Upon information and belief, at all the times hereinafter mentioned, defendant THE INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF PATCHOGUE by its agents and/or employees, operated the aforesaid parking field or lot.
Upon information and belief, at all the times hereinafter mentioned, defendant THE INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF PATCHOGUE by its agents and/or employees, managed the aforesaid parking field or lot.
Upon information and belief, at all the times hereinafter mentioned, defendant THE INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF PATCHOGUE by its agents and/or employees, repaired the aforesaid parking field or lot.
Upon information and belief, at all the times hereinafter mentioned, defendant THE INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF PATCHOGUE by its agents and/or employees performed snow removal services at the parking field or lot.
That on January 17, 2024, while plaintiff CHRISTINE CRANE was lawfully in the aforesaid parking field or lot, was caused to slip and fall onto the ground, sustaining serious injury as hereinafter alleged.