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SUMMONS + COMPLAINT Redacted per 22 NYCRR §202.5(e)

Document Bankers Healthcare Group, LLC v. Jeanette L. Barzey-Brown d/b/a Jeanette L. Barzey-Brown, O.T. et al, 014318/2023, 1 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Onondaga County Dec. 21, 2023)
Jurisdiction, venue, and the matter of service in this case is established the terms of the by Financing Agreement, Promissory Note/Security Agreement/Personal Guaranty between the parties dated July 18, 2018, as referenced hereinbelow and as submitted herewith as Exhibit
As set forth Hundred Seventy-Three and Twenty accurate, correct and genuine copy of the Note is attached hereto as Exhibit above, a true,
That the Financing Agreement further provide that upon any Event of Default thereafter, accelerate all indebtedness due and owing under these Notes with Defendants
failure to make payments to BHG constitutes an Event of Default pursuant to page 1, of the Financing Agreement.
expressly agreed to "absolutely, irrevocably and unconditionally promises to pay and guaranty the full and prompt payment of all of the debt...when due...without limitation all principal, accrued interest, attorney's due from Debtor to Creditor the fees and collection and court costs that may become in collecting Debt."
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Document Bankers Healthcare Group, LLC v. Jeanette L. Barzey-Brown d/b/a Jeanette L. Barzey-Brown, O.T. et al, 014318/2023, 16 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Onondaga County Mar. 4, 2024)
that Street, undersigned the date Suite party hereof.
Syracuse above-entitled Esq., Pavlus, New York action CosteHo of Byrne, 13202 be substituted in place and stead of & as the Dated: February Syracuse, 2024 29, New York CJC Law Office By: Christopher J. Cali, Esq. Byrne, Costello & Pickard
By: ordan R. Pav _ us, Esq. Bankers Healthcare Group,
On the 29th of February, 2024, day Jordan said Barzee, appeared, State, personally personally the individual of basis evidence to be satisfactory to me that instrument and he executed acknowledged signature by his on the instrument, the individual, or executed the instrument.
acted, before me, the Public a Notary undersigned, to me or provided known name is subscribed in his individual upon behalfof for in and to me on the the within and that capacity, whom the individual to whose the same the person No y Public
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AFFIDAVIT Redacted per 22 NYCRR §202.5(e)

Document Bankers Healthcare Group, LLC v. Jeanette L. Barzey-Brown d/b/a Jeanette L. Barzey-Brown, O.T. et al, 014318/2023, 7 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Onondaga County Feb. 14, 2024)
: Christopher J. Cali, Esq., being duly swom, deposes and says:
Deponent is not a party to the action is over 18 years of age and resides at Syracuse, New York.
on the 29* day of December, That upon: Electronic Filing
on the 29S That Electronic Filing Temple day of December, upon: 2023, deponent served the Summons and Verified Complaint and Notice of
33617 papers and placed above, Deponent properly custody in a certified that envelope pre-paid postage envelope, mail, care and in the exclusive Sworn 14th to before me this of February, day 2024 Christopher J. Cali, Esq.
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Document Bankers Healthcare Group, LLC v. Jeanette L. Barzey-Brown d/b/a Jeanette L. Barzey-Brown, O.T. et al, 014318/2023, 4 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Onondaga County Jan. 19, 2024)
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Document Bankers Healthcare Group, LLC v. Jeanette L. Barzey-Brown d/b/a Jeanette L. Barzey-Brown, O.T. et al, 014318/2023, 3 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Onondaga County Jan. 19, 2024)
Defendants, I, Joshua Pritchard, affirm as follows: I am not a party to this action, I am over 18 years of age and I reside in the State of FLORIDA.
the defendant was in active military the State of the United States or of service of I asked the person spoken to whether and the grounds a NEGATIVE reply.
The source of my information and received in any capacity whatsoever
Upon information that and belief I aver the of my belief are the conversations and observations or of the United States as that service of FLORIDA term is defined in either the State or defendant is not in the military Federal statutes.
the penalties I affirm this _12 day of January 2024 under is true, and I understand that the foregoing imprisonment, the laws of New York, which may include under of perjury that this document may be filed in an action or proceeding a fine or in a court of law.
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Document Bankers Healthcare Group, LLC v. Jeanette L. Barzey-Brown d/b/a Jeanette L. Barzey-Brown, O.T. et al, 014318/2023, 5 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Onondaga County Jan. 19, 2024)
FILED: ONONDAGA COUNTY CLERK 01/19/2024 03:44 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 INDEX NO. 014318/2023 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/19/2024 ONONDAGA Nikkie Johnson 1 of 1
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Document Bankers Healthcare Group, LLC v. Jeanette L. Barzey-Brown d/b/a Jeanette L. Barzey-Brown, O.T. et al, 014318/2023, 2 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Onondaga County Dec. 21, 2023)

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