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Docket 807970/2021E, New York State, Bronx County, Supreme Court (June 10, 2021)
Michael Frishman, presiding
Case TypeTorts - Medical, Dental, or Podiatrist Malpractice
TagsTort, Civil, Medical, Dental, or Podiatrist Malpractice, Malpractice
Plaintiff - Petitioner Barbara Cavaliere
Defendant - Respondent Debra L. Green MD
Defendant - Respondent Elena A. Ivanina DO
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Document BARBARA CAVALIERE v. DEBRA L. GREEN MD et al, 807970/2021E, 16 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Bronx County Nov. 11, 2021)
Defendant NORTHWELL HEALTH PHYSICIAN PARTNERS, INC., by her attorneys, HEIDELL, PITTONI, MURPHY & BACH, LLP, upon information and belief, answers the Verified Complaint herein as follows:
FOURTEENTH: That as to the cause of action set forth in the complaint based upon alleged failure to obtain an informed consent, defendant pleads the defenses in Public Health Law, Section 2805-d. 2482968.1
FIFTEENTH: That the equitable share of liability, if any, of defendant NORTHWELL HEALTH PHYSICIAN PARTNERS, INC., shall be determined pursuant to the provisions of Article 16 of the CPLR.
NINETEENTH: The amount of alleged damages claimed by plaintiff should be reduced pursuant to CPLR § 4545 to the extent of any collateral source benefits, remuneration or compensation received.
WHEREFORE, defendant NORTHWELL HEALTH PHYSICIAN PARTNERS, INC. demands judgment dismissing the complaint herein, together with the costs and disbursements of this action.
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Document BARBARA CAVALIERE v. DEBRA L. GREEN MD et al, 807970/2021E, 6 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Bronx County Jul. 28, 2021)
s/h/a “DEBRA L. GREEN, MD”, by her attorneys, HEIDELL, PITTONI, MURPHY & BACH, LLP, upon information and belief, answers the Verified Complaint herein as follows:
SECOND: Denies the allegations contained in the paragraphs of the complaint designated “2” through “7” in the manner alleged except admits that at certain times not specifically set forth in the complaint the answering defendant was an is a physician duly licensed to practice medicine in the State of New York and rendered certain professional services to and for plaintiff in accordance with accepted standards of medical care and otherwise begs leave to refer all questions of law to the court and all questions of fact to the trier thereof.
FIFTH: Denies the allegations contained in the paragraphs of the complaint designated “19” through “35” in the manner alleged except admits that at certain times not specifically set forth in the complaint, the answering defendant had a professional relationship with NORTHWELL HEALTH PHYSICIAN PARTNERS, INC., and otherwise begs leave to refer all questions of law to the court and all questions of fact to the trier thereof.
THIRTEENTH: That as to the cause of action set forth in the complaint based upon alleged failure to obtain an informed consent, defendant pleads the defenses in Public Health Law, Section 2805-d. 2433218.1
EIGHTEENTH: The amount of alleged damages claimed by plaintiff should be reduced pursuant to CPLR § 4545 to the extent of any collateral source benefits, remuneration or compensation received.
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Document BARBARA CAVALIERE v. DEBRA L. GREEN MD et al, 807970/2021E, 9 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Bronx County Jul. 28, 2021)
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Document BARBARA CAVALIERE v. DEBRA L. GREEN MD et al, 807970/2021E, 1 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Bronx County Mar. 2, 2022)
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Document BARBARA CAVALIERE v. DEBRA L. GREEN MD et al, 807970/2021E, 1 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Bronx County Mar. 2, 2022)
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Document BARBARA CAVALIERE v. DEBRA L. GREEN MD et al, 807970/2021E, 22 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Bronx County Mar. 2, 2022)

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Document BARBARA CAVALIERE v. DEBRA L. GREEN MD et al, 807970/2021E, 23 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Bronx County Mar. 2, 2022)

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