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Document JOSE ESPINAL et al v. MOHAMMAD ABUASSI et al, 806264/2024E, 2 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Bronx County May. 2, 2024)
is not a party to this action, on 4/24/2024 That of New York, State Commencement at 10:30 AM at 1 Commerce 2 true deponent served copies of Action Subject to Mandatory Plaza, Albany, of a Summons Electronic New York 12260 and Verified the office Complaint of the Secretary with Notice of Of State, of the Filing on DFA DAIRY
(Defendant/Respondent) Said service By delivering personally making That in the following effected was manner; SUE ZOUKY authorized to an leaving agent with the Secretary of the State of State, the office of at paid said Secretary of State such deponent service, said service was made pursuant to 303 Limited in the office of New York, a fee of $40.00.
the Secretary of true two (2) copies of the State, of New York, State thereof and at that time of Liability Company Law Description: Gender: G._ray Female Glasses:No Race/Skin: Other: White Age: Weight: 100-130 Lbs.
Height: 5ft0in-5ft3in Hair: Anri170 2024 I affirm on this dav , under the penalties of perjury under the law of New York, which may include a fine or imprisonment, the foregoing is true, and I undefr tend that this document may be filed in that an action or proceeding in a court naw.
Steve Avery Server Lic # JoblD# 2423520
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Document JOSE ESPINAL et al v. MOHAMMAD ABUASSI et al, 806264/2024E, 3 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Bronx County May. 2, 2024)

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