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Docket 710874/2024, New York State, Queens County, Supreme Court (May 22, 2024)
Case TypeTorts - Motor Vehicle
TagsTort, Civil, Vehicle
DeadlineThe plain ff is directed to serve and file a Note of Issue and Cer ficate of Readiness on or before 07/18/2025 , or as otherwise directed by the Compliance Conference Judge.
Plaintiff Jhanie Gayle
Plaintiff Garrick Gayle
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Document JHANIE GAYLE et al v. PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE COMPANY, 710874/2024, 16 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Queens County Oct. 8, 2024)
There shall be compliance with all outstanding noces and demands of any party, within twenty (20) days from the date of this Order, including but not limited to service of a Bill of Parculars.
To the extent demanded, medical record and employment authorizaons shall be furnished within thirty (30) days of this Order.
Pursuant to CPLR §3212(a), any moons for summary judgment shall be made within one hundred twenty (120) days of the filing of the Note of Issue or in accordance with the Individual Assigned Judge’s part rules.
All pares shall disclose in wring the existence of any insurance agreements, including umbrell a and/or excess coverage, as described in CPLR §3101(f), or provide an affidavit of no excess insurance, within thirty (30) days of this Order.
Counsel and self-represented ligants are under a connuing obligaon to nofy the Court as promptly as possible in the event that this acon is seled, disconnued or otherwise disposed of, or if this case or a moon has become wholly or parally moot, or if a party has died or filed a peon in bankruptcy.
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Document JHANIE GAYLE et al v. PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE COMPANY, 710874/2024, 11 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Queens County Jul. 11, 2024)
(6) Other Disclosure: (a) Within ninety (90) days from the date hereof,all parties shall exchange names and addresses of all witnesses, and shall exchange statementsof opposing parties and photographs, or,if none, shall provide an ...
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Document JHANIE GAYLE et al v. PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE COMPANY, 710874/2024, 2 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Queens County Jun. 20, 2024)
Defendant denies having knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to each and every allegation set forth in paragraph enumerated 1, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 24, leaving all questions of fact and law to the triers thereof.
Defendant denies, upon information and belief, each and every allegation set forth in paragraphs enumerated 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 17 and 25, leaving all questions of fact and law to the triers thereof.
In the event Plaintiff recovers a verdict or judgment against this Defendant, then said verdict or judgment must be reduced pursuant to CPLR 4545(c) by those amounts which have been, or will, with reasonable certainty, replace or indemnify Plaintiff, in whole or in part, for any past or future claimed economic loss, from any collateral source such as insurance, social security, workers’ compensation or employee benefits programs.
The Plaintiff did not sustain serious injury as defined by Section 5102(d) and his exclusive remedy therefore is confined and limited to the benefits and provisions of Article 51 of the Insurance Law of the State of New York.
The Plaintiff failed to, as soon as practicable, provide Defendant with written notice of claim under the UM or SUM coverage provision of the policy of insurance.
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Document JHANIE GAYLE et al v. PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE COMPANY, 710874/2024, 1 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Queens County May. 22, 2024)
this Summonsis not personally In the service is complete if after be taken against you by default judgment will the relief demanded case of your failure to appear or answer, for herein.
That the Defendant entered into a contract with the hos vehicle operator Johnny JNMary employer and accepted policy premiums from the Plaintiff.
That the plaintiff has pursued a Supplemental Uninsured Motorist (SUM) injury claim under the applicable automobile policy issued by the Defendant.
That the plaintiffs have complied with all terms and conditions regarding underinsured motorist benefits under the aforementioned policy of insurance issued by defendant.
That as a result of the underlying motor vehicle action, the plaintiff received medical treatment and underwent a surgical intervention.
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PROOF OF SERVICE Affidavit of Service

Document JHANIE GAYLE et al v. PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE COMPANY, 710874/2024, 20 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Queens County Oct. 22, 2024)
I am not a party I, Karen Johnson, being sworn, depose and say: am over 18 years of age and reside in Nassau County, NewYork.
On the I served the within: day of October, 2024, DEPOSITIONUPONORALEXAMINATIONon: to the action,
Law Ajlouny Injury 320 Old Country Road Suite 205 Garden City, NY 11530 by NewYork State Courts Electronic Filing (NYSCEF) System only.
Karen Johnson Claim No. PC21-6739785-UM Sworn to before meon this day of October 2024 / 4 Notary Pub ,,..... ..- .
..-... L,0RRAINE C. F!NGEFlMUT Notary PuNic, Smte of NewYork No. 01F160/3161 in Nasse County Qualified MyCommission Exptos May29, 20
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Document JHANIE GAYLE et al v. PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE COMPANY, 710874/2024, 19 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Queens County Oct. 16, 2024)
David J. Tetlak, Esq. Scahill Law Group, P.C.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that pursuant to Article 31 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules the testimony, upon oral examination of the Plaintiff, GARRICK GAYLE, whose address is 39 Jeanette Avenue, Inwood, NY, will be taken before a Notary Public who is not an attorney, or employee of an attorney, for any party or prospective party herein and is not a person who would be disqualified to act as a juror because of interest or because of consanguinity or affinity to any party herein, via remote video on Tuesday, October 29, 2024 beginning at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon of that day with respect to evidence material necessary in the defense of this action: All of the relevant facts and circumstances in connection with the accident which occurred on June 3, 2021, including negligence, contributory negligence, liability and damages.
130-1 of the Rules of the Chief Administrator (22 NYCRR), I certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, formed after an inquiry reasonable under the circumstances, with within NOTICE TO TAKE DEPOSITION UPON ORAL EXAMINATION is/are not frivolous.
Service of a copy of the within ^ is hereby admitted Attorney(s) for ^ Please take notice that the within is a (certified) true copy of a NOTICE TO TAKE DEPOSITION UPON ORAL EXAMINATION duly entered in the office of the clerk of the within named court on
Please take notice that an order ^ of which the within is a true copy will be presented for _____ settlement to the HON.
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Document JHANIE GAYLE et al v. PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE COMPANY, 710874/2024, 18 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Queens County Oct. 16, 2024)
David J. Tetlak, Esq. Scahill Law Group, P.C.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that pursuant to Article 31 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules the testimony, upon oral examination of the Plaintiff, JHANIE GAYLE, whose address is 39 Jeanette Avenue, Inwood, NY, will be taken before a Notary Public who is not an attorney, or employee of an attorney, for any party or prospective party herein and is not a person who would be disqualified to act as a juror because of interest or because of consanguinity or affinity to any party herein, via remote video on Tuesday, October 29, 2024 beginning at 12:00 o'clock in the forenoon of that day with respect to evidence material necessary in the defense of this action: All of the relevant facts and circumstances in connection with the accident which occurred on June 3, 2021, including negligence, contributory negligence, liability and damages.
130-1 of the Rules of the Chief Administrator (22 NYCRR), I certify that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, formed after an inquiry reasonable under the circumstances, with within NOTICE TO TAKE DEPOSITION UPON ORAL EXAMINATION is/are not frivolous.
Service of a copy of the within ^ is hereby admitted Attorney(s) for ^ Please take notice that the within is a (certified) true copy of a NOTICE TO TAKE DEPOSITION UPON ORAL EXAMINATION duly entered in the office of the clerk of the within named court on
Please take notice that an order ^ of which the within is a true copy will be presented for _____ settlement to the HON.
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