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Patricia Lamb v. Four D Landscaping Inc.

Docket 618421/2021, New York State, Suffolk County, Supreme Court
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Document Patricia Lamb v. Four D Landscaping Inc., 618421/2021, 8 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Suffolk County Jun. 21, 2022)
The plaintiffmoves for an ordet pursuant to CPLR 602 granting consolidation of the captioned action with an action pending in this Court entitled "Patricia Lamb, Plaintiff -against- Four D Landscaping, Inc., Defendant" under Suffolk County Clerk index number 618421/2021.
It is uncontroverted hercin that both the captioned action and the action under Suffolk County index number 618421/2021arose from the same accident, to wit a fall plaintiff is claimed to have experienced on December 23,2020 on a sidewalk at premises on 89 Glen Hollow Drive, County of Suffolh New York.
Accordingly, this motion is determined as follows: the captioned action and the action under Suffolk Cormty index number 61842112021 are consolidated and, henceforth the caption of the consolidated action shall appear as follows:
and any and all papers hereafter served and/or filed shall bear this (consolidared) caption.
Dated: June 16,2022 Riverhead, New York
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Document Patricia Lamb v. Four D Landscaping Inc., 618421/2021, 7 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Suffolk County May. 4, 2022)
and parties intended of premises, who claim, and or may said
possible being corporations, a lien claim, names tenants other against being or entities the or fictitious, occupants persons premises,
) ss: Alyssa Robinson, being duly sworn, deposes and says: I am not That New York.
County, a party to the action, am over the age of 18 years and reside in Nassau a Referee on 5/10/2022, That to Compute, Order, by depositing exclusive the care addressed to each with a true the within the Affirmation Affirmation, in a post-paid thereof copy States the United and custody of the persons the following deponent served of at of Motion Notice of 3408 for an Order Appointing the Proposed Compliance, in an official under depository of New York, within the State set forth after each name: wrapper, Postal Service last known address
Swo to before of Day is Notary Public
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Document Patricia Lamb v. Four D Landscaping Inc., 618421/2021, 6 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Suffolk County May. 2, 2022)
New York State Department of Financial Services One State Street Plaza, New York, NY 10004 Proof of Filing Statement To Whom It May Concern: Section 1306 of the Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law (RPAPL) requires lenders, assignees or mortgage loan servicers servicing loans on 1-to-4 family residential properties in New York State to file certain information with the Superintendent of the Department Financial Services within three days after the mailing of a 90-Day Pre-Foreclosure Notice.
below pertains to a filing submitted to the Department of Financial Services as required in Section 1306 of The information RPAPL.
The information is presented as filed by the lender, assignee or mortgage loan servicer.
Information: Filer Name Address Filing Information: Tracking Number Mailing Date Step 1 Mailing Date Step 2 Judgment Date Step 3 Filing Date Step 1 Filing Date Step 1 Orig Filing Date Step 2 Filing Date Step 3 Owner Occupd at Jdgmnt Property Type Property Address County Date of Original Loan Amt of Original Loan Loan Number Step 1 Loan Number Step 2 Loan Reset Frequency Loan Type Loan Details Loan Term Loan Modification Days Delinquent Borrower's Name Address Borrower's Phone No Filing Status Sincerely, : Webster Bank : 200 Executive Boulevard SO-200 Southington CT 06489
: 250000 : 4708368680 : : : 1st Lien : Fixed Rate : 30 Year : other : Other : eyal amos : 58 cedarcliff rd new york 10301 : 3474943108 : Step 1 Incomplete-Missing Mortgagee Info New York State Department of Financial Services
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Document Patricia Lamb v. Four D Landscaping Inc., 618421/2021, 3 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Suffolk County Feb. 16, 2022)

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Document Patricia Lamb v. Four D Landscaping Inc., 618421/2021, 2 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Suffolk County Oct. 19, 2021)

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Document Patricia Lamb v. Four D Landscaping Inc., 618421/2021, 1 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Suffolk County Sep. 28, 2021)

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Document Patricia Lamb v. Four D Landscaping Inc., 618421/2021, 5 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Suffolk County Apr. 26, 2022)

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