Onbehalf of plaintiff, of Counsel to Ajlouny Law Firm, A-J-L-O-U-N-Y, it is: Eve Newman, 900 South Avenue, suite 300, Staten Island, New York, for the motion, Your Honor.
Your Honor, my client, theplaintiff, was on an electric bicycle in the bike lane at the intersectionof Richmond Terrace and York Avenue.
section 1146 places a duty upon motorists toexercise due care in the operation of the motor vehicie and avoid colliding into any pedestrian or bicycle.
The burden is on the defendants to demonstrate by admissible evidence that the existence of a factual issue regarding a trial of the action| ‘or terider acceptable excusefor its failure to do so, 2uckerman against City of New York, 49 N.Y. 2d, 557, 1980.
' * * * * in andfor the CYNTHIA AIELLO, SeniorCourt Reporter, State of New York, does heréby cértify that the foregoing transcript is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, skill and ability.