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Docket 604966/2022, New York State, Suffolk County, Supreme Court (Mar. 17, 2022)
Case TypeTorts - Other (Premises Slip and Fall)
TagsTort, Civil, Other, Premises Slip and Fall, Slip and Fall
Plaintiff Kelley Brennan
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EXHIBIT(S) - 1 Order -Compliance Conference

Document KELLEY BRENNAN v. UA PROPERTIES LLC et al, 604966/2022, 26 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Suffolk County May. 15, 2024)
ORDER[with Cert) trial, Upon the preliminary of proceedings conducted in this the stipulation action, is complete and the readiness of this matter that disclosure counsel ready for certifying and upon the Court's own motion, is it ORDEREDthat plaintiff shallfile order, on or before rder may result accordance with thi pursuant dismissal including defaults, ORDEREDthat apre-trial conference will be held on d /0'90 4 WI , at which al!
attorneys to appear ready for
are directed If a note of issue is timely on the pre- no appearance is required aid ' onference.
filed, conference date.
Failure to file attendant with of sanctions in the imposition to CPLR3216 if applicable; and it is further in ATTORNExFORPL
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Document KELLEY BRENNAN v. UA PROPERTIES LLC et al, 604966/2022, 23 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Suffolk County May. 13, 2024)
u,,t fryrhxr Plaintiff, Defendant.
Upon the preliminary proceedings conducted in this action, the stipulation of counsel certi$ing that disclosure is complete and the readiness of this matter ready for trial, and upon the Court's own motion, it is ORDERED that plaintiff s/tallfile a note of issue, together with a copy of this order, on or before Up"t- irtt )0 )Y Failure to file the note of issue in accordance *iitr tni@on of sanctions attendant with defaults, including dismissal pursuant to CPLR 3216 if applicable; and it is further ORDERED thaI a pre-triaI conference will be held on a '.a Atfl , at which alt attomeys are directed to appear ready for aid onference.
Ifa note ofissue is timely hled, no appearance is required on the pre- trial conference date / t
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Document KELLEY BRENNAN v. UA PROPERTIES LLC et al, 604966/2022, 20 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Suffolk County Jul. 17, 2023)
Coun of the St.te of Nc* Yorh held in and for thc CounB of SurTolk at fuvcrhead Nc* Yotk on rhe t1 a^t "t,^VWn l)
Plaintil{ -agalnst- UA PROPERTIES LLC and "JOHN DOE" MANAGEMEiT-T COMPANY,, Defendant.
MARY HUGCINS, ESQ., having applied to this Court to be admttted pro hac vice to represent defendant, UA PROPERTIES LLC and "JOHN DOE" MANAGEMENT COMPANY, in this action, and said applicant having submitted in support thereof an affirmation of THOMAS O'CONNOR, ESQ., a member of the Bar of the Stale of New York and attomey o[ record lor Woodcrest Estates et al, an affidavit of the applicant, a Certificate of Good Standing fiom the Supreme Court ofthe State ofNer,ada, a letter lrom the Nevada Bar Office ofProl'essional Conduct, and her resume, and said application for admission having been unopposed, and the Court having reviewed the foregoing submissions and due deliberation having been had: it is now lherefore ORDERED that the motion is grar:ted and MARY HUGGINS is permirted to appear and to participate in this acrion on behalf of UA PROPERTIES LLC and ,,JOHN DOE" MANAGEMENT COMPANY, arrd it is furlher ORDERED rhar MARY HUGGINS shall at all times be associared herein wirh counsel who is a member in good standing of the Bar of the State of Ner,r,york and is attomey of record for the party in questiou and it is lirrther ORDERED that MARY HUGGINS shall abide by the standards of professional conduct imposed upon members ofthe New York Bar, including the Rules of the Courts governing the conduct of attorneys and the Rules ofProfessional Conduct; and it is further ORDERED that MARY IruGGINS shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the State ofNew York rvith respect to any acts occurring during the course of his participation in lhis matter; and it is further ORDERED that MARY HUGGINS shall notify the Court immediately of any matter or cvent in this or any other jurisdiction that affects his standing as a member of the Bar- Dated: CilrA-\1 ?OAS
Clerk of Suffolk CountY
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Document KELLEY BRENNAN v. UA PROPERTIES LLC et al, 604966/2022, 18 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Suffolk County Jun. 20, 2023)

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Document KELLEY BRENNAN v. UA PROPERTIES LLC et al, 604966/2022, 11 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Suffolk County Oct. 26, 2022)

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Document KELLEY BRENNAN v. UA PROPERTIES LLC et al, 604966/2022, 10 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Suffolk County Oct. 19, 2022)

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Document KELLEY BRENNAN v. UA PROPERTIES LLC et al, 604966/2022, 33 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Suffolk County Oct. 29, 2024)

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