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Nyrone O Harris v. Mohamed Sadek Abdo Alnajjar et al

Docket 801705/2025E, New York State, Bronx County, Supreme Court (Jan. 23, 2025)
Case TypeTorts - Motor Vehicle
TagsTort, Civil, Vehicle
Plaintiff Nyrone O Harris
Defendant Mohamed sadek abdo Alnajjar
Defendant Zaid saleh Mubariz
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Document Nyrone O Harris v. Mohamed Sadek Abdo Alnajjar et al, 801705/2025E, 1 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Bronx County Jan. 23, 2025)
Basis for Venue: CPLR503: A substantial part of the acts and omissions rise to giving the claim occurred in Bronx County, NewYork.
1 Broadway, Suite 1162 ew York, NewYork 10004 212) 392-4957 Attorneys for Plaintiff Defendants' addresses: MohamedSadek Abdo Alnajjar 39774 Mississippi Zaid Saleh Mubariz is a natural 39774 is a natural person residing at 907 Hay Street, Shelby, person residing at 907 Hay Street, Shelby, Mississippi
Defendants’ negligent, careless, and/or reckless ownership, leasing, operation, control, and/or maintenance of the Nissan was a breach of the duty of care owed to the plaintiff.
As a result of the foregoing, the plaintiff has been damaged in an amount that exceeds the jurisdictional limits of all lower courts to be determined by a jury at the time of trial.
As a result of the foregoing, the plaintiff has been damaged in an amount that exceeds the jurisdictional limits of all lower courts to be determined by a jury at the time of trial.
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Document Nyrone O Harris v. Mohamed Sadek Abdo Alnajjar et al, 801705/2025E, 2 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Bronx County Feb. 25, 2025)

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