In the Matter of the Application of Government Employees Index No.: 605925/2021 Insurance Company Petitioner To Stay Arbitration pursuant to CPLR Article 75
The Rosato Firm, PC Attorneys for Respondent 55 Broadway, 23rd Floor New York, NY 10006 Law Office of Matthew A. Sosnik Attorneys for Respondent 125-10 Queens Blvd., Suite 15 Kew Gardens, NY 11415
The Court, having held a framed issue hearing on December 9, 2021 pursuant to its Order of September 24, 2021, and upon the testimony and evidence presented during such hearing and the papers cited in the aforementioned Order and arguments submitted by counsel for the parties, Joseph Candela, Esq. Law Office of Gail S. Lauzon Attorneys for Petitioner 100 Duffy Avenue, Suite 100 Hicksville, NY 11801 Law Office of Brian J. McGovern, LLC Attorneys for Proposed Additional Respondents 254 South Main Street, Suite 500 New City, NY 10956
Page 1 of 2 this Court finds that Respondent Burwell has carried her burden to establish that the letter of February 23, 2020 was sent to Petitioner at that time and, therefore, was sufficient to provide notice to Petitioner for permission to settle Respondent’s third-party claim for the full policy limits, as required by the underinsured provisions of Petitioner’s policy of insurance.
Accordingly, the Stay previously issued in this matter is hereby lifted and GEICO’s Petition to Permanently Stay Arbitration is hereby denied.