (coilectively "Pi1iiips"),
`including without
`iimitation Philips
`Electronics North America Corporation.
`We note that Fitbit is involved in the manufacturing. advertising, offering for 5336. importing,
`licensing and/or seliing of products and services in the field of activity trackers in the United States
`of America, Europe, China, japan and other countries.
`This letter serves as formal notice that the fitbit orcducts and services as indicated and identified
`in Exhibit 1, as well as Fitbit products and services having aqua! or similar functionality, ali infringe
`one or more Philips ownedorcontrolied granted v.5. patents and their foreign counterparts.
`Star example, as shown in Exhibit 1, the Fithit Surge infringes US 6013007, US 7325453, US
`7401495. US 7204145 and US 7088233, and the Fitbit Mobile App and Dashboard infringes US
`6602191 and US 8277377.
`Philips is willing to discuss with Fitbit the terms and conditions of a non—exclusive, world-wide
`ticense under the patents listed in Exhibit 1.
`Fhliim intaiimuai Fromm: & Standards
`465 Columbus Avenue, Suite 340. Valtxalia, New Yorii 19395 USA,
`Tea: 1666} 5246656, e-mail; fiiaischiovfitz®nbilipstom
`— PNA-FBoo12464


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 200-2 Filed 06/18/21 Page 4 of 9
`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 200-2 Filed 06/18/21 Page 4 of 9
`Dam: Octabcr 10, 2016
`Page: 2
`We wish to scheduie a meeting with Fithit to discuss this matter, at a mutuatiy convenient time
`and piace, within two months from the date of this water. Kindiy iet us know, at year earliest
`convenience, who wifi be the contact person in your organizaz‘ion with whom we can arrange such
`a meeting.
`For gocd order‘s sake, ail Phiiips’ rights with respect of the unauthorized use of the patents listed
`in Exhibit 3. remain formaily reserved ‘
`Years sincereiy,
`9hi¥ips $nte§§ecmai Proxyeriy 8; Standards
`Etias Schéiewm
`Senior E? Counsei


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 200-2 Filed 06/18/21 Page 5 of 9
`Case 1:19-cv-11586—FDS Document 200-2 Filed 06/18/21 Page 5 of 9
`0.1!»: October 10. 201%
`Page: 3
`Exhibit 1: 9hiiips patents and Fitbit infringSng precincts andfor services
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`1? AH Fitbit products am? sewiws having equa¥ 0r simiiar functicnafity aisa infringe me Phiéips‘
`patents iéemifieé in this Exhibit 1.


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 200-2 Filed 06/18/21 Page 6 of 9
`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 200-2 Filed 06/18/21 Page 6 of 9
`“.5 ps
`Fitbit, lnc.
`Mr. Park, CEO
`405 Reward Street, Suite 550
`San Francisco, CA 94105
`United States of America
`Subject: Use by Fitbit ofcertain Philips patents
`Date: March 23, 2017
`Dear Mr. Park,
`We write to follow up on the letter that we sent to Fithit on October 10, 2016. A copy is included
`herein for your reference. Unfortunately we have not received any response from Fitbit until
`now. Kindly respond at your earliest convenience, but not later than April 7, 2037. Meanwhile 3
`will be available for questions, éfany.
`Yours sincerely,
`Philips intellectual Property 8L Standards
`Elias Schilowitz
`Senior IP Counsel
`Enclosure {1)
`Philips intellectual? Warranty 8: Standards
`465 Calumbus Avenue, Suite 340. Vahafia, New Your 10595 USA. wwwjppmlipssom
`Tel: {666) 824-5656, e-mail:


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 200-2 Filed 06/18/21 Page 7 of 9
`Case 1:19-cv-11586—FDS Document 200-2 Filed 06/18/21 Page 7 of 9
`WA ¥£Q$X
`Fitbét, inc.
`Mr. Park, CEG
`£85 Howard Street, Suite 550
`San Franciscc, CA 96105
`United States of America
`Subject: {352 by Fitbii of certain Phiéips pazents
`Sate: October 10. 2616
`Bear Mr. Park,
`$h§s iener is written to Whit, inc. and Rs wor¥éwide affiiiates (Cofiectively "Fitb§t”) 0n behaif of
`Ph‘siips Bnteiteczuai Wopefly & Standards Uphitips %P&S"§. fihifips “5&5 is authorized ta ficense
`patents owned or controfied by Knninkiéjke Phiiips NV. {previousiy known as Koninkiig'ke Phiiips
`Electronics NM) and its affiéiates {coiieaiveéy "9hiiips"},
`inciuééng without imitation Phiéips
`Electrenics North Ameriza Corporation.
`We make that fitbit is invoived in the manufacturing, advertising. offering for sake, imgmting,
`ricensing and/or sefiing of products and servites in the fieéd of activity trackers in the United States
`af America, Europa China,3apan and other muntries.
`This Easier serves as ferma§ natice that the Fithit products and services as findicated and identified
`in Exhibit 1, as we“ as Fitbit products and services having equai or simiiar functionality, all infringe
`One or more Philips owned or cuntroiled granted U5. patents and their foreign counxergzarts.
`For exampte, as shown in Exhibit 1‘ the Fiibit Surge inmnges US 6013067, US ”1325453, US
`7401495, US 7264143 and US ?688233, and the filbit Mohfie App and Dashboard infdnges U3
`5692191 and US 82773337.
`Philips is witiing to discuss with Fitbi; the terms and canditkzns of a non‘exaiusive, worldeéde
`license undu the patents iisaed in Exhibit 1.
`Pkwy: magnesia? Wagner”: 8: Sianfiarfis
`4&5 (Mamba Avenue. Suite BAG, WhaiS; New Yorfi £0535 USA, Wmipgmfipsmm
`Fat: (645} aza—sssa, t-mafl: (use: sthaovdueégmupmum


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 200-2 Filed 06/18/21 Page 8 of 9
`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 200-2 Filed 06/18/21 Page 8 of 9
`Gase: cache: 10,. 2035
`Page '1
`We wish {a scheduie a memng with mm to dismss this matter, at a mutuaéiy convenient zime
`3m: piazza, within two months hem the éafie of this when Xindiy 38k us know, at your eadies:
`canvenience, who wiéi be {he cantact 9mm in your mganization with wham we can average such
`a meeiing.
`For gem: ardei’s sake, 3E: Wfips‘ rigzxis with resgec: OM18 unauthorized use of the patents Eisted
`in Exhibi: 1 remam iss'maifiy maeweé.
`Ymsrs sincereiy,
`géziléps intellécmai Prayerty &Standam‘s
`”:3" M
`/ /",.
`Eiéas Schiiawet
`Senior 5? Counse:
`{xhibit 1


`Case 1:19-cv-11586-FDS Document 200-2 Filed 06/18/21 Page 9 of 9
`Case 1:19-cv-11586—FDS Document 200-2 Filed 06/18/21 Page 9 of 9
`Exhibit 1: Philips patents amt Firm: infringing products anfifmr services
`Cum: Snake: 16, 25443
`Page: 3
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`‘3 AH fitbi: {aromas and sswicas havéng aqua: or simééar functienafiity am infringe the méiips‘
`gatefits identéfiw in ms Exhibit 1‘

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