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Docket 615337/2024, New York State, Nassau County, Supreme Court (Aug. 28, 2024)
Case TypeSpecial Proceedings - Other (OTSC-Legal Fees)
TagsSpecial Proceedings, Other, Otsc-Legal Fee
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Document PAUL AJLOUNY & ASSOCIATES, PC, v. ROBERT CARDALLI & ASSOCIATES, LLP,, 615337/2024, 8 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Nassau County Aug. 29, 2024)
Special Tern Ata —A_Part.of the Supreme Court ofthe State of New York, County of Nassauat the Courthouse, located at 100 Supreme, Court Drive, Mineola, New York on theo?day of eID {— , 2024,
—_ ROBERT CARDALLI & ASSOCIATES, LLP, Respondent, cone ceen ne neenenenneemninmencenene neemenwennnemcanennacmueannemenseamenx ake ng ae O CKE Upon reading andfiling the Affirmation of MICHAEL LEVITZ,ESQ.affirmed on August 28, 2024, together with the EXHIBITs annexedhereto, and sufficient cause having been therein, LETthe Respondent, ROBERT CARDALLI & ASSOCIATES,LLPshow causebefore this Honorable Court at [AS Part 20 , located at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, New York 11501 on the Eeday of Soptendiee— , 2024, why an order should not be made and entered:
Pursuant to Judiciary Law § 475, determining the amountofchargingliens,ifany, of the Respondenton the attorneys' fees resulting from an underlying personalinjury action, or in the alternative; voce eee cena ee aneneanenanenees sas suaweeuauinssuupawinienrwaecraensneuaaneesnes DOEQc icccccce cece ceca sess ee estes sess asa sasaususaasasauansnssnsssasansassesassaueusassesereesausussssasasuausassqseseauaneaeaasasesuaeasss granted, be served upon the Respondent, ROBERT CARDALLI & ASSOCIATES, LLPat Pence SAIC, ; theirlastknown address, located at 39 rn35" Floor,New York 10006 by returmreceiptrequested, onorbeforethe _“ ] Seyof7Gtfpedoes,2024,bedeemed good and properservice.
2) Setting this matter down for a hearing to determine the amountof the charging lien and;
LETservice of a copy of this Order, together with the annexed papers upon whichitis
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Document PAUL AJLOUNY & ASSOCIATES, PC, v. ROBERT CARDALLI & ASSOCIATES, LLP,, 615337/2024, 7 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Nassau County Aug. 28, 2024)
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ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE ( PROPOSED ) (Motion #1) OTSC (Proposed)

Document PAUL AJLOUNY & ASSOCIATES, PC, v. ROBERT CARDALLI & ASSOCIATES, LLP,, 615337/2024, 3 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Nassau County Aug. 28, 2024)
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EXHIBIT(S) - 2 (Motion #1) Exhibit 2: Screen Shots

Document PAUL AJLOUNY & ASSOCIATES, PC, v. ROBERT CARDALLI & ASSOCIATES, LLP,, 615337/2024, 17 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Nassau County Oct. 2, 2024)
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EXHIBIT(S) - 3 Exhibits 22-30

Document PAUL AJLOUNY & ASSOCIATES, PC, v. ROBERT CARDALLI & ASSOCIATES, LLP,, 615337/2024, 6 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Nassau County Aug. 28, 2024)
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PETITION Petition + Affirmation in Support

Document PAUL AJLOUNY & ASSOCIATES, PC, v. ROBERT CARDALLI & ASSOCIATES, LLP,, 615337/2024, 1 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Nassau County Aug. 28, 2024)
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AFFIDAVIT Affidavit CPLR 2217 (b)

Document PAUL AJLOUNY & ASSOCIATES, PC, v. ROBERT CARDALLI & ASSOCIATES, LLP,, 615337/2024, 2 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Nassau County Aug. 28, 2024)
____________________________________________________________________x MICHAELLEVITZ, ESQ., an attorney the State of NewYork, hereby affirms the truth of the following to the CPLR, that: of pursuant duly admitted to practice under penalties of perjury and I aman attorney with the law firm of PAULAJLOUNY& ASSOCIATES,PC,
the prosecution to CPLR § 2217(b) Law § 475, determining the amount of charging personal from an underlying fees resulting injury this matter down for a hearing to determine the amount of as this Court may deemjust and proper.
application for an Order: liens, (1) Pursuant to Judiciary if any, of the Respondent on the attorneys' action, or
I affirm, motion for similar relief pursuant to the mandates of CPLR§ 2217(b) and this Court, has been madein this, or any related, matters.
Accordingly, based on the information and legal arguments raised for the first time in this matter and contained within the accompanying Affirmation in Support it is respectfully requested that the Court grant the instant application in its entirety.
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