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Docket 159616/2020, New York State, New York County, Supreme Court
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Document ALLA DYADECHKO v. SILVERSTEIN PROPERTIES, LLC et al, 159616/2020, 57 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Mar. 30, 2021)

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Document ALLA DYADECHKO v. SILVERSTEIN PROPERTIES, LLC et al, 159616/2020, 34 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Feb. 25, 2021)
it is critical professionals, the most and effective to facilitate in order timely for New York to be able State to act quickly and volunteers of all kinds; and disaster, services, response to gather, to the COVID-19 emergency and deploy goods, coordinate,
in me by Section authority law, ordinance, statute, any if compliance disaster emergency, action or delay prevent, hinder, with such in coping disaster, Executive through Order April order, with of New York, the State Governor M. Cuomo, I, Andrew of by suspend Law to temporarily the Executive 2-B of 29-a of Article of any or parts or regulation, rule, thereof, during agency regulation or local such order, rule, law, statute, ordinance, or if necessary the disaster to assist to cope with emergency the period from the date for suspend or modify, temporarily the following: necessary I hereby 19, 2020 In accordance matters Judge health of the State crisis, notice, the state, practice court acts, is hereby court to limit operations specific limit time any or other process motion, limited but not including the court law and rules, or by any other statute, from the date of tolled the of virtue or modify a State would or aid this of to essential the for or to the of claims local law, executive this act, trailer, respectively, certificate the vehicle of documents issued order.
they (a) and (b) of Section meetings of shareholders the Business 605 of to be noticed and held at a • • • • • • the Chief the directive of with the COVID-19 of the pendency during or service legal of any action, filing, commencement, by the procedural laws of as prescribed proceeding, the civil criminal procedure court the family act, law, the surrogate's act, and the uniform court procedure or part or thereof, regulation, rule, ordinance, order, order until April 19, 2020; to the extent the Vehicle 503 of Subdivision 1 of Section Law, period to extend in order of a driver's of validity and expiration for license, expire on or after March that licenses executive the validity of driver's order to the extent and Traffic the Vehicle Subdivision 1 of Section of Law, period and expiration of a non-driver identification in order of validity card, of non-driver duration of executive the validity identification cards this order March 1, 2020; Sections 2222, 410, 401, it provides for a period motor vehicle or terrain vehicle, such registration Section 420-a registration this executive Subsection Corporation physical and Traffic it provides that the duration 1, 2020; that it provides to extend for expire that for a this of for a the on or after that
is cancelled, and until will transactions vehicles further motor on-line notice, only The of and payment abate late filing the Commissioner of Taxation and Finance.to authority authorize abatement expanded to also penalties pursuant to section of the Tax Law is hereby 1145 for a period of 60 days a taxpayers who are required returns to file and remit of for sales interest, and use taxes the sales that by March for period ended 29, 2020.
20, 2020, on Any of an or a of or property that tax quarterly February G I V E N under my hand and the Privy Seal of the State in the City of Albany this .. twentieth day of March in the year two thousand twenty.
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Document ALLA DYADECHKO v. SILVERSTEIN PROPERTIES, LLC et al, 159616/2020, 33 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Feb. 25, 2021)
390 through relief from Parts from the FMCSR is necessary the requirements satisfies Motor the Federal 399 of that to ensure crews of 49 C.F.R. 390.23(a)(1)(A), Carrier Regulations Safety are available as needed.
in me by Section by virtue or modify Law to temporarily local suspend order, ordinance, statute, law, any if compliance a State disaster or parts of any agency emergency, thereof, regulation, during or would action or delay regulation local rule, prevent, hinder, statute, ordinance, order, law, cope with the disaster if necessary or aid in coping such to assist with disaster, emergency the period from the date this Executive Order through suspend of or modify, vested 29-a 2-B of or rule, with the .
such to necessary I hereby April 6, 2020 Executive temporarily the following: or for Section Finance consistent the State or to and 136- the State 112 of to the extent 1 of Article V, Section with Law, and to the extent and time to add additional to State contracts Constitution, sites, work, necessary but not award to emergency for relocation or limited leases contracts emergency contracts, including support under 3 of of State Section the Public Buildings operations or emergency under contracts Law; the Public 9 of Section Buildings or emergency contracts for professional services under Section Law; a of the State Finance or emergency contracts for and technology under Law; services, commodities, 163 of the State Finance value or design-build and Part F of Chapter or best Section under contracts Law; and Part RRR of Chapter 60 of the Laws of 2015 59 of the Laws of 2017; or emergency contracts for GSA schedules, purchases of commodities, and technology 1122 through federal federal services, any or other or cooperative contract state, regional, local, multi-jurisdictional, vehicles; programs, Section necessary following the State Finance 163 of the purchase to allow the standard notice Law and Article of necessary commodities, and procurement processes; 4-C of extent without the Economic services, Development Law, and materials technology, to the 97-G of Section and equipment or furnish and construction design entities in responding the State Finance to the extent Law, or provide centralized various to assist services affected local to and recovering from the disaster to purchase but not ñêcessary services, including governments, individuals, emergency; food, limited and other services, supplies, to, building non-State purchase Section Section 2879, 359-a, and services goods necessary and 2879-a without of Authorities the Public the standard following Law to the extent procurement processes; necessary to Sections registered to assist and 401 375, in other jurisdictions in preparedness validly necessary of the Vehicle and Traffic from vehicle registration, and response to the COVID-19 outbreak; Law to the extent that exemption equipment and dimension vehicles for requirements is of Sections upon individuals, or nasopharyngeal purposes of testing; deemed adequate otherwise limited and 6902 6521 of completion swab specimens and to the extent by the Commissioner to the scope of practice the Education to the extent unlicensed to permit Law, necessary adeq=te deemed of Health, by the Commissioner to collect training for suspected infected from individuals of being by COVID-19, to permit upon completion necessary non-nursing to perform of Health, the supervision tasks, or of a licensed registered staff, under nurse; of training of a nurse, throat to Subdivision waive or revise eligibility care services health or to approved organizations, extensions for required 6 of section criteria, the scope 2511 of and section 2510 documentation and level oT such the maximum including reports due by approved the Public to the extent Health Law, necessary covered or premium contributions; requirements, modify set payraests increase forth in contracts; services subsidy dollar set amount forth or provide in contracts; in accordance organizations with contracts; Section 224-b the Commissioner and subdivision of Health 4 of section to promulgate permit Code; of emergency the Public Health regulations to the extent Law, necessary the State Sanitary and to amend to 2 of section Subdivision to promulgate Commissioner the Public 28 of Health Law, 2803 of emergency including Health the Public regulations but not limited to the extent Law, necessary the facilities licensed conceming to the operation of general hospitals; to permit pursuant the to Article of Subdivision the Social Services delay; 3 of section of to the extent Law, the Public necessary and subdivisions Law Health to allow to receive patients 25 and 25-a of section prescribed drugs without 364-j Section extent Health including Active and paragraph 400.9 to permit general necessary Law ("Article 28 facilities") receive such or discharge, transfer, reasonable facilities take all measures safe transfer and discharge Labor Act
Section to treatment of Title 10 of or containment the NYCRR, of individuals to the extent necessary or suspected with respect the public to maintain to have COVID-19; health with Subdivision medical hospitals services emergency other than such other of Title d and u of section 800.3 to provide service personnel community telemedicine or health care facilities, be approved by the Commissioner as may 10 of to permit to the extent the NYCRR, necessary transportation to destinations paramedicine, and to facilitate treatment of patients in place, of Health; permit Paragraph f of section 3 of subdivision for personal supervision visits nursing be made as soon as practicable; emergency 18 of of Title 505.14 care services provided the NYCRR, to individuals to the extent necessary affected by the disaster to Sections necessary testing from the Education of and 8603 8602 who meet to permit individuals for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 a COVID-1.9 infection; extent perform suffering and section 58-1.5 Law, the federal requirements collected in specimens of Title the NYCRR, 10 of for high complexity testing suspected from individuals to the to of Subdivision Law, nurse Education certified authorized individuals other tasks
the authority of vehicles on roads, highways, of Title with G I V.E N under my hand and the Privy Seal of the State in the City of Albany this seventh day of March in the year two thousand twenty.
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Document ALLA DYADECHKO v. SILVERSTEIN PROPERTIES, LLC et al, 159616/2020, 60 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Apr. 16, 2021)

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Document ALLA DYADECHKO v. SILVERSTEIN PROPERTIES, LLC et al, 159616/2020, 59 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Apr. 16, 2021)

cite Cite Document


Document ALLA DYADECHKO v. SILVERSTEIN PROPERTIES, LLC et al, 159616/2020, 61 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Apr. 16, 2021)

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Document ALLA DYADECHKO v. SILVERSTEIN PROPERTIES, LLC et al, 159616/2020, 58 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Apr. 16, 2021)

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