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Jose Borrero et al v. Mr. Bult's, Inc. et al

Docket EFCA2022001164, New York State, Broome County, Supreme Court (June 29, 2022)
Joseph A. Mcbride, presiding
Case TypeTorts - Motor Vehicle
TagsTort, Civil, Vehicle
Plaintiff - Petitioner Jose Borrero
Plaintiff - Petitioner Melissa Borrero
Defendant - Respondent Mr. Bult's, Inc.
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Document Jose Borrero et al v. Mr. Bult's, Inc. et al, EFCA2022001164, 12 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Broome County Oct. 12, 2022)
EftTAJoDAD/2tlbq 1, All paper discovery shall be completed within thirty (30) days of the date of this Order; 2.
Al1 discovery disputes shall be first addressed directly by telephone conference with this Court's Conlidential Law Clerk; 4.
A further pretrial shall be held within one hundred and ten (110) days of the date of this Order; 5.
The Note of Issue shall be filed within one hundred and twenty (120) days of the date of this Order; and
All motions for summary judgment shall be brought within sixty (60) days of the date of the fiiing of the Note of Issue.
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Document Jose Borrero et al v. Mr. Bult's, Inc. et al, EFCA2022001164, 29 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Broome County Dec. 6, 2023)
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that Defendants MR. BULT’S, INC. and DYLAN JUMPER by their attorneys MORRISON MAHONEY LLP hereby appear in the above-entitled action.
Very truly yours.
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Document Jose Borrero et al v. Mr. Bult's, Inc. et al, EFCA2022001164, 28 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Broome County Dec. 1, 2023)
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Document Jose Borrero et al v. Mr. Bult's, Inc. et al, EFCA2022001164, 27 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Broome County Sep. 8, 2023)
We write on consent of plaintiffs counsel seeking an adjoumment of discovery deadlines.
Following plaintiff Jose Borrero's recent deposition, the parties believe that private mediation may be a viable option for resolving the matter.
The parties therefore respectfully and jointly request that the Court adjoum the upcoming September I l, 2023 status conference for 60 days to explore the possibility.
Ifthe Court approves of this extension, we respectfully request this lefter be "So Ordered".
We thank the Court in advance for its time and consideration Very truly yours, lll,icfiacl W. 'll)ynn Michael W. Wynn D^t"d, q l8 lL3
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Document Jose Borrero et al v. Mr. Bult's, Inc. et al, EFCA2022001164, 26 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Broome County Sep. 8, 2023)
State of New York Index Number: 603557/2023 Date Filed: 2/10/2023 Plaintiff:
I, Seth Korin, being duly swom, depose and say that on the 22nd day of February, 2023 at 1:15 pm, 1: the SUMMONS
care of the Confidential" legend gave no EnVelope and indication communication from matter.
deposited United States "Personal an attorney within and a legal concerned the age of eighteen, I am over to CPLR 2103. have no interest in the above action and have the authority to serve process pursuant of Suffolk State of New York: County Subscribed and Swom to before me on the 5th day of 2023 by the affiant who is personally known September, to
of New York State Public, No.01MO6037166 in Suffolk Qualified Feb.
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Document Jose Borrero et al v. Mr. Bult's, Inc. et al, EFCA2022001164, 25 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Broome County Jul. 7, 2023)
the respective dead, executors, assignees, generally through inheritance, or title or
heirs-at-law, next-of-kin, devisees, administrators, trustees, and successors in creditors lienors, all persons having who may defendant said lien or inheritance, real or the in to interest
# 1-10 unknown the tenants, being if any, at law, having described the premises inclusive, to plaintiff, occupants, or Defendants.
I, Frank A. Morrone, Esq., an attorney duly admitted to the practice of law in the State of New York, hereby affirm the following:
In view of same plaintiff hereby stipulates to discontinue the action and cancel the notice of pendency previously filed herein.
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Document Jose Borrero et al v. Mr. Bult's, Inc. et al, EFCA2022001164, 24 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Broome County Jun. 22, 2023)
the respective dead, executors, assignees, generally through inheritance, or title or claiming be deceased, lien or otherwise described living distributes, legatees, interest and or under, by by purchase, right, any in the
administrators, creditors lienors, all persons having said who may defendant lien or inheritance, real interest in or to the
and/or "Jane fictitious and intended or heirs lien upon property
# 1-10 unknown the tenants, being at if law, any, having the described premises inclusive, to plaintiff, occupants, or and "John ten names last being or parties persons corporations persons, an interest in or complaint, Defendants.
the notice of pendency of this action filed in the Office of the County Clerk of
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