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M C Company LLC v. Taylor, William B et al

Docket CJ-2024-539, Oklahoma State, Rogers County, District Court (Dec. 30, 2024)
Russell, Lara M, presiding
3rd Party Defendant Combs, Marc Anthony
Plaintiff M C Company LLC
Defendant Taylor, Jennifer
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No. 1060973791

Document M C Company LLC v. Taylor, William B et al, CJ-2024-539, No. 1060973791 (Oklahoma State, Rogers County, District Court Jan. 22, 2025)
COMES NOW,the Third-Party Defendant Marc Anthony Combs (“Combs”), and submits his Answerto Third-Party Petition field by the Defendants as follows:
Affirmative Defense No. 1: There is no contract, oral or written between Marc Combsand the Defendants, and thus there is a complete lackofprivity.
Wherefore, having fully answered the Third-Party Petition filed by the Defendants, Combs prays that all ofDefendants’ claims be denied and dismissed and that Combsbe awardedjudgment for attorney fees and costs of the action.
[ do hereby certify that on the 22nd day of January, 2025, ] caused a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing instrument to be served onthe following parties in the manner indicated below: E-MAIL and U.S. MAIL R. Jack Freeman
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No. 1060973790

Document M C Company LLC v. Taylor, William B et al, CJ-2024-539, No. 1060973790 (Oklahoma State, Rogers County, District Court Jan. 22, 2025)
COMES NOW,the Plaintiff, MC Company, LLC, and submits its Answers to Defendants’ Counterclaims as follows:
Failure to state a claim upon whichrelief can be granted
Any loss suffered by the Defendants (if any exists) has occurred solely as a result of the Defendants’ unilateral improper conduct 12.
Plaintiffseeks judgmentas prayed for in the Petition as well as for attorney fees as prevailing party on the Defendants’ Counterclaim.
I do hereby certify that on the 22nd day of January, 2025, I caused a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing instrument to be served on the following parties in the manner indicated below: R. Jack Freeman
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No. 1060625573

Document M C Company LLC v. Taylor, William B et al, CJ-2024-539, No. 1060625573 (Oklahoma State, Rogers County, District Court Jan. 15, 2025)
Combs did not complete the demolition and framing work properly or completely and did none ofthe other specified work.
Plaintiff did not complete the demolition and framing work properly or completely and did none of the other specified work.
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