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Gripper Apparatus

Docket 16/474,778, U.S. Patent Application (June 28, 2019)
Art Group3652
Case TypeUtility - 294/103100
Inventor Hendrik Leusink
Applicant CSi Industries B.V.
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Applicant Arguments/Remarks Made in an Amendment

Document Gripper Apparatus, 16/474,778, No. 8-1-US-1647477801P1 (U.S. Pat. App. Jun. 28, 2019)
Nonetheless, authorization to charge deposit account No. 20-1507 is given herein should fees be due.
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Transmittal of New Application

Document Gripper Apparatus, 16/474,778, No. 125-3-US-1647477802P1 (U.S. Pat. App. Jun. 28, 2019)
DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
Title of Invention Gripper Apparatus First Named Inventor Hendrik Leusink Applicant herewith submits to the United States Designated/Elected Office (DO/EO/US) the following items and other information.
Any comments on the amount oftime you require to complete this form and/or suggestions for reducing this burden should be sent to the Chief Information Officer, US.
DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
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Preliminary Amendment

Document Gripper Apparatus, 16/474,778, No. 1-1-US-1647477801P1 (U.S. Pat. App. Jun. 28, 2019)
Mail Stop PCT Honorable Commissioner for Patents PO.
Box 1450 Alexandria, VA 22313-1450 Dear Commissioner: Atlanta, GA 30308-2216 28 June 2019 Prior to examining the above-identified Application, please make the following clarifications: 39304785714109; l/8 \ \\ \\ “\m SE a
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Certified Copy of Foreign Priority Application

Document Gripper Apparatus, 16/474,778, No. 1-18-US-1647477804P1 (U.S. Pat. App. Jun. 28, 2019)
Particularly, the present invention aims to provide a gripper apparatus capable of operating without electric, pneumatic or hydraulic power source.
The first gripper jaw 121 has a plate-shaped configuration, and extends vertically down at right angles with respect to the resting plate 111, allowing to place a box very close to its neighbours on a pallet.
It is a particular aspect of the present invention that, with respect to the gripper frame 110, the carrier coupling device 140 is vertically displaceable between two extreme positions.
it is possible to have an embodiment where the operative state (release/lock) of the latch mechanism 160 is directly derived from the position (high/low) of the carrier coupling device 140 with respect to the gripper frame 110.
For coupling the vertical movement of the carrier coupling device 140 to the horizontal movement of the support block 132, in the exemplary embodiment shown, the transmission mechanism 170 further comprises two coaxial gear wheels 173, 174, either attached to each other or formed as a single piece, mounted for rotation about an horizontal axis with respect to the gripper frame 110.
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Notice of Publication

Document Gripper Apparatus, 16/474,778, No. 1-1-US-164747780MP1 (U.S. Pat. App. Oct. 31, 2019)
United States Patent and Trademark Office AddIESS.
The direct link to access the publication is currently http://www.uspto.gov/patft/.
A copy of the publication may be obtained from the Office upon payment of the appropriate fee set forth in 37 CFR 1.19(a)(1).
In addition, information on the status of the application, including the mailing date of Office actions and the dates of receipt of correspondence filed in the Office, may also be accessed via the Internet through the Patent Electronic Business Center at www.uspto.gov using the public side of the Patent Application Information and Retrieval (PAIR) system.
Prior to publication, such status information is confidential and may only be obtained by applicant using the private side of PAIR.
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Claims Worksheet (PTO-2022)

Document Gripper Apparatus, 16/474,778, No. 1-1-US-164747780KP1 (U.S. Pat. App. Jul. 25, 2019)
Substitute for Form PTO—1360 (For use with Form PTO/SB/06) Application Number Filing Date 16474778 Applicant(s) Hendrik LeUSink * May be used for additional claims or amendments
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Fee Worksheet (SB06)

Document Gripper Apparatus, 16/474,778, No. 1-1-US-164747780JP1 (U.S. Pat. App. Jul. 25, 2019)
Substitute for Form PTO-875 Application of Docket Number 16/474,778
(37 CFR1.16(s)) If the specification and drawings exceed 100 sheets of paper, the application size fee due is $310 ($155 for small entity) for each additional 50 sheets or fraction thereof.
16(h)) Application Size Fee (37 CFR1.16(S)) FIRST PRESENTATION OF MULTIPLE DEPENDENT CLAIM (37 CFR1.16(j))
16(h)) Application Size Fee (37 CFR1.16(S)) FIRST PRESENTATION OF MULTIPLE DEPENDENT CLAIM (37 CFR1.16(j))
*** If the ”Highest Number Previously Paid For” IN THIS SPACE is less than 3, enter ”3”.
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