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Displaying 294-308 of 50,000 results

Jose Buenrostro

Docket 12-52527, Kentucky Eastern Bankruptcy Court (Sept. 28, 2012)
Chief Judge Tracey N. Wise, presiding.

cite Cite Docket

Gregory Clark

Docket 1:10-bk-64470, California Eastern Bankruptcy Court (Dec. 16, 2010)
Hon. W. Richard Lee, presiding.

cite Cite Docket

In the Matter of: $187,394.90 contained in three BB&T Bank accounts

Docket 1:07-mj-02858, Maryland District Court (Sept. 7, 2007)

cite Cite Docket

USA v. $900000 US Currency

Docket 8:99-cv-01371, California Central District Court (Nov. 8, 1999)
Gary L. Taylor, presiding, Arthur Nakazato

cite Cite Docket

USA v. $368,741.84 in U.S., et al

Docket 3:92-cv-00116, Connecticut District Court (March 6, 1992)
Alvin W. Thompson, presiding.

cite Cite Docket

Johanna Estelle Dible

Docket 12-33674, Ohio Northern Bankruptcy Court (Aug. 9, 2012)

cite Cite Docket

United States, et al v. $351,600.00

Docket 0:97-cv-06888, Florida Southern District Court (July 25, 1997)
William P. Dimitrouleas, presiding.

cite Cite Docket

Five Star Roofing, Inc. et al v. Glover

Docket 7:05-ap-7052, Oklahoma Eastern Bankruptcy Court (April 13, 2005)
Tom R. Cornish, presiding.

cite Cite Docket

USA v. Carter, et al

Docket 1:99-mj-00769, New York Eastern District Court (May 12, 1999)
Magistrate Judge John L. Caden, presiding.

cite Cite Docket

Bradley Paul Robinson

Docket 1:12-bk-03890, Pennsylvania Middle Bankruptcy Court (June 29, 2012)
Mary D France, presiding.

cite Cite Docket

Erwin Leo McElligott

Docket 12-02236, Iowa Northern Bankruptcy Court (Dec. 5, 2012)
Thad J. Collins, presiding.

cite Cite Docket

Bryan W. Schaefer

Docket 12-21254, Kentucky Eastern Bankruptcy Court (June 28, 2012)
Chief Judge Tracey N. Wise, presiding.

cite Cite Docket

Jasper Fanning, as Personal Representative of the v. Brooks et al

Docket 4:18-ap-4024, Nebraska Bankruptcy Court (Sept. 16, 2018)
Judge Thomas L. Saladino, presiding.

cite Cite Docket

USA v. Kahoolyzadeh, et al

Docket 2:98-mj-01349, California Central District Court (June 2, 1998)
Judge Unassigned, presiding.

cite Cite Docket


Docket 2:12-bk-16135, Arizona Bankruptcy Court (July 19, 2012)
Judge Redfield T. Baum Sr., presiding.

cite Cite Docket
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