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Ahlschlager v. Imhof
Division | Central Islip |
Cause | 42:1981 Civil Rights |
Case Type | 446 Civil Rights - Americans with Disabilities Act - Other |
Tags | 446 Civil Rights, Americans With Disabilities Act, Other, 446 Civil Rights, Americans With Disabilities Act, Other |
Deadline | A Status Conference has been scheduled for May 19, 2025 at 12:00 PM via the Court's Video Zoom. |
Deadline | Following discussion with counsel and review of the submitted worksheet, the Court adopted a Scheduling Order which is attached at ECF No. 20 . In addition to the dates set forth below, the last date to take the first steps towards summary judgment motion practice shall be on or before September 12, 2025. |
Plaintiff | Nicole Ahlschlager |
Defendant | Commissioner John Imhof |
Plaintiff | Ahlschlager |
... |

No. 17 ORDER: For the reasons stated in the attached memorandum and order, Plaintiff's request for ...

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