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Document KASANNDRA CRUZ v. RALPH FERNANDEZ et al, 157373/2024, 10 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Jan. 6, 2025)
( Attorney Registration No. , Esq., user of the NewYork State Courts Electronic System ("NYSCEF") I hereby authorize
his/her ("the filing to utilize agent") NYSCEFfiling agent ID to file documents on mybehalf and at mydirection in any e-filed matter in which I amcounsel of record through the NYSCEFsystem, as provided in Section 202.5-b of the Uniform Rules for the Trial Courts.
in which I have previously extends to any consensual matter This authorization in which I have recorded myrepresentation, consented to e-filing, to any mandatory matter agent to record myconsent or representation in which I mayauthorize to any matter the filing in the NYSCEFsystem.
and extends to any and all documents I generate and submit This authorization to the filing posted once on the NYSCEFwebsite as to in any such matter.
agent maymake also extends to matters of payment, which the filing This authorization an account agent maintains with the County Clerk of any authorized either by debiting the filing an account I maintain with the County Clerk of any authorized e- county or by debiting e-filing county.
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BILL OF PARTICULARS Redacted per 22 NYCRR §202.5(e)

Document KASANNDRA CRUZ v. RALPH FERNANDEZ et al, 157373/2024, 6 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Nov. 13, 2024)
Plaintiff, KASANNDRACRUZ,by her attorneys, BRIAN J. LEVY& ASSOCIATES, PC, responding to Defendants' demand for a Bill upon information of Particulars, and alleges, belief,
Defendant's request for social of confidential personal information Notwithstanding, the last four digits security number constitutes an improper demandand release in accordance with 22 NYCRR202.5[e] is prohibited.
Levy & Associates, PC, attorneys of record for I am principal I have read the annexed BILL OF to practice before the Courts of the State of Kasanndra Cruz, in the action within.
the age of 18 years, and reside On the 12th day of November, 2024, I served the within Verified CASSELLAand SANDUSKY 5 Broadway, Suite 500 Freeport, NY 11520 I amnot a party to the within action, Bill of Particulars upon: a true copy thereof enclosed in a post-paid wrapper, in an official by depositing under depository care and custody of the U.S.
The undersigned, an Attorney admitted to in the Courts of NewYork State, practice upon information, belief certifies that, and reasonable inquiry, the contentions contained in the above-referenced document(s) are not frivol s. Bna .
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Document KASANNDRA CRUZ v. RALPH FERNANDEZ et al, 157373/2024, 8 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Nov. 13, 2024)
If none, leave blank.
Index/Case Number Court Judge (if assigned) Relationship to instant case Case Title None PARTIES Parties List parties in same order as listed in the caption and indicate roles (e.g., plaintiff, defendant, 3rd party plaintiff, etc.) Name: ...
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Document KASANNDRA CRUZ v. RALPH FERNANDEZ et al, 157373/2024, 7 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Nov. 13, 2024)
The names, addresses and telephone numbers of all attorneys follows: appearing in the action are as
Karina Guzman, being duly sworn deposes and says: I amnot a party to this action, amover 18 years of age and reside Nassau, NewYork.
Onthe 12 day of November, 2024, I served the within REQUESTFOR JUDICIAL INTERVENTION, REQUESTFORPRELIMINARYCONFERENCE,by depositing exclusive a true copy thereof enclosed in a post-paid wrapper, in an official under the depository care and custody of the U. S. Postal Service within NewYork State, addressed to each persons at the last known address set of the following CASSELLAand SANDUSKY 5 Broadway, Suite 500 Freeport, NY11520 forth after each name:
Karina Guzm Sworn to 12 day of fore methis ov kotary ub c Ana Fuentes Notary Public, State of NewYork No. 01FU0020668 in Nassau County Qualified Commission Expires February 2, 2028 Index No. 157373/2024
The undersigned, an Attorney admitted to in the Courts of NewYork State, practice that, upon information, certifies belief and reasonable inquiry, the contentions contained in the above-referenced ument(s) are t frivolous.
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Document KASANNDRA CRUZ v. RALPH FERNANDEZ et al, 157373/2024, 4 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Sep. 10, 2024)

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Document KASANNDRA CRUZ v. RALPH FERNANDEZ et al, 157373/2024, 2 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Sep. 2, 2024)
I am over 18 years of age, not a party FREDDI SIMON being duly sworn, deposes and says; to this action, and reside in the State of New York.
upon RALPH FERNANDEZ the DEFENDANT therein named by delivering and leaving a true copy or copies of the aforementioned documents with RALPH FERNANDEZ said DEFENDANT personally.
Recipient wore ordinary civilian clothes and no military uniform.
Upon information and belief based upon the conversation and observation as in the military service, and is not dependent aforesaid I aver that the DEFENDANT is not the United States Government or the State of New on anyone in the military service of York, as that term is defined in statutes of the State of New York, or of the Federal Soldiers and Sailors Civilian Relief Act.
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Document KASANNDRA CRUZ v. RALPH FERNANDEZ et al, 157373/2024, 3 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Sep. 2, 2024)

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