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Credit Acceptance Corporation v. Cahdeja Maddox

Docket EFCA2021-001960, New York State, Oneida County, Supreme Court (Aug. 10, 2021)
Scott Del Conte, presiding
Case TypeOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction
TagsOther, Matters, Consumer Credit, Transaction
Plaintiff - Petitioner Credit Acceptance Corporation
Defendant - Respondent Cahdeja Maddox aka Cahdeja Z. Maddox
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Document Credit Acceptance Corporation v. Cahdeja Maddox, EFCA2021-001960, 22 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Oneida County Aug. 4, 2022)
UPON CONSIDERATION of the Motion to Compel Arbitration and Stay All Proceedings in This Action (the "Motion") filed by Plaintiff/Counter-Defendant Credit Acceptance Corporation (' CrgdtlaeSgptarcg"), together with any submissions in support the Motion; and for good cause shown, IT IS ON THIS 3rd dav sf August ) (\') ) ORDERED that the Motion shall be, and hereby is, GRANTED: and it is further ORDERED that this action, including allclaims and counterclaims, is dismissed, without prejudice, and that Defendant Maddox ORDERED that Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff Cahdeja Maddox a/k/a Cahdeja Z. Maddox ("Defendant") shall initiate binding arbitration of all claims and counterclaims asserted in this action as per the parties' agreement within 60 days ofservice ofthis Order, with notice of entry.
ORDERED that, if Defendant fails to initiate binding arbitration as per the parties' agreement within thirty (30) days ofthe date hereof, any and all claims and counterclaims asserted in the above-captioned action shall be automatically dismissed without prejudice.
No further Order of this Court shall be necessary to effectuate the dismissal, which shall result from Delendant's failure to initiate binding arbitration as required herein.
Dated: August 3, 2022
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Document Credit Acceptance Corporation v. Cahdeja Maddox, EFCA2021-001960, 19 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Oneida County May. 24, 2022)

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Document Credit Acceptance Corporation v. Cahdeja Maddox, EFCA2021-001960, 21 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Oneida County Jul. 8, 2022)

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Document Credit Acceptance Corporation v. Cahdeja Maddox, EFCA2021-001960, 17 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Oneida County May. 24, 2022)

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Document Credit Acceptance Corporation v. Cahdeja Maddox, EFCA2021-001960, 12 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Oneida County May. 24, 2022)

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Document Credit Acceptance Corporation v. Cahdeja Maddox, EFCA2021-001960, 18 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Oneida County May. 24, 2022)

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Document Credit Acceptance Corporation v. Cahdeja Maddox, EFCA2021-001960, 15 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Oneida County May. 24, 2022)

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