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Docket 517087/2024, New York State, Kings County, Supreme Court (June 21, 2024)
Case TypeTorts - Other Negligence (Premises Liability)
TagsTort, Civil, Other, Negligence, Premises Liability
Plaintiff Francis Walker
Defendant Joan Wilson
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COMPLAINT (AMENDED) Amended Complaint

Document FRANCIS WALKER v. MARION CONSTRUCTION CORP. et al, 517087/2024, 5 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Oct. 11, 2024)
Plaintiff, by her attorneys, AJLOUNYINJURYLAW, complaining and belief, alleges, upon information above named, respectfully as follows: of the defendant
That all mentioned, Defendant, MARIONCONSTRUCTION times hereinafter place of business in the City, County and State of NewYork.
That upon information and belief, at all times herein mentioned, the Defendant had or should have had actual and constructive notice of said dangerous condition.
That as a result of said incident, and the Defendants' negligence, carelessness, and recklessness as described herein, Plaintiff sustained serious, protracted and permanent personal injuries, was rendered sick, sore, lame and disabled; was confined to bed and home; has been and will be prevented from attending his usual duties, did seek and still seeks medical attention and aid, has incurred and will incur great expense for medical care and attention, and sustained other injuries and damages.
WHEREFORE,Plaintiff respectfully demands judgment in an amount that exceeds the jurisdiction of the lower courts, together with costs and disbursements of this action.
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SUMMONS + COMPLAINT Summons and Complaint

Document FRANCIS WALKER v. MARION CONSTRUCTION CORP. et al, 517087/2024, 1 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Jun. 21, 2024)
Plaintiff, by his attorneys, AJLOUNYINJURY LAW, complaining alleges, upon information and belief, as follows: above named, respectfully of the defendant
That all times hereinafter CORP., maintained a principal place of business mentioned, Defendant, MARIONCONSTRUCTION in the City, County and State of NewYork.
That upon information and belief, at all times herein mentioned, the Defendant had or should have had actual and constructive notice of said dangerous condition.
That as a result of said incident, and the Defendants' negligence, carelessness, and recklessness as described herein, Plaintiff sustained serious, protracted and permanent personal injuries, was rendered sick, sore, lame and disabled; was confined to bed and home; has been and will be prevented from attending his usual duties, did seek and still seeks medical attention and aid, has incurred and will incur great expense for medical care and attention, and sustained other injuries and damages.
WHEREFORE,Plaintiff respectfully demands judgment in an amount that exceeds the jurisdiction of the lower courts, together with costs and disbursements of this action.
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DEMAND FOR: Demand for Insurance Disclosure

Document FRANCIS WALKER v. MARION CONSTRUCTION CORP. et al, 517087/2024, 21 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Feb. 19, 2025)
Gallo Vitucci Klar, LLP 90 Broad Street, 12th Floor New York, N.Y. 10004 Re: Walker v. Marion Construction Corp. and J. Wilson
• A complete copy of any insurance policy, contract, or agreement under which any person or entity may be liable to satisfy part or all of a judgment that may be entered in an action or to indemnify or reimburse for payments made to satisfy the entry of final judgment, insofar as these documents relate to the claim being litigated.
• The contact information, including only the name and email, of an assigned individual responsible for adjusting the claim at issue.
• If the plaintiffs agree in writing, defendants may produce a declaration page of a policy, instead of a complete copy.
Additionally, Plaintiffs discovery responses, including the Bill of Particulars, will be provided upon receipt of demands.
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Document FRANCIS WALKER v. MARION CONSTRUCTION CORP. et al, 517087/2024, 7 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Jan. 15, 2025)
is over 18 years of age and resides at 12:42 PMat 1252 EAST53RDSTREET, BROOKLYN,NY 11234, Deponent served the within That on 1/9/2025, Supplemental Summonsand AmendedComplaint with Notice of Commencementof Action Subject to Mandatory the index number and the filing date of the action were endorsed upon the face of the papers so Electronic ,with Filing served herein.
is not a party to this action, By delivering thereat a true copy of each to Jane Doe (Co-Tenant), a person of suitable age and discretion.
Said premises is subjects dwelling house (usual place of abode) within the state.
the at I asked the person spoken to whether the subject was in active military dependent upon any one who service or financially the State of NEWYORKin any capacity whatever and received is in the military service of the United States or of a negative reply.
2025 , under the penalties I affirm on this day of .Ianuary under the laws of NewYork, which mayinclude a fine or imprisonment, perjury this document maybe filed in the foregoing is true, and I understand that that an action or proceedin a court of law.
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AFFIRMATION/AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE Affirmation of Service (Marion Construction Corp.)

Document FRANCIS WALKER v. MARION CONSTRUCTION CORP. et al, 517087/2024, 6 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Dec. 27, 2024)
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Document FRANCIS WALKER v. MARION CONSTRUCTION CORP. et al, 517087/2024, 4 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Oct. 11, 2024)
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Document FRANCIS WALKER v. MARION CONSTRUCTION CORP. et al, 517087/2024, 3 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Jul. 2, 2024)
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