ANSWERING DEFENDANTS deny knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations contained in paragraph “12” of the Verified Complaint and refer all questions of law to the court for determination.
While denying any negligence on the part of ANSWERING DEFENDANTS, should it be adjudged otherwise, then ANSWERING DEFENDANTS’ liabilities, if any, to Plaintiff should be limited to its equitable share, pursuant to Article 16 and 16A of the CPLR, and determined in accordance with the relative culpability of all persons or entities contributing to the total liability for non-economic loss, including named parties and others over whom Plaintiff could have obtained personal jurisdiction with due diligence.
In the event Plaintiff recovers a verdict or judgment against ANSWERING DEFENDANTS, such verdict, judgment, and/or any recovery must be reduced by collateral source payments pursuant to CPLR § 4545, or by those amounts which have been replaced or indemnified or which will with reasonable certainty, be replaced or for which Plaintiff will be 149266638.1 indemnified, in whole or in part, for any past or future claimed economic loss, from any collateral source.
Any verdict or judgment against ANSWERING DEFENDANTS, are entitled to set-off to reduce Plaintiff’s claims pursuant to General Obligations Law § 15-108, on the basis of prior settlements and/or compromises.
That the liability of ANSWERING DEFENDANTS, if any, should be limited to the percentage of culpability found against it by virtue of the fault of the other parties (both named and unnamed) and in accordance with the laws of the State of New York.