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Displaying 219-224 of 224 results

2002 Exhibit: Exhibit 2002 WO 2010105052

Document IPR2019-00207, No. 2002-33 Exhibit - Exhibit 2002 WO 2010105052 (P.T.A.B. Feb. 14, 2019)
Nonetheless, these variations are within the scope of the invention, as the lightly- to moderately-crossl inked PVPs thicken low pH compositions.
Almirall, LLC Exhibit 2002 Page 38 DN 3168 P3 Table 5: Discomfort/sting intensity scale used in Example 10 numerical scale rating volunteer perception 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 none barely perceptible slightly perceptible definitely ...
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1015 Exhibit: Bonacucina 2009

Document IPR2019-00207, No. 1015-14 Exhibit - Bonacucina 2009 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 6, 2018)
In recent years, there has been great interest in the use of novel polymers with complex functions as emulsifiers and thickeners because the gelling capacity of these compounds allows the formulation of stable emulsions and creams by decreasing surface and interfacial tension and at the same time increasing the viscosity of the aqueous phase.
Application of this model and calculation of the relative spectra revealed the increasing elasticity of this system compared to the 0.5% concentration, as confirmed by the higher values of the plateau modulus (491.6 Pa), shear viscosity (870.6 Pa s), and characteristic relaxation time (170.6 s.).
The time sweep performed to check sample recovery after shear showed that emulsions were unable to recover their structure during the test, as confirmed by the smaller moduli values (data not shown).
It is important to note that the dynamic moduli obtained from acoustic spectroscopy meas- urements are not comparable with those derived from rotational rheometers working in the oscillation mode, since the applied stress is not tangential, as in an oscillatory experiment, but “normal,” and the tested frequencies are much higher.
Instead, a different behavior was present in the low frequency region, where the curve related to the system analyzed after 1 day revealed a trend very similar to that of the corresponding Sepineo sample (3% w/w concentration), which showed, as previously mentioned, a certain deform- ability.
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1022 Exhibit: Wozel 2010

Document IPR2019-00207, No. 1022-19 Exhibit - Wozel 2010 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 6, 2018)

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1002 Exhibit: Michniak Kohn Declaration

Document IPR2019-00207, No. 1002-30 Exhibit - Michniak Kohn Declaration (P.T.A.B. Nov. 6, 2018)
Indeed, none of Garrett’s disclosures teach dapsone compositions that also include adapalene.
Indeed, none of Garrett’s disclosures teach dapsone compositions that also include adapalene.
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1023 Exhibit: Thiboutot 2007

Document IPR2019-00207, No. 1023-20 Exhibit - Thiboutot 2007 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 6, 2018)
[11-13] The most notable adverse effects of oral and bacterial components[2,3] but, until recently, the dapsone are haematological reactions, including inflammatory events were considered secondary oc- dose-dependent haemolysis and methaemoglobi- currences in the sequence of lesion development.
[5] These find- dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency are sensitive to ings support the classification of acne vulgaris as an these effects, since the absence of functional G6PD inflammatory skin disease as opposed to a keratino- can lead to haemolysis and denaturation of cyte/hyperproliferative disorder.
A subset of subjects then underwent a 14-day washout period and re- turned to the clinic for administration of a single dose of oral dapsone, given at the recommended 1 The use of trade names is for product identification purposes only and does not imply endorsement.
[9,13] In the studies reported here, We wish to acknowledge Christy Costello, ELS, and Denise haemoglobin levels remained stable throughout Galipeau, MSc, of QLT Inc., Vancouver, BC, Canada, who therapy with dapsone gel, and there were no ad- provided editorial assistance.
The oral comparison study was conducted in the General Clinical Research Center at the Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, which was funded by National Institute of Health grants Mo1RR010732 and CO6RR016499.
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1013 Exhibit: US Patent Publ No 20070190019

Document IPR2019-00207, No. 1013-12 Exhibit - US Patent Publ No 20070190019 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 6, 2018)

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