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Docket 507105/2021, New York State, Kings County, Supreme Court (Mar. 25, 2021)
Richard Velasquez, presiding
Case TypeTorts - Motor Vehicle
TagsTort, Civil, Vehicle
Plaintiff - Petitioner Rose Lauria
Defendant - Respondent Boshra Alibrahim
Defendant - Respondent Ibrahim A. Alibrahim
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Document ROSE LAURIA v. BOSHRA ALIBRAHIM et al, 507105/2021, 92 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Feb. 8, 2022)
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Document ROSE LAURIA v. BOSHRA ALIBRAHIM et al, 507105/2021, 83 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Jan. 26, 2022)
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the within is a true copy of the Order of the Honorable Lawrence Knipel, Justice of the Supreme Court, State of New York, County of Kings, rendered on December 8, 2021 and duly entered in the office of the Clerk of the within Court on December 14, 2021.
At a Centralized ComJ!liance Part of the Supreme Court of the "State of New York, held in and for the County of l(jn~, at the Courthouse, located at Civic --CeoterJ,Borough of Brooklyn, City and State of New y ork, on the December , 202.!_ _R_ day of
On 9/ 17/21 , this court ordered defendant Ibrahim Alibrahim to fully "respond" to #2,3,4,5,6 of plaintiffs Notice for Discovery and Inspection, dated 6/1 7/21 , on or before I 0/29/21.
Based on defendant's failure to comp ly with the 9/17/21 order of this court and defendant's failure to offer any explanation as to why he failed to "fully respond" and merely continued to assert that the demands were "improper," defendant's answer will be precluded from offering evidence, testifying at trial , or submitting an affidavit in response to any dispositive motion , upon failure to comply with the above, upon further motion by plaintiff {See order dated 9/ 17/21-NYSCEF Document # 29}.
Portion of plaintiffs motion seeking a monetary daily penalty until defendant appears for deposition, is denied.
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Document ROSE LAURIA v. BOSHRA ALIBRAHIM et al, 507105/2021, 75 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Jan. 26, 2022)
Justice/JHO Ce nter, Borough At a Centralized Compliance Part of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, held in and for the County of Kings, at the Courthouse, located at Civic of Brooklyn, City and State of New York, on the 17_ day of September _, 2021
Supulations-Minutés Filed Papers Plaintiff's motion to compel IBRAHIM A. ALIBRAHIM to provide discovery is granted as follows: 1) On or before October 29, 2021, Defendant IBRAHIM A. ALIBRAHIM shall fully respond to #2, 3, 4, 5, 6 of the Notice for Discovery and Inspection dated June 17, 2021.
2) On or before October 29, 2021, Defendant IBRAHIM A. ALIBRAHIM shall fully respond to Plaintiff's —<.
Demandfor Bill of Particulars as to Affirmative Defenses dated June 17, 2021.
=z Failure to comply withthis order will result in the non-complying party being precluded from offering eviden
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Document ROSE LAURIA v. BOSHRA ALIBRAHIM et al, 507105/2021, 61 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Dec. 14, 2021)
On 9/17/21, this court ordered defendant Ibrahim Alibrahim to fully "respond" to #2,3,4,5,6 of plaintiff's Notice for Discovery and Inspection, dated 6/17/21, on or before 10/29/21.
In a return email to plaintiff's counsel, defendant's counselfailed to address the fact that no new information was disclosed.
Based on defendant's failure to comply with the 9/17/21 order of this court and defendant's failure to offer any explanation as to whyhefailed to "fully respond" and merely continued to assert that the demands were "improper," defendant's answerwill be precluded from offering evidence, testifying at trial, or submitting an affidavit in response to any dispositive motion, upon failure to comply with the above, upon further motion by plaintiff.
Portion ofplaintiff's motion seeking a monetary daily penalty until defendant appears for deposition,is denied.
With regardto plaintiff's motion for a protective order, same is granted to the extent that the IME ofplaintiff shall be held in New YorkCity (not Brooklyn), on or before 2/25/22.
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Document ROSE LAURIA v. BOSHRA ALIBRAHIM et al, 507105/2021, 60 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Dec. 8, 2021)
Justice/JHO Ata2 Centralized Compliance Part of the in and for the County ofFateof NemYork, held Supreme Court of the Courthouse, located at Chie enter Borough of Brooklyn, City and State of New ork, 0oo the 2nd day of December _._, 2021 the at
aceneeinerey eteneeenedaqqeinecenanhnerrneanaansmwenenemenenecmmminees Rose Lauria, Plaintiff(s), -against- Boshra Alibrahim,et.
Filed Papers Plaintiff's motion to’preclude/strike/hold in contempt is adjourned to December8,2021 in the interests ofjudicial * economy: andconsistent decisions to be considered with the other pending discovery motion in this matter.
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Document ROSE LAURIA v. BOSHRA ALIBRAHIM et al, 507105/2021, 54 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Nov. 30, 2021)

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Document ROSE LAURIA v. BOSHRA ALIBRAHIM et al, 507105/2021, 57 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Nov. 30, 2021)

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