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`And I think that the questions were -- you filed a
`litigation against Microsoft; is that correct?
`And then the question was: How did it end? And you
`said you -- they took a license; is that right?
`Yes, I did.
`There was a lot of litigation that happened between
`those two things, correct?
`There was at least one trial that went on, correct?
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`number of recitals, correct?
`We do.
`And in particular, let's look at Recital D,
`"Microsoft has denied infringement of the Asserted Patents
`and the European Patent and has also challenged the
`validity thereof. Microsoft has also filed, on 26
`July 2006, an opposition in the EPO for the European
`Patent (the EPO proceeding)." Unquote.
`Do you see that?
`I do.
`So am I correct that at the time this agreement was
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`I didn't hear you.
`signed, Microsoft was both denying infringement of the
`There was at least one trial that went on between you
`and Microsoft?
`We had one trial against Microsoft, correct.
`And you had filed -- you had -- how long was the
`litigation going on before you signed an agreed --
`settlement agreement with Microsoft?
`This agreement is -- was based on -- was after suit
`against -- filing against Microsoft 2009.
`So, approximately two years of litigation had been
`going on when you signed this agreement with Microsoft; is
`that correct?
`Yes. No trial in that litigation.
`patents and challenging the validity of the patents?
`Agree what it says there, yes.
`MR. UNIKEL: And if we can look at Subpart A of
`the recitals, please.
`Am I correct we see there three U.S. patent numbers
`listed, correct?
`One of those is the '843 patent, right?
`And then there's also at least one European patent
`that's mentioned in that paragraph, correct?
`And on the front page of this agreement, we see a
`There's one European patent, right.
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`Do you recall how many total patents were licensed by
`Arendi to Microsoft as part of this agreement?
`Everything that's in the agreement. So those
`patents, I don't know if there's an appendix with more. I
`don't know.
`And do you happen to know which of the patents
`Microsoft was most interested in or concerned about when
`they signed this agreement?
`Nothing we discussed.
`And, sir, Microsoft paid you $30 million under this
`agreement, correct?
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`MR. DIEHL: Your Honor, just as a note on that,
`on redirect, I can go right back into his licenses and we
`can unseal after that. I am happy to have it unsealed now
`and I can talk about other things and then go into
`licenses, but if we are going to redirect soon, it could
`make sense just to keep it sealed.
`THE COURT: Let's unseal the courtroom. Thank
`you, Counsel.
`MR. DIEHL: Yes.
`* * *
`(Whereupon, the sealed discussion concludes.)
`THE COURT: The courtroom is unsealed.
`And you don't know how much of that $30 million was
`attributable to the '854 patent which is listed up there;
`is that right?
`You don't know how much of that $30 million was
`attributable to the European patent that is listed up
`there, correct?
`MR. UNIKEL: I have only a few questions left,
`but we can unseal the courtroom if you would like,
`Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Thank you very much.
`Ms. Garfinkel, unseal the courtroom.
`Please proceed.
`Sir, am I correct that at no time before filing this
`lawsuit in 2013 did you ever tell Google that they were
`infringing any patents of Arendi's?
`That's correct.
`The first time that you would have alerted Google to
`the fact that you thought they were infringing any patents
`was when you filed the lawsuit in 2013; is that right?
`And you made a conscious decision not to reach out to
`Google; is that right?


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`And you made that conscious decision together with
`your lawyers not to alert Google; is that right?
`MR. UNIKEL: Your Honor, that's all I have.
`THE COURT: Thank you very much.
`MR. DIEHL: Your Honor, I will start with the
`licenses, since that was the last thing I did.
`MR. DIEHL: I'm sorry to do it.
`THE COURT: I'm going to ask Ms. Garfinkel to
`seal the courtroom.
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`And Apple, despite denying infringement invalidity,
`still paid $15 million; is that correct?
`That is correct.
`MR. DIEHL: Now, I want to move to the Samsung
`agreement that was PX-76, if we can put that on the
`screen. I'm sorry, not 76. Let's take that down. PX-77.
`Yes. PX-77.
`Now, conspicuously, when Google was walking you
`through this document, did Google happen to point out any
`denial of infringement by Samsung?
`Not that I recall.
`The courtroom has been sealed.
`* * *
`(The following discussion is held under seal:
`MR. DIEHL: Thank you, Your Honor.
`Mr. Hedloy, I want to start talking about the license
`agreements that counsel for Google just walked you
`through. I'll start with the Apple license.
`Do you recall that counsel for Google pointed out a
`clause in there -- I think it was two clauses -- where
`Apple denied infringing the '843 patent and denied the
`validity of the '843 patent?
`Did Google happen to point out any denial of validity
`by Samsung?
`Not that I can remember.
`Now, do you recall during the opening statement that
`Google gave, it said that all of the licensees who took a
`license from Arendi actually did deny infringement and
`I do.
`So was Google accurate when it was saying that
`Samsung as one of the licensees, denied infringement and
`denied validity?
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`That was incorrect?
`That was incorrect.
`Now, in your experience, Google pointed out that some
`of these licenses related to multiple patents.
`Do you recall that?
`I do.
`In your experience, is it normal when two companies
`come together for a license agreement, to have that
`license applied to the full portfolio of intellectual
`property that the licensing entity owns?
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`retailers, and customers to sell or use any licensed
`My question is, did Arendi intend to extend this
`license that it entered with Samsung to Google as either a
`customer or a retailer or a reseller or a wholesaler or a
`That was not your intent at the time of entering the
`Samsung agreement?
`No, of course not. We had only sued Google the way
`to license that to Samsung.
`Now, I want to look at Section 2.1 of the Samsung
`And let's move to the other one that Google looked at
`agreement. Again, that was 77, PX-77. Mr. Hedloy, this
`is a grainy version of this document, but I think we can
`make due.
`Do you recall Google asking you about this provision?
`MR. DIEHL: Thank you, Mr. Boles.
`And Google in particular pointed out a sentence here
`that begins on the fourth line, toward the end of fourth
`line, "Licensor, on behalf of itself and its affiliates,
`agrees that the license granted to licensee and its
`affiliates under this section permits licensee and its
`affiliates and their distributers, wholesalers, resellers,
`with you, which was Section 3.1 of the agreement.
`Now, Google emphasized a particular wording here
`"supplier," and here, this says that -- so we'll start on
`the second line: "Arendi hereby releases forever
`discharges licensee and its affiliates, including their
`officers, directors, attorneys, employees, and together
`with their suppliers, distributers, wholesalers,
`resellers, retailers, and customers from any or all claims
`in connection with any licensed product."
`My question, again, here, did Arendi intend to
`license Google when it was doing this agreement with
`Samsung as a supplier of Samsung?


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`MR. UNIKEL: Objection, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Overruled.
`Now, during the negotiations with Samsung, did
`Samsung say anything about releasing Arendi's claims
`against Google that were there pending in a separate
`lawsuit against Google?
`And, Mr. Hedloy, I believe when you were answering
`one of questions that Google's counsel asked, you started
`to say something about pre-installed applications versus
`user-installed applications.
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`what they didn't have anything to do with, which was what
`was downloaded afterwards.
`So did Arendi intend to license, in the Samsung
`agreement, Google apps that a user of a Samsung phone
`might download onto that phone after buying the Samsung
`And then I believe the last license that Google's
`counsel looked at with you was the Microsoft license.
`And, again, Google's counsel pointed out there that
`Microsoft did deny infringing Arendi's IP.
`Do you recall that?
`I do.
`Can you explain that further?
`Well, there is a difference, because what we had sued
`Samsung for was what they sold, which would be their --
`I'm going to take -- I'm -- I was sorry. Can I?
`THE WITNESS: I was trying to avoid coughing so
`much, but...
`No problem.
`So what we accused Samsung of was what they sold,
`which was their tablets and cell phones with pre-installed
`applications. We did not accuse them of infringing on
`And what did Microsoft ultimately pay despite that
`$30 million.
`And Google's counsel also asked the question about
`And Google's counsel also asked the question about
`whether Arendi made a conscious decision with its counsel
`whether Arendi made a conscious decision with its counsel
`not to alert Google that it suspected Google was
`not to alert Google that it suspected Google was
`infringing the '843 patent.
`infringing the '843 patent.
`Do you recall that question?
`Do you recall that question?
`I do.
`I do.
`Did you have concerns about what Google would do if
`Did you have concerns about what Google would do if
`Arendi came to Google and brought that allegation to it
`Arendi came to Google and brought that allegation to it
`outside of the context of a lawsuit?
`outside of the context of a lawsuit?
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`And did you have concerns about Google taking legal
`And did you have concerns about Google taking legal
`action of its own in response to that kind of allegation?
`action of its own in response to that kind of allegation?
`MR. DIEHL: Now, Your Honor, I think we can
`unseal the courtroom at this point.
`THE COURT: All right.
`Ms. Garfinkel, please unseal the courtroom.
`(Courtroom unsealed.)
`THE COURT: The courtroom has been unsealed.
`Please proceed.
`MR. DIEHL: Thank you, Your Honor.
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`Okay. In particular, we looked at Page 180 of this
`document. Do you recall -- look at Pages 180 and 181, if
`we can look at both of those on the screen.
`And here, Google's counsel pointed to a particular
`sentence that begins at the end of Page 180,
`"Applicant" -- Arendi -- "notes that application Serial
`No. 12,841,302 n(also before the Examiner) and the prior
`art references analyzed in the Accelerated Examination
`Support Document (AESD) of July 22, 2010 are of particular
`interest in relation to the present application."
`Do you recall questions about this?
`I do.
`Okay. Next subject. I want to get -- just go back
`into the issue of the efforts that Arendi made to provide
`information to the Patent Office.
`And do you recall that Google asked you a number of
`questions about that process?
`I do.
`And I'd like to look back at what was Exhibit DTX-2,
`which is a record of things that happened before the
`Patent Office.
`Do you recall talking about this exhibit with
`Google's counsel?
`So what was the reason for alerting the Patent Office
`about this?
`Well, it was that the -- we wanted to make sure that
`he -- we didn't withhold anything. So that's why we
`alerted him to it. So we said those references should
`also be looked at.
`Now, those references, you were pointing up to the --
`specifically to the prior art references analyzed in the
`Accelerated Examination Support Document; is that fair?
`Yes. We should look at those prior art references.
`Those prior art references.
`And then the Accelerated Examination Support


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`from Professor Edward Fox, who is a long-time professor in
`the industry at Virginia Tech, extremely accomplished.
`He's studied the invention. He has studied the patent.
`He has studied what was said to the Patent Office, and he
`has studied the prior art systems: CyberDesk, Apple Data
`Detectors, Microsoft Word.
`And what he's going to tell you and explain to
`you is that if Arendi is correct that its patent covers
`Approach 2, it covers the use of separate instructions
`from the apps, then it covers CyberDesk and Apple Data
`Detectors, because those did all the same shortcuts, they
`presented users with all the same options, but they did it
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`configured by the first computer program, and they do not
`satisfy the inconsequence of receipt by the first computer
`program of the user command from the user device causing a
`search element.
`And as you just heard, it's Arendi's burden to
`prove infringement. If -- the evidence will show you that
`Google went a different approach. They went right; Arendi
`went left. And Arendi will not, we believe, be able to
`show that there's infringement of these elements by
`Google's use of an opposite technological approach.
`When you look under the hood, when you really
`consider how Arendi's patent invention needs to work and
`how Google's products actually do work, I think you're
`with separate instructions rather than the self-contained
`instructions that are required by the claims.
`And if at the end of case, you really believe
`that the patent is broad enough to cover Google's
`products, which use separate instructions from the apps,
`then you're going, I think, have to see that it also
`covers systems that existed well before Mr. Hedloy ever
`filed for his patent application.
`So by the end of the trial, I think you're
`going to see that Google's accused products do not perform
`two critical elements of the '843 patent. Those that
`specifically require actions from the first computer
`program. They don't provide an input device that's
`going to see they're very different approaches, even if
`the user might see food on their table at the end of the
`Now, we get back to the question, what exactly
`did Arendi invent? Because it's only what they actually
`added that's new that they can ask for money based on.
`So the question you're going to be asked is, is
`there infringement? Is the patent valid? If you find
`there's no infringement, if you find the patent is not
`valid because it should not have issued in light of
`CyberDesk or Apple Data Detectors, then you'll never have
`to consider damages in this case.
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`Only if you find that we have infringed and
`only if you find that the patent is valid will you have to
`consider the question: If Google used Arendi's approach,
`how much was it really worth to Google?
`Once again, you're going to hear that their
`invention was to put all of the instructions inside a
`single computer program. Google went a different way and
`put the instructions outside of any specific computer
`So it raises the question of how much would
`Google pay for a technology that was the opposite of what
`it wanted, that did the exact opposite thing of how it
`Google of this would have been.
`There's a little context, though, that I would
`There's a little context, though, that I would
`like you to consider. Before Arendi filed this suit, it
`like you to consider. Before Arendi filed this suit, it
`did not contact Google in any way about the patent. It
`did not contact Google in any way about the patent. It
`didn't send us a letter. It didn't call us on the phone.
`didn't send us a letter. It didn't call us on the phone.
`Not a single contact to say: I have this patent. I think
`Not a single contact to say: I have this patent. I think
`you might be interested in it, or I think you might be
`you might be interested in it, or I think you might be
`using the technology.
`using the technology.
`Now, remember, when they filed suit in 2013,
`Now, remember, when they filed suit in 2013,
`there's not a single product that's being accused of
`there's not a single product that's being accused of
`infringement from that period of time. There's not a
`infringement from that period of time. There's not a
`single product right now, from 2013 to 2017, that's being
`single product right now, from 2013 to 2017, that's being
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`wanted to construct its systems. And Arendi, as you've
`accused of infringement in this case, and yet they didn't
`accused of infringement in this case, and yet they didn't
`seen, wants more than $40 million from Google for the
`period from December 2017 to November 10, 2018, 11 months,
`for Google's use of a technology that it didn't want, that
`it didn't need, and, frankly, that it wanted the opposite
`But if you ultimately get to consider damages,
`despite the fact that we went one way and they went the
`other, you're going to hear from an expert by the name of
`Douglas Kidder. He is a gentleman who has 30-plus years
`in the area of patent damages and financial damages
`analysis. And you're going to hear from him about what
`the appropriate way to consider the possible value to
`reach out to us before they filed suit to say: We think
`reach out to us before they filed suit to say: We think
`you're infringing or we think you're using our patent; you
`you're infringing or we think you're using our patent; you
`might want a license.
`might want a license.
`As you will hear, since the year 2000, Arendi's
`company's only business is getting patents and enforcing
`patents. Since the year 2000, they do not make any
`products, they do not sell any products, they have not
`tried to develop any products.
`And as you will see, from the moment that they
`filed suit against Google, Google has defended itself at
`all times on the basis that it doesn't use the technology,
`it does not want the technology, and it wants to go in a


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`In this case, you stated that you have no
`recollection as to CyberDesk actually worked; is that
`And you don't remember when you became aware of
`CyberDesk; is that right?
`That's also correct.
`After becoming aware of CyberDesk, you don't remember
`doing anything to acquire more information about that
`system, do you?
`That's correct.
`And you don't even remember whether you looked for
`any information on CyberDesk through a basic Internet
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`Georgia Tech website concerning CyberDesk and tried to use
`the actual sample version of CyberDesk that was provided
`on that website, do you?
`I don't remember.
`Let's look back at your description of CyberDesk to
`Let's look back at your description of CyberDesk to
`the Patent Office in the AESD, please. If you could look
`the Patent Office in the AESD, please. If you could look
`at the next page, please, 115.
`at the next page, please, 115.
`Do you see that you write, quote, "The Dey reference
`Do you see that you write, quote, "The Dey reference
`does not meet several elements and limitations of the
`does not meet several elements and limitations of the
`claims. Among other things, the Dey reference does not
`claims. Among other things, the Dey reference does not
`disclose contact information handling implemented by a
`disclose contact information handling implemented by a
`document editing program. For example, Dey does not
`document editing program. For example, Dey does not
`search, correct?
`And you don't remember whether you looked at any
`materials about the CyberDesk system other than this one
`1998 article that you discussed in this AESD; is that
`I know we submitted more CyberDesk documentation to
`the Patent Office, so I assume he looked at those.
`But you personally don't recall if you ever saw any
`of those other materials; is that correct?
`Today, I don't remember.
`And you don't remember whether you ever went to the
`disclose analyzing selected textual information by the
`disclose analyzing selected textual information by the
`document editing program as required by the claims.
`document editing program as required by the claims.
`CyberDesk itself analyzes text highlighted by the user,
`CyberDesk itself analyzes text highlighted by the user,
`and CyberDesk is separate from any document editing
`and CyberDesk is separate from any document editing
`That's what Arendi said to the Patent Office about
`That's what Arendi said to the Patent Office about
`this reference, correct?
`this reference, correct?
`And you felt it was an important distinction in this
`AESD that CyberDesk was separate from the document editing
`program, correct?
`And you told the '843 patent examiner that he would
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`find your descriptions of the prior art in this AESD of
`particular interest, correct?
`Next, you state -- if we could please go to the next
`paragraph. "CyberDesk also does not disclose 'identifying
`at least part of the selected textual information to use
`as a search term,' as required by the claims. To the
`contrary, it appears that CyberDesk merely searches for
`what the user has highlighted and, for this reason,
`CyberDesk does not identify search terms, as required by
`the claims."
`Do you see that?
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`the document,' as required by the claims. CyberDesk
`simply does not disclose, teach, or suggest inserting
`second information into documents," unquote.
`Do you see that?
`I see that.
`Were you aware that CyberDesk did allow for insertion
`of text into documents at the time you wrote this?
`Apparently not.
`And, sir, is there any limitation in the actual
`claims of the '843 patent that require causing insertion
`of at least part of the second information into the
`I can see that.
`'843, no.
`And so for you, it was important whether or not
`CyberDesk taught to search for -- to identify at least
`part of the selected textual information to use as a
`search term, correct?
`For this application, yes.
`For this application. And this application was the
`one you directed the '843 patent examiner to look at your
`descriptions of?
`And finally, last Paragraph here, you say,
`"Furthermore, CyberDesk does not disclose 'causing
`insertion of at least part of the second information into
`But these are all statements that Arendi itself wrote
`to the Patent Office in this AESD, correct?
`And these are the statements that Arendi directed the
`examiner considering the '843 patent to because they were
`of particular interest in regard to that application?
`That's what you said, yes.
`THE COURT: Counsel, is now a good time to take
`the afternoon break?
`MR. UNIKEL: I think it's a great time. Thank
`you, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Ladies and gentlemen, we will take


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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-JLH Document 486-1 Filed 04/24/23 Page 8 of 16 PageID #: 51000
`Unikel, Robert
`Kalpana Srinivasan; John Lahad; Failla, Melissa J.; Max Straus; Seth Ard; Rachel Solis; Kemper Diehl; Richard
`;; Google-Arendi; Susan M. Betts; Neal C. Belgam
`\RE: Invalidity Grounds, IPR Proceedings Issue and Wilfullness
`Sunday, April 23, 2023 7:37:20 PM
`2023-04-23 Counterproposal re IPR Stipulation and Limiting Instruction.docx
`We continue to believe that the only correct course is for the parties to agree, or the Court to order,
`that the parties will not present any evidence, testimony or argument concerning the IPR
`proceedings to the jury. In light of the absence of any invalidity ground based on Pandit, there is no
`relevance to those proceedings in this case, and no justification for introducing such confusing and
`unduly prejudicial materials to the jury. If Arendi does not so agree, then we currently plan to ask
`for an appropriate order from the Court.
`Should the Court disagree and allow some mention of the IPR proceedings to the jury, then we agree
`with you that the only way to at least partially minimize the prejudice and error is to present the IPR
`proceedings through a neutral and balanced stipulation and limiting instruction. Attached is
`Google’s counterproposal to Arendi’s proposed stipulation and limiting jury instruction regarding
`evidence relating to IPRs. It includes some of Arendi’s proposed language combined with Google’s in
`what we hope is a fair compromise that would minimize jury confusion and potential prejudice at
`trial. If we can agree on the language of the stipulation and proposed limiting instruction, and can
`agree that (1) the Court would read and/or provide a hard copy of the stipulation to the jury when
`one of the parties first asks for it at a relevant time during trial; and (2) the parties would not
`introduce any other evidence regarding the IPR to the jury or make any arguments that contradict
`the stipulation to the jury, then Google likely will agree not to proceed with its planned motion.
`Please let us know by 9:30 pm tonight if Arendi accepts this compromise.
`I’ll note that Arendi’s proposal in the limiting instruction that the jury could consider the IPR
`evidence to determine whether “Google has persuaded you by clear and convincing evidence that
`the Asserted Claims of the ’843 Patent are invalid” without sufficient guardrails about the
`differences and limitations with IPR is particularly problematic. We all know that is an incomplete
`and misleading instruction and highly prejudicial, and it demonstrates once again that Arendi is
`trying to present IPR evidence to the jury for improper purposes.
`From: Kalpana Srinivasan <>
`Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2023 3:20 PM


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-JLH Document 486-1 Filed 04/24/23 Page 9 of 16 PageID #: 51001
`To: Unikel, Robert <>; John Lahad <>;
`Failla, Melissa J. <>; Max Straus <>;
`Seth Ard <>; Rachel Solis <>; Kemper Diehl
`<>; Richard Wojtczak <>;
`;; Google-Arendi <Google-
`>; Susan M. Betts <>; Neal C. Belgam
`Subject: [EXT] RE: Invalidity Grounds, IPR Proceedings Issue and Wilfullness
`--- External Email ---
`Rob – Your proposal is based on the incorrect premise that the IPR
`evidence is permissible only if Google wants to use it. Google has
`already conceded that IPR evidence is relevant in its filing to the Court
`Thursday night as it intended to use that evidence to argue about its
`beliefs regarding invalidity as a defense to willfulness. Google included
`exhibits from the IPR proceeding on its exhibit list. But now Google
`suddenly says the jury will be confused even though Google intended to
`rely on the IPR proceedings as of a few days ago. Pandit doesn’t
`change the equation – and only highlights that Google wanted to use
`the IPR proceedings to shore up its invalidity position in this case.
`Google’s one-sided position is wrong.
`As we already said, IPRs are relevant not solely to defend against
`willfulness but to rebut any defense of willfulness and the IPRs are also
`relevant to other issues which we have identified in our letter to the
`As you requested on our call last night, we attach a proposed
`Stipulation and Limiting Instruction that is edited from what you sent us
`earlier this week. In light of the foregoing, please let us know if Google
`From: Unikel, Robert <>


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-JLH Document 486-1 Filed 04/24/23 Page 10 of 16 PageID #: 51002
`Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2023 6:26 AM
`To: John Lahad <>; Failla, Melissa J. <>;
`Kalpana Srinivasan <>; Max Straus
`<>; Seth Ard <>; Rachel Solis
`<>; Kemper Diehl <>; Richard Wojtczak
`;; Google-Arendi <Google-
`>; Susan M. Betts <>; Neal C. Belgam
`Subject: RE: Invalidity Grounds, IPR Proceedings Issue and Wilfullness
`Arendi Team,
`I know you are planning to send us today your proposal for how to deal with the IPR proceedings
`issues at trial. As I mentioned yesterday (by email and on our call), we believe that with the removal
`of Pandit from the invalidity grounds there is not even an arguable basis for presenting the IPR
`proceedings to the jury.
`In case it was not clear from our call, Google will not be

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