YORK 10469 (BLOCK 467, LOT 34), whereby said co-defendants agreed to indemnify and hold defendants harmless in the event any suit or claim for personal injuries, property damage and/or wrongful death was made as a result of the work being done pursuant to said agreement.
Duly executed, HIPAA compliant original authorizations to obtain the records with respect to any chiropractors and/or other licensed medical professionals who have rendered treatment to plaintiff with respect to any condition pre-existing or preceding the events complained of in the complaint involving disease, disability or injury (or, if applicable, prior psychiatric or psychological disorders) which in any way is alleged to have been aggravated or exacerbated, or to have caused any increase in the sequella of those injuries or conditions allegedly resulting from the events complained of in the with action.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that pursuant to CPLR §3120, you are hereby required to furnish to the undersigned within twenty (20) days of the service of this demand, authorizations to obtain full access to, and copies of, all of plaintiff’s current and historical Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, MySpace, SnapChat, and LinkedIn accounts for the period one (1) year prior to the date of loss in this matter, to the present.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the defendants, KAREN WARNER-VANDEBURG and VERNON WARNER, hereby demand that the party having control of the device or instrumentality, or parts of the same the plaintiff alleges caused or contributed to his injuries be preserved until the trial of this action.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that pursuant to CPLR §3120(a), you are hereby required to produce and permit discovery by defendants or their attorneys, Kowalski & DeVito, or someone acting on their behalf, of the product which is the subject matter of this lawsuit, at a date, and time to be designated.