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WILLIAM DUNBAR, an incapacitated person by his mother and guardian, DORORT...

Docket 619427/2024, New York State, Suffolk County, Supreme Court (Aug. 6, 2024)
Case TypeTorts - Other Negligence (Group Home Negligence)
TagsTort, Civil, Other, Negligence, Group Home Negligence
Plaintiff WILLIAM DUNBAR, an incapacitated person by his mother and guardian, DORORTHY DUNBAR
Plaintiff Dorothy Dunbar
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Document WILLIAM DUNBAR, an incapacitated person by his mother and guardian, DORORTHY DUNBAR et al v. UNITED CEREBRAL PALSY ASSOCIATION OF GREATER SUFFOLK, INC., 619427/2024,...
Purchased/Filed : August 6, 2024 lndex Number 619427 12024 William Dunbar, an incapacitated person by his mother and guardian, Dorothy Dunbar and Dorothy Dunbar, lndividually Plaintiff(s) against IJnited Cerebrat Palsy Association of Greater Suffolk, lnc.
Edward J. Bowmaker the age of eighteen (18) years; that on , being duly sworn, deposes and says: deponent is over , at 3:10 PM , at the office of the August 9, 2024 Secretary of State of the State of New York in the City of Albany, New York deponent served the annexed Summons and Verified Complaint together bearing lndex Number and Date Filed, Notice of Electronic Filing United Cerebral Pal Association of Greater S Defendant in this action, by delivering to and leaving with AUTHORIZED AGENT in the Office of the Secretary of State, of the State of New York, personally at the lnc Nancy Dougherty on , the ' Office of the Secretary of State of the State of New York, 99 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12210. two true copies thereof and that at the time of making such service, deponent paid said Secretary of State a fee of dollars; That said service was made pursuant to Section §306 .
Corporation NYS Not-for-Profit Law Deponent further says that deponent knew the person so served as aforesaid to be the agent in the Office of the Secretary of State of the State of New York, duly authorized to accept such service on behalf of said defendant.
Ht: Description of the person served: Approx.
Age: 65 Color of skin: White Hair color: Brown Sex: Female Other: 5'5" Sworn to before me on this 12th dayofAugust2024 Lnm-*atr,,m,, -"-l+ CARLA J. VINETTI Edw J. Bowmaker Attny's File No. lnvoice.Work Order # 17 00377 !A LCN pg1 IJtnmnre Pnocess & ArronNEy SERvtcEs.
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