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Displaying 99-113 of 333 results

1003 Exhibit: Curriculum Vitae for Bozena B Michniak Kohn, PhD, FAAPS, MRPharmS

Document IPR2019-01095, No. 1003-3 Exhibit - Curriculum Vitae for Bozena B Michniak Kohn, PhD, FAAPS, MRPharmS (P.T.A.B. Jun. 7, 2019)
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1018 Exhibit: Declaration of Elaine S Gilmore, MD, PhD

Document IPR2019-01095, No. 1018-17 Exhibit - Declaration of Elaine S Gilmore, MD, PhD (P.T.A.B. Jun. 7, 2019)
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1038 Exhibit: Curriculum Vitae for Marc Serota, MD

Document IPR2019-01095, No. 1038-34 Exhibit - Curriculum Vitae for Marc Serota, MD (P.T.A.B. Jun. 7, 2019)
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Document ACZONE, 207154, Letter (Orange Book Sep. 10, 2019)
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Document ACZONE, 207154, Label (Orange Book Sep. 10, 2019)
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Document ACZONE, 207154, Label (Orange Book May. 18, 2018)

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Document ACZONE, 207154, Letter (Orange Book May. 18, 2018)

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1034 Exhibit: Andersson, D, Evonik Degussa expands itscooperation with Alsiano, ...

Document IPR2019-01095, No. 1034-30 Exhibit - Andersson, D, Evonik Degussa expands itscooperation with Alsiano, Pharma Healthcare News 1 102007 (P.T.A.B. Jun. 7, 2019)

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1008 Exhibit: US Patent Publication No 20100029781 Morris

Document IPR2019-01095, No. 1008-8 Exhibit - US Patent Publication No 20100029781 Morris (P.T.A.B. Jun. 7, 2019)

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1010 Exhibit: Physicians Desk Reference, 65th ed, pp 599 602 2011ACZONE Gel 5...

Document IPR2019-01095, No. 1010-10 Exhibit - Physicians Desk Reference, 65th ed, pp 599 602 2011ACZONE Gel 5% Label (P.T.A.B. Jun. 7, 2019)

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1015 Exhibit: Bonacucina, G, et al, Characterization and Stability of Emulsion Gels...

Document IPR2019-01095, No. 1015-15 Exhibit - Bonacucina, G, et al, Characterization and Stability of Emulsion Gels Based on AcrylamideSodium Acryloyldimethyl Taurate Copolymer, AAPS PharmaSci...

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1031 Exhibit: Spains Almirall bets on dermatology with $650 million US deal, Retrie...

Document IPR2019-01095, No. 1031-28 Exhibit - Spains Almirall bets on dermatology with $650 million US deal, Retrieved from httpswwwreuterscomarticleus allergan m a almirallspains almirall bets on de...

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1024 Exhibit: Nguyen, R and Su, J, Treatment of Acne Vulgaris Pediatrics and Child...

Document IPR2019-01095, No. 1024-22 Exhibit - Nguyen, R and Su, J, Treatment of Acne Vulgaris Pediatrics and Child Health 21 119 125 2010 Nguyen (P.T.A.B. Jun. 7, 2019)

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2001 Exhibit: Exhibit 2001 Declaration of Elizabeth B Hagan in Support of Patent O...

Document IPR2019-01095, No. 2001-36 Exhibit - Exhibit 2001 Declaration of Elizabeth B Hagan in Support of Patent Owner Almirall, LLCs Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice (P.T.A.B. Jul. 2, 2019)

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1023 Exhibit: Thiboutot, D, et al, Pharmacokinetics of Dapsone Gel, 5% for the Trea...

Document IPR2019-01095, No. 1023-21 Exhibit - Thiboutot, D, et al, Pharmacokinetics of Dapsone Gel, 5% for the Treatment of Acne Vulgaris Clin Pharmacokinet 46 697 712 2007 Thiboutot (P.T.A.B. Jun...

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