PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the within is a true copy of the Order of the Honorable Lawrence Knipel, Justice of the Supreme Court, State of New York, County of Kings, rendered on December 8, 2021 and duly entered in the office of the Clerk of the within Court on December 14, 2021.
At a Centralized ComJ!liance Part of the Supreme Court of the "State of New York, held in and for the County of l(jn~, at the Courthouse, located at Civic --CeoterJ,Borough of Brooklyn, City and State of New y ork, on the December , 202.!_ _R_ day of
On 9/ 17/21 , this court ordered defendant Ibrahim Alibrahim to fully "respond" to #2,3,4,5,6 of plaintiffs Notice for Discovery and Inspection, dated 6/1 7/21 , on or before I 0/29/21.
Based on defendant's failure to comp ly with the 9/17/21 order of this court and defendant's failure to offer any explanation as to why he failed to "fully respond" and merely continued to assert that the demands were "improper," defendant's answer will be precluded from offering evidence, testifying at trial , or submitting an affidavit in response to any dispositive motion , upon failure to comply with the above, upon further motion by plaintiff {See order dated 9/ 17/21-NYSCEF Document # 29}.
Portion of plaintiffs motion seeking a monetary daily penalty until defendant appears for deposition, is denied.