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Pfizer Inc. et al v. Apotex, Inc. et al
Division | Wilmington |
Cause | 35:271 Patent Infringement |
Case Type | 835 Patent - Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) |
Tags | 835 Patent, Abbreviated New Drug Application, Anda, 835 Patent, Abbreviated New Drug Application, Anda |
Deadline | On or before May 2, 2025, the parties shall exchange a list of those claim term(s)/phrase(s) that they believe need construction. |
Deadline | The Honorable Colm ? Connolly Chief, United States District Court Judge 25 16 Case 1:24-cv-00626-CFC Document 21 Filed 09/30/24 Page 26 of 27 PageID #: 159 EXHIBIT A Stay Deadline August 27, 2027 Rule 26(a)(1) Disclosures and Delaware Default Standard for Discovery Paragraph 3 Disclosures Plaintiffs’ Preliminary Disclosure of Asserted Claims and Accompanying Document Production Parties Submit Proposed Protective Order Parties Submit Proposed ESI Order Defendants’ Noninfringement Contentions and Accompanying Document Production Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions and Preliminary Disclosure of Asserted Art and Accompanying DocumentProduction Plaintiffs’ Infringement Contentions and Accompanying Document Production Parties Exchange Proposed Claim Termsto be Construed Parties Exchange Proposed Constructions and Supporting Intrinsic Evidence Parties Exchange Proposed Rebuttal Evidence Brief Served Parties File Joint Claim Construction Chart som Opening Claim Construction Brief Defendants’ Answering Claim Constructi, On or before May 27, 2025,the parties shall exchange any rebuttal intrinsic evidence fortheir proposed claims construction(s) of those claim term(s)/phrase(s). |
Plaintiff | Pfizer Inc. |
Plaintiff | Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceutials |
Plaintiff | Bristol-Myers Squibb Company |
... |

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No. 25 SCHEDULING & CONSOLIDATION ORDER: These actions are consolidated for all purposes and all future ...

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No. 24 PROPOSED ORDER --[Proposed] Scheduling Order-- by Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Pfizer Inc., ...

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No. 24-1 PROPOSED ORDER --[Proposed] Scheduling Order-- by Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Pfizer Inc., ...

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