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Carlos Castillo Xaltepec et al v. Pisa Pork Store Inc. et al

Docket 524805/2020, New York State, Kings County, Supreme Court (Dec. 11, 2020)
Case TypeCommercial - Other (Wage Violations)
TagsCommercial, Civil, Other, Wage Violation
Plaintiff - Petitioner Carlos Castillo xaltepec
Plaintiff - Petitioner Rogelio Flores salas
Plaintiff - Petitioner Pedro Lopez renoj
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Document Carlos Castillo Xaltepec et al v. Pisa Pork Store Inc. et al, 524805/2020, 10 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Apr. 8, 2021)
Deny knowledge and information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations in paragraph “5”, “6”, and “7”.
Defendants believed in good faith that they did not have to provide plaintiffs with notice and wage statements.
WHEREFORE, Defendants deny that Plaintiffs are entitled to any relief, demand judgment dismissing the Verified Complaint together with costs and disbursements, further demands judgment against the Plaintiffs for all the costs, expenses, disbursements and legal fees incurred in the defense of this action, and prays that judgment be entered in favor of the answering Defendants, and for all other relief as this Court deems proper.
TIMOTHY J. STAINES, affirms the following: am a member of Raimond & Staines, LLC, and I have read the foregoing Verified Answer and know the contents thereof; and the same is true to my knowledge except as to the matters therein stated upon information and belief, and, as to those matters, I believe them to be true.
The grounds for my belief as to all matters not stated upon personal knowledge is a review of the file in my possession.
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Document Carlos Castillo Xaltepec et al v. Pisa Pork Store Inc. et al, 524805/2020, 9 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Mar. 29, 2021)
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Document Carlos Castillo Xaltepec et al v. Pisa Pork Store Inc. et al, 524805/2020, 13 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Nov. 24, 2021)
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Document Carlos Castillo Xaltepec et al v. Pisa Pork Store Inc. et al, 524805/2020, 11 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Nov. 23, 2021)
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Document Carlos Castillo Xaltepec et al v. Pisa Pork Store Inc. et al, 524805/2020, 12 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Nov. 23, 2021)
Sheepshead Bay Road, Suite 29, Brooklyn, NY 11235 has been substituted as Attorneys of Record for Defendant PAULA CALDARELLA, as a putative administrator of the Estate of JOSEPH SANFRATELLO, in above captioned matter, as of the date hereof, in the place and stead of the outgoing Attorney, Timothy J. Staines, Esq. at Raimond & Staines, LLC., and all papers hereinafter should be served on MESTECHKIN LAW GROUP, P.C. at the below address.
Dated: Brooklyn, New York November 19, 2021
On thed day of putative administrator did affirm sworn, duly
J. Staines, By: Timothy 7th Floor 305 Broadway, New York, NY 10007 Tel.
- State of New York Public No. 02ME6233728 in Richmond Qualified Expires My Com=!es!on Co t
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Document Carlos Castillo Xaltepec et al v. Pisa Pork Store Inc. et al, 524805/2020, 2 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Mar. 8, 2021)
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Document Carlos Castillo Xaltepec et al v. Pisa Pork Store Inc. et al, 524805/2020, 5 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Mar. 15, 2021)
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