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Docket 806559/2024E, New York State, Bronx County, Supreme Court (Apr. 22, 2024)
Case TypeTorts - Motor Vehicle
TagsTort, Civil, Vehicle
Plaintiff Valerie Douglas
Defendant Catalina Galvez solano
Defendant R. martinez Galvez
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Document VALERIE DOUGLAS v. CATALINA GALVEZ SOLANO et al, 806559/2024E, 7 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Bronx County May. 16, 2024)
IT IS HEREBYSTIPULATEDANDAGREED,by and between the undersigned, VALERIEDOUGLAS,to the above entitled of record for plaintiffs attorneys that action, or incompetent person for whoma committee has been whereas no party hereto is an infant appointed and no person nor a party has an interest in the subject matter of the action, the above action be, and the samehereby is discontinued with prejudice as to defendants entitled CATALINAGALVEZSOLANOand R. MARTINEZGALVEZ,without costs to either party as This stipulation may be filed without the other.
the further notice with the clerk of the against court.
This stipulation maybe filed with the clerk of the court with facsimile signatures thereon those signatures were original as if signatures.
Dated: Queens, NewYork May 13, 2024 the By : Jonathan Ca ey Goltzman
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Document VALERIE DOUGLAS v. CATALINA GALVEZ SOLANO et al, 806559/2024E, 6 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Bronx County May. 1, 2024)
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This authorization extends to any consensual matter in which I have previously consented to e-filing, to any mandatory matter in which I have recorded my representation, and to any matter in which I may authorize the filing agent to record my consent or representation in the NYSCEF system.
This authorization, posted once on the NYSCEF website as to each matter in which I am counsel of record, shall be deemed to accompany any document filed in that matter by the filing agent.
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