Byreason ofthe foregoing, the co-defendants against whomthis cross- claim is pleaded, on the basis of apportionment of responsibility for the alleged occurrence, pursuant to Article Fourteen of the CPLR, will be liable to contribute to the verdict or judgment recovered against the said defendant asserting cross-claim.
in the event of the Plaintiff s failure to comply PLEASETAKEFURTHERNOTICE, that with the foregoing demandwithin 30 days, the Defendant(s) will move to preclude the offering of any evidence as to the matters Dated: Huntington, NewYork August 9, 2024 herein demanded, together with the costs of such application.
DEMANDFORNO-FAULTINFORMATIONPURSUANTTOCPLR3101(a) PLEASETAKEFURTHERNOTICEthat pursuant to Section 3101(a) of the CPLR, the prosecution defendant hereby demands that the plaintiff furnish the undersigned attorney within thirty (30) days of this notice the following:
Duly executed and acknowledged written authorization the records relating of each company identified to the plaintiff PLEASETAKEFURTHERNOTICEthat enabling the undersigned to obtain above.
PLEASETAKENOTICEthat pursuant to Section 3121 of the CPLR,Defendant demands that Plaintiff be madeavailable for physical examinations at a date, time, and place, and before a to be designated.